Someone in a Facebook group made an insane decision: because they disagreed with the ruling that keeps the Palin v. Johnston custody hearing proceedings "open," they thought it would be a "good idea" to harass the judges who made that decision.
Twitter's @JessicaBeehive (Jessica Steele) and @Talkradiohost (KBYR's Eddie Burke) decided to pick up the banner and run with it.
Here is waht was posted on Facebook:
"Tripp is not a Political Football"
We want to thank everyone for their time and attention to this matter. Over the Holidays; Superior Court Judge Kari C. Kristiansen issued a ruling under the authority of Superior Court Judge Sharon Gleason. The ruling was a denial to keep the Custody dispute Between Bristol Palin and Levi Johnston over 1 year old Tripp closed.
Judge Kristiansen sited there was no reason to keep this matter private. The Palin's trying to keep the proceedings focused on Tripp, fought for the closing of the proceedings. Levi Johnston argued for an open proceeding. The Decision raises many concerns of Political Hanky Panky; but even more, cannot be justified to be in the best interest of a 1 year old child.
Both of the Judges are appointees of Former Governor Tony Knowles--(Democrat). Both of the Judges are up for retention. Fancy for Re-Appointment in 2010. Both have been accused of activist liberal rulings prior.
The Law in Alaska without doubt provides for the closing of a proceeding. The best interest of the child, or other mitigating circumstances is the guide. There is no question both elements are in play here.
We here believe this decision is either one of the worst in Alaskan History; or is in fact: a Politically motivated attempt to harm or perhaps payback Sarah Palin. Perhaps elements of both could also be correct. Barracuda Brigade for Our American Girl! 2012 has decided, since the Judges want a public proceeding; to give them one.
This the address for both Judges. ***************************-2004--Attn: Judge Sharon Gleason/Attn: Judge Kari C. Kristiansen
Judge Gleason's phone: 907-***-**** Judge Kristiansen's phone: 907-***-****
The Judicial Review Commission of Alaska is set-up in a way, that any protest to them would be handled in this situation by: Judge Sharon Gleason---yep--that is why she had Judge Kristiansen hand down the decision.
The next level up is the Governor, Sean Parnell. His phone is--907-465-3500, fax--907-465-3532. See link below; under contact: will take you to his e-mail.
The "Tripp is not a Political Football" protest will formally begin on Thursday Jan. 7th at 12pm. cst. We ask all concerned to call, fax and e-mail Governor Parnell: also to call and write both Judges and let them know: Patriots across America find your actions a disgrace to the Judicial system. That our concerns are being directed to the Governor's Office.
The actual Court record will be available shortly, along with the list of retention. We thank you for your time and concern----Dave & Alicia
Wow this is unbelievably insane! But as anybody who has followed Palin, and her batshit followers know, this is just the beginning of the circus to come.
Like I said I cannot imagine that Sarah Palin wants this custody case to continue.
To read more about the harassment just click the title and visit my friend Celtic Diva.
I agree with you, Gryph, I forsee a settlement not too far down the road.
ReplyDeletedepose $'arah! lol...
ReplyDeletewhat's everyone really afraid of here...why not let it be open....this is not politics...this is being open and fair to all involved so Levi/Tripp can get a fair shake too, also, and get the arrangement necessary for strong, loving relationship as father/son
ReplyDeleteSnarah is having others do her dirty work again and again and again
Sorry, but Sarah is only involved in this as a "loving grandmother". I fail to see how this could reflect badly on her . . . .
ReplyDeleteOnly in Sarah's world could "open and transparent" mean there will be "political hanky-panky"! Funny, I thought "political hanky-panky" happened behind *closed* doors. Wasn't that what she chided Murkowski for during the election?
In the Oprah interview didn't she say her family was not into drama and had more productive things to do? Yeah, right and I believe the moon is made of cheese.
ReplyDeleteThe palinistas are correct in what they say about the law... the judges have the discretion to keep the case closed. As they have the discretion to keep the case open to the public. The reasons for keeping it open make sense and is in keeping with the concept of discretion. If Bristol Palin disagrees with the ruling, she ought to play by the rules and appeal.
