"I am thrilled to be on this show and to be part of a program that educates teens and young adults about the consequences of teen pregnancy," Palin said in a statement.
First I would like to say I am very happy that Bristol gets the opportunity to follow Levi's dream of being an actor. (Did anybody else ever hear that Bristol wanted to act before?)
However I am a little puzzled by the show that she chose to make her debut.
According to a statement from ABC Family, the show "deals honestly and directly with the consequences of an unplanned pregnancy in a non-exploitative manner and explores how the core character's relationships with her mother, father, sister and friends are affected. . . . We hope the show encourages teenagers and parents to open up a dialogue about issues important to them. . . ."
I mean Bristol's tale of being a teen mother is hardly typical, now is it?
First her pregnancy gets announced to the national media during a presidential campaign. She then spends several months cohabitating with her boyfriend in Wasilla while her mother is giving speeches across the country. Then she supposedly gives birth to her baby in December but hides from view until February 16, when she suddenly reappears on the Greta Van Susteren show where she, quite truthfully, admits that "abstinence isn't realistic". During the time between giving birth and making her television appearance Bristol kicks her "fiancee" to the curb. Next she appears as an ambassador for Candies, but for some reason seems to do very little to earn the title. (Sound familiar?) And then, just like her mother, she quits and we hear very little from her until recently.
Today Bristol lives in a compound on a dead lake, and allows her mother to sic her attack lawyer on the boy who made her the most famous teen mother in the world in order to wrest custody of their child away from him. Somehow I don't see a lot of teens relating to Bristol's bizarre life.
And I do not want to be cruel but Bristol always appeared to be VERY uncomfortable in front of the camera so I kind of wonder how she will do when she is expected to remember lines of dialogue and emote on command. Still it will be interesting to see if yet another rumor gets confirmed when we see her appear before the camera again.
Hmm I wonder if this will be filmed in the Wasilla studio, or if Bristol has to leave her babies (However many there are!) in order to fly out of state? I know a VERY nice family that would be glad to watch at least one of them for her.
Update: It looks like Bristol is not the only one getting ready for her close up.
This will be Sarah's first time on the show in anything other than a brief skit. I wonder if Leno has the guts to turn to her and ask "So, what about all of those babies?"
Bristol seems as animated as a bowl of soggy cornflakes, and about as bright. I don't thinkt his show is gonna be a hit.
ReplyDeleteSpeechless as ever at this. Is this show a scripted drama or a reality show. On CBS site it says she will be be playing herself
ReplyDeleteLevi needs to stop all filming of his son. They need his permission, and he should pull a Jon Gosselin and refuse to allow his child filmed.
ReplyDeleteThats all Bristol is on TV for anyway. To exploit her son just like her momma does.
She can stick to her day job like a normal american teenager with a secret life.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Palins=the gift that keeps on giving.
ReplyDeleteGryphen - go back to the ABC Family announcement and read down to the middle of the page - look how the ABC writer's describe Bristol & Trig:
ReplyDelete"We're thrilled to have [Bristol] join us, and I think she will bring additional attention to the issues facing teen parents that we've been exploring for a couple seasons now," "Secret Life" executive producer Brenda Hampton said in a statement.
Bristol Palin, who became pregnant in high school, was thrust on the national stage with young baby in arms when her mother Sarah Palin was named John McCain's running mate in the 2008 presidential election.
Bristol was briefly engaged to the baby's father, Levi Johnston, whom she has recently has taken to court to get full custody of their son, Tripp, and to ask for increased child support."
Just in case you missed it: "Bristol Palin, who became pregnant in high school, was thrust on the national stage with young baby in arms..."
Does this not sound as if the writers are confused - that they think Bristol was carrying her own son around on the stage? Talk about a Freudian slip!
Whole promo is here: http://abcnews.go.com/GMA/bristol-palin-play-secret-life-american-teenager/story?id=9917876
Maybe it's one of those where the kid goes through all the suffering of having a baby, and then Bristol gives a heartfelt talk to the actors about the importance of saying no.
ReplyDeleteI can't see her actually trying to do a role, so "playing herself" has got to mean giving a canned speech. She has all the vitality of cooked spinach, so either way, people are going to laugh at her.
That's just because we're so meeeeean. And we hate Baby Trig, right?
Wow Gryph! There are two phrases that jumped right out at me.
ReplyDelete"Then she supposedly gives birth to her baby in December..."
Are you hinting that in spite of filing legal documents in a court of law that specifically states Tripp's birthdate as Dec '08, this may not be the case?
"if Bristol has to leave her babies (However many there are!)"
This still makes me incline to the three baby theory.
1. Original Trig (Triggybear)born to Bristol sometime during winter of '07 to early spring of '08.
2. Adopted Trig, (Sarah's)
3. Tripp (winter 0f '08-'09)
She is as stiff as cardboard and as inspiring as soggy cornflakes.
ReplyDeleteThe Palins are cultural grifters.
ReplyDeleteMaybe now, since Bristol is about to become a successful Hollywood actress, she can drop her lawsuit against Levi over child support?
In any event, I see adult films in Bristol's future.
Recent exposes indicate that reality shows are scripted.
ReplyDeleteI wonder how much Bristol will discuss about her "relationships with her mother, father, sister and friends" and how those relationships have been affected by her unplanned pregancy(cies).
I would venture a guess that her pregancy(cies) was/were affected more by her mother and father than the other way around.
