Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Time Magazine talks about Palin's "Going Rogue" media blitz. There is a warning in here for those who believe Sarah is yesterday's news.

....when Palin emerged from a self-imposed semi-exile on Nov. 6 to speak before 4,000 fans just outside Milwaukee at what organizers called the largest pro-life gathering in Wisconsin history, two things were abundantly clear: Palin is now a thoroughly professional rogue — and she is going to sell a ton of books. She has become her own reality show.

No argument there. The woman is a combination of the "Beverly Hillbillies", "Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous", and "CSI".

Perhaps she could call her reality show "Lifestyles of the Wasilla Hillbillies: An American Crime Scene." Just a thought.

The line began forming at the state fairgrounds more than three hours before the main event and stretched longer than half a mile. The crowd wore buttons bearing her image and passed the time making jokes about the media while eagerly snatching up T-shirts a local talk-radio station was giving away that labeled Palin "America's Conservative Conscience." (Do you know how you can be positive that somebody does NOT know Sarah Palin? When they use the word "conscience" to describe her.)Once inside the cavernous exhibition hall, they chanted, "Sarah!" with growing fervor until their heroine appeared, flexing her distinctive charisma in a killer red dress, high heels and her trademark glasses. The event was closed to the press, and cameras were barred from the hall, not only to preserve the mystery and anticipation before her formal debut but also to protect against unflattering YouTube postings. I bought a public ticket for admittance, as did several other journalists.

Although Palin occasionally faltered and tied herself in verbal knots, the adoring listeners could not have cared less. They laughed at every joke, cheered in all the right places, hushed when Palin suggested a pro-abortion-rights mind-set could lead Democrats to neglect special-needs children or older people. She brought the audience members to their feet with a defiant charge: "Don't let anyone ever tell you to sit down and shut up." (Apparently this is her new catchphrase.)

She denounced America's abortion rate with vehemence and told the group that anyone who supports legalized partial-birth abortion is a "coldhearted extremist" or a "coward." While abortion was her principal target, she sprinkled her outrage all over the place. She went after President Obama, mocking his signature phrase "Change we can believe in" and suggesting he had authorized moving the words "In God we trust" from the face of a new $1 coin to its edge. (In fact, the coin's format was re-engineered several years ago by Republicans in Congress and signed into law by President George W. Bush.) (Even Fox News could not let her get away with THAT whopper!)

(Update: You can hear Palin on tape giving that speech about the"In God We Trust" accusation right here. H/T to Bree Palin)

If her facts were off target, her tone hit the spot. Palin is expertly channeling the disenfranchised and disgruntled of the Republican base. As Republican Senator Charles Grassley of Iowa told TIME, "She's the only thing between 2004 and 2009 that's ever given any energy to the Republican Party — No. 1, because she's a woman, and No. 2, because she expresses herself well."

Palin has told friends she stands ready to help candidates in the 2010 elections, despite her negligible influence in the Nov. 3 off-year showings — newly elected GOP governors in New Jersey and Virginia largely rejected her help, and her chosen candidate in a special election for a New York congressional race lost a seat that had been reliably Republican since the Civil War. Nevertheless, she exerts a particular sway on her party's officeholders, goading them to avoid compromise with the President, making it more difficult for Obama to achieve his campaign pledge of bipartisanship in Washington. That's the part of Palin's rogue message her supporters love most of all. (To read the entire article just click the title of this post.)

As crazy as it seems Palin is still a political force in this country. I am dumbfounded by the fact that she has discovered this disaffected group of people who are susceptible to her "charms". And even more surprised that the group seems to be growing ever larger, and attracting the support of the more established Republican politicians who cannot help but notice they are being abandoned by the voters.

So one has to wonder what will become of the Republicans? Can they survive this potential hijacking of their party, or will Sarah Palin help usher in the end of their dynasty? The dynasty, ironically enough, that Ronald Reagan helped to create.

