Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Just from Scott Brown's acceptance speech alone I have to wonder if Massachusetts will not suffer "buyer's remorse" fairly soon.

I know that he was very excited, and undoubtedly exhausted, but some of his comments, especially those directed at his daughters, were a little strange, if not out and out creepy.

Even his own family, who should be used to his sense of humor, seemed a little taken aback.


  1. sunnyjane6:04 AM

    That was TOO weird.

  2. Anonymous6:16 AM

    So he's into what appears like arranged marriages and child slavery. The dowery of his daughter is what - a run down used truck? Thanks, but no thanks to the 'Teabagger' as Mass will soon learn they were snookered but too blind to see it.

    Mr. Brown "Sells His Daughter Into Marriage For a Senate Seat" Goes to Washington!

  3. "Available" how? Available like Bri$tol? Ick!

  4. Anonymous6:21 AM

    It was a joke what do you think he was offering them up for sex?
    It's a liberal state,you don't think some of that "liberalism" rubs off?
    Ted Kennedy was no angel.

  5. Another trashy creep.

  6. Anonymous6:33 AM

    Scratch below that polished exterior and you will find a creepy mofo.

  7. Anonymous6:37 AM

    Brown's comment about his daughters being avaiable is sickening. His mental image of women is appallingly flawed to allow that sort of remark to reach his mouth.

    If I had to deal with Brown in the workplace, I'd classify him as "hates women" and begin a campaign of attitude adjustment that he would long remember. Of course, his problem can't be "cured" but at least I would make sure I didn't have to hear about it.

    Brown's slamming his daughters (and women in general) is right up their with the "nappy-headed ho's" remark in exposing a person's hateful internal thinking.

  8. Anonymous6:38 AM

    Maybe in true Brown style he meant that his daughters are available for Playboy? Stay classy, Scott!

  9. the dude is pro choice, or at least he was. they wont let him near the WH.

  10. He sure seems full of himself and what a strange way to express it--like he's saying now my daughters will marry people who will increase my power. Or is he just acknowledging that sex appeal got him where he is today and hopes the same for his daughters. At least the daughters are getting an education unlike another family we know.

  11. lilly6:48 AM

    Romney will have him and his pick up for V.P.

    His daughters are beautiful, they don't need dads jokes. And they know it.

    Unfortunatly Coakley was a dud.

  12. Anonymous6:54 AM

    Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks. Gee, thanks Mass. for this guy. The remarks are who he is. Yuk. Do me a favor? Rest of America? Vote you more democrats in. Let's try it like that for a while. The repubs tried to jam fascism down our throats and they tried to cover it up by running a series of dopey, smiling, symemetrical faces. Sick of it. Mean it.

  13. Anonymous7:03 AM

    Are they trying to sell soap? Why is Brown talking again. He's merely a senator. A very junior one and he is already full of gas. I don't care what he's got to say. It's not worth listening to and it disgusts me to hear the spokesmodels jabbering about him.

  14. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn7:07 AM

    When I first saw a close up of Brown in the screen shot on HuffPo this morning, it gave me the willies--he looked like a young Dubya. What a horrible feeling of deja-vu. And he was speaking about himself in the third person as well. And being "cute" by offering up his daughters. Yikes.

    And, unlike Faux News' predictions/confident financial advice yesterday, the stock market is actually dropping after Brown's win.

    Won't be long before that good ol' remorse sets in. I realize that Coakley has the personality of a wet sock, but what was that P.T. Barnum phrase again?

  15. Anonymous7:09 AM

    Hate to say it, but Coakley sucked and Brown deserved the win.

    Hate to see Palin gloating all over the place too.

    If she gets any happier rainbows are gonna start shooting out her ass.

    Please Gryphen... cant you do ANYTHING to wipe the smile off her face and get her lying nasty ass off my television. Please!

  16. I felt bad for his daughters; that was a terrible thing to do to them. My gut feeling is that he definitely has some issues with women, and yes---Mass will regret him sooner, rather than later.

  17. the problem child7:11 AM

    I saw one of those "terrorist fist bumps" in there, anyone else catch that?

  18. Anonymous7:19 AM

    Entirely inappropriate.
    Massachusetts! Good luck with that.....