Bristol Hollywood, indeed. Seems we can look to whatever she is accusing Levi of being or doing to see what her next step will be.
ReplyDeleteI predict that this will be a cameo with no lines.
ReplyDeleteHere is a description of the show from ABC's site: The teens at Grant High are living life in the fast lane. Between their love triangles, secrets, drama, accusations, gossip, confusion, and scandalous rumors, there's never a dull moment. The he-said, she-said can get intense! Their parents' lives are just as complicated. From paternity questions to happy reunions and unexpected romances (past and present), there's always something going on.
Yeah, that sounds about right.
Looks like an excuse to pick at Levi.
ReplyDeleteI agree w/5:52. She has no confidence and no talent. Failure to start with. Don't see it going anywhere. Makes me laugh, hahahhahahah.
ReplyDeleteHow, oh how, does she do it? Up at 4 am to give the baby a bath, at work all day, at school all evening and now an acting career?
ReplyDeleteWho is taking care of the baby between 6am and midnight?
What a crock of crap.
Of course it will be filmed in the Wasilla studio with SP just off camera pulling the strings. Sarah will essentially be the producer, controlling all the content of the episodes, including the special episode where mother and daughter sit down together and talk about how wonderful it is to be raising children at the same time and how it must have been god's will.
ReplyDeleteMirror, mirror on the wall....am I my mother after all?
ReplyDeleteThis photo brings to mind the cryptic message left on the blog a few months back...stating, and I paraphrase, "Trig was Tripp before he was Trig."
ReplyDeleteThe plot has definitely thickened...
I think Bristol Hollywood would be a nice stage name.
ReplyDeleteI swear if we looked up hypocrite in the dictionary there would be a picture of the Palins for the description. Sarah makes fun of Levi calling him "Ricky Hollywood" on Oprah then Bristol does a tv show. WTH???
ReplyDeleteThey truly believe they are untouchable and above everyone else. I cannot wait until their little facade comes tumbling down.
Their arrogance is astounding!
Playing yourself, is not acting. They are just using her for ratings and it won't matter whether she can "act" or not.
ReplyDeleteA cameo at best.
So, now she's doing exactly what she, Sarah and her lawyer is criticizing Levi for? Brilliant. I tell you, Brilliant.
ReplyDeleteHmmm....interesting that she is cashing in on her teenage pregnancy thanks to Levi. This family is all about the money and not much else.
ReplyDeleteWell Ms Ricky Hollywood, while you are exploring your 'acting' career I can but hope that you will not be exploiting your child. And remember, he has a father who would be more than happy to look after him while you are explaining to your viewers the consequences of teen pregnancy as you have experienced them - ie $$$$$ for television interviews and magazine covers. "Mirror, mirror on the wall, I am my mother after all".
ReplyDeleteBeing famous for having unprotected sex. Landing a job for having unprotected sex. Yea, that really sends a message to teen girls. Have unprotected sex when you are a teen and get rich and famous.
ReplyDeleteLook for new nose, new hair, new teeth, new boobs - Bristol can't wait to show 'em off!
ReplyDeleteI'm sure that CBS didn't approach Bristol, she isn't very attractive and is worse than her mom on camera. More than likely, it was all set up by Sarah.
ReplyDeleteBritsol taking part in Hollyweird? Oh, the horrors for the bots. She is crossing over. The show description reminds me of the ridiculous contrast between Candie's sexy advertising and their fake mission to prevent teen pregnancy. Somehow I don't think Bristol is going to make a big difference for teens in convincing them the woes of teen pregnancy. What is her example? Get pregnant - get on the cover of People. Wow. Awesome!
another tiny hollywood starlet in the making, lol!
ReplyDelete"go ahead and have your babies girls, you can just live with mommy and daddy forever! maybe mommy will buy a shiny new escalade!"
yeah go ABC family (barf). ! I really don't want my teen looking up to the likes of Bristol. And I'm going to write ABC family and tell them so.
ReplyDeleteI hope others will too.
A loaf of bread has more personality than Bristol.
Is Levi still planing to give a deposition tomorrow?
ReplyDeleteNever heard of this teen soap opera. Hard to imagine her acting. She seems so stilted and so uncomfortable when any attention is paid to her.
ReplyDeleteI hope that she films her parts asap, as her gig will be short-term once all is discovered with her pregnancies. She needs to get some money quick.
Do you think we'll get to see if she's had any "work done"? Sure looked that way when she was on Oprah with her mom.
ReplyDeleteWhich message is she going to be sending ABC? That having sex before marriage is wrong? (the just say no crowd's message) (That you can act sexual, dress like a slut, but be abstinant?(How else do you interpret the Candies message?) The "Ohhhh having a baby as a single mother is so hard on me, message? (the classic Palin victim message) The I'm not having sex again til I marry, message? (Yah right!) The being abstinent is not realistic message? (the only thing she's said she really believes) The let's get revenge on my baby's daddy, message? (a family trait) The don't do as I do, do as I say, message? (Looks more like her mother every day) The I don't want Levi making money off of his kid's pictures, that is for me, message? (More Palin hypocracy) The don't have sex before marriage message/but Tipp is the best thing that ever happened to me message? (more mixed messages) Or lastly, the Hey, who knew being a recovered drunken drugged out party slut could pay so well, message? (A light went on in her head)
ReplyDeleteLife with Scarah is an act. Glad to see Bristol is moving towards openly preforming. Playing self is not too exciting. I don't know what the show is about or how it will handle the subject.