ReplyDeleteInstead, the palinistas are going to harass the judges. On its face, that appears to be illegal. Terroristic, even. And subject to complaints which any and all readers of this blog ought to submit to Facebook. These idiots are advocating for something which appears to be illegal. Report them. Early and often.
Pour some water on these morons who keep on yelling "fire" in the crowded theatre. Shut the mofo's down!
I believe they are trying to force the judge to close the hearing AND institute a gag order.
ReplyDeleteIt will be interesting to see how the judge responds. Sarah is not a party to this case remember.
Sarah has NO legal standing in this case.
What IS Bristol thinking? Is she really agreeing with this stupidity?
If so, she is a whole lot dumber than I thought.
I don't know what the laws are specifically in Alaska, but in general:
Criminal Contempt
Criminal contempt involves conduct that hinders or obstructs justice. Examples of criminal contempt include threatening or insulting a judge or witness and disobeying a subpoena to produce evidence. A trial attorney was held in criminal contempt for his disrespectful remarks to the judge in open court proceedings. With criminal contempt, the act of contempt has been completed and the contempt cannot be "purged." The punishment is imposed to vindicate the court's authority. Criminal contempt is punishable by a fine, jail, or both. The failure to comply with an injunction might constitute either criminal contempt or civil contempt, as noted above.
These people are treading on dangerous ground here. Someone should be sure to tape the Eddie Burke show with Grandpa Heath running his mouth. And, frankly, Palin's HAIRDRESSER speaking for her????? No insult to hairdressers anywhere, but this woman is attempting to insert herself in this dialogue between Bristol and Levi. This whole Facebook attempt to coerce the judicial system is a perfect example of why this custody dispute needs to made and KEPT public.
AS soon as one of these crazies threatens a judge, they will be thrown in jail. There is little tolerance in our judicial system for threatening judges. I saw this happen once in an open court when volunteering as a CASA. They guy was arrested onsite, the court reporter had recorded the complaint--the outcome for the man involved---a year in jail---lost his job---lost total custody and all visitation rights of his two children.
ReplyDeletePS Boy if I knew who did Sarahs hair I would avoid going there. Does everyone who enters have to get a beehive?
This is really appalling. I hope they receive due punishment.
ReplyDeleteDepending on what these pathetic losers do, this can be considered harassment, and instigation of harassment, and may be subject to some kind of legal penalty.
ReplyDeleteI doubt very much if the governor has anything at all to say about the Judge's ruling to keep things out in the open. He may not like it, but I doubt if he has legal authority to change it. Since he's a Palinista too, he's not going to like that one little bit.
Under normal circumstances, among people who want to be discreet, this would never have arrived in the court system to begin with. Since Sarah is bone stupid, she instigated the case, and I doubt if she's bright enough to realize that she can change her mind and allow an out-of-court settlement. That's not the kind of thing she'll quit, because it will make her look like a martyr to those people who don't realize that Levi didn't start this.
This is all about much can they get out of Levi. Plain and simple. Of course they will settle - allow Lvi visitation - for the right amount of money in othr words ALL of it.
ReplyDeleteI hope someone took some screen shots of these terrible posts.
ReplyDeleteI hope that the Beehive's business goes bust over this. & I can't imagine an owner of a radio station would condone the harassment of a judge by one of its employees. (Although I am sure it is hard to prove these accounts are real).
Yeow! These are some whacked-out people. Why in the name of all that is holy do they think "protesting" to a judge is a good idea?
ReplyDeleteMan! What a bunch of doo-doo heads (as my five-year-old grandson would say).
Well, well, once again the Palinistas prove they are as incapable as their leader is of thinking anything, repeat ANYTHING through rationally. Any judge worth his or her salt is not going to cave in to Facebook postings. And their moral outrage; "Tripp is not a political football"! Oh, please. Where was the moral outrage at Trig being used as a political prop? That poor child was hauled across country on the book tour of the century in snow and freezing rain barefoot and no jacket or hat on. Without his hearing aid and glasses. This is insanity, but then it's the world of Sarah Palin. IF $P has any sense at all, or Van Flea for that matter, you are right Gryphen, they will settle this out of court. Time will tell.
