Monday, December 14, 2009

Keith Olberamnn discusses Joe "the whiner" Lieberman's threats to filibuster the Senate health care bill.

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Why? Why do the Democrats allow this traitor to his party continue to play the spoiler to the Democratic agenda? It is stupefying that they allow this little pathetic weasel to obstruct perhaps the most important bill to come around in the last ten or fifteen years.

Well personally I have had it and have signed this online petition to encourage Democrats to strip Lieberman of his his leadership titles if he dares to stand against progress. It made me feel very good to sign it and encourage all of you to do the same. It may not have any effect at all, but dammit at least we tried!

And since we are posting embeds from Countdown I could not resist Keith's smackdown of Bill O'Reilly and Glenn Beck for their denial that THEY have incited violence.

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If you stayed for the end of Keith's long list of conservative media types who will insist that conservatives "have no voice in the media", you were rewarded with a pretty funny Sarah Palin reference. Did you see it? Well then go back. I have watched it three times and it gets better every time.

Update: Lieberman wins, the Dems suck, and I am pissed!


  1. Anonymous6:53 PM

    YOU LIEberman! My new bumper sticker.

  2. Anonymous7:41 PM

    Nothing would please me more than seeing that rat bastard kicked to the curb, so I am extremely frustrated that when I fill out the petition, I'm told the URL is bad.
    Is anyone else having this trouble, or know what's up or of another way to sign the petition?
    Having just run out of COBRA on Halloween, and being unable to purchase health insurance due to a pre-existing condition, and having faithfully kept myself insured since 1984, no matter how ridiculously high the cost ran, I take Lieberman's childish sh!t personally. If govt health care is good enough for him, it's good enough for me, and I'm happy to pay for it, unlike Sen Lieberman, Lieberman for Connecticut, who expects the rest of us to continue paying for his.
    Anyway, I want to sign that petition. He has no business governing if he lets pettiness and greed make his decisions.

  3. Anonymous8:03 PM

    Yes, I had the same problem at the petition site.

    I think we should consider swamping Emmanuel. He's the one who pressed to have Reid give Lieberman what he wanted.

    Emmanuel is also the one who was agsinst single payer and the public option. He is the real power in the White House. As have been most Chief of Staffs.

    We really need to ask Obama to kick him to the curb if he is using his position to oppose what the voters thought President Obama would do. Emmanuel could just be acting on Obama's orders, but from my research into his past, I think he may be pushing his own agenda.

    Either way, I have to join in the chorus and say that both my husband and I are royally pissed, too. This is unconsciounable.

    I wrote Lieberman on his official side and told him he has brought shame to his faith (because he used to proudly proclaim what a man of God he was and how much he valued compassion) and to his state and how he has betrayed the American people. He won't care, but it sure as heck made me feel better to let him know he is a disgrace and a hypocrit and we all know it.

  4. I agree.

    If it was me, I would have stripped Joe of his chairmanships and seat in the democratic caucus long ago.

    I also would have told him if he wanted any favors back, he was going to tow the party line and vote every way we said.

    This is ridiculous. He is holding the Democrats and the U.S. people hostage.

    I say dump him. Vote. If health care fails blame the obstructionist Republicans and Joe Lieberman. Make it very clear it is all Joe Lieberman's fault, since he is making himself the deciding factor. He'll never be re-elected. After he's gone and replaced by a Dem....bring back the vote and pass it.

    Then thumb noses at all Republicans and ignore them. No bipartisan. No compromises. No nothing. Ignore them all.

  5. Anonymous8:07 PM

    I posted this at mudflats earlier, but it so describes both Lieberman and Palin that I hope others enjoy it as well.

    I found it at under the Quotes link.

    "When they discover the center of the universe, a lot of people will be disappointed to discover they are not it." Bernard Bailey

  6. Anonymous8:08 PM

    Part of me hopes Harry Reid loses in 2010. He sucks as majority leader. Give us Durbin, or someone with balls...

  7. Not to sound too melodramatic, but seeing that little piece of shit Joe Lieberman, with the big smirk on his face tonight, made me ashamed to be an American Jew for the first time in my life.

    And that's almost 59 years.