  19. Brown's name will be mud long before 2012, he's already doing it to himself. Too easy.

  20. Anonymous7:34 AM

    You know, I think this guy is going to spell trouble for the GOP. I can just feel it. He is a loose cannon. Gross, his comments about his daughters... The one to the right of him did not look amused, at all. And this guy is so high on himself, he's bound to stumble. He looks red-faced and impulsive here, too. Could this end up being another case of them putting a guy in who they have not truly vetted? And come on, what other car does he drive? Let's make that task #1, someone find out so we can show him up for being just another GOP hypocrite. I dunno, something is just not right, I can sense it - like you said, Gryphen.

  21. Anonymous7:35 AM

    Anon 6:21

    We know it was his attempt at a joke, but in fell totally flat and inappropriate in that it is his springboard acceptance speech into national politics.

  22. I think some of you commenting here are going a bit overboard -- it's reminiscent of some blogs I don't visit any more.

    I didn't see anything in that segment of his speech that set me back at all -- but I DID see a "terrorist fist bump" between him and his daughter Arianna -- I wonder if that'll get the right wing nuts all up in arms, saying he's a RINO, he's an Obama/Axelrod operative, yada, yada...

    When you dispassionately compare the two campaigns, he deserved the win. Martha Coakley was clearly a poor choice -- couldn't the Dems find anyone more voter-friendly as well as of a sufficiently progressive/liberal persuasion, to win in the primary?

  23. this does nothing for $'arah, and its only one seat, so the sky isnt falling...YET.

    yeah, they can filibuster, but in reality congress is stuck deep in its own shit, and the republemmings cant be obstructionists forever. time for the Dems to STEP THEIR GAME UP.

  24. Anonymous7:48 AM

    As I said in my comment alerting you to this video it really is a bad sign of his judgement.

  25. My chant to Brown:

    "gas up, you stupid f***"

  26. With all due respect to his BC grad BB playing daughter... there is a large segment of men in MA who will not date female athletes. Many of those same types voted for Brown.

  27. Anonymous8:10 AM

    Hmmm. Has he cheated on his wife yet? He will. He very well could go the route Edwards did.

  28. Anonymous8:15 AM

    Why haven't we heard from PAYlin and her bots yet? I would of thought by now they would be rallying a "FIRE SCOTT BROWN" by now; as with Letterman. HYPOCRITS!

  29. Anonymous8:40 AM

  30. He seems full of himself. All that glitters is not gold.

    Coakly didn't shine as much as him. True. But she is a decent woman who cares about Ma. That is what should count.

    If anyone is sending a message to President Obama shame on them. One year to clean up this mess? They gave 8 years to the dim bulb who made this mess. Just remember one state doesn't make it or break it. Get tough Mr. President we stand behind you. Stop reaching out your hand to people who only concern is themselves.

  31. mommom8:51 AM

    My reactions--

    How much do you want for your daughters?

    Boy is he drunk!

  32. Well, hopefully he won't let them pose on the cover of tabloids for 6 figures, and teaches them the benefits of safe I know why guys like Brown called MASSHOLES.

  33. Anonymous8:58 AM

    My only consolation is that he will be up for election in 2012.

    I was actually happy to see him perform in this video because he does bear an uncanny resemblance to W - not just in looks, but in mannerisms, and cockiness and the inability to be sensitive to other people's discomfort through his "humor."

    However, I was not amused to see hear his open ambition to be President - no wait, maybe even that could work in our favor because it might propel him to say and do some W-like things and remind the voters how scary someone of style over substance can be.

    BTW, I watched interviews of some Independent voters from MA who voted for him. My goodness, I was disappointed. They were expressing teabagger sentiments in the same unthinking way Palinbots do - okay, will a little less zeal pehaps but mindlessly nonetheless.

    The populist approach is probably the way the Rethugs will try to seduce vulnerable Independents and moderate Republicans. Dems simply have to stop the self-absorbed stuff that splits them now. We are not yet far enough removed from the Bush-Cheney regime to relax. The Dominionists are eagerly awaiting their turn at power and if they get it, we all will be suffering far more than under Dick and W.

  34. Anonymous9:15 AM

    Take a deep breath and look at this for what it is - Brown ran a good race using the same social media that Obama used. Coakley ran a poor race with a number of mistakes that the Ma democratic machine did not help. Then it was too little too late. Brown did not neccessarily win this race, Coakley lost it. It is reality now and Brown has until 2012, filling out Kennedy's term, before he can be kicked out. He used the teabaggers to get in but he has promised to let Wall Street and banker's keep their bonuses. Nice start, huh? Who do you think he will listen/lie to now? This wasn't an earth shattering repub altering win that should leave dems shaking in their boots BUT this was a call to dems that each election for each and every seat of both houses should be run as if the dems are out of power, or the dems will be out of power if they continue to be slackers to the people.