In my opinion the GOP should be courting the likes of Frank Bailey and Levi Johnston and trying desperately to get their stories published. Once Sarah Palin's credibility has been damaged beyond repair the Teabagger's will have lost their figurehead.

I guess they will still have Michell Bachman, but really how long can it be before the people in the white coats come to lock that crazy "rhymes with witch" up?


  1. Anonymous12:04 PM

    Did you see they just killed Bailey's book deal?

    It's over at Huffington Post, and I wrote a post about it over at Mamadance.

    Lame. Maybe somebody else will pick him up.

  2. Anonymous12:06 PM

    And that's why we look to you, Gryphen, and to other AK and progressive bloggers to keep hammering the point home that the P-word is a bat-crap-crazy-lyin'-sack-o'-garbage (as well as BachBrain, but that's another miserable story). Unfortunately, SP's sheeple can't be bothered to go and check the facts, much less READ, unless they're hit over the head by something heinous that the "liberal" media can't ignore.

    Keep on keepin' on--eventually karma will "reward" Miss Wasilla of the Red High Heels.

  3. 2010 is going to be a very interesting year.

  4. Anonymous12:09 PM

    As long as the conservative talk show hosts keep bringing up Sarah's name, they are dooming the Republican Party for failure. I have been a conservative Republican for the past decade, but I am moving toward being an Independent if Sarah continues to influence the Republican Party.

    I think, we have to fear her because she has a faithful following who are energized by charms. While I don't think she can ever pull off an election win, she will continue to create chaos where ever she wades. I am hoping someone in AK will be able to drop a bombshell and kill the aspirations of this Sarah Aimee Semple McPherson Palin.

  5. Anonymous12:12 PM

    If you want to make sure Palin never gets elected again, have an all-you-can-eat special at the Cracker Barrel on election day.

  6. Anonymous12:15 PM

    If this means that Palin is causing the destruction of the republican party, and the tea-baggers form an extremist third-party minority, I say, "Who cares?" It's good for the democrats. Even some republicans have already admitted that. The only thing that worries me about these people, is how violent they may become.

  7. No doubt that Sarah can draw a crowd; so can a car wreck, or a bomb site. Look at us, we read what she says and blog about it. However, that doesn't make her 'electable' or even a 'force' in the GOP. It makes her ... fun to watch!

    Yesterday, as we have all seen by now, FOX actually debunked one of her stories. That is huge, if you think about it.

    Why did they do it?

    My guess is that as the propaganda arm of the GOP, the 'boys in the back room' are getting tired of the Drama Queen sucking the oxygen out of the party. She draws more mockery toward the GOP than support.

    As long as she was perceived to 'fire up the base' Sarah was tolerated, albeit at arm's length, but that all changed when she meddled in NY23 and probably influenced that race enough to cause the GOP to lose that seat.

    Yes, the Palinbots will flock to her book signings, and she will get some interviews on FOX to plug her book; she does draw crowds, but the more she talks, the fewer votes she draws. Votes are what matter, after all.

  8. I really really think that given palin's personality and past,several things will happen.
    She feels rejected by the republican party. Look how she has snubbed them.
    She can't settle for second. The republicans are not giving her the love she is used to feeling.
    She stated she would help ANY candidate.
    She is building a third party with sarah, front and center. Bachman will not be the candidate from that party, palin will.

  9. Anonymous12:37 PM

    "I am dumbfounded by the fact that she has discovered this disaffected group of people who are succeptible to her "charms".

    She does have a certain charisma, all right....but, then again, so did Jim Jones.