ReplyDeleteLevi is holding back, maybe the court situation. Bristol can try to be center stage and teach her perspective.
Does she drive 2 hours a day, work and bathe trip? Her life is nothing like most teens. I hope this is about rich teens. Like Bristol and Jamie Lynn. Can she do interviews without Mommy or on closed sets?
I'd like her to explain why she can't get her own place without sounding like a victim from a cult. Her opinion on the health care they receive and how she likes the Escalade.
This act may just be to pretend for a judge that she is going out on her own like Levi did. He did show he could get a house, that is what Bristol must do. At least rent an apartment for Trip.
The parent that spares Trip from being around Sarah deserves full custody.
I have watched this show with my teenage daughter. I have to say, and I'm being kind here, that this is the worst show on television. I dare anyone to sit through a full episode. If you like bad acting, and teens with sex on the brain all the time, then this is the show for you. Also, too, there is a actor with downs syndrome. This is not a good show about the trials of having a baby young.
ReplyDeleteLove how the hypocrisy has come full circle. Repubs would have a kitten if a Dem child pulled this stunt...and I mean from the beginning on a national stage. I suspect we'll see Bristol about 10 years from now on some lame Where Are They Now show...lounging like a fat lizard , still at Mommy's home with about 5 kids by that time, one hand on a crackberry begging agents for just one more chance, while trying to sign her latest I'll screw the Daddy for my kids papers in the other. Ahhh, such marvelous family values...puke.
ReplyDeleteOh, c'mon guys, you cannot say that Bristol hasn't been getting plenty of acting experience of late.
ReplyDeletePat in Texas
I have not been fair to Bristol; she is doing a great acting job just surviving in that family!
ReplyDeleteBristol will fall under the category of actors that say no more than 5 words. Anything that is asked of her, as in the Candie's Foundation and the promo of that event, add in Oprah -- all she gives is a one word answer. That means within say a 10 minute segment, she'll respond "No", "yes", "maybe", "NO" and "No". Shrugging the shoulders as a response isn't recognized as verbalizing so therefore the 14 shrugs of the shoulders because she has no effin' clue -- won't be counted for anything. So ABC gets away with paying her scale.
ReplyDeleteozmud said... look how the ABC writer's describe Bristol & Trig:
ReplyDelete"Bristol Palin, who became pregnant in high school, was thrust on the national stage with young baby in arms . . . Bristol was briefly engaged to the baby's father, Levi Johnston, . . ."
Good catch, Ozmud! ABC writes that the baby at the convention was Bristol and Levi's baby. Correction, Sarah?
Oh for god's sake, this is beyond the point of being ridiculous! Bristol Palin is as wooden and uninteresting as anyone I have ever seen on camera, so maybe her mother needs a new career and wants to produce/direct in that fancy new studio. I cannot imagine that the religous right approves of this, unless she is going to tell everybody how to be saved and have Jesus Christ as their personal saviour. Where is James Dobson now? And it is not just Bristol; there is no one that bears the name of Palin that is a typical anything.
ReplyDeleteThe timing on this announcement is excellent with respect to the child support case and Levi's scheduled deposition tomorrow. This just "dinged" Van Flein/Bristol's arguments regarding inconsistent future salary from Levi's "chosen career" (as VF calls it). Same with Bristol's argument about custody issues and schedules.
ReplyDeleteI would love to be able to sit in on the deposition.
She won't be on screen over a minute. A middle class teen meets Ambassador and revirgin expert Bristol. How weird. Bristol will warn her about asking baby daddy that can't see baby for only $1600.00 a month. Is middle class teen from Alaska and part native? Is she living with her parents?
ReplyDeleteBristol honey... please try not to call your child a "mistake" on the ABC show.
ReplyDeleteOnce was enough
In all the other chances she had to speak about her experience, she would not. When asked about her relationship with Levi or the pregnancy, she closed the door. All she basically has said is the typical Palin Hillbilly Chant "Do As I Say, Not As I Do"
ReplyDeleteBristol is a backwards wh ore. Instead of getting paid before giving out -- she's getting paid after the fact.
Presenting: Miss Rickki Hollywood! Ask her anything, anything at all! (And her mom will respond.)
ReplyDeleteMaybe she's filed for sole custody because she doesn't want to get Levi's permission to do wants to do a reality show like Octomom.
ReplyDeleteGlad that Levi at least has a skill, hunting, where he can do a reality show and actually teach viewers something useful.
My home state, Wyoming, doesn't have a lot of employment opportunities, which is why the population is even less than Alaska's. Nonetheless, outfitters can make a decent living. Maybe Levi can lead hunting trips for Outsiders.
7:20 AM
ReplyDeleteTeen pregnancy is a serious subject and exactly what the entertainment biz likes to exploit. I am not surprised to read your assessment. The Peebots will love it and exalt Bristol ever more.
At least she doesn't go word-salady like mom.
ReplyDeleteBristol has a mission progressing the unrealistic born again virgin abstinence message after all.
She is still pretty, her authenticity is increasingly minimized by the family's penchant for exploitation and exaggeration. Bristol has lived off the public dime most her life, affording her a protected, cushioned and privileged lifestyle most teens could not relate to.
Her interviews are still cringe-worthy, this scripted production is going to be embarrassing.
