Monday, February 15, 2010

"Bristol" takes to Facebook to condemn Family Guy's portrayal of a Down syndrome character on their show. Cue the shocked outrage.

People are asking me to comment on yesterday’s Fox show that felt like another kick in the gut. Bristol was one who asked what I thought of the show that mocked her baby brother, Trig (and/or others with special needs), in an episode yesterday. Instead of answering, I asked her what she thought. Here is her conscientious reply, which is a much more restrained and gracious statement than I want to make about an issue that begs the question, “when is enough, enough?”:

“When you’re the son or daughter of a public figure, you have to develop thick skin. My siblings and I all have that, but insults directed at our youngest brother hurt too much for us to remain silent. People with special needs face challenges that many of us will never confront, and yet they are some of the kindest and most loving people you’ll ever meet. Their lives are difficult enough as it is, so why would anyone want to make their lives more difficult by mocking them? As a culture, shouldn’t we be more compassionate to innocent people – especially those who are less fortunate? Shouldn’t we be willing to say that some things just are not funny? Are there any limits to what some people will do or say in regards to my little brother or others in the special needs community? If the writers of a particularly pathetic cartoon show thought they were being clever in mocking my brother and my family yesterday, they failed. All they proved is that they’re heartless jerks. - Bristol Palin”

- Sarah Palin

Okay look I certainly cannot defend Family Guy in all good conscience. The show is famous for going way over the line with its comedy. However with that being said, I also have to admit that I am a fan. Sure it makes me cringe sometimes, and there have been a few episodes where I actually had to turn the station (I have the same response to South Park). But there have also been several absolutely hysterical episodes that I have watched more than a few times.

I watched this episode on Hulu just now and I think "Bristol" has no idea what the hell she is talking about. Besides one pretty funny one liner referencing a "governor of Alaska" there is NO similarity between the Down Syndrome character on the show and Trig Palin. For one thing the character is a girl, so unless Sarah has even been lying about Trig's gender I think we can safely assume it is not supposed to represent him.

In fact the point seems to be that people often expect those with special needs to be sweet and innocent when in fact they can be just like everybody else, and that includes being selfish and insensitive. This is the Family Guy, so of course that message is delivered in a cringe inducing humorous manner.

Once again Sarah has taken this opportunity to play the victim, and perhaps even more egregious, is hiding behind her teenage daughter and using her as a more sympathetic figure to "defend" the family honor. Of course this will result in even more media attention for poor pitiful Sarah, but it will also get the Family Guy episode more attention. So I guess in the end everybody wins. Sarah gets to play the victim, the Fox writers get to irritate Sarah again, and Seth McFarlane gets some more attention for his show.

Did anybody else notice how similar "Bristol's" Facebook post was to "Sarah's" Facebook posts? Well we know they share clothes and babies, do they also share ghostwriters? Hmm could be.

By the way if you are at all curious and want to see the Family Guy episode that started all of the fuss, I have embedded it below. (And no this does not mean that I in any way endorse it. I just don't like people jumping to conclusions without all of the information.)


  1. Anonymous10:12 PM

    This mother of a girl with Down Syndrome did not take offense. Just the opposite. It is in the comments on Huff Post.
    CitizenRA I'm a Fan of CitizenRA 3 fans permalink
    As a parent of a daughter with Down Syndrome, I was not at all offended. I kind of like the depiction of the girl as being competent and a little over-assertive! A lot of the teens with DS that I know are a little like that -- not afraid to tell you the right way to do things. And the line about the former governor of Alaska, though throw-away, was moderately funny.

    Reply Favorite Flag as abusive Posted 12:07 AM on 2/16/2010

  2. Aussie Blue Sky10:21 PM

    Have these people no decency?? They must resign immediately!!

    Sarah Palin is too stupid to realize that it's she who has been mocked, for her brazen efforts to make currency from Trig Palin's disability.

  3. Anonymous10:24 PM

    It gives its source away—I mean its fountainhead in dark, corrupt hearts—by its very ferocity, this hatred against Sarah. Maybe Sarah Palin is the sequel to “The Da Vinci Code.” Juggling practical realities and archetypes, maybe Sarah is the Mythic Feminine, ascending to power and offering to everyone what new age types call the Magdalene path, an alternative to the patriarchal male dominance so long entrenched in western culture. Unless the powers-that-be can stop her. Like all the power blocs with a vested interest in the status quo devoted their lives to fighting the emergence of the way of the goddess in “The Da Vinci Code” we see these endless vicious attacks on Sarah every day from all corners of our culture. It’s not just rebellion against Sarah and her children as images reminiscent of Madonna iconography. Wonderfully—because it underscores the reality of a faith-based world—it is rebellion against Sarah and her children as very real echoes of the very real Mary and her Child, and perhaps the Magdalene and her child. Establishment types freaked out four hundred years ago when a painter named Caravaggio created a scandal by painting the “Madonna with Pilgrims” in such a way that viewers could see the pilgrims’ feet and that the pilgrims’ feet were dirty from their journey and we also see the Madonna’s feet as well, showing that she is very real and very human. It was an intense, Sarah-like statement from Caravaggio, asserting the reality of the Madonna and the reality of the Madonna being One with the real human pilgrims who looked to her to express their faith. Now here we are four hundred years later and the Establishment and everyone embracing the cultural status quo continues to pour out their unbelievable, unbounded hatred against the Mythic Feminine, hatred against the Magdalene path as an alternative to patriarchal domination, hatred against Sarah just for being Sarah. Enjoy your hate. Real soon real people will leave the status quo behind and you’ll be left snarling at and snapping at each other.