  10. Anonymous12:38 PM

    She is a train wreck and we see more and more every day that the train is about to crash with Levi as the conductor

  11. Anonymous12:43 PM

    I said it before, Palin is by herself steaming to the end. Once the documented lies come out in her fiction book, Gingrich will then have an opening to finish her. I told you the rebugs would do our bidding once they knew that Sarah smelled heself. She is costing mainstream rebugs money. They will not tolerate that. Plus Mccains people hold the key to all of her coverups in Alaska. They didn't just purge all the computers and scrub them. They kept a copy. Mccain is after a rebug and he may be in jeapordy in his state for the first time. I bet by Thanksgiving we will all be able to raise our glasses to the witch is dead. Then by Christmas all gates will be open. Don't forget Baily, Palin probally has a voodoo doll out as we speak.

  12. I don't think it's a good idea to say, " who cares if she destroys the Republican Party," this country is a two party system so we should all care. I rememeber when she was campaigning with McCain she always said if there was a door half open she would bust through, or sometihing to that effect, well folks she has found that door & no one ever said she was intelligent, but she sure is cunning. Her followers are scary, they are not interested in facts & when & if the truth comes out they won't believe it & she knows it. She really must be brought down before her followers increase in numbers.

  13. Anonymous12:47 PM

    Gryphen - Don't miss the video of Sarah telling that gold coin conspiracy theory! That journalism degree at work!

  14. Anonymous 12:43

    That is very interesting, I had never considered that McCain's people know some of her skeletons ... if that is true, AND Sarah spends too many pages of her book trashing them, the weeks after the book is released could be very fun indeed!

    What WAS on those computers, huh?

    I see a sand castle being eroded as the tide turns against Sarah!

  15. SoCalWolfGal1:01 PM

    Archivist, there was a lot of talk over on HuffPo about Fox calling Sarah out on this, saying that they are just trying to gain credibility by saying "see we aren't just an ad for the Republican Party". I agree. When they consistently fact check and call out the Quitter Queen and the rest of the tea baggers, then I'll offer my congrats. I'm not holding my breath though.

  16. Gryphen, you made a camparison before that is more on target than ever. Sarah is the Emperor that has no clothes. When the right person at the right time screams, "She's Naked!", her house of cards will come tumbling down. Her deluded followers might still be marching behind her cheering her on, but no longer will ClusterFox News and the rest of the Republican party cheer her on. She lost a crucial election, and gave Obama another yes vote for health care reform.

    Scozzafava said in her WaPo interview, that if the Republican party turns on its moderates, they will turn on the party.

    I look forward to Sarah's Swift Boat which will be coming courtesy of the Republican powers that be. Sarah's cookie money is chump change to them.

    Your sources better get crackin' ASAP, Gryphen.

  17. WHY is Time mag being so favorable toward Palin? This is the second time they have done a "rogue" article. I cancelled my subscription at our office the first time, then my husband (who is the boss unfortunately) had me renew it. However, I won't be reading the article, and please tell me she is not on the cover. I appreciate the positive posts above that this witch is going down, but sometimes I am getting so discouraged. We're up, then down, it's like a roller coaster ride and my champagne is STILL chillin' in the fridge.

  18. Anonymous1:13 PM

    I hope the folks who are saying the Republicans and Fox will out this woman for the sham she is, but I fear that we might just underestimate the mystery hold she has on the ignorant and disaffected.

    Her message speaks to those in power who wield power and are affiliated with The Family. Of course, being a woman she can never be one of their "chosen" or "Key Men," but I have do doubt that they will use her charisma to their ends. They are ruthless. Even if they have to get her elected, they might as long as they can control those under her.

    My gut is warning me that we should not laugh her off or think she's incapable of upsetting the status quo. I believe she is incompetent nd wrong-heded as a leader, but I do not yet believe she is harmless. May the Republicans in-fighting take her down!

  19. All. Remember what happened in Germany when the people became disaffected. It could happen here.

  20. The writer of this Times article neglects to say that the reason "...the line began forming at the state fairgrounds more than three hours before the main event and stretched longer than half a mile..." is because they were making each and every ticketholder go through a metal detector, just like we do at the airports.

    All of us have had experience with how long THAT takes -- except this Times writer, I guess.