I didn't look into the article that was presented, but who ever wrote "arguably the most famous teen mother in America", is an American adult who follows politics with no connection to what teens know and think. She certainly is not the most famous teen mother in the minds of American teens. Ask a few, "who was that famous teenager who got pregnant last year, or was it the year before?" The first answer is "you mean Jamie Lynn Spears?" The second is Britney Spears (whom is neither a teen nor was pregnant), then you have "oh you mean Nicole Richie?" (again not a teen). They are famous though for being on tv shows that teens watch or in pop magazines that teens read because they are on shows that again, teens watch. Most teenagers don't pay that much attention to politics, other than when their parents talk about it, if they are even listening. They are too busy living their lives, talking on the phones, checking out the cute boy/girl that they hope might like them too, etc.
ReplyDeleteNot saying all teens are not aware of Bristol Palin, I'm sure some are, and I bet their parents talk about politics to them on a regular basis too.
It just is kind of funny when you think about it but my reality, the reality of what this tv show would like it to be is not the reality of most teens.
Don't even get started on the ones who then asked me if someone from Glee was pregnant. (not related to the question at all)
Forget People magazine, In Touch. That isn't what they read, try, Seventeen, CosmoGirl, J-14, M, Teen Vogue or Teen Voices to name a few.
Welcome to a teenagers reality.
One point is that if teens actually end up watching this show, then Bristol Might become popular with teens. However, if it ends up being a show watched by adults who are interested more in what Palins daughter is doing then it'll just be another nothing show. We'll have to wait to see what the real demographics and ratings of the show turn out to be.
$ARAH'$ $ONG I$:
ReplyDelete"Money ,That's What I Want"
Now Bri$tol i$ $inging her OWN $ong as she is trying to milk Levi for all $he can get!
I work all night, I work all day, to pay the bills I have to pay
Ain't it sad
And still there never seems to be a single penny left for me
That's too bad
In my dreams I have a plan
If I got me a wealthy man
I wouldn't have to work at all, I'd fool around and have a ball
Money, money, money
Must be funny
In the rich man's world
Money, money, money
Always sunny
In the rich man's world
All the things I could do
If I had a little money
It's a rich man's world
A man like that is hard to find but I can't get him off my mind
Ain't it sad
And if he happens to be free I bet he wouldn't fancy me
That's too bad
So I must leave, I'll have to go
To Las Vegas or Monaco
And win a fortune in a game, my life will never be the same
Several comments have mentioned in different ways how passive Bristol is. Has anyone considered that none of this is her idea? That she just goes along passively as a way of survival in that crazy family. She may be telling herself that there is no one else to take care of the little ones. As for how many little ones, I think we have more questions than ever. I've given up speculating: its too crazy.
ReplyDeleteGryphen, 2 things...
ReplyDelete"Then she supposedly gives birth to her baby in December but hides from view until February 16"
Are you hinting that somebody is perjuring on the court papers?
And then...
about "another rumor"...is Bristol "I'm not have sex until I'm married" preggo again?
That was my first thought on her playing this part, "she's preg again"!
And yes she is quite unattractive and wooden, her Oprah debut "Yeah", "Yeah" kind of a dim bulb...!
Bristol seems like a normal sweet,shy teeager that happens to have a nut for a mom.Sara has put Levi and Bristol in her sick,distorted
ReplyDeletedrama.They are to young to understand what is going on.Instead of calling Bristol "stiff and soggy",why don't we try to protect her from these slams.She didn't ask for this !
(Can you tell,I am a mom with two daughters }
I watched american teen last night before I knew bristol was going to be on, one of the little comments they had was that when a teenage mother has a baby, she is likely to get pregnant again. hmmmmmmmmmmmm.
How can regular girls, middle-class or otherwise begin to understand Bristol's perspective? She lives her life right now like those "elitists". I think the Palins need to stop this train wreck, allowing their daughter to be exploited by Hollywood, news magazines, talk-show interviews.
ReplyDeleteThe Palins are over-saturating the airwaves. People are getting tired of hearing and seeing them. Overexposure has already happened. Sarah Palin has gone way over the boundaries of ever being regarded as a serious contender for anything. Except maybe a reality show.
It looks like the Palins are trying to cash in on anything and everything before their disguise is revealed.
have you seen this show, everybody is screwing everybody else. the kids, the parents. there is no abstinence. What message is bristol sending?
ReplyDeleteRumor=Bristol's had plastic surgery too.
ReplyDeletePity if she has. (Aside from the obvious ridiculousness of a teen mom who is so poor, workin' her butt off to provide for herself and her child....but she's got $ for elective surgery, by god.)
About that Jay Leno appearance . . . I wonder if Sarah is aware of these jokes from his monologues:
ReplyDelete"Sarah Palin is all over the news lately. She told Matt Lauer on the 'Today' show that, yes, the rumors were true, on election night she did want to deliver her own concession speech and she was disappointed that she couldn't. Well, she shouldn't feel bad. Wait till 2012. Deliver it then."
"Well, according to a new post-election survey, people want Sarah Palin to run for president in 2012. It says she's been getting thousands of calls from people pleading with her to run, all Democrats."
"Of course, a lot of famous sound bites will be remembered for this campaign. There were some good ones. Barack Obama saying, what was his one? Oh, 'We are the change that we seek.' John McCain saying, 'I would rather lose an election than lose a war.' Sarah Palin saying, 'Do you have this in size 6?'"
"You know who is really, really happy that John McCain did not win last night? The boyfriend of Sarah Palin's daughter. He doesn't have to get married now. 'Whew, thank God!'"