  4. Anonymous10:29 PM

    Bristol and Sarah are the new Melissa and Joan Rivers.

    P.S. Did you see this on Kathy Griffin's Twitter?:

    We r in the think of taping D List right now. I just talked to Levi yesterday. He ain't afraid of no tea partyers & I ain't neither. Hint...

  5. Anonymous10:29 PM

    Whatever happened to satire?

  6. Anonymous10:43 PM

    Bristol sounds like a "Momma Bear" in her FaceBook post. Things that make you go Hmmmmmmmm.

  7. Anonymous10:49 PM

    Come on, Sarah hasn't a clue when it comes to being inappropriate. She certainly didn't pass it on to Bristol. Sarah it the one who giggled through a radio host calling Lyda Green a bitch, and a cancer (she was a cancer survivor), and fun was made of her weight. Trying to take and hold the moral high ground isn't gonna work for you Sarah!


  8. Isn't going out on a date to a restaurant (with table cloths and candles and menus, even) with a guy who has a HUGE crush on you, a *good* thing?

    Why should the fact that her mother happens to be "the former governor of Alaska" be a handicap for a young girl wishing to go on a date with a guy who obviously thinks she's beautiful, kind, nice, sweet, etc.?

    Oh, my bad: "the former governor of Alaska" would be Sarah Palin. Now *that* IS a certifiable handicap - instant buzzkill for any hope of a 'normal' relationship... beth.

  9. I think it's just about time Bristol fucked off from her mother and started trying to figure out what life is really about after all she IS A PARENT!!! Hello!.

  10. Anonymous11:13 PM

    fox makes money coming and going

    great business

  11. ...jumping to conclusions without all of the information...

    we should be use to it by now...from you know who & Family & Friends & all Those with potential to benefit from the AK Slush Fund.

  12. hulu.

    " We're sorry, currently our video library can only be streamed within the United States. For more information on Hulu's international availability click here."


    Fuck you "Hulu."

    Great advert for the "shining beacon of dollarocracy"...

  13. Anonymous11:25 PM

    Right on target again Gryph!

    Those two Paylin 'adult' women are truly dense & pathetic.

  14. sunnyjane11:26 PM

    Regarding Bristol's "response": Ho, hum, the singer's dumb, the words don't mean a thing...

  15. Anonymous11:26 PM

    I am so confused...

    I thought it was okay to be politically incorrect if it was done for the sake of humor.

    Family Guy-no

    I can't keep track of what is okay!

  16. Anonymous11:34 PM

    Ok, so I watched but I don't think they were making fun of Trig... it's a teenage girl that he's dating so are they making fun of Bristol, implying that she has DS?


  17. Anonymous11:38 PM

    Well, of course, Bristol is upset. Trig is really HER child and Family Guy made fun of him while trying to call Sarah Palin out on her bullshit.

  18. ...well maybe they sound alike because SP homed-schooled'ed her..(we know better than that)...

    you know they are twin like, honor students, moms, PR persons, running their own companies while raising their kid(s).

    SP is always trying to position herself into the mix...needsto acceptthe factthat she is on the outskirts - except when it comes to her big yellow ocean of followers...(only dead fishes swim up stream)

  19. Anonymous12:11 AM

    Maybe "Bristol" had to take to Facebook because Mommy doesnt have anymore cred with the special needs community..


  20. People that are offended by this episode need to get a life. DS people would love it!

  21. I guess she got "Bristol" to do it as she didn't want to be hit with the hypocrisy/satire argument

  22. Anonymous12:35 AM

    Bristol, “When you’re the son or daughter of a retarded public figure, you have to develop thick skin."

    Remember this is satire and according to your idiot mom, using the word "retard" is okay.

    The person that should be pissed off is your first born Trig, his grandmother Sarah's skin was not thick enough to stand up to Rush and she threw Trig under Rush!

  23. honestyinGov12:38 AM

    Bristol.... have you taken a 2nd job as as a Comedian...? You really expect us to believe that " YOU " posted this on FaceBook..? That's HILARIOUS... why don't we believe you..? Maybe because you Mom is the FaceBook Queen anytime she feels insulted... Yu betcha.

    And I have a question for You Bristol..? " ARE You retarded ?" I don't mean that in a bad way though. I mean it the SAME way when Sarah APPROVED of it... just like Rush said it.
    The reason I had to ask if you were ' retarded ' was that from Nov 17th on for almost a MONTH we say poor Trigg barely dressed and up at all times of the night. Didn't YOU watch the Book Tour..? YOU should have called someone in your FAMILY starting Nov. 18th on IF You were REALLY concerned for the welfare of your brother. Silence from YOU but all of us on the Blogs were pointing out that he was being abused and it was bad for his health over... and over... and over.Bristol... You are 4 Months LATE!!!... to complain. What happened?
    Maybe Gryphen needs to make a list and count the numbers of times we saw him in pictures where he was being " USED " in situations where it was bad for his health. We can send you the pictures if you want... there are so many of them to pick from. Bristol... one word would describe you at this point. " Pathetic ". You LET you Mother Use/abuse your brother and now you are LETTING her USE You.Bristol... we may have to give you a New name also.... SINO.....Sister In Name Only.You failed your Little Brother.

  24. Anonymous12:42 AM

    Family Guy is satire, so it's okay. If I hadn't watched Sarah Palin defend Limbaugh's use of retard, I wouldn't have known that when one is satirizing something, anything goes.