  21. I have never been so scared as when McCain "tapped" her for VP & never more relieved as when they lost. To see her recycling herself is unsettling. I am hoping that the book signing will be a fiasco, but seeing the scheduling she is being very careful. As Gryphen said on an earlier post "she is the truck" my feeling is the truck is being driven by a very sinister person & SP doesn't give a damn as long as she gets paid well & is worshiped. It really outrageous.

  22. Anonymous1:51 PM

    If John McCain had any honor ... he would expose her as a total fraud and a total idiot.

    If he loves the GOP he would undo what he has done.

  23. FEDUP!!!2:04 PM

    O.M.F.G.! I tried to listen to the audio that Bree mentioned and had to stop it a couple seconds into her screeching. I would rather listen ALL DAY to fingernails on a chalkboard than to HER voice!
    I didn't realize $$$arah is such a pipsqueek!

    That said: I agree with above poster: People who 'know the goods' on $$$arah, should SPEAK UP NOW - BEFORE IT IS TOO LATE, and before her mindless followers grow even more in numbers! (On the other hand, one thing I found amusing: some article mentioned in an other post, mentions that so far, she has sold only 40,000 books... SO MUCH FOR HER HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS OF FOLLOWERS! (I guess, most of them are just checking in on her to keep tabs on her?)

  24. Anon 1:13 .. I disagree that her message speaks to those in power; her message appeals to those who think in simple terms. People who really think that all problems/issues can be resolved by god and prayer.

    Those in power are willing to capitalize on that, IF it also brings in the VOTES .. if it doesn't (NY23) then it's on to Plan B and Plan B is not Sarah. It's more Jeb Bush, in my view. I don't think Huck or Gingrinch or Romney are able to get the support either. Somewhere, the 'men in the smoky back rooms' have already decided who will be the candidate in 2012 and it isn't Palin. Not even close.

    I lived in Texas in the 90s .. at that time, years before Dubya was even a contender for 2000, stories were written about him and about how he already had 100 Million in his election fund. While we talk and speculate and drop names, a dark horse is being groomed somewhere who will come in out of nowhere to challenge Obama in 2012.

  25. Archivist: I hope "dark horse" is the operative word, 'cause that means its NOT palin! I can't stand her now and I sure don't want to see her as a candidate...Lord help us all!

  26. Archivist

    Not a dark horse....Jeb Bush

  27. Anonymous2:50 PM

    As is Gryphon allows a lot of Sarah bots through.

    Why should he accept abuse?

    It was like everyone nagging him to tell all he knows.

    It is his blog.


  28. Anonymous3:11 PM

    Livvy (yes, Livvy) @ 1:28

    "All. Remember what happened in Germany when the people became disaffected. It could happen here."

    Are you trying to start that, "scare the britches off of me...I'm more scared" crap again?

    Livvy. Remember what another commenter explained to all of us last evening about how the many factors that were present in, and applicable to, Germany do not currently apply in the U.S.?

    Please. Have a cup of tea, put a cool cloth on your forehead and lie down for a while. Hopefully, that will settle your nerves.

  29. Anonymous3:21 PM

    Her gatherings are what I would call the 'dumbing down of America' on display

  30. Anonymous3:40 PM

    Sarah for president in 2012
    Send the muslim socialist to exile in Kenya

  31. AKaurora3:47 PM

    Here's an interesting take on how Going Rogue may flop financially:

  32. Anonymous3:47 PM

    Looks like Sarah may have taped her show with Oprah today as Palin is in Chicago. The show doesn't air until Monday.

  33. swe1233:47 PM

    I don't think people realize how stunning the loss in NY district #23 was. This is a very Republican area, with all of the Republican legislators winning. That means that people voted party line up until they crossed the line to vote for Democrat Bill Owens. Total rejection of Palin and the Conservative party.