ReplyDeleteIt goes against reason that these Palinbots should be against public disclosure. Wouldn't they want Levi to be exposed far and wide for the liar that he supposedly is? Wouldn't the elitist judiciary finally get their comeuppance at the hands of the divine Sarah?
ReplyDeleteJudges don't like this AND these people tend to threaten judges, which they really don't like.
ReplyDeleteIf I were Bristol I would shut them down now, they are doing her no favors with the court.
freedom of speech is so cool.
ReplyDeletewhere's Levi ?
sweeping floors at Bristol's LLC
Sarah left a trail of people screaming hateful things behind her on the 2008 campaign trail. She does bring out the worst in the worst people.
ReplyDeleteThis tactic appears to be aimed at forcing the judges to make a ruling in Bristol's favor by way of protest. We know that the legal system doesn't work that way.
A secondary benefit would be to get the proceedings closed to the public. If anyone deserved to be put on a banned-list because they incited violence, this crowd would be in the top ten. No court room attendance for you. Gryphen will tell you why.
But, that doesn't mean that the court proceedings would be secret and kept from the public. Reporters may still have access.
And, the records would be available to the public.
Sarah can show her true leaderships skills by posting a comment that these people really do have to let the proceedings follow the correct legal path. But we know that she can't do that. In the long run, this stuff will not help Bristol, and it may end up hurting her.
Van Flein can publish an open letter explaining that while he does appreciate their support, this kind of threatening behavior will not help his client at all. Decisions are based on the law, not because there is a screaming crowd outside the courthouse. But, I don't think that VF will issue that kind of statement on his own, and Sarah is secretly enjoying this too much to realized that it would be a good idea.
I say, "Keep it up gals and guys! You are only making things easier by making Levi's case for him." His lawyer suggested that Levi wanted the case heard in open court because Sarah was still powerful and influential in Alaska. You have just helped Levi in more ways than you could imagine. Thanks a bunch.
The judges have staff who are trained to handle crap like this.The judges in question probably won't even ever know this is going on, unless something threatening is said and their staff report it to them and to law enforcement. Typical dumb bots.
ReplyDeletewow, just imagine if they put all that energy into doing something that would make the world a better place. can't be bothered with that, tho - must spend time and energy defending Victim Quitter.
ReplyDeletethis has nothing to do with the kid. once again, it's all about sarah.
Call me naive, or crazy--but since the judges have fair warning of a "start date" of Thursday Jan 7th--what would happen if they just took their phones off the hook?
ReplyDeleteConstant busy signal? Problem solved. lol
Pssstt --- Hey Sarah! Over here!
ReplyDeleteNeed another shovel to dig that grave of yours? No? Oh well, just let me know when you are ready... it's that one over there in the corner with a big red bow.
CD says that the plans are also posted on Sarah's Facebook. I hope someone has screenshots of that, too, because I bet that'll be cleaned quickly.
ReplyDeleteThe phrase "mind numbingly stupid" does seem to apply to these people, doesn't it?
I know Bree has the screen shots. It might be worthwhile when the dust has settled, to contact the judges and let them know the screenshots ARE available to them if they wish the information.
ReplyDeleteContempt of Court for interference in a legal position by persons with no standing?
Good luck with that Flying Monkeys.
I've had a feeling for a long time that these goons are a farce to be reckoned with, LOL! This is the mob mentality in its worst manifestation.
ReplyDeleteThe more there are, the stupider they get. They love feeding frenzies. They will eat their own. It's only a matter of time. I plan to be around when that happens, golf clapping with great gusto.
Bring it on, morons!
I have to wonder who Eddie and Jessica have doing their research. Because according to the following:
Maybe they should asked a 9 year old how to use google. Judge Kristiansen was appointed to the superior court by Murkowski not Knowles. Gleason was appointed by Knowles.
Can a judge put a gag order on the press and still leave the case open to the public?
Where was the palinistas outrage when Sarah used a group of innocent kindergartners for "political football"? Her treatment of you, Gryphen, reveals that she is not above involving innocent children when it suits her political motives.