    Of course, Limbaugh wasn't employing satire, a distinct literary form which requires a consistent tone and presentation, but Palin apparently thinks he was.

  25. Anonymous12:50 AM

    Stupid Palins and palinbots. If they really gave a d*mn about people with DS, they would praise the episode for including a young lady with DS who has her own opinions and personality and enjoys a night out with a young man. It's called "inclusion", you twits.

  26. Anonymous12:52 AM

    I don't think that was "Bristol" ..sounded like a line from one of Sarah's speeches

    Sarah can't..once again...rise up and "be offended" ....heck this time it is a very popular tv show... so she uses "Bristol" the one offended...

  27. Anonymous12:57 AM

    And yet again Sarah uses her child to hide behind! Ugh! I guess she thinks she's clever?

    "Bristol" how's all that education working out for ya'? You don't seem to have much comprehension.

    Family guy NEVER made fun of Trig! But just like your mom, don't let the facts get in your way.

    The Palin's are just flat out gross!

    Sarah hides behind her children when the going gets tough, like at hockey games.

    Sarah invites paparazzi to spy on her daughter's sex life, daring them to prove Bristol is not abstinent!

    Sarah thinks it's ok to put the idea of raping her 15 year old daughter out to the world, to play political games and earn her points among her "base"

    This is a good mom to all those "real" Americans ? If that's the case, count me among the fakes!

  28. I found nothing insulting in this cartoon but I'm glad a mother of a DS child posted before me saying the same thing.
    I believe that if I were the parent of a DS child I would be more insulted by the over generalized notion that DS or mentally challeged individuals are the "sweetest, most caring etc. people in the whole wide world."

    The problem with all of this false indignation is that MacFarlane was not mocking this character.

  29. Anonymous3:24 AM

    There was absolutely NOTHING wrong with that skit. The DS teen was presented as a real human being, very centered (Chris was the bumbler). SP was never mentioned, unless she believes she'll be the ONLY ex-female gov of AK (that does fit in with her narcissism, though).


  30. I think your point about Down Syndrome kids not being sweet and innocent is spot on, and once again the Palin clan show their bigotry. People with DS are people and naturally have a full range of human behaviors. It's Bristol, or rather Sarah's ghostwriters, who are stereotyping people with DS as being loving and sweet. Nope, they're not fully human- they're just loving and sweet! Wow, wait until Trig gets a bit older and starts being less easily dealt with. I'd say they'd learn something but I don't think the Palins are capable of learning much.

  31. Anonymous3:36 AM

    I took it as mocking the Palin girls, not Trig.

  32. bri$tol, it was fucking SATIRE! ask your brothers mother.

  33. Anonymous3:57 AM

    There's NO WAY Bri$tol wrote this. So RAM-it is posing as $arah AND Bri$tol now. Who's next Piper, Willow then the $hadow??? These people get more pathetic by the day.

  34. Anonymous4:05 AM

    I have to wonder why they were so desperate for material and cheap laughs.

  35. Anonymous4:05 AM

    Another knee jerk reaction, and hiding behind one of her kids to boot.

  36. Wilderness Lover4:09 AM

    There's no way Bristol wrote that post. It was written by Sarah's ghostwriter, just like all the others, in another pathetic attempt to get sympathy and attention. Using Bristol's name was probably done to make Sarah look like less of a whiner.

    But let's imagine for a moment what Sarah says at the beginning of the post is true (impossible as it seems). That Bristol is the one who brought up the subject of the show and was so upset by it.

    It seems odd that Sarah wouldn't want to be the one lashing out at the show in an attempt to protect her baby (remember the mother grizzly protecting her cubs analogy?) We have heard plenty of outrage from Sarah when Bristol or Willow were the butt of jokes.

    But of course...Trig isn't REALLY Sarah's baby. Sarah wouldn't have that natural "mother grizzly" reaction to the cartoon.

    But look who did!

  37. Name your favorite fox show?
    All of them!

  38. Anonymous4:27 AM

    Sarah just did not want to further instagate or be critical because of that reported satire with Rush. So she has one of her props, Bristol, Stress outrage for the simpathy. Sarah knows no shame. Know she is setting up Bristol to be a champion for her no calling, DS since the other lie didn't work. But alsi, too she has set her daughter up for scorn. bUT FOR NOW THEY WELL SEE HOW MCUH CASH IT WILL GENERATE.

  39. Anonymous4:31 AM

    If Rush is excused for using the word "retard" than what's the big deal with Family Guy? It's comedy. Sarah is a cowardly moron for using Bristol.

  40. Anonymous4:33 AM

    This is so typically Palin. We have an autistic/blind son who does kick ass comedy. His skit includes many blind jokes as well as jokes on autism. People need to lighten the hell up. And the Palins need to stop whining. No one gives a shit what spoiled little Bristol has to say.

  41. Anonymous4:34 AM

    Agree with Anonymous at 10:12pm, the other thought is that the PAYLINS should stop putting themselves out there like poster children for all to see and hear. . . . STOP PUTTING YOURSELF AND YOUR FAMILY IN THE PUBLIC EYE morans!!!!!

    There are other adults out in the public whom do NOT bring their children out every time they go somewhere, could list a few but won't.....