  34. Anonymous4:09 PM

    Lou Dobbs quit, today last show...huffpost

  35. Anonymous4:30 PM

    The church fire is also hushed up.

    Is there a list of all the Palin successes at blackballing?

  36. Anonymous5:04 PM

    According to the people who saw the Oprah taping today, Sarah might have her eye on being a talk show host-- with that screeching voice. She is such a rogue that she hasn't bothered to get a voice coach to that end. She is just that great.

    (A little note to Sarah: A good talk show host has to do homework, something that we know Sarah just does not do. If she didn't study for a simple interview with Katy Couric, she won't study for a day after day talk show. There are certainly people at Fox who "wing it" and they look like it, appearing as regular comedy fodder on Jon Stewart's Daily Show each night. Maybe a comedy talk show is more in Sarah's line of work. No study, and if they laught at the flubbs, Sarah can say that it was supposed to be funny. After all, she is only in it for the money, anyway).

    If the reports of Sarah's book are true, and she has dissed McCain's people, Republicans and the media, I can't see her future in politics. Some rogue, she would have to be part of the most conservative bunch that have been purging the moderate Republicans. What percentage of the 20% who claim to be Republicans do they represent?

    Good for Sarah, for continuing to fracture the GOP and divide them. Their group is vocal, maybe well financed, but without 51% of the vote, there is no way to win the White House. Not now.

    So, Sarah's book has little in about policy, and her strength seems to be in repeating internet rumors like the coin story. She does have a very loyal following. The question is: what percentage of the population does she represent? My guess is less than 20%.

  37. Anonymous5:06 PM

    Anonymous@12:44 p.m.

    This country may have a two party system, and Sarah Palin may take away the base of the republican pary, but she is not the one with the brains. If not destroyed, I wouldn't mind them being further marginalized. She could get into trouble if the republicans with the brains and the money decide to deal with her. The number of Palin's brain-dead followers may grow, but not enough. She still only appeals to a small sliver in this country. Most of her fans are horny, old, white men. She loses with every other demographic. Including women. The other point is, Barack Obama has the advantage of being the incumbent president, and if things are at least improved by 2012, he'll be re-elected.

  38. Anonymous5:19 PM

    Sarah Palin is definitely a powerful force for the crazies but she may not be necessary in 2010 and for many years to come. The blue dogs democrats in the Senate are planning a political suicide by demanding that Speaker Pelosi approve a commission that would most like recommend cuts to Medicare and Social Security. If Speaker Pelosi doesn't appove this commission then they will refuse to vote to increase U.S. Government debt ceiling. This would cause us to default on our debt making our credit rating go down
    which in turn would make us pay more in increase interest rates. Why are some Democrats so stupid?
    One of my Senators is one of these stupid Democrats.

  39. Anonymous5:19 PM

    With most of them, it's not populist anger. It's anger at having a black president. Have you ever noticed how like 99% of these tea-baggers, and townhall screamers are white, and older? $arah Palin, and others of her kind have awoken the racists in this country. Even some celebrities like Jon Voight, and Chuck Norris are coming out and showing their true colors. If the republicans thought Sarah Palin was such an asset, some of them would not be trying to distance themselves, and the republican party from her. Some of the republicans fear her, because even they know that she and her followers could not only hurt the republican party, but help the democratic party. If these nervous republicans seriously thought that $arah Palin would hurt the democrats, and not the republicans, they wouldn't be trying to distance themselves from her, and the tea-baggers.

  40. Anonymous5:21 PM


    In. Your. Dreams.

    Keep it up, asshole!

  41. Anon 3:47

    I am sure we'll see the 'best parts' whatever those are, in the next few days as promos.

    I don't expect anything too interesting ... Oprah knows how to balance on a fence.

    The fact that Palin agreed to do it, tells me it will be slightly more interesting than a 'Christmas Cookies' show.


  42. Anonymous5:29 PM

    "Sarah for President in 2012!
    Send the Muslim socialist to exile in Kenya."