ReplyDeleteAnd from what I've read, it seemed like her lawyer was partly to blame for the decision because they filed late. How can you be mad if your own people are responsible for not complying with the rules? Wait, I forgot this is Sarah Palin we're dealing with. Its kind of ironic though that after all those times she neglected pesky "legal deadlines", like those specified in the state constitution or from the FOIA, this was the one where she finally felt the consequences.
Are these people really so crazy as to threaten judges? That's a quick way to get the feds involved and to attract MORE media attention - both of which I'm sure Sarah wants.
Interesting. If little Tripp isn't a "political football," why did Sarah kick him (and all the Palinspawn) through the uprights?
ReplyDeleteOh Lord, don't this just beat all. I knew she wouldn't be able to keep her mouth shut after the statements Levi made in his filing.
ReplyDeleteIt'll be interesting to see what she says or does, if anything, to stop this crusade.
I was looking at the FB link and I think it's funny the bots think all 1 million followers are actually "fans."
I hope Saruh pays her AK hairdresser. She did not pay the one who came to her hotel and dressed her locks in Utah. She just expected everyone to kiss her ring, and give up their time and talents for free.
ReplyDeleteSo many of Palin's "fans" are calling Levi down. Seems he was good enough to date, have a child with Bristol and bring him on the campaign trail. He is only 19 and deserves to see his son. The pictures look pretty chummy the teens all over Sarah's house. Now he is a bad influence? bahhh!!
ReplyDeleteI have been thinking about this for awhile. A tad off topic but sometimes what is not said means more then what is said. I do believe Levi and that people fear Sarah. Why has no one come forward that know her to speak well of her? Not people on Facebook but former classmates, friends, neigbhors, co-workers??
I know if a mayor of my small town was know personally by me I would post the positive I knew about him. No one says a word. Just my 2 cents....Barbara
Who suggested that Bristol was trying to extort money from Levi? That's a joke if I ever heard one. I think this whole cas is trying to get Levi out of Bristol's life. And the Palinbots are not helping Sarah's case at all. Oh wait, ha ha Bristol. . . That's right, Sarah is not involved at all.
ReplyDeletesure. . .
Good grief! Unbelievable that the Palinistas are calling for a mass demonstration in a legal matter. Calling the JUDGES!!
ReplyDeleteWhy is everybody on here posting what Scarah should do? I say let'em rip. I think "freedom of speech" also too means that they have the freedom to shoot themselves in the foot (verbally of course 'cause we all know they are very good shots in the literal sense).
"(Although I am sure it is hard to prove these accounts are real)."
ReplyDeleteAnon at 7:13, you're plumb crazy! :-) Half of Van Flea's briefs for Bristol contain references to inaccurate Twitterings-- obviously in Alaska they count as legal authority!
OT: Did someone say a nurse died in a mysterious fire (along with a mysterious church fire) in Wasilla/Palmer around the year(s) these children were born?
ReplyDeleteWith "fans" like these, who needs enemies? I guess Palin's hairdresser REALLY doesn't like her; this is going to hurt Bristol's case for custody. It certainly does prove that Levi is in danger from these crazy people; how can Tripp be safe if these are the people that Palin associates with--people who threaten judges? It also links Sarah Palin to the custody case as an interfering 3rd party who has politicized the case.
ReplyDeleteGuess they don't much believe in all that transparency stuff.
ReplyDeleteGuess they don't believe Bristol's claim that the Quitter is only involved as a grandmother.
Wondering what her FB and Twitter response will be
The palinbots don't understand restraints on freedom of speech.
ReplyDeleteIt is quite different to harass Celtic Diva and threaten her, or to bully and threaten Gryphen, than it is to publisise a Judges address and phone number and tell people to harass a sitting judge in a simple enough custody case.
This should have been settled out of court by the two teens involved.
I don't know what the penalties are for even mounting such a campaign against any judge, but I think Jessica Steele Palins hairdresser and Eddie Burke should know better.
Intimadating bloggers may have worked in some instances, and not worked in the case of Gryphen and Celtic Diva.
But it certainly will not work against a Judge.
Sarah Palin has been judged by some people as stupid woman, a vindictive airhead ( Sean Hannitys audience) and she proves it daily.