    Agree this showed a strong, positive female with Downs.....did not denigrate Downs people, but probly denigrated the Paylins, a minute amount. . . .Again, the Paylins THINK EVERYTHING IS ABOUT THEM....

    mmornin''s gonna be bumpy.....the saga continues...kepp puttin' yourselves out there,,, it's all about me....we can't take a crap in this country without the Paylins shouting that it was because of them........shoooootttt

    off to a firey start................Paylins are screechers . . . .NOT EVERYTHING IS ABOUT YOU!!!!!!!!!!

  42. Anonymous4:34 AM

    This is off topic, but this is the best article regarding Palin ever!!! Richard Cohen is my hero!

  43. Anonymous4:34 AM

    Isn't this satire? Oh, sorry, that's the Limbaugh show. Right.

  44. Anonymous4:35 AM

    If the Palin family is so upset at the Family Guy dialogue, maybe they should quit .....err boycott the shows parent company, Newscorp. Oh that can't happen because Sista Sarah soul was bought by Uncle Ruppy to keep her bloated head in the spotlight.

  45. Leota24:38 AM

    The Palin's truly need to shut up.
    Where was Bristol when Rush was repeating
    the "r" word. Crickets.

    As offensive as Family Guy can be--I loved the DS
    character that Chris was dating. She was a whole lot more competent than Sarah. So what's the problem? Are they mad at one stupid line--that was meant to be that, a stupid line? That's it?

    Keep it up Sarah -- keep on dragging your children into the pot. Meanwhile I expect Bristol's Facebook rant against Rush. Ummm-- or did you forget to have your ghostwriters type it up?

  46. Anonymous4:52 AM

    i think everyone is missing one major omission. Where is Todd's outrage. The man of the family. You mean to tell me bristol is to be more outraged than todd? right!I have never read anywhere that todd was angry about any of DS satire or retard comments. He keeps very quiet. Could it be because he knows its not his child for whatever reason? hmmmmmm!!

  47. If "Bristol" thought Family Guy was bad - wait until she reads about Sarah Silverman's routine at the TED:

    Look out Palin family - the floodgates have opened!

  48. LisaB4:57 AM

    Looks like Sarah and her peeps knew that saying something about the Family Guy episode would have completed that particular Circle of Sarah Hypocrisy, so they signed Bristol's name.

    It'd be funnier if it weren't so transparent. I mean, you'd have to be dead to know some response wasn't forthcoming.

    Can I just LOL at anyone in the Palin clan having a "thick skin?" They're as overly sensitive as "The Princess and the Pea."

  49. I wonder how much BSMP, LLC got paid for that "media consulting". Well it looks like the real mother of Trig spoke up for her son. Don'tcha know your mom works for Fox? Why don't you organize a letter writing campaign or protest against the network?

  50. Anonymous5:09 AM

    @Anonymous 10:24

    No offense, but I think you might want to switch to de-caf and go outside and get some fresh air occasionally.

  51. Anonymous5:14 AM

    Bristol should defend HER son.

  52. majii5:15 AM

    Anon@ 10:24, Why do you bother posting here? I never read any further than the second sentence of your posts. BORING. You're gumming up the thread. You're also whistling in the wind if you think your long posts will convince anyone to change his/her mind about Falin Palin.

  53. Anonymous5:15 AM

    Disgusting that she uses one kid to get mileage again, from the DS kid.

  54. GrainneKathleen5:15 AM

    anonymous at 10;24, that's some crazy assed theorizing you are doing about the meaning behind the meaning of the existence of sarah palin. first off, the da vinci code is a work of fiction. just wanted to clear that up for you. second, sarah exists in the patriarchal world evangelical christianity and male dominated politics. she identifies God as a father, and would probably be frightened of any mention of the goddess. sarah revels in the male-dominated world of politics where she constantly uses her sex appeal to make up for her lack of brain cells. she uses her kids as political props for her gain - she is not a modern day manifestation of Christ's mother or Mary Magdalene. wow, i have heard sarah compared to queen esther, and that is an arrogant stretch, but to compare her to Mary - either Mary - is just plain looney. for your sake, i really hope you were being satirical.

  55. Anonymous5:21 AM

    I saw the clip yesterday and prepared for something really awful, but it was nothing. And the girl with the DS seemed very together so, even able to make a joke!!

    seems like plus for the DS community to be included like she is a normal girl.

  56. Anonymous5:22 AM

    "FOX HOLLYWOOD" is still owned and controlled by your Svengali, Rupert, you dumb b@tch.

  57. Anonymous5:29 AM

    Your outrage is kind of late.
    Where was your outrage when Rush said "retard" 27 times on his show?
    Where was your outrage when Sarah, while on her book-signing tour, had Trig scantily clad in cold weather and dragged him out of the bus late hours, just to put him on display?
    Where was your outrage then?

  58. Interesting that Sarah has fought for rights for challenged and minority people all through her public life. NOT.

    So, since Trig is now in the picture, they are the model of support for people with challenges. Is that what it takes for her to get it?

    I guess Sarah needs to have about 5 more kids: a gay one, a black one, a really poor one, a Democrat and an immigrant. Then maybe she'd start speaking up about some other issues.

  59. BAustin5:34 AM

    Bristol is an amazingly articulate high school drop out....and able to draft such language after starting her day at 4 a.m. bathing her baby(ies) twice, driving an hour to work all day in a doctors office, and then coming home to with baby(ies) and then take college courses. Wow....that's a lot. Luckily she isn't having sex to divert her facebooking/twittering/ghostwriting.