  8. Phoebes, I have no doubt in my mind that Joe does not represent American Jews. I know he doesn't represent the ones I know.

    Like all the rest of you, I'm steaming and told the what I thought. It sounds like we've got to start screaming at the top.

  9. Anonymous8:24 PM

    Oh phoebes! You have no reason to feel ashamed. Joe Lieberman is a disgrace to the human race. It has nothing to do with your shared faith. Lieberman is such a disgrace he has no shame.

    Anons @ 8:03 and 8:08, I agree completely. Well, actually 8:08, every fiber of me hopes Harry Reid loses in 2010. He's mishandled this completely. We need 51 votes, not 60 to pass legislation. This whole situation is just disgusting, and now I can feel my blood pressure rising and my heart pounding. Time to quit discussing this.

  10. Anonymous8:34 PM

    I got the same message after submitting my name on the petition; I tried 4 times then gave up. BUT then I found four email thank yous for signing the petition. So, the url apparently works but the message is wrong.

  11. Anonymous8:35 PM

    I, too, wrote comments on the site. I want to know why they caved in and I want them to know we are pissed.

    BTW, I wrote about Rahm Emanuel earlier. Sorry I misspelled his name but he is the power broker in this fiasco. I asked President Obama to either come forward and admit he was doing his bidding or kick Emanuel to the curb if not.

    I agree with 8:15 Anon. that Reid is an ineffectual leader.

    Be sure to write Lieberman, too, folks. Not that he will read the emails, but it sure as hell feels good to tell him straight out what a disgrace he is, the little whiney self-absorbed bully. Aren't we lucky he didn't become VP in 2000. OMG, think if he'd become President. Once upon a time he seemed respectable but that was before we got to know him. I think the Republicans he plays up to will cast him aside if he loses status and power. What a waste of space he is.

  12. Anonymous8:49 PM

    anon @ 8:34
    Thanks for posting that -- I just checked, and I, too, have a thanks for signing note in my inbox!
    I'm off to write at I'll send a note to whiney Lieberman as well. He is so freaking childish, though, I'm sure, like Mrs. Todd Palin, he will see those of us who were expecting him to do his job as just being mean to him for no reason. I'm doing it anyway, and yes, thank God he never got any more power. May he soon lose all he's got now.

  13. Don't know if I'm more pissed at Lieberman or at the Dem leadership.

    Is there not still one step to go with a House-Senate conference bill? Or has the House agreed to vote on whatever passes the Senate? I really don't want them to push the bill through before the public can scrutinize all the provisions.

    I'm upset about the mandate that is getting no media coverage. As I understand it, I think it's bad policy and politics and will cost the Dems votes in 2010 and 2012.

  14. Gryph,

    It isn't over. Keep signing those petitions. Keep calling Sen. Begich,

  15. Another thought. Aren't they still waiting on the OMB report? If the numbers come back favorable for the Medicare buy-in, how could Lieberman vote against it?

  16. Laura9:36 PM

    There is an article on HuffPo that talks about how Lieberman's wife is an unoffical lobbyist for the pharmaceutical industry. His squashing of health care directly helps her clients. If you are mad now, you'll really be steaming after you read this article.

  17. Thanks for the kind words, Elizabeth@8.15p and anonymous@8.24p.

    It's just hard to realise that Lieberman's a complete shit and, supposedly, he's one of "mine"!

  18. Dick Wolf of Law and Order. That was an excellent show. I applaud you.

    On Keith's rant He should have mentioned Rush's inciting to riot at Denver at the Democratic Convention.

  19. Yep, Old Joe and his babe are whores bought and paid for by the big drug industry. Always have been and always will be.
    He was just screwing around getting as much face time on camera as he could before he showed his true traitorous colors.