"Actually, Sarah Palin was pretty upset last night. Did you see her? Yeah, well, she wasn't upset because she lost. Now she's got to give all of her clothes back."
"Sarah Palin made three campaign stops today: Saks, Nieman Marcus and Bloomingdales."
"In Boca Raton, Florida, yesterday, a woman who looked like Sarah Palin caused a near riot when she walked into a diner for breakfast. And after a minute or two, people finally realized it wasn't her when she started answering questions."
"And all this week, the McCain campaign is trying to prevent Sarah Palin from talking to reporters covering the news, you know? They said, 'you can take her picture, but you can't ask her any questions.' What is she running for, vice president or 'America's Next Top Model'?"
"John McCain's campaign said that Sarah Palin will not talk to the media, this is a quote, until reporters can address her with respect and deference. Oh, what is she running for, vice president or queen?"
"For some reason, the Secret Service revealed this, that Sarah Palin's Secret Service code name is 'Denali.' Turns out 'Denali' is an old Eskimo name that means 'Dan Quayle.'"
"All the Republicans are heaping praise on Governor Palin. Fred Thompson said, as an actor, he could see them making a movie about Sarah Palin and her family. Didn't they already make that movie? I think it was called 'Knocked Up.'"
"We're learning more and more about Governor Palin. Apparently her daughter's name is Juno."
Boycotting Leno!
ReplyDeleteWill Sarah Palin be playin' the part of Wicked Witch Of the North?
ReplyDeleteOh. Ick. What a contrived distraction. Won't work.
ReplyDeleteThe palin curse. Jay Leno is finished
ReplyDeleteWithout Levi, Bristol would have not gotten this part. Will Bristol throw Levi a bone and at least let Levi play himself during the conceiving scene?
ReplyDeleteWill the bedroom scene set look like Sarah's house? Just askin', I mean if you all goin' to keep it real and everything!
I know a 15 year old girl with 4 babies. She is far more qualified to promote abstinence than Bristol!
ReplyDeleteNow why should anyone encourage the girl to give others advice, when she can't live her own life without mama and her big mouth interfering.
ReplyDeleteSoggy cornflakes with a word salad on the side. What a menu.
I despise shows like this that turn family trauma into "entertainment" so voyeurs can emotionally masturbate.
ReplyDeleteWhy anyone would want to associate themselves with this sort of crass TV show is beyond me. TV is the new Colosseum: Suffer for us! Suffer for our entertainment!
Maybe she can talk about how both her mother and grand mother were both pregnant before they got married.
ReplyDelete"Knocked up" is a Palin family value!!
ps. Palin said August 20th was her 20th anniversary and her first pregnancy went to full term. Check Alaska Court Records for Track's DOB- Palin was 6 weeks pregnant when she "eloped."
Grandpa and Grandma got married in a Catholic Church in Idaho in the summer. First born was born in February. Sinners!
anon @ 8:28 - the Leno jokes were funny - I hadn't seen them all.
ReplyDeleteI think the one that will bother her the most is "Do you have this in a size 6?"
She will screech back "I wear a size 4, NOT a size 6!"
Sort of like not getting the Letterman joke and answering that she does not shop at Bloomingdales.
Good luck to Bristol - I am thinking that her previous appearances were stilted because mommy was by her side, monitoring her every word.
I hope you, Gryphen, or one of the other Alaska blogger activists has done a screen capture of the ABC announcement that Ozmud noted -- it may be yet another nail in the Grifter's coffin (figuratively speaking, of course).
ReplyDeleteBristol: "Mirror, mirror on the wall...I'm like Mommy after all!"
ReplyDeleteAs for the story about Jay Leno having Palin on his show, I left this remark at the site you linked to, Gryphen:
ReplyDelete"Have Jay Leno ask Sarah Palin about the latest rumor about Trig Palin -- that she and the Palin family used no less than TWO for-sure prop babies for "Trig's" appearances from birth onward, and perhaps even THREE prop babies.
Check out the ears on all the "Trig" infants in pictures from the RNC in Sept. 2008, the campaign thereafter, and this latest book tour campaign tour -- three different ear configurations, and even a dish-faced infant in some pictures, whereas the oldest "Trig' has a near-normal facial structure.
See http://breepalin.blogspot.com/2010/02/musical-trigs.html for pictures that illustrate the question."
The comments are moderated, so I don't know if it will pass inspection. I linked to Bree's site because she has the pertinent pictures all lined up next to each other.
another tiny hollywood starlet in the making
then I'd say Bristol has 40 pounds she need to lose.
"this scripted production is going to be embarrassing."
ReplyDeleteHow true. She repeatedly humiliates herself. No self esteem.
Jamie Lynn Spears is #1 famous unwed teen. She is not as clingy and has her own place. Knocked up fame is nothing to exploit.
Bristol is doing this to get full custody. She can quit before summer if she wants. It will be brief and scripted.
Elizabeth said... Several comments have mentioned in different ways how passive Bristol is.
ReplyDeleteIt is not her idea. She looks like a Stepford child. I think drugs, otc or prescribed, help keep them all under a spell.
God I long for the days that I thought I hated when Britney Spears was all I saw when I logged onto my computer!
ReplyDeleteErica @ 8:15: I disagree with your description of Bristol as just a normal teenager or as "too young to understand what is going on."
ReplyDeleteBristol Palin is 19 years old, not 15. She has a child and is the plaintiff in a custody and support action. She's the spokesperson for Candies Foundation, sponsored by a national and highly visible company. Oh, and she's the principle of her own public relations company!