    Fucking idiot. These people are dumb. In a bad economy, when unemployment is rising, all they want to talk about is socialism, terrorists, and sercret muslims! That kind of crap is why Palin only appeals to a small, paranoid, fucked-up, minority.

  43. pacos_gal5:50 PM

    It seems that there may be a problem with HarperCollins and the math. In other words according to Daily Finance, it might not be a winning proposition for the publisher. Don't believe the 1.5 million print, it's more likely to be 50% of that and the Amazon bestseller has no real meaning.

    If you really want to know how the book is selling then check the trade website, they post weekly updates. It's at

  44. Anonymous6:16 PM

    Something is very stange- I googled "Palin baby shower" and went to the HP story, at the end I clicked photos of "Trigs baby shower' and what came up--Alaska Real Esate- Kristan Cole

  45. Anonymous6:46 PM

    The new book is a SP self-lovefest. She justifies every decision she has made over the years as she derides each of her foes, chapter by chapter. You naughty Trig Truthers. She will not let the reader forget that her life is dedicated to gun, god & country. (& family & pro-life & blah, blah, blah) I would love to be so perfect & be right all of the time. Harper Collins should be ashamed of themselves.

  46. Anonymous7:00 PM

    correction-Tripps baby shower

  47. If Oprah wanted a real story, she would delay Monday's showing of the interview, and go to Alaska to 'verify' the things Sarah said, point by point!
    Now THAT would be a show! ... Dynamite ratings!

    Segment of Sarah, tooting her horn.
    Commercial.Segment in Alaska, with the real story. More Sarah.Commercial.
    More Alaska.

    Over 2 days .. or 3 even!

  48. Anonymous8:43 PM

    Wow, must be a full moon or something! Fear Mongering gets stale after the Cheyney/Bush years and the sad excuse of a campaign McCain and What's her name ran against President Obama. That "Max Headroom" you tube video looks like communist propiganda, perhaps she learneded something on her overseas trip?
    "snatching up tee shirts" kinda made me giggle a bit- perhaps that'll be a job for another ex beauty pageant loser!

  49. Anonymous9:05 PM

    @6:46 p.m. wrote: "The new book is a SP self-lovefest."

    Yuck, that reminded me of Carrie Prejean.

  50. Anonymous9:58 PM

    You know, what I have tried to find out, read about, and understand, is why she was chosen in the first place.

    I have read so many theories. None of which agree with another.

    I would love to hear the real story, if such a thing exists.

    And yes, her voice is like nails on a chalkboard. Argh. I am not totally sure, but I think my ears bled just a little bit.

  51. Anonymous11:28 PM

    No offense to anybody but i dont believe it will be "personal stuff" that brings her down. If you all know stuff and its true great but it will be the republicans that take care of her. If she runs for president, which i think she will but really doesnt want the job, that primary will be something to behold.


  52. Anonymous12:41 AM

    Anonymous said...
    I am dumbfounded by the fact that she has discovered this disaffected group of people who are succeptible to her "charms".

    Here that would be the high school dropouts and otherwise poorly educated whites. Appropriate!

  53. sunnyjane2:29 AM

    I'd like to see Oprah have Levi on her show, but I'm not sure he could last an hour. And, I guess he's determined to save his information for his book.

    Maybe she'll have him on AFTER his book is published.

  54. themom4:37 AM

    Said it before and I will say it again....SHE ISTHE ANTI-CHRIST!!!

  55. Anonymous4:55 AM

    Having worked in the mental health field, I have learned that behaviors in other people that bring up a strong reaction in me can be better understood by thinking about them in the context of a spectrum of mental illnesses.
    SP brings up just such a heated reaction. If I were to be working with her, I would have to be aware of how I was internally reacting or I would be doing her a great disservice.