These palinbots are real idiots aren't they. The day all this came out I looked up the judge to see if I could gather her political leanings by anything I found on the internet. Took me oh.....a whole 5 seconds to find that she was appointed by Frank Murkowski NOT Tony Knowles. Byline: Andrew Wellner
ReplyDeleteFeb. 16 2007--WASILLA -- Certain things don't necessarily occur to a person when she is made a judge. Like what kind of robe does she want. And what happens if the one she has doesn't fit well. "I've been using a loaner robe since you're asking, and it doesn't fit very well," said Kari Kristiansen, recently appointed to the bench in Palmer. She has caught the robe three times already in her chair; the hem has gotten wound up in the chair rollers. That wouldn't be so bad, except it's impossible to remain graceful in that situation and "there's always an audience," Kristiansen said. Kristiansen, 42, along with Vanessa White, 50, were appointed Nov. 17, 2006, by then-Gov. Frank Murkowski to serve on the Palmer Superior Court. They fill two seats the Legislature created in June 2006. Kristiansen started work Jan. 16. The ill-fitting robe was supposed to be gone last week, but the robe she ordered as a replacement arrived, and its sleeves were even worse. She had to send it back. "I just live with it," she said. Kristiansen came to the court from the Alaska attorney general's office. She was one of many assistant attorneys general, and her main job was representing the Alaska Housing Finance Corp. in legal disputes. Before that she worked for their health and social services division on cases involving children in need of aid. She said she is excited to get to work in Palmer. Everyone she works with has been nice, especially the two judges already serving on the Superior Court -- Eric Smith and Beverly Cutler. "They're just wonderful people and very helpful," Kristiansen said. Kristiansen's parents immigrated to Alaska from Norway. She speaks Norwegian but wouldn't call herself fluent. "Definitely I'm close to it. I can understand conversational Norwegian," Kristiansen said. She grew up in Anchorage, attending East High School, before ...
JuJu and Jesse C. please get the message back to camp pathetic for us would ya?
Took me maybe another whole 10 seconds to find the actual questionaire she filled out for Murkowski as part of the process of consideration.
They obviously have this inability in common with their Queen as well.........doesn't have to be true, don't need proof, just say it and that makes it true! Geesh!
I shouldn't even have to comment on their idea to go after the judge as it is the most idiotic behavior I've even seen from adults.
They are ruining the case for Bristol, making it much more apparent to the judge why Levi felt it couldn't be private.
If the Palinbots can do this to the judge what do you think they would do to Levi Johnston?
Google the judges name today and you'll find umpteen sites attacking her with the call out from the Palinbots to go 'after' her.
How well do they think this will play out?
Before long maybe Rachel Maddown will have a segment on idiots across the country being arrested for cyberstalking a sitting Alaskan judge!
I can't say it enough..........
stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid.
DCity Chick
These palinbots remind me of the flying monkeys of the evil wicked witch of the west. They just follow her on her broom doing her bidding. Now, if the evil witch...(clear throat)..hmm..I mean, Sarah, wishes to be a non-participant in this and clear this up, it's imperative she posts a facebook message right away, asking people not to participate in this, allow the legal process to dictate outcomes, as it is a personal matter.
ReplyDeleteAlthough, this whole "personal matter" was birthed the day she pronounced Bristol pregnant to the world. And, because Mother Sarah revealed this story to the world, she is reaping the rewards now of this disclosure for years to come. Palinbots who blame judges, Levi, others refuse to admit this whole scenario could have been prevented and this innocent child left alone, if Mother Sarah had her priorities straight at the beginning.
This is a personal matter about a child and his parents and these flying monkeys care nothing about him, but about their idol.
Can anyone say Orley Taitz? It seems as if these "protesters" are following in her footsteps by planning a campaign to harrass and insult the judge. Hopefully, they have at least $10,000 on hand.
ReplyDeleteGryphen - I am confused. Who are Dave and Alicia? Did they write this post and Jessica and Eddie linked to it; or did Jessica and Eddie write it?
ReplyDeleteCampaigns to manipulate judges away from sound decisions come from both the left and right. A good judge pays no attention to it. I have to wonder after my experiences if there are any good judges in Alaska.