She "didn't ask for this"??? She's being forced onto Secret Life--and Greta and Good Morning America and the cover of People and the cover of In Touch--against her will? She can't go to college even though she's earning 100,000 for a magazine shoot?
I can't give Bristol Palin a pass on anything. She's an adult and must make her own choices and take responsibility for her actions.
If Tripp is going to be used in the show and Levi doesn't raise a stink about Brisol making money off Tripps appearance then Levi has no credibility in my book, especially after Bristol was accusing him of the very same thing. I am beginning to think their all in this and all quilty but the moneys been good. If there were multiple babys involved Levi has to know, he was at their home and also with them on the campaign trail.
ReplyDeleteThe only explanation with Levi would be if Bristol had a FAS baby and they were hiding that fact because if it came out they all look bad. Levi not wanting to hurt Bristol and himself (assuming he's the father) would keep that a secret.
"As the Stomach Turns", Chapter 7,931! Will it ever stop?
ReplyDeleteI can hear Sarah now.
ReplyDelete"I hear they call Bristol 'Bitchy Hollywood' now."
Yes the standard of how to get rich and famous and get on TeeVee for being an irresponsible easy lay, so that she could be an example for all teenagers in the land of Oprahtunigy.
Isn't she kind of killing her legal standing as an impoverished single mother?
ReplyDeleteShe may end up owing Levi.
Considering Palin's complaint about Levi's media appearances and acting hopes, Bristol's upcoming tv guest appearance is bizarre. Almost nothing about the Palins makes any sense.
ReplyDeleteThat said...I hope Bristol can get away to LA without her parents and enjoy the experience. Perhaps a taste of freedom will encourage her to tell the truth.
Willow is the real beauty, I hope she is under lock & key.
ReplyDeleteOT: the Palins are benefiting $$$ because people are not speaking up. I hope these people are making a percentage...
Acting debut? Pleeeeez! This must be
ReplyDeletethe Palin response to Andrea F., who
actually has a personality, thinks for herself & isn't drowning in
Or perhaps this 'debut'is Bristol
(& mommy, too, also, besides, & of
course)to prove anything Ricky
Hollywood can do, a Palin can do better!
Gee, does this mean if Levi takes up
diving for buried treasure, we'll
hear that Bristol is learning to drive a submarine? Just askin.'
Sharon TN
Middle class? Unexpected, unplanned pregnancy...sounds like a lack of sex education from absent parents or misinformed, uneducated or Evangelical misguided parents.
ReplyDeleteAs for Bristol dealing? No, no, Toad deals with it, ask exTrooper Wooten. That's how Bristol deals. What ever her psycopathic delusional parents dictate.
The show doesn't address a fundamental core in the development of any person — the uncharacteristic, unhealthy relationships with the immediate family and their effects on teenagers. A Chucky the rapist spoils things for many, for instance.
As for her ability to act — oh, she can act, ask Levi. LOL.
Fake — Fake — Fake — Fake.
I thought Bristol was going to be starring in "Shit's Fucked Up Hospital" - 1:42 [ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pkC7dcxZ5_Q ] NSFW [language] - starring McCain & Sarah Palin. Comedy gold.
As for Leno - weak sauce and gutless.
"I mean Bristol's tale of being a teen mother is hardly typical, now is it?"
ReplyDeleteBetween the bizarro duo-baby saga and the perks that Bristol has just by being a Palin, life isn't typical at all, but I still feel for her. She was thrust into this mess and seems to have little desire for all the (over)exposure that SarahPalin™ thrives on. If I live to be 150, I'll never forget the look of horror/fear/resignation that Bristol flashed when Mother floated into the room carrying infant Tripp during the Greta Van S. interview.
I see Bristol as a narrator in this program, or seen via a video link (from the Studio Palin) at a "special school assembly." That way she can be herself, hold either Trig or Tripp up for ooohs and ahhs--and maybe, even a cameo appearance by Grandmommie Dearest herself.
I'm sure the Palin Powers That Be are directing SP to make her daughter more visible and appealing to teens and other young'uns as 2012 approaches; some will be of voting age by that time. They need to keep not only SP, but her entire brood in the limelight as much as possible should it be decided that she run for President. All my friends' teenage kids could care less about Bristol (she's not a singer, actress, reality show star or model), and they think that SP is just plain "DUH" stupid. Perhaps the marketing machine believes preachy pseudo-reality teen angst shows will help in the recognition and trust department, beyond the demographic that devours InTouch and Us magazine...
Sigh. Whatever happened to teenage shows with real talent, like Patty Duke, Gidget and even the After School Specials? Heck, I'd even take the Brady Bunch cartoons over this dreck!
Dontcha know, when your career is working in show business, plastic surgery becomes a business deduction! So she doesn't really have to feel the expense -she just deducts that off her LLC earnings as a business deduction.
ReplyDeleteIf she says she's a media consultant, though, then plastic surgery is not a deduction. So it depends on how she's classifying herself, career-wise, now. Actors and performers can deduct for plastic surgery. If you're in another career, not so much.
Maybe when Big Love ends (no don't!) the Palin family compound could be the sequel, what with women taking care of other women's kids and lots of houses side by side....
ReplyDeleteLet's see, teenage Bristol humps a young man repeatedly under her mother's roof and gets pregnant, has a kid, then files a lawsuit to keep the kid's father from seeing his own kid and now she "milks it" for big dollars.
ReplyDeleteJust gotta love those Palin family values.
