Monday, December 21, 2009

A guest editorial over at BradBlog by Frank Shaeffer may calm the fears of those who have lost confidence in President Obama.

Obama's steady supporters will be proven right. Obama's critics will be remembered as easily panicked and prematurely discouraged at best and shriveled hate mongers at worst...

Not since the days of the rise of fascism in Europe, the Second World War and the Depression has any president faced more adversity. Not since the Civil War has any President led a more bitterly divided country. Not since the introduction of racial integration has any President faced a more consistently short-sighted and willfully ignorant opposition - from both the Right and Left.

Here is what Obama faced when he took office-- none of which was his fault:

  • An ideologically divided country to the point that America was really two countries
  • Two wars; one that was mishandled from the start, the other that was unnecessary and immoral
  • The worst economic crisis since the depression
  • America's standing in the world at the lowest point in history
  • A country that had been misled into accepting the use of torture of prisoners of war
  • A health care system in free fall
  • An educational system in free fall
  • A global environmental crisis of history-altering proportions (about which the Bush administration and the Republicans had done nothing)
  • An impasse between culture warriors from the Right and Left
  • A huge financial deficit inherited from the terminally irresponsible Bush administration…

To read the rest of Schaeffer's thought provoking editorial just click the title. It may not put all of your worries to rest, but it certainly puts thing back into perspective.


  1. Anonymous3:01 PM

    Thank you, Frank Schaeffer! Thank you, Gryphen. Yes, this is what I believe, too. Thank you, most of all, to President Obama.

  2. Anonymous3:13 PM

    Thanks Gryph - I think we all needed that!

  3. What a beautifully succinct (sp?) posting. I still believe there's hope. perhaps at my age I should be more cynical but dammit... I want my country to be great, respected and successful as well as compassionate. And I think we can do it all.

  4. Yes, all this seems obvious. While I have often felt frustrated, I have never lost faith in the man. He is only a human being, but I think Colin Powell was right about him.

    Is there any other individual on the national scene who would stand even a chance at rising to this hard moment in US history? If so, that person is well hidden.

  5. Anonymous3:34 PM

    It's refreshing to hear Frank Schaeffer's take; always a voice of reason. I'm no Obama apologist, but am very disturbed by all the knee-jerk Obama-bashing out there--on BOTH sides. Yes, we're all impatient, but Obama has been telling us FROM THE START that change moves slowly. No magic switch was thrown on January 21st that guaranteed every issue would resolve itself immediately, but from the sound of things, you'd think it should have been.

    We as a country have a very short attention span. Realize where we were a little over a year ago under the Cheney Regime, and how much damage was done. Realize what COULD have been--God forbid--if Gramps and The Tart had been elected. Realize what hoops Obama has to jump through to get anything accomplished in his first year, without squandering all his political capital at once. He was given a massive pile of s**t, a herd of cats (i.e., the Senate) to deal with, Rethugs calling him a Socialist/Marxist/Nazi, Libs calling him a sell-out/war monger and pundits who will pick apart everything he does during the 24/7 news cycle for bucks. He hadn't been in office for a few months when all we started hearing was "2010" and "2012" and what dire predictions lay ahead. There's only so much critiqueing one can do before it becomes counterproductive and those listening become apathetic and beaten down. I do wish he had more of a progressive stance than he does, but time will tell. The healthcare bill is a start and will evolve and grow. If it doesn't pass, it will NEVER HAPPEN AGAIN IN OUR LIFETIME.

    I don't envy Obama's position at all and am prepared to give him time and patience.

  6. Anonymous3:37 PM

    And, let me add to my comment at 3:34PM--FAITH.

  7. womanwithsardinecan3:48 PM

    Short attention span and instant gratification syndrome are wreaking havoc on our political system (all the hate and obstructionism, racism, paranoia, etc., are only worth a wave of my disgusted hand). Chill out!! Thanks for the editorial. Calm words of wisdom.

  8. Some of the rage has probably been because we are so aware of the strides Obama has taken. By comparison, Bush didn't do anything in the open.

    Thanks for the pep talk.

  9. Anonymous3:57 PM

    "Not since the days of the rise of fascism in Europe, the Second World War and the Depression has any president faced more adversity."

    How true and how unfortunate he is totally unfit for the job. For what it's worth, however, I think it would be the overwhelming consensus opinion that JFK had just a bit of a bigger problem to confront during the Cuban Missile Crisis and if you don't know why, there's no point in telling you.

    And, Gryphen, if you had the beginning of a clue you would understand that SCOTUS still has the authority to weigh in on the legality of the bill even if its past.

    Didn't know that did you?