  60. Anonymous5:57 AM

    I heard Bristol was silent when her mother referred to Trig as her retarded baby in their big all purpose room in the compound in wasilly. I guess it's ok for say ruh but the rest of the world must submit their humor to Palin review? Nonsense. How pompous. There's no way Bristol could criticize this behavior if she were still a part of her family culture. She is separating from her roots. It will be nice when she has transformed light years beyond it. Individuation Bristol is a worthy goal.

  61. Anonymous5:57 AM

    A year and a half later, and Sarah still doesn't get it! If she wouldn't put her children in the public eye, they wouldn't be on stage for scrutiny! How much longer does she have to analyze 'Why aren't President Obama's kids scrutinized' Because Michele and Barack don't use them as props! Will she ever get the memo?

    Rush certainly (and knowingly) put her in a bind when he repeatedly used the word "retard". He invited Palin to come fight him, or otherwise to tell the world "i don't want to fight Rush Limbaugh". The world watched Sarah Palin run away when she backed down from holding Rush accountable for the "retard" offense, he even got her to excuse it for him! Rush achieved what he wanted to, he verified his RANK over Sarah Palin!

  62. Palin as an avatar of the Divine Feminine? Nah, I think she's just an asshole.

  63. Anonymous5:59 AM

    Family Guy is a disgusting show. Not a fan. So I don't watch it. Problem solved.

    Okay, so, Bristol is as perceptive and conscientious as Willow was when Willow noticed physical characteristics in her new baby brother that signified DS.

    Nevermind she had to "come to this conclusion" as told by Sarah - cause mom hadn't put her God voice on yet to tell her family what the dang hill was going on.

    The Facebook writer, Sarah or Bristol proclaim that the grown kiddies have thick skin now so I got to ask :

    How many times does this mother let her children Fast for her door plowing God complex? Will Bristol adopt the same parenting habit of letting her child go without food in her own decision making process?

    Sarah, anytime you drag your children into the fray, guess what? They become the business of strangers. I have no business asking about Bristol's parenting skills - yet you make this a platform for your greatest hope - "Being a good mom." BS.

  64. Anonymous6:06 AM

    BTW, I don't maryology. I don't worship mary. Or say ruh/mary wanna be. Stop trying to seize Mary's personna too. Have you no shame in your dark fountainhood heart? You didn't even quinciera. Remember, the public didn't even worship Princess Diana; why do you think Americans worship say ruh. Very deluded.

  65. YEAH! Bristols 1st PR gig! And on Facebook no doubt...

    GURL YOU DID yer mamma proud


    THE REAL POINT try to show that TEENs finds this show offensive, not just good ppl like SP & Family & Friends (SP&F&F.etc)

    meanwhile back in REAL AMERICA, the show is very popular with teens...because these days teenangers understand THE implied meaning-with the use of said humor...unlike the Palin Family who only understand when they gain $$$ for using their $on to gain $$$$, symathy, and maybe votes...

    he is only a victim with reference to his mommyDearest...but they certainly seem to want to make him into one...


  66. Anonymous6:11 AM

    I take it the queen grifter never thought the character was mocking her, huh? It would fit... the whole 'you're not helping me sit, you're not asking me about myself' fits her personality, and the fact that the character has ds and says her mother is the former gov of Alaska makes it even more ironic. I agree with Gryphen- many times, Family Guy walks the line between funny and offensive, but IMO, there's nothing wrong with showing a person with down syndrome who has a personality other than loving and sweet- it wasn't a negative portrayal.

    BTW mama Palin, it couldn't have been mocking Trig- that is, for lack of a better term, a highly-functioning person w/ds (i know high-functioning is a pc term to use w/autism, not sure about ds). That would be an example of someone whose caregivers took advantage of the therapies and services available to them in order that they might achieve their potential... unlike what it seems 'your' son has gotten.

  67. Anonymous6:11 AM

    This is all part of the preamble leading up to Bristol 2.0's unveiling....look for new nose, teeth, hair, boobs....the works. She's seen Levi getting a taste of the entertainment/media limelight and she wants her share.

  68. ...I guess Brisharah's trying to follow M. McCains lead and get 'young people' involve in poli-process, so what if she used her bro'son

    "Trigg Has Two Mommies!"

    SP&F&F.etc not gonna like that title...LOL

  69. Anonymous6:25 AM

    well Sarah did at the last moment give a $1000 to the DS cause. Get ready Bristol, That mama grizzly is coming out. Letting your mom use (prop) Trig as a tax deduction. At least before the feds investigate he is getting free socialized health care. Palins don't pay, Others do.

  70. "...when is enough, enough?...”

    About 2-3 years ago...before you & Tard were elected govenors of AK...

  71. Anon @10:24

    Thank you for giving us all a clear example of what the delusion of hyper-religiosity can do to a person's mind and argument.

    When you finally find your way out of the maze of irrationality you are currently stumbling through, we will be waiting here for you.

    Until then, I'll just take a couple of aspirin and lie down for a while. You see, your sort gives people who think for themselves a splitting headache. Not because they yearn to be a bit more gullible, like you, but because gullibility is one of the two very unholy traits that result in wars, hatred, bigotry and blind obedience to ignorance and to the ignorant (for example, Sarah Palin).

    Maybe you are unaware that there are two archetypical concepts of femininity: The "Madonna," and the "Whore." Sarah has made every attempt to portray herself as the Madonna, and you, Anon 10:24 bought into it. The rest of us, on the other hand, clearly recognize her for what she truly is...are you getting it yet, Anon 10:24?

  72. emrysa6:28 AM

    well I think we all know why bristol feels the need to say something...

    but I agree gryphen, anyone with even a partial ability to use critical analysis could see that the sketch wasn't mocking trig.