What a bunch of Wasilla Hillbilly Hypocrites. Thoroughly disgusting.
Bristol turns 20 this year. I think it's time to stop calling her a "teenager".
ReplyDeleteDoes anyone know why Bristol lived with her Aunt Heather in Anchorage for much of her junior year? Remember this from ADN?
Bristol Palin started the 2007-08 school year as a junior at Wasilla High School, according to yearbooks, but later lived with her aunt in Anchorage while attending West High for the spring semester.
Here's the linky: http://www.adn.com/2008/09/02/513141/both-campaigns-call-pregnancy.html
Anyone know anyone in Anchorage she might have been in school with? This would have been the year BEFORE McCain, Sarah's "debut" and the engagement to Levi.
I think that Bristol looks like Snooki from Jersey Shore.
ReplyDeleteWassila Shore!
Yeah Bristol is the 'poster girl' for teen motherhood with her Cadillac Escalade, new house, LLC Corp & child support that all single mothers would cry for.
ReplyDeleteBristol & $arah are prostituting themselves to the Media Circus for lots of money while ABC & Leno are making utter fools of them.
The Palins are The National Enquirer's dream come true!
She didn't ask for this--maybe she didn't but I am so sick and tired of people saying she's just a teenager. SHE'S 19-most most 19 yr. olds have a job maybe even an apt.or are in college away from home, have their own cars and are learning to live an independent life.
ReplyDeleteI have a very beautiful 19 yr. old granddaughter who while in high school took classes at college, she graduated from a local collage with Associates degree at 18, now she is going to a university out of town as a junior to get her BA. She has her own car and does work during the summer, she has a boyfriend and I'm sure she partys with her friends but she is a responsible young lady and thinks Bristol is a SLUT.
Joy Behar was hasselbacked. She does better on her own show.
ReplyDeleteAired January 29, 2010
Lakita Garth, as the chairman of the largest abstinence education organization on the planet, does not want Bristol Palin as the spokesperson for abstinence:
"...a sharp increase in birthrates among the under-20 population proves that teens across the nation still got the goods."
It's the Stupid Sex, Stupid
TV teen sex is a new genre for me. I have not watched The Secret Life of the American Teenager "The series received generally negative reviews from most mainstream critics when it began broadcasting, but was extremely well received among viewers."
Season One Is Sex and the City for Teens
Study First to Link TV Sex To Real Teen Pregnancies
The study, which tracked more than 700 12-to-17-year-olds for three years, found that those who viewed the most sexual content on TV were about twice as likely to be involved in a pregnancy as those who saw the least.
Does MTV's 16 and Pregnant Keep Girls From Getting Pregnant? Or does it just exploit the teen moms on the show?
"But shows like “The Secret Life of the American Teenager” are all about sex."
"The Secret Life of the American Teenager" equates sex with tragedy
Teenage Pregnant Pause
Exposé or Exploitation?
But now comes some art-meets-reality news that takes the issue to another level: Bristol Palin, oldest daughter of former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin, will make her acting debut on "The Secret Life of the American Teenager," which airs on the ABC Family Channel owned by Disney. Way to go with those family values, Disney.
""go ahead and have your babies girls, you can just live with mommy and daddy forever! maybe mommy will buy a shiny new escalade!"
ReplyDeleteNo, mommy will buy you a brand new shiny set of boobs.
For the life of me I can't understand why that family insists on putting their personal lives in the public eye. Especially when there are so many skeletons in the closet. It's going to make it even harder to defend themselves when the truth comes out. Why not leave Trig details out of the book? Why keep bringing Trig up in the press when the truth about his birth is that family's achilles heel? Why not encourage Bristol to raise her kid(s) in private instead of pushing her to be a public role model and tv personality? It's inexplicable. Surely they have enough money by now that all of this public exposure isn't necessary.
ReplyDelete9:51 AM said.... The only explanation with Levi would be if Bristol had a FAS baby and they were hiding that fact because if it came out they all look bad. Levi not wanting to hurt Bristol and himself (assuming he's the father) would keep that a secret.
Did anyone see the Supernanny episode with the 25 yo woman who lives at home with her parents and her 6 and 4 yo sons? She works but does not pay rent; when she comes home, she watches TV and plays on the internet. Jo took her to a homeless shelter to try to impress upon her the value of the help her parents were giving her and she got out her cell phone to text while the director was talking to her. When asked if she wanted a tour of the shelter, she said, "I don't care."
ReplyDeleteThe sad part is? This sounds like Sarah - not Bristol! The whole time we were watching it, I was thinking, "Wow, I'd like to see Jo spend just 36 hours with the Palins." But the parent meeting would be mandatory: she would have to counsel Sarah Palin to put down the Blackberry(ies) and PARENT her children.
I'm sorry. Maybe I am old fashioned, but there is just something ick about three generations of Palin/Heath women getting knocked up before marriage (first granny Sally, then Sarah and now Bristol) and lecturing the world about family values.
ReplyDeleteHow's that fake virginity thing working for 'ya all?
Wow...mother of 2, college student, medical receptionist, abstinence advocate, teen ambassador for Candies, tabloid whore, born again virgin, tanning bed addicted, owner of her own PR firm, AND an actress? Puhleeze.
ReplyDeleteThere are so many competing realities here, do the Palin's even see how ridiculous this is to be pimping out their daughter like this?
Go and look at the Matt Lauer interview again...there is a very weird dynamic between Dud and Bristol. They both have the intellectual depth of a backyard kiddie pool.