    In Planned Parenthood v. Casey (1992) in language that was NOT limited to the scope of abortion the court ruled,

    There is a constitutionally articulated and mandated "zone of personal privacy".


    "...matters, involving the most intimate and personal choices a person may make in a lifetime, choices central to personal dignity and autonomy, are central to the liberty protected by the Fourteenth Amendment. At the heart of liberty is the right to define one's own concept of existence, of meaning, of the universe, and the mystery of human life."

    Are we to believe only abortion falls without this sphere of personal choice?

    I don't think the courts are willing to go that far.

    The bottom line: Social welfare bills are not constitutionally exempt from judicial review--as a matter of fact, the Bush administration cut SCOTUS loose to do just do that.

    The Supreme Court has decided it cannot "unduly burden" or proscribe abortion. Nor, then, can it proscribe numerous other medical interventions.

    Put simply, and whether you comprehend it, believe it, or accept it, the bill as currently awaiting passage is constitutionally vulnerable predicate on the reality that it WILL, often arbitrarily, limit the autonomy and sovereignty of some to pursue and obtain healthcare they choose necessary.

    Has it occurred to you why not a republican is on board?

    It'e because the myopic advocates of this bill on the left have yet to realize that the fate of the bill rests not on congress but in the courts.

  10. As a Canadian, I of course have not had the impatience of some Americans. What I have felt is great admiration for President Obama, and I admire him more and more every day. He makes a North American feel safer somehow.

    The repubs are terrifed of doubt about it. They will do all they can to vilify him..make it look inept. It will not work. Your country and your country men, are being looked at very differently all over the world..due to President Obama. He is a man of courage, conviction and vision. He will succeed and he will be in the white house for 8 full years. Suck it up Palin trolls. She is never ever going to get into that building..except for perhaps buying a ticket and being taken on a tour. Silly stupid woman.

  11. Anonymous4:09 PM

    yeah...what anon 4:06PM Said...

  12. lol...7:37...your head is seriously very far up your ass. That must hurt. Were you trying sound really really smart? sounded pouty...and just pissed cause someone of the calibre of Frank Schaefer had the audacity to speak the truth. are just so full of bullshit.

    Gryphen...thanks for letting us swear when we get really pissed. I am so sick of the likes of that poster...and his/her "look at me..I am so smart". Yeah..right...thats why they would vote for Palin. It really makes my head spin around on my shoulders, and it the poster were nearby they may get green goop spewed on their kkk t shirts.

  13. post was for 3:57. Perhaps I better put my glasses on.

  14. Anonymous4:19 PM

    Sarahin 2012~
    Did you vote for Bush?
    Britsy Bluebell

  15. Anonymous4:25 PM

    @3:57 - Please don't lecture others on myopia. With spelling like yours, you need better glasses yourself.

  16. Anonymous4:30 PM

    You are so right and I'm glad that you, being a Canadian, admire our president. I do too! The republicans have allowed our president to be consistantly lied about, not many have stood up to put the lunatics in their place and it is wrong. The $P teabaggers, who are going rogue while being dominionists aren't being called out for the bs they claim by others who are conservative, I see a big problem in that party. I want to know who is calling the shots and why in the republican party. (I'm sure the why is greed)
    Britsy Bluebell

  17. Anonymous4:43 PM

    Yes, always good to listen to people who label those who disagree with them as "shriveled hate mongers."

  18. It's a tough job. No one should expect him to be able to turn-around crises that have been years in the making in less than a year.

  19. Anonymous5:05 PM

    Whackjob Jamboree coming up on Countdown. Mrs. Todd Palin, that is.

  20. Gryphen I think we live in a world where we expect everything immediately ( and I am as guilty as anyone else). I repsect President O bama but lets remember its been less than one yr and we still have enough GoPeers to have tried to obstruct everything every step of the way.
    The economy was totally destroyed and will take yrs to fully recover, but on the bright side I do have more contracts dribbling in, but that may be partly because we used the "worst" of the time to restructure and train our employees and become certified green builders and we may be starting to feel the recovery quicker than others.
    Many good things have changed for the better, many things have been changed that some of us have worked for decades to get throuh
    among those equal pay for woman
    stem cell research
    and a first step in getting healthcare redone ( I personally think it will take a full decade to get it correct)
    I still have hope, but change takes time and effort and I think we all need to get a little more patience in our lives.