  73. Anonymous6:31 AM

    Here's how it works in the House of Palin......satire in it's lowest form is completely acceptable, so long as it is directed at people you dislike.

  74. Anonymous6:42 AM

    Anon 10:24, equating Sarah with the Virgin Mary is a bit of a stretch. Wouldn't it be more appropriate on Bristol? The born again virgin?

  75. This kind of behavior/reaction is why Roger and Rupert know her (Sarah) "draw" is limited and short-lived. Her predictable outrages have revealed a self-centered, self-serving, opportunistic, envious, conniving, bitter, sniveling, irrational, cruel-hearted woman. Interest fades fast when that's all someone has to offer. So... Fox will use her and lose her. Like Rupert said, he has no qualms "using a user."

  76. Anonymous6:51 AM

    Gosh, Bristol, if you were really concerned about what was happening to your poor "brother" with Downs' Syndrome, why didn't you give mom a call on her Narcissistic Book Tour and tell her to put on Trig's PANTS, HEARING AIDS, and GLASSES? The kid looked like a poster child for neglect.

    Also too, ask your mom why it was okay for Rush Limbaugh to call people retards. Did you write him a facebook post too?--your double standard is showing!

    You're a day late and way more than a dollar short.
    $1 <-- so here's one, buy a clue!

  77. It's Family Guy, they're kooks! It's just satire! That's excusable, right Sarah?

  78. Anonymous6:57 AM

    That feature in the show isn't kind. But, what the issue here is Sarah Palin again being self-righteously indignant along with her daughter, posting it as a way to make her and family the holy icons of perpetual sorrow.

    Where was Sarah when thousands of innocent disabled and down's syndrome children for decades, and during her lifetime, were being laughed at in school, or bullied, unfriended in school playgrounds. Was she appaled then? And as governor, did she do some research into the State's schools bullying problems? Where was Sarah's indignation on behalf of mothers' sorrows to learn that their disabled children were being turned down for special services because they couldn't afford them?

    Looks like she was busy taking care of Sarah only, like, trying to start a business called "Rouge Cou", or helping Todd run a snowmachine business, marathon running, doing pageants, working as a tv sportscaster. Hunting and fishing and all those good things that she says Alaskans do. Why have we never seen her name involved in Special Olympics, or as a volunteer defender of disabled children's rights?

    When she or her child is a target, instead of becoming upset enough to do something constructive, like becoming a proponent of children's rights through real-time involvement, she snarls and attacks through facebook. And, in fact, it's the writers who she has the issue with, why couldn't she and Bristol write the show's producers privately?

  79. Anonymous7:06 AM

    The only word in that entire pseudo-Bristol screed that sounds anything like the teenaged nitwit herself is the ultimate one, "jerks." And yes, I am mocking one of Sarah's children. She's a lying, vindictive little hypocrite, just like her mom.

  80. Anonymous7:41 AM

    Hey Bristol, I'm outraged that you're the spokesperson for abstinence after giving birth to not one but two babies. Maybe Family Guy should make a comdey skit out of you too.

  81. Anonymous7:44 AM

    Meghan McCain has been in the news lately so $P wants Bristol to have some press as well. Palins want to be viewed as a political family not just $arah.

  82. Anonymous7:51 AM

    Memo to Palin Family Ghostwriter: When there are only two brothers, one is older and the other is younger. It takes three for one to be the oldest and another to be the youngest. Trig is not Bristol's youngest brother. We can argue about the brother-part, but at best, she can only claim that he is younger.
    Dear Ghostwriter, you have made this mistake before.

    Where was Bristol's outrage when Trig was dragged in front of bright lights, loud crowds. Oh, I forgot, he couldn't see without his glasses and he couldn't hear without his hearing aids. He was also up past his bedtime, and poorly dressed. Where was that "sisterly" outrage then?

    For that matter, Bristol, how did you feel when Sarah revealed that you were expecting a baby as an unwed teen? Is that when you got that thick skin?

  83. Sue Woodward7:56 AM

    Too bad Chris's date wasn't a single teenage mother, THAT WOULD HAVE BEEN FUNNY!

  84. Anonymous8:13 AM

    I think we should commend Family Guy for its portrayal of a DS girl as a normal tee, with a wicked sense of humor also, too.


  85. Lisantx8:37 AM

    Teal, you're on a roll--

    Trig is Bristol's bro'son!
    And "Brisarah" is good, but best of all:

    Trig has two Mommies!!!!!

    I hope that Kara Vallow, the Fox producer, will respond publicly and "educate" the Palins and their bots.

  86. Anonymous8:39 AM

    Chris is 15 and in High school. He fell in love with a high school DS girl. Wasn't it nice and refreshing that he didn't like the typical fake beauty queen(kinda like SP). Her father is an accountant. Toad isn't that smart. Where is she anywhere similar to Trig? The only thing is DS and former governor of Alaska. They were clearly making fun of Sarah but she is to stupid to know the difference. This isn't the first time they poked fun at Sarah (remember Stevie wearing the Nazi uniform with McCain/Palin button)this won't be the last time either. Sarah should also remember what happened not long after she picked a fight with Letterman. I think it had to do with not being a quitter and that quitters are fish going with the flow and she wasn't going to shit down and shut up or something like that.

  87. Anonymous9:14 AM

    Mommy Dearest set the rules. If its satire to say ret...ed then its OK.