Wow.....I'd say this is going to be VERY interesting. I just watched a bit of one episode, and I have to wonder if Sarah Palin knows anything about this show, lol.
ReplyDeleteThis could get very dicey. If Bristol is playing herself, Bristol Palin, who is playing her family? and Levi? and what will the script look like? are they going to create an ultimate fake family life?
watch episodes here..... http://community.abcfamily.go.com/watch/secret-life-american-teenager/full-episodes
Anon 1134- Sarah has to shove Trig out there to cover up the fact that her Daughter had a FAS Baby that either dies or was adopted out. So they keep the eyes on Trig the DS baby.There all guilty of hiding the FAS baby, not good for the funndies or the campaign it's easier to explain the baby with DS, sympthy, there's NO way to explain a FAS BABY.
ReplyDeleteLeno is a complete milquetoast. Don't hold your breath waiting him to ask any tough or uncomfortable questions. Why do you think SP is even considering appearing on his show? Softballs only allowed!
ReplyDeleteWho wants to bet she revives her old joke of writing something on her hand, trying to get a laugh. That will be fresh and exciting...NOT!
9:51 A.M. You have said the very thing I thought the first time i saw Trig......
ReplyDeleteWell next will be Willow, with her very own show.
ReplyDeleteWhere is Willow since she was lawyered up?
Sibling rivalry, while she probably doesn't envy Bristol the baby, she would feel left out with the Escalade and all the perks. After all what has Bristol done but pop out babies without benefit of a live in husband.
will she read her lines from her palm?
ReplyDeleteAnonymous said...
ReplyDeleteFor the life of me I can't understand why that family insists on putting their personal lives in the public eye. Especially when there are so many skeletons in the closet. It's going to make it even harder to defend themselves when the truth comes out. Why not leave Trig details out of the book? Why keep bringing Trig up in the press when the truth about his birth is that family's Achilles heel? Why not encourage Bristol to raise her kid(s) in private instead of pushing her to be a public role model and tv personality? It's inexplicable. Surely they have enough money by now that all of this public exposure isn't necessary.
Watch the movie The Grifters with Angelica Huston, Annette Benning and John Cusack and and you'll see.
from IMDB:
A small-time conman has torn loyalties between his estranged mother and new girlfriend--both of whom are high-stakes grifters with their own angles to play.
Like Mom, like daughter.
And if Mom bought her daughter fake boobs, she's a real boob.
BJA @11:03
ReplyDeleteThe subject is covered extensively here
and here
By the way....Where Is Willow? Haven't seen or heard of her in ages. What was her punishment for breaking, entering, and destroying the inside of a house?.....just wondering....
ReplyDeletehow will bristol ever get time off from her TWO JOBS to go down to hollywood for rehearsal and filming?
ReplyDeleteI think people are being too harsh on Bristol. How do you think you would have turned out if you were brought up by a probable narcissist for 19 years? We all know that Sarah can't contain her nastiness in public, and people with personality disorders are always a hundred times worse behind closed doors with their families. You should google stories from people who grew up with narcissistic parents, it is not pretty. Bristol needs kindness and counselling, not insults and ridicule. She probably gets plenty of that from her mother and we know how that worked for her. For example:
Anyway I think that people forget that of all the people who have been affected by Sarah, her children would have suffered the most. Hopefully they will come to realise that this kind of treatment is not normal and not through fault of their own and get some help!!
Crazy is passed down. The odds were against Bristol and Sarah. They hurt people and that is why they must be held accountable.
ReplyDeleteThere are possibly missing children, no one can accept that. There are enough questions to get this to the right venue. Are these children being trafficked?
Depose everyone and get to what is happening. EMERGENCY ALERT TO FIND MISSING CHILDREN.
I think Bristol is *perfect* for a show with "secret" in the title.
ReplyDeleteThe only thing better: if she was making her acting debut on
"The Secrets Some American Teenagers Have To Keep When Their Freaky Ass Liar Mother Is Named Sarah Palin".
"Who is taking care of the baby between 6am and midnight? "
ReplyDeletePiper, of course! I mean, it's not as if she were attending school or anything, right?
here's a possible storyline, though. Bristol's character has given birth but she has a dream where she is havin' to take care of a baby that isn't even hers! Then there are THREE babies but she can't figure out which is her son and she is sooooo, like, totally confused! Then someone builds her a big fancy house and tells her she is gonna be a babysitter for the rest of her life, and if she dares to make a peep of complaint the gravy train will screech to a halt....
ReplyDeleteoh, wait.
I think its funny how whenever there is something bad about Sarah in the news, she always manages to come out with some big announcement or facebook post to draw attention away from the bad.
ReplyDeleteNice try Sarah..Bravo..
Not going to work.
We are on to you.
Might i suggest that when Sarah is on Leno, people who do not usually watch Letterman might just turn him on that night. She said she would never go on Dave's show and give him ratings...Let's make sure she does give him ratings..
ReplyDeleteWhat delightful narcissists. I hope they cut her hair. That in itself would be liberating. Time for a new hairdo. No bumpits.
ReplyDeleteIt would be nice if children could have a sport besides babysitting. You know, wear a uniform and jump around with a ball with other kids. There are pictures of say ruh jumping around in a uniform with a ball. Childhood is so short. Some kids really want group activity outside the family. All social needs are not necessarily met in families 'spacially those led by seriously personality-disordered parents.