  21. Anonymous5:37 PM

    @Laurie-Anne - Thanks for your comments on President Obama and you're right that the world sees the US in a different light now that Obama is in the WH. A woman (stranger) was telling the hair-dresser in a salon that her daughter was coming home from a trip to South Africia and she said their opinion of the US changed once Obama was elected. My brother told me the story of a friend in California who went to Brazil during the Bush years and got spat on after learning she was an American. So to avoid any further complications she started telling people she was Canadian.

  22. Laurie-Ann: thanks for the comments and you're so right that the world views Americans more favorably now that Obama is President. My brother's friend from California went to Brazil during the Bush years and got spat on when found out she was an American. She started telling people she was Canadian just to avoid any nastiness.

  23. ginny5:51 PM

    Anon@3:57, carrying healthcare INSURANCE will be mandatory in the Senate version of the bill. That is NOT the same thing as mandating what courses of medical care and treatment one chooses.
    The bill doesn't tell you or your doctor, if you choose to go to one, what you should do to take care of your health.
    PS, did you know that in Michigan, the SC ruled that employers can fire employees who smoke? Is that okay with you? As long as the "govment" isn't the one telling you what you can and can't do?

  24. Anon@3:34pm thank you so much, ITA with your comments, both for those on the Left and the Right. Can we not have some patience for President Obama and the changes he is committed to. We as a country do indeed have a very short attention span.

    And Anon@3:57pm I think Laurie Anne is so, so correct, get your head out of your ass and try thinking for a change!

  25. Anonymous6:30 PM

    I've never seen such a pathetic collection of blind followers before. Open your eyes and see what's really going on, not what you dream is happening.

  26. Anonymous6:42 PM

    I, too, am proud of our President Obama! Both my Canadian and American personas approve of him :)

    I am keeping my heart and mind open to his slow changing of America to the country I adopted/adopted me and I'm proud to support him. We do need to remember to keep the faith and give him time. Our ability to do this has been diminished by the immediacy of emailing and blogging rather than the slower process of writing letters to exchange ideas. While I love the new opportunities to interact in the present time, it does create some chafing that was not noted earlier.

    Keep going President Obama! You have lots of supporters behind you.

  27. Yo 3:43....bills get "PASSED" not "past as you say. Better retake that Government 101, looks like you failed.

  28. When my 14 year old asked me why President Obama hadn't done everything he said he was going to do, I educated her about what happened during the Bush/Cheney administration and how anything they did was overlooked by many in the media. When the Republicans complain about the Left Wing Controlled media, I want to gag. Why didn't they go after Bush and criminals over the missing money in Iraq? The $2,000,000,000,000 ++ that was conveniently announced the day before 9/11/01 by Rumsfeld and then unbelievably forgotten by the media?!! The approved torture and war crimes attributed to our "esteemed" Commander in Chief & Co ? As my grandfather said, that's not what they fought in WWII for and he never, ever thought he'd see the day where it was not only spoken about but bragged about by an elected official, but by the President! This is only the tip of the mountain of things that happened during Bush's appointment and then successive stolen election.

    Now, so many expect Barack Obama to fix everything in six months or less? They've been complaining about him and attributing the recession to him before he even entered office! He is a man, not a miracle worker. We have to give him time to do what needs to be done. After all, the GOP looked the other way or collaborated with Bush in f#cking up the country for 8 years but they expect it to be fixed in 8 months?? Now, we've reached just shy of a year in office and so many are trying to write-off this Presidency! Give Obama a chance to do what needs to be done.

    It's laughable to hear the GOp talk about how they have all the answers now. What did they do about the economy while it was going bad? They said things were fine, just a little bump in the road according to Bush. His defenders laughed at the notion that there was anything wrong with the economy and now the problem is all Obama's fault?

    The GOP wants to do healthcare their way? They did nothing to help anyone who couldn't afford healthcare during the last 8 years and now they want to help? All they want to do is protect the insurance companies and the lobbyists who lines their pockets. That goes for several Democrats, too.

    Anyone with a brain can see what is happening but I never thought it would get quite as bad as it has. Idiots with a microphone who get an hour to spew hate against our President on a nightly basis on TV actually defending those who think they should have the right to carry a gun to a townhall meeting where the President will be? What would they have said if it was Bush? Although anyone with a brain would know NOT to shoot Bush because his successor would be FAR WORSE!

    When it comes right down to it, we have to give this man our support and continue to believe in him that he will get the job done but he cannot perform miracles. The GOP will only feed off any hint of negativity that comes from the public, we cannot allow that to happen.

  29. Thank you Frank and Gryphen and all of the great posters here.

    We must not allow ourselves to be jerked along by the right wing media military industrial complexes who sell us Republican talking points sold as "opinions".

    A REAL progressive will take a long view of this, be patient, be supportive, and be a vocal part of the change they want.

