Friday, November 27, 2009

The true meaning of Thanksgiving can be found here.

Winter has come again to Alaska, and just like we feared, villages in the rural areas are not faring well at all.

This comes to us from our good friend Ann Strongheart in Ugashik.

Well Thanksgiving is here and I spent last night not only preparing food for Thanksgiving dinner but also calling every household in Nunam Iqua. I called to not only wish them all a Happy Thanksgiving but also to check on everyone and see how they were faring so far this winter.

Unfortunately I did NOT receive good news. I was able to reach 23 out of the 36 household and out of those 23 families that I did talk to 22 were already struggling and requested help again with food to make it through the winter.

The complicating factors are a fall flood which destroyed fishing nets and boats, increased Fish & Game restrictions which cut their subsistence fishing season in half (These idiots have NO idea what the term "subsistence" means!), and a disappointing commercial fishing season which wiped out the yearly income for many of these families.

Now I know that it is the holiday season, and that you will find charities asking for donations just about everywhere you go, but I ask that you give this request special consideration. Because it comes from Ann Strongheart.

You see just this last August Ann lost the love of her life, her husband Segundo Strongheart, leaving her alone with a young daughter and another on the way.

And just a few weeks ago that baby, Glenna Gabriella Kegginacengaq Strongheart, was born.

Yet even with the passing of her beloved husband, and a newborn to care for, Ann has reached out to those in need.

I have again complied a list of the needy families in Nunam Iqua and I am hoping that y’all will be able to help me get food to them. Since I am wintering in Ugashik this year I will not be able to accept food and distribute it like I did last winter. So this is why I will only be doing the adopt a family for the winter food drive this winter.

If you would like to help and can adopt a family for the winter please email me at I will then match you with a family in need at Nunam Iqua and provide you with their name, address, family size and needs.

If Ann, with so many reasons to focus on her needs above the needs of others, can do so much for the people in her community, can we really refuse to help? As I sit here digesting my Thanksgiving dinner and contemplating braving the crowds of "Black Friday", I am all at once painfully aware that there are so many with empty bellies, and families with NO gifts to give their loved ones.

So if you are able, just take a minute to send Ann an e-mail and ask what you can do to relieve her burden. Ann is somebody from whom much has been taken, perhaps we can demonstrate to her that there are others whose hearts are as "strong" as hers.

I am not a religious man, but I swear if there is a heaven, Ann Strongheart should have a special place dedicated just to her. And I have no doubt, that if such place exists that Segundo is standing there patiently awaiting their reunion.

(You can click the title to read all of Ann's heartbreaking post.)


  1. Charlotte V.8:27 AM

    Thanks for this update. I've been following Ann Strongheart here and at mudflats. What an inspirational woman. I am happy to help in any way I can and I hope others here will do the same.

  2. Martha Unalaska Yard Sign11:02 AM

    Gryph - thank you for being part of getting the word out. We appreciate you!

  3. Anonymous11:37 AM

    Yes, thank you, Gryphen. I'll make a special effort to do so. Mrs. Tarquin Biscuitbarrel

  4. Anonymous12:02 PM

    I just sent Ann an email. Hope she can provide details, for I want to help again this year!


    FACT: It's expensive to live in rural Alaska.

  6. I would sure apreciate anyone who helped Ann Strongheart last year to write in a short statement of how it worked, how much one felt had to be contributed, how often, what was the duration, the logistics. Just a rundown for us newbies who would like to do it this year but wonder how it works, how expensive, how often, etc. Thank you in advance for this good info.


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