ReplyDeleteThese crazy people already blame President Obama for the judge's decision (like the POTUS gives a rat's ass about a custody case).
ReplyDeleteWHAT are you afraid of Sarah, the truth coming out in court?
I wonder if Bristol realizes that she is pimping out Tripp the way that Sarah pimps out Trig?
This case NEEDS to be in open court to prevent the Palins from lying up a shit storm.
And I do not want Levi to settle with any kind of visitation rights. He should SHARE custody with Bristol.
Levi's lawyer is smart. He saw all this coming. Good for him! Good for Levi and his baby.
ReplyDeleteI think the Palinbots behavior falls under what is called Menacing, or aggravated menacing, both are misdemenors and probably in the case of Celtic Diva and Gryphen felonies.
ReplyDeleteI don't know the pertinent laws in Alaska, but the Judges certainly will.
So keep up your insane threats Palinbots, and sooner or later some of you will pay the price.
Barbara @8:26 - I'd really like to know where those people are also, too. There never is anyone from her past who speaks kindly of her. And you would think there would be many. How sad is that?
9:00 AM can Tripp be safe...
ReplyDeleteIt is a given that all the children are being raised around chronic liars. That is emotional doom to any child. We don't know half of the threats they live with daily. What will happen if Sarah does not get her way? Who will she blame if the judge is off limits? Look at all Sarah did for Bristol? How many teens are in a leadership position like she has with the Candies Foundation? She has an opportunity to make a mark in Wasilla where unwed teens are prevalent. She can live like a princess with childcare help. And she has formed a public relations limited partnership. She can be a political consultant to those who will shape America. How many teens have all that power?
I don't now that any of the Palin children are safe. How can Sarah allow a settlement that Levi could accept? That would be a lose to her. How long would she seethe with vengeance before striking? Who would get her wrath? Would she go after Levi or someone else in her reach?
I do not see that Sarah or Bristol will go to court either. The children will lose no matter what because Bristol cannot separate from all Sarah does for her.
I think the whole custody was for control...sarah to control Levi and keep him quiet. Keep quiet you see Tripp...don' don't get to see him, I think they wanted Levi to do a settlement and Levi said "hey bring it on and lets be public" they are pissed, baby eddie tweeted yesterday...
ReplyDelete# no gag order in palin custody fgt, will give levi opport 2 embarras palins into givn him what he wants #palin #gop #tcot #orca 12:00 AM Jan 4th from mobile web
Now just what is there for "the palins" to be "embarrassed" about??? If they did nothing wrong??? Oh these palinbots are definitely barking up the wrong tree and if sarah was smart she would act fast and make them STFU!
But no tweets from her, no facebook she must be down in Hollywood having some more "Work" done...I'm sure she wasn't please at all with her recent "celeb" pics, lol! Oh yeah, I am flagging those FB pages!!! I encourage everyone to join me ;-)
A logical reason for the Palins wanting this case anonymous would be that any info that comes out such as a birth certificate that didn't match the given birth date of Tripp would really start the ball rolling about what a fraud Sarah Palin is.
ReplyDeleteBy closing the case, none of that info becomes public information.
Aren't they afraid Miss Quittypants will quit on them too?
Tea Party Nation is pleased to announce the First National Tea Party Convention to be held February 4-6, 2010 at the Gaylord Opryland Hotel in Nashville, TN. The convention is aimed at bringing the Tea Party Movement leaders together from around the nation for the purpose of networking and supporting the movements' multiple organizations principle goals. This event will be co-sponsored by other national groups that believe in a responsible and limited federal government that is responsive to all the people. National Taxpayers Union, American Majority, Smart Girl Politics, and SurgeUSA are just a few of the organizations who will be on hand to contribute their time and talents to this convention.
Special Keynote Speaker for the event will be Sarah Palin, Governor of Alaska (2006-2009) and 2008 Republican Vice Presidential Nominee.
SP posted on FB about 30 minutes ago about POTUS "terrorist policy" being all wrong and "lame". Usual stupid ranting written by somebody else. Palinbots are loving it.
ReplyDelete" I can't imagine an owner of a radio station would condone the harassment of a judge by one of its employees.