    For an eye opener, it is interesting to Google Personality Disorders or go to the National Metal Health Association (NMHA), National Institutes of Mental Health (NIMH) or National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) websites and find descriptions of Personality Disorders.
    For instance, here are NMHA's descriptions of a specific cluster of personality disorders:
    Cluster B:
    • Antisocial Personality Disorder. People with antisocial personality disorder characteristically act out their conflicts and ignore normal rules of social behavior. These individuals are impulsive, irresponsible, and callous. Typically, the antisocial personality has a history of legal difficulties, belligerent and irresponsible behavior, aggressive and even violent relationships. They show no respect for other people and feel no remorse about the effects of their behavior on others. These people are at high risk for substance abuse, especially alcoholism, since it helps them to relieve tension, irritability and boredom.
    • Borderline Personality Disorder. People with borderline personality disorder are unstable in several areas, including interpersonal relationships, behavior, mood, and self-image. Abrupt and extreme mood changes, stormy interpersonal relationships, an unstable and fluctuating self-image, unpredictable and self-destructive actions characterize the person with borderline personality disorder. These individuals generally have great difficulty with their own sense of identity. They often experience the world in extremes, viewing others as either “all good” or “all bad.” A person with borderline personality may form an intense personal attachment with someone only to quickly dissolve it over a perceived slight. Fears of abandonment may lead to an excessive dependency on others. Self-multilation or recurrent suicidal gestures may be used to get attention or manipulate others. Impulsive actions, chronic feelings of boredom or emptiness, and bouts of intense inappropriate anger are other traits of this disorder, which is more common among females.
    • Narcissistic Personality Disorder. People with narcissistic personality have an exaggerated sense of self-importance, are absorbed by fantasies of unlimited success, and seek constant attention. The narcissistic personality is oversensitive to failure and often complains of multiple somatic symptoms. Prone to extreme mood swings between self-admiration and insecurity, these people tend to exploit interpersonal relationships.

    I leave it to others to figure out why some people are charmed by people with these characteristics. I find the whole phenomenon intensely interesting. And scary.

  56. Morning Joe talked about her book this morning. I'm hoping that if she's really going to give up the goods behind the McCain campaign, and name names, that those people will hit back and tell all.

  57. Anonymous7:07 AM

    Anon@9:58-why was she picked in the first place-there have been articles written both in magazines and blogs that have looked into that. The road leads through Ted Dodson who is very influencial behind the scenes in the repub party. All major party leaders whether they are in congress, presidential nods or leaders throughout the States govts look for his advice. Also he is one of the C Street founders. After Palin was elected as gov and she was using the bible as the basis of doing her business or lack thereof, Dobson took notice. He wanted Bush to appoint her at a high fed govt level, even with Cheney's urging, Bush didn't amazingly enough. Palin now was in the top 10 repub leaders to "watch".
    Then Palin gets preg supposidly. She informs Dobson among others very early on and from the information that continues to come forth, he was one of the first to "know". This is also why the "fact or fiction" of her preg is very critical. Did she make it up and lie to Dobson to further her chances for the vp nod? He now sees a pretty, young, bible thumping, preg woman who could get the religious base out, excited and voting. The primaries move along, Dobson did not want Mitt or Rudy to win and pushed campaigns against them, he wasn't thrilled with McCain but in the end McCain had won the repub nod. McCain wanted Lieberman, over and over we heard that that was who McCain wanted as his vp pick. Why did he pick Palin? Because polling showed that Obama was beating McCain and Dobson told McCain that if he picked Palin then she would bring along the women, religious wing and quite frankly men who saw Palin as a pretty woman who could also shoot a moose vote that would put McCain over the top. Dobson did not believe that this country could or would vote in a black pres.
    The rest is history. It is amazing what happens in the back rooms of the political process and how we end up with what we do. Dobson has been a religious political force or anti force as one might see it for decades. If Dobson had not gotten involved in the primaries then Mitt might have been the repub nod.


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