    We are the change we have been waiting for.

    Let's show our President our unwavering support, and give him a mandate to continue his quest for justice and equality for ALL Americans and a global respect for all citizens of the world.


  30. One of my favorite videos.

    WORTH the 3.35 minutes to make you feel good!!

    February 2008 when Obama swept the caucuses.

  31. Thank you Gryphen for sending me to Frank's post. His post really made me feel like a "spoiled brat" wanting it all and wanting it NOW and made me then realize how incredibly STUPID I was for thinking that way.

    Rome was not made in a day, neither will it be restructured in a day.

  32. Amen to everyone except the troll. I was so upset about the health care bill last week, I fired off an email to the President about how disappointed I was with it and him. As I was writing, I also thought about all the good things he has done especially with the odds against him and ended by thanking him for those things & said I supported him and believe in him.

    The predictions about the 2010 elections gall me. Predicting a loss for the Democrats because of the Nation's current lower polls is unthinkable.

    Any thinking American will rally every one to make sure the Democrats win in the next elections. After seeing the Rebliblicans in action this year, it will be insanity to either vote against the Democrats or stay at home. It will be opening the door to the tea bagging, theocracy craving loons. We have enough of them already, getting bolder every day. Thank heavens we've also been seeing some new Congressional Democrats rising to the occasion and speaking out loudly and boldly - a new and welcome phenomenon. Thanks to them all.

    Thank you Gryphen, Frank and President Obama!

  33. Thanks for this! Andrew Sullivan has a nice support of the President up from yesterday which I woould post here but you cant copy into this form.

    President Obama is doing what he can against this ugly opposition. Anyone who thought we were going to end the insurance industry in the middle of a terrible recession, wasn't rational. The bill we have now is a very good start and most countries who have universal healthcare started small. What the GOP hates is that once people get a taste of responsible healthcare, they won't give it up but make it better.

  34. Anonymous7:39 AM

    I agree that America and the World face threats equal to or greater than those of WWII.
    But starting two new wars, Pakistan, and now Yemen, worsening the war in Afganistan, and continuing to hire RepoCons, giving trillions to big business and 30M new customers to already stinking rich insurance companies - money that now will not go to mom and pop and small business, cars, homes, clothes, utilities etc. - doesn't warm the coccles of my heart.

  35. Anonymous8:02 AM

    Right on, Kat @ 3:17! My gut instincts are telling me that the current sport of Obama-bashing may be fostered in stealth mode by those same "theocracy-craving loons." It's amazing how so many pundits on the Left who were staunch Obama supporters suddenly jumped to condemn him about the HC bill, Afghanistan and Copenhagen--even when most agreed that he made the correct, yet reluctant, decision on Afghanistan. Even HuffPo has joined the ranks--any image they're using of Pres O. is now less than flattering to accompany the hyper-critical stories, if you've noticed. My God, how they're trying to influence opinion!

    The Neo-Xtain-Lunatic Right has TONS of cash to spread around, and 2010 is just around the corner. The 24/7 news cycle needs angst and drama to feed it--so, IMO, it's a possibility that they're investing in a negative spin party aimed at Obama's base. They're tired (and desperate) of preaching to the dumbed-down, teabagging faithful. Their goal? Keep THINKING people at home in apathy in 2010, leaving the door wide open for their agenda to slide on through--with the horrifying possibility of you-know-who in the WH in 2012. My assessment: take the current criticism with a grain of salt, use your own judgement and VOTE for your (and the country's) best interests in 2010 by keeping the "Party of No" OUT. Don't QUIT now!!!

  36. Anonymous8:13 AM

    @8:02 - count me in as +1 with your comment.

  37. Thanks Gryphen for posting this...I think alot of people need to read it!
    Thanks to all the positive poster/commenter's here.
    I'm tired of all the Obama bashing. Glad Frank Schaffar speaks up.
    crystalwolf aka caligrl

  38. Anonymous8:00 AM

    I have been reading here for awhile before I have posted a few times. I enjoy the blog as it exposes the lies of the great Sarah Walin. My reason for posting today is simply to say thank you. This post really got to me. I see so many people wanting to give up on our President.

    I wish people would remember the last 8 years. We forget so quickly and expect miracles. He is a good decent man but only one man never the less. Daily he fights against the conservatives who don't want him to succeed. Does he have to fight against the people who voted him in too? How quickly we forget. I am not willing to give up on him. To think what a mess this world would be in if McCain and Palin had won! I can't imagine. I know it would be a disaster!

    Again thank you for putting the truth out there and have a wonderful holiday.

    Barbara in Ma


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