  20. I'm originally from Ct. When I was in my early/mid twenties, I asked my Mom about LIEbermann. She was always so smart with politics and I was just beginning to get involved. At that time, he was the Consumer Attorney General for the State. I was listening to him on a radio show early in the a.m. to try and figure him out. This was nearly 30 years ago.
    My Mom, who was way ahead of her time and really would have made a great politician, advised me to listen hard to LIEbermann. Then she gave me her opinion. (He wasn't too bad in those days as he was building his career.). She told me that when he ran for office, she wouldn't vote for him as he was a sellout. She was ashamed that he was a Democrat. (See? I told you she was smart!)
    I can't remember what he was running for then, but my Mom, who was a die hard Democrat, if she wouldn't vote for him then something was really really wrong with him.
    By the way, the radio station that was interviewing him were also considered Democrats.
    So know you have some hindsight in the big, jowly Liar.

  21. and, just to add to the point, Hartford, CT is the Insurance Capitol of the world!
    After High School, if you didn't go to college right away, you could always get a job at an Insurance Company.
    I used to work for an Attorney right across the street from Travelers Insurance. We did Tort Law, suing the Insurance Companies when it was easier in those days. It was still hard to make them pay our clients their rightly due, so usually we'd have to take it through the Insurance Commissioner and then sue them if that didn't work. We never set out to sue, only to settle legitimate claims. But that was like pulling teeth from a tiger. And those were the easy days.

  22. I moved to CT this year. Traitor Joe isn't up for re-election until 2012 and I doubt that he'd even try to run. However, if he does, I promise to volunteer however I can to get him out.

    I'm glad that Sherrod Brown explained why they have to have Traitor's vote in order to pass the few things that they have left in the bill but it's still horrible.

  23. Anonymous4:32 AM

    In this Huffington Post photo, Lieberman strongly resembles an aging transgender Britney Spears.

  24. Deb in WI5:05 AM

    I'm beyond pissed! Talk me down!

    Without any "cheap" insurance/public option/medicare buy-in/medicaid expansion, then the bill is just basically saying that it will be illegal not to buy the (will even be more expensive) expensive insurance.

    If the uninsured can't afford it now, how do they plan on expanding the jails to fit all those millions who still can't afford insurance, but is illegal not to have it?

    Not to mention, insurance premiums are probably an average of 30 percent of peoples' incomes already, and that doesn't even pay for deductibles, co-pays, non-covered items.

    So we as middle America will be paying 50 percent of our income on health care?? Just so these insurance company's can make billions off of us? That's what the Christian Republican's want? How Christian is that?

    I say everyone quit their jobs and go on welfare, get medicaid in protest! Then we will all finally have single payer. There's no reason for middle class anymore. There's no reason why we should do the right thing and work hard. Just let the rich have it all like usual.

    Why work to spend 50 percent of your income so that the CEO at AETNA can live it up?

    Lower class and upper class rules America - God bless the USA (haves and the have nots -- money over health and happiness.)

    I say, screw the 60 vote rule, it is obvious it doesn't work even for a bill that a majority of Americans want.

  25. Anonymous6:26 AM

    Making a profit on healthcare is just so wrong.

    The PROFIT Insurance business is what it really is.

  26. Anonymous6:30 AM

    It is hard for me to believe that there is not one republican that can vote for the good of the country and the economy. There are party lines and then there are PARTY lines if you know what I mean, but there are millions of die hard republicans that have lost their health care or lost their jobs due to health care increases, or have lost their houses, retirements due to medical bills or the older generations that can not pay for their pills. This isn't just a democratic or republican issues this is a national, all persons issue ... how can every republican say no?

  27. What a pragmatic is almost too difficult to comment. As the health crisis continues in this country there seem to be no politicians that are willing to resolve it. Come on if you hadn't sold your vote out for money this would be viewed differently. In California the only ones without insurance who are receiving any care are the ones that are here illegally....they use the emergency rooms for everything because legally they have to be treated & they have no assets. The working poor at least have a few assets so therefore heath care is not open to them or they will lose the little they have. I am so disgusted with all of them... dem or repub.

  28. Anonymous12:16 PM

    If everyone who has corparate health insurance canceled it tomorrow, would that get their attention? I would call it a revolt. Who says you have to be a soldier to wage a war? You people have the power and you don't even know it. What if the revolt went viral?

  29. MacAndCheeseWiz7:25 PM

    I can't believe after all this time, that the vote would come down to this lily livered Lieberman. And I can't believe, as a previous poster said, that not one moderated republican has the guts to break rank for the good of the people who need a public option.


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