ReplyDelete7:13 AM"
Ahhhh, yes! Why didn't I think of that?!!
Advocating for the harassment of judges may just be a violation of FCC regulations... a radio station could lose it's operating license for that type of bullhockey.
This is SO weird.
ReplyDeleteSarah is NOT a party to the custody case. She has NO standing legally. And I'm betting the judge is well aware of who does have legal standing.
Doesn't matter what the flying monkeys do, judges do NOT intimidate easily. They make rulings, and they generally rule on the LAW. This is not a canasta game.
This is not a clever tactic by the Palinbots. This will come back to bite Bristol in the ass. Formally calling for morons to harrass a judge is NOT a smart thing to do.
So let it happen ... in fact, let's hope it happens. A judge will not hesitate to slap Sarah's minions down. And then they'll go and whine about something else.
It is quite different to harass Celtic Diva and threaten her, or to bully and threaten Gryphen, than it is to publisise a Judges address and phone number and tell people to harass a sitting judge in a simple enough custody case.....
ReplyDelete......... but it was okay for Dennis Zaki to publish Sarah Palin's address and this comment?
In the winter you can walk out onto the ice and walk up to the house through the back door.
She doesn't mind visitors, just walk right up to the house and say hello!
Only more proof that Sarah is scared to death and afraid more of her lies are going to be proven
ReplyDeleteI never knew we had such mentally ill and stupid people in this country and their leader is Ms. Palin.
ReplyDeleteI can't buy the idea that Tripp needs to have his privacy protected by closed proceedings. He's 1, not likely to be following the judge's rulings or reading about a bitter custody fight going on unless he's some kind of kid genius. If the kid was 10 or older and able to access news or online resources then perhaps keeping this mess private would save him some embarrassment.
ReplyDeleteTeam Palin would rather keep their dirty secrets to themselves and also, too they can be meaner if noone is looking. Too bad, Sarah loses this one....
Wonder how long it will be before someone decides to take a shot at one of those judges. Or put a bomb in their car. Kill their dog.
ReplyDeleteWhat's worse than a Fascist? Because the Palinbots are heading in that direction.
FBI, Domestic Terrorists. 'Nuff said.
ReplyDeleteTracing the posters through ISP won't be a problem with the lovely and versatile Patriot Act. How apropos that it is being used to hunt down and arrest these "patriots".
One person's patriot is another person's goose-stepping fascist brown shirt I guess.
Oh, and the Palinbots are not *my* patriots if you get my drift.
Oh, yes, do please annoy the judge. That worked out so well for Orly Taitz.
ReplyDeletePat in Texas
Jonh doe, I would like to see a link plese to your quote re: Zaki.
ReplyDeleteAnd as I recall, Since Dec 08- at least May 09 a pro-palin site (all pink) she had palins HOME address up so everyone could send cards and presents for sarah's new grandchild...if, and I say if...until I see a link it is palinbot bs how is that different? And so you are saying its ok to harras judges? Just want to clarify your position for when Levi's lawyers & the judges check this page and want IP numbers.... :)
John Doe the idiot at 30 Below- everyone here already knew Sarah's address..It wasn't anything new to us. Are you that stupid to make that kind of comparison?
ReplyDeleteI hope they make the calls to the judge. Caller ID will identify them. Police will arrest them. They will eventually come before a judge, hahaha. Then they can all be together in one big happy jail cell.
ReplyDeleteThe advocated action is a matter of tampering in a court case instead of contempt. Contempt is what happens inside the courtroom; this is essentially an attempt by idiots with no standing in the custody case to unduly influence the rulings of the judges in the pending case.
ReplyDeleteSarah Palin's fans are calling for the harassment of the judges. These people are NOT "judicial activists." These people are domestic terrorists. It is one thing to disagree with a particular ruling (there are rules which allow for appeals thru the utilization of appropriate avenues) but it is quite another to target individual judges. If Bristol is unhappy with the ruling, she needs to go thru the proper judicial procedure.
Quite frankly, people who harass, threaten and harm judges are people who are not lovers of America and the American way. Follow the rules, people. Targeting judges is criminal.
Oh, and Anon @ 7:54 - yes, JohnDoe IS THAT STUPID.