  35. Gasman9:27 AM

    If Brown has a brain that functions even intermittently, he has to know that his election has not swept the state of Massachusetts into the GOP tent. If he has any awareness at all, he will understand that he cannot become a senatorial teabagger without pissing off his entire state. Given that MA is STILL a very liberal state, if he plans on remaining in the senate, he will be forced to more moderate stances than other GOP senators.

    Then again, he may see this as a sign from God that the teabagger agenda has been anointed from on High.

    I kind of hope for the latter.

  36. Brown's comments about his daughters were really inappropriate. He objectified them because he thought it was somehow funny at their expense. Think again.

    Time to wake up Dems! Time to get real! Time to get busy working on that Change thingie that we were anxious to believe in. Time to get serious with Health Care Reform. Time to stop trying to please everybody. Trying to please everybody defeats any substantial positive change.

    What was it that we voted for in 2008? Certainly not more of the same old, same old. Get real. Get busy. Get that promise working with Change We Can Believe In.

    Hey look! 2012 is coming to a polling place near you.

  37. "My only consolation is that he will be up for election in 2012."

    Yeah, Anon@8:58, and he'll have that pesky voting record thing to deal with/defend/fabricate, whichever is most expedient.

    I'm not sure how he's going to 'play out' in the next two years. It's possible he could be an effective senator, but if he brings MA pork he's toast and if he doesn't bring MA pork he's toast.

    All of the sudden I have a hankering for a pulled pork sandwich ...

    Or he could be a complete buffoon and engage in camera-worthy antics.

    In any case, we watch and wait.

    I too can't stomach the gloating of the Sarah's and the Rush's over this, as if it means something significant about 'the direction Americans want to go'. But it does mean that we all need to pay attention and not take things for granted.

    Because what Anon ended with could well be right "The Dominionists are eagerly awaiting their turn at power and if they get it, we all will be suffering far more than under Dick and W."

  38. crystalwolf aka caligrl10:06 AM

    What a self serving creepy tool he is! Going on & on about his daughters and not what type of plans he has for his constituents...He was elected by baggers, I've heard some people say dems that were mad about change yadda, yadda, but it was the bagger's....
    There are EVEN some whispers of Brown/Palin 2012...murmurings out of moldly groud...but still...
    Anon@7:09am....Yes...lets stop the rainbows shooting from $arah's butt asap!!! lol!
    can't wait to see that day!!!

  39. Yes, I think we can all place save bets on the Party of No on the fist bump. And yes Anon@6:21am Ted Kennedy was no angel. He never said he was, but Teddy had class that Mr. Brown will never, ever have. And his comments about his daughters were just downright disgusting. You're a junior Senator Brownie, and you'll never come close to being the Lion of the Senate. He just like Dubya, truck and all.

  40. Quiet110:26 AM

    I think it's obvious from the way his daughters are dressed (strapless hardly seems appropriate for the setting) that commenting on their sexuality was part of the plan. Probably watched one too many truck commercials. Daughter (Auria?) on his right is totally eating it up.

  41. Anonymous10:49 AM

    my right wing brother is happy about the win, but has already told me that brown's a RINO. he's usually in touch with what the right wingers are thinking. he doesn't listen to limbaugh because limbaugh is "too liberal." LOL!

  42. notafaux10:49 AM

    I just read on Think Progress that Glenn Beck said on his radio show this morning that he doesn't trust Scott Brown. Here's a snip of the Beck show transcript.

    "BECK: I want a chastity belt on this man, I want his every move watched in Washington. I don’t trust this guy. No, I’m just telling you. … This one could end with a dead intern. This one could end with a dead intern.

    "COHOST: Dead intern? I’m not sure I’d go that far.

    "BECK: I’m just saying it could end with a dead intern. … I’m just saying: Congratulations, now let’s monitor him. Let’s put an ankle bracelet on him. Let’s just know where he is at all times.

    "COHOST: You’re raining on the parade. We needed 10 minutes of celebration and you are a non-stop rain cloud.

    "BECK: Okay, we’ll get to the celebration now — if that’s what you think is appropriate."