    If Bristol wants to change Mommy Dearest's rule then Mommy Dearest needs to go on Rush's show as say that she is changing the rule.

    Naming your Down Syndrome child after the genetic defect that you, as the parent caused the child to be burdened - Tri. G. or Trig - certainly quaifies as emotionally retarded and breath takingly cruel.

    Plus the clip that I saw made fun of Sarah, though indirectly.

  88. Gasman9:16 AM

    Anon @ 10:24,
    What the hell are you smoking? If you are not high, then WTF is wrong with you? If you aren't wasted, then you have some REAL problems. Maybe you ought to get that gaping head wound attended to.

  89. How much was Bristol and her PR company paid for her face book post?

  90. Anonymous9:27 AM

    I don't watch Family Guy (or Southpark)---not my kind of humor. As a parent of a multiply handicapped child, I do sometimes cringe at the insensitive, unkind, or ignorant things people say. However, it's also frustrating when someone tries to convince me that my child is "just like everyone else"---which just is not true. My child will face far more challenges and work ten times harder to achieve half of what someone else will achieve. Do I love my child less for that? No! I am proud of my child for facing these challenges with reasonably good humor and determination. I love my child. But you know what REALLY irritates me? When people say, "Oh, people like that are always so sweet." Not only is that patently untrue (I've known many demanding, violent, unmanageable people with the same disabilities as my child), but it's insulting to define my child by my child's disabilities.

  91. imnofred9:33 AM

    Again, Sarah shows what a HYPOCRITE and a COWARD she really is. Since this was shown on Fox News, Sarah uses Bristol to display her fake outrage without offending Fox, because she needs them politically. If she felt as strongly as she claims about special needs children, she would have posted the comment herself and called Fox on it. But, of course, this is the way Sarah rolls.

    Just imagine if this was shown on any channel besides Fox. She would be calling for someone to be fired, a boycott, and a protest.

    When are some of these stupid people that continue to support her see through her charade???

  92. crystalwolf aka caligrl9:47 AM

    LMAO!!! hahahaha, the show was so stupid but funny...
    I guess all psychics, star trek fans, cops in wheelchairs, who am I missing? They can all be insulted too....!
    And honestly, we are supposed to believe, Bristol... "Yeah..."Palin wrote that???
    Bristol, do you think abstinence is a good thing "Yeah".
    Bristol, is the moon made of blue cheese? "Yeah"
    I think Family guy show should now devote a Whole episode to the!!!!

  93. Wally9:51 AM

    I don't care about their dumb ghost writers.

    I want to see shallow Bristol in HIGH DEF to check out the work. Will she look old? Redone and young again?

  94. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn9:59 AM

    Boy, Bristol LLC MUST be busy, scouring the media for any teensy, tiny shred of ANYTHING that this warped family can turn into a manufactured PR blitz! Surely Saint Sarah of the Perpetually Dim doesn't have the time to do any of it--she's doin' big, important things, doncha' know. Like, parting the Bering Sea, turning dead leaves into nacho chips, and--for her next speech--maybe dabblin' in some psychic readings? Wink!

  95. As $arah would's just's not like they were calling Trigg a f***n retard.

    As a matter of FACT Rush Limbaugh's program has not been nominated for OR won any awards for his "satire".

    On the OTHER hand Family Guy has won/been nominated for.......drum roll:

    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~133~~~~~~~~~~awards for THEIR "satire".

    It is quite disgusting actually, that $arah is faking Bristol playing the victim, just like her mother.

    I'm sure that Bristol has HER OWN Facebook page to write one.

    We all know that $arah wrote this one, I wonder if Bristol knows about it yet?

  96. Will someone just PULL HER HAIR ALREADY????

  97. Where is Todd's outrage?

    He's a wimpy shmuck up on the ROOF.

  98. Palin picks her fights. Teh r-word is one of her dumbest.

    I trust Levi before Bristol and Sarah any day! Sarah, that was no satire when you called Trig teh r-word. You teach your kids to LIE.

  99. Anonymous11:14 AM

    Bawhahaha! dumb twats took the bait...

    BWT: I am a woman who loves the 'C' word and don't particularly find it offensive.

    Twat(s) on the other hand describes $car-ah & her clone perfectly.

    Seth won this round and will win many many more!

    I love how he thumbs his nose at societies hypocrisies and ugliness.

  100. Anonymous12:03 PM

    imnofred: she made sure her FB rant was titled: fox HOLLYWOOD as in heathens. Rupert has no control over the monsters on HOLLYWOOD.

    HOLLYWOOD is our only export these days. Movies and TV shows are something we still make here and I thought HOLLYWOOD's role in spreading the glories of capitalist culture was a good thing?

  101. Anonymous12:21 PM

    I wanted to add to my comment at 9:27 that I watched the Family Guy clip and did not find it to be insensitive, unkind, or ignorant to the disabled. I really don't understand the outrage. I also don't understand the instinct to respond to every perceived slight---at least not if you're no longer in elementary school.

  102. What say Levi1:14 PM


    Big head Palin loves leading the media around. Fox and Murdock love stirring the pot. I think they struck gold with the fake "retard" game they are playing.

  103. Anonymous1:24 PM

    Bristol: You and your mom may have a hard time dealing with this but the reality is that there are a lot of things in this world that HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH YOU! Neither of you are really that special.