  43. Anonymous10:51 AM

    right wingers such as my brother are already labeling brown a RINO. in emails to their liberal family members, even!

  44. notafaux11:11 AM

    I neglected to provide the link to the Think Progress piece on Glenn Beck's reaction to Brown's joke about his daughters, which I posted earlier. It's a must-read at

  45. Anonymous11:54 AM

    I'm with KaJo - the comments here are waaaaay out of proportion to the imagined crime.

    Don't shoot me, but I think he comes off as very nice and charming. Not at all cheesy and insincere as does Palin. I think we should count our blessings and see what he does.

    It's churlish to pick at him for some jokes about his very lovely girls. Jeez, he sounds like my dad - and my dad was a very decent guy.

    It's also nonproductive. We have bigger fish to fry, don't we?

  46. Anonymous1:44 PM

    Scott Brown's "available" daughter talk is not a nit, it is a very important topic. His comment was inappropriate. It reduced his daughters (and all women) to objects instead of people. That is not a nit.

    "Available" might (maybe) pass for a joke among a small group of male friends when the daughters are NOT present if the friends could be counted on to not tell the daughters that that's their father's idea of humor. Beyond that, "available" is inappropriate.

    Brown's comment is sufficient to eliminate him as a friend, a co-worker, an employer, or an elected representative for me. I would not shake his hand. I would not tolerate his speaking to my own daughters.

    In an abusive family such as Brown's the daughters can be counted on to come out with some public statement that they LIKE being joked about by their abusive relative. That's the pattern of continuing the abuse. What ever the daughters might say in exoneration, they are being abused.

  47. His comments were fine.

  48. Anonymous2:33 PM

    Mr. Brown you have a lovely daughter... Remember that song? Isn't it inappropriate for such an occasion? Scott Brown's Daughters for President of the United States!

  49. I've said my piece up above already (and thanks, one person apparently agreed with me), but really, folks -- did any of you look to see if this 3:33 minute clip from TPM was part of a 10 minute larger speech in which Brown MIGHT HAVE talked about other issues? Somehow I doubt his entire appearance before the cameras lasted 3:33 minutes.

    The looks on the girls' faces was more like "Oh, Dad, cut it out!" because he teases them all the time and jokes like that to their boyfriends/fiances, to the girls' chagrin -- he just had a bigger audience this time.

    And he DID say immediately, "I'm kidding, I'm kidding" several times. I guess he knew ahead of time some people don't have much of a sense of humor (countdown to when NOW issues a statement castigating him...10, 9, 8...).

    The video of his apparent response to the cruel joke of one of his rally audience (the curling iron comment) is the misstep I'd like to have explained by Sen.-elect Brown. As far as I'm concerned, it hasn't been explained adequately yet.

  50. I remember one time a man in a meeting with my father asked (inappropriately) if his youngest daughter (me) was "available", my father stared him down before answering "not to you, she has mcuh better taste in men".
    How disgusting that a father would say that about his own girls, another dsfunctional GOPeer.

  51. Anonymous5:47 PM

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  52. Anonymous6:25 PM

    Is that a Scott Brown clone in the background at the victory rally? A replica ready to step in if the original self-destructs?

  53. Brown's very polished Mrs Brown's jaw dropped, and the daughter on the left was not happy and did not join in the cover-up laughter. It was so wrong on so many levels. Maybe not a dead intern, but dust off the nanny cam.

  54. Anonymous6:27 AM

    I see he's mastered the Palin technique of using your family then saying leave them alone.

  55. Anonymous10:30 AM

    I think that his comments about his daughters were just disgusting and so unprofessional. This is an acceptance speech .. his acceptance speech .. not his family's ... so there really is nothing to mention about the family except a thank you. The whole thing was embarrassing .. to have his wife shriek, "stop it" in public should be unnecessary. I find that his behavior was disrespectful to the entire family ... and to the audience who had to feel some awkwardness too. Yuch! I wish Ted Kennedy's wife had run for the position!


  56. Anonymous10:30 AM

    I think that his comments about his daughters were just disgusting and so unprofessional. This is an acceptance speech .. his acceptance speech .. not his family's ... so there really is nothing to mention about the family except a thank you. The whole thing was embarrassing .. to have his wife shriek, "stop it" in public should be unnecessary. I find that his behavior was disrespectful to the entire family ... and to the audience who had to feel some awkwardness too. Yuch! I wish Ted Kennedy's wife had run for the position!



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