  104. Bristol says, "stop making fun of my baby, dammit"!

  105. Anonymous1:38 PM

    Does anyone have a link to when Levi told how he and the Palin children reacted to Sarah saying retard for Trigg? It was about how they were use to the retard word and it didn't matter to Bristol when Sarah did it. Would anyone know when Mercedes started dating one of Bristol's old boy friends? That would be a huge problem for Bristol and could be why she is so subservient to Sarah now.

  106. And one more thought....When the Southpark episode portrayed Cartman trying out for Special Olympics, they had him trying only to "look" more retarded. Once he got to the Special Olympics he realized that the "retarded looking" kids had more athletic ability than him because he was a "fatass". Just another example of how adult cartoons can lampoon "retarded" people yet show their strengths at the same time.

    Satire is sometimes a double edged sword; it can both demean and exult it's intended targets.

    The Palin's would never get this, however.

  107. Anonymous2:36 PM

    If I was Bristol, I would focus on the child custody case instead of following in her mother's footstep. If the judge gets whim of Bristol rant on Facebook, like her mother. The judge may think she is just as nuts as her mother and give Levi full custody.

  108. Anonymous2:48 PM

    Wonder how much Bristol paid ghostwriter RAM, and if it was paid with her InTouch income or via mom's PAC?

  109. Anonymous2:52 PM

    I'm with Anon 10:12, all the way.

    My adult child does not have DS but a wide range of other birth defects. He absolutely got through life by serving up a big wedge of humor pie coupled with assertiveness to everyone he dealt with. I also found this Family Guy sketch refreshing and right on, very empowering and putting DS folks on the same plane as everyone else on the planet. For once!!!

    But this is too sophisticated, too subtle for Our Miss Palin, as she has not learned what she needs to learn from her own disabled child. She is still dealing with the 'shame.' Everything she does and says about 'her' son positively screams shame and embarassment.

    This is one terrific kid. It's about time she grows up and respects him and finds real joy in who he is. That includes JOKES!! Lots of them!!!

    I can't wait for Trig to grow up and put Sarah in her place and hold a mirror to her ugly face. As her 'normal' kids, unfortunately, seem unable or unwilling to do so. Can't blame them there.

    But DS kids and adults have a crafty way of cutting through the cheese. It will happen.

    (I also know a lot of DS kids and adults as a result of having a disabled child.)

  110. Anonymous3:07 PM

    If Sarah and Bristol's skin are not thick enough to be in the public spotlight, then it's not the right thing for the family. If they were really concerned about this, which they're not, then complaining about it is not the right approach. Sadly, though, Sarah is the one capitalizing on Trig's DS for her own gain in fame. Ironic and stupid. But so are those who believe her.

  111. Anonymous3:12 PM

    Make up your mind, Sarah. You said this was OK when used as satire. Family Guy is clearly far more satirical than Rush Limbaugh.

  112. emrysa3:16 PM

    when is bristol going to move out of mommy & daddy's house?

  113. when is bristol going to move out of mommy & daddy's house?

    As long as they have Trig, she'll want to be near her oldest son. She is probably his primary caretaker anyway.

  114. Anonymous4:42 PM

    Shes probably mad because she is not making money from him using her name.What was so offensive about the clip?

  115. Anonymous4:45 PM

    Haven't you noticed that sarah has no sense of humor. she is always calculating her image, therefore she doesn't get the joke most of the time.

  116. Anonymous4:56 PM

    on c4p they are repeating the lie about Obama saying his children were off limits, when everybody should know by now, that he said sarah's children should be off limits. If they didn't have lies, they would not have anything.

  117. Anonymous7:02 PM

    Get over it Bristol. There was no mention of anyone with Down's Syndrome. All they mentioned was the girl's mother with nothing more than a speech impediment was the former Gov. of Alaska.

    Family Guy also makes fun of everyone. It's called satire.

    Maybe it hit home for you because Trig is really your baby, or is mommy using your Facebook page?

  118. honestyinGov7:23 PM

    Gryphen ,
    Somebody on Palingates posted this YouTube clip of " DOPEY Changy" Woman.This is from the Bill'O Show today.
    It speaks for itself. Bill seemed rather bored with the whole thing.
    And she proclaims she has ALWAYs out there supporting these DS Kids. Yeah... sure. All to the tune of $1000... from a Multi-Millionaire.
    Isn't that more like pocket-change?

  119. Mac And Cheese Wiz8:27 PM

    Well, I watch Family Guy and I think it's a funny show that uses adult satire, but it's not for everyone.

    All kids say things on dates to imdpress and to break the nervous tension. Does this skit mean that all blonde DS teens lie? NO

    This fake outrage from the bonding momma's from Lake Lucille is just another attention grabbing publicity stunt. I hope it boosts Family Guy's ratings just like the protest against Married With Children did. Great Job Sarah and Bristol! Fox's plan is working perfectly- hire Sarah to boost ratings. The user is being used, guess it's divine providence.

    Sarah paraded Trig across the country, improperly dressed for the elements, without his glasses and hearing aids, during a huge epidemic of H1N1 And the regular Flu. What for? (money, duh!)

    Bristol, you need to drop this abstinance balogna and go out on a real date. Find people your own age to socialize with, go to the movies, etc.

    You come across as very frustrated and vapid when your mom's ghostwriters speak on your behalf.

    when is enough enough? The First Amendment covers that. Don't like Family Guy, Letterman, Katie Couric? Change the channel! Problem Solved.

    I appreciate the REAL parents of children with challenges who responded! You're right, we need to lighten up. Life is what you make of it.

  120. "satire"

    pretty much describs SPs whole maybe she does 'NO" what it means...approaching Blk Comedy status


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