Friday, February 12, 2010

Countdown addresses the Teabagger frustration with Sarah Palin. Added bonus: The Demon Sheep ad revisited.

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You know I don't want to brag but I have seen Sarah Palin in person about a half dozen times and her eyes do in fact have that demonic glow to them. Quite frightening really.

I am simply adding this next clip because watching Lawrence O'Donnell kick some ex-Bush speechwriter ass on television made my whole my whole damn day.

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Did you just love it? Well I know I did.

And listening to Keith and Lawrence dismantle this guy's ridiculous lies was also very entertaining.


  1. Anonymous6:13 PM

    Sarah is quite striking as the demon sheep. The red eyes are certainly an improvement!

    I just hope that others in the tea party movement will see through her and realize she is only using them to promote her own political agenda. She doesn't care about the tea baggers any more than she cares about her own kids. Sarah only cares about Sarah.

  2. The more I hear Lawrence O'Donnell speak, the more I like him.

    He needs his own show!

  3. Dale Robertson just needs to strap on a pair of shiny red f**k-me pumps and a tight skirt. He can snatch those Teabaggers right back from Sarah. Fight, Dale, Fight!

  4. Anonymous7:16 PM

    Please flesh out your comment, "her eyes do in fact have that demonic glow to them," so that I can visualize better the context you are using and what you see when you are looking at her. Most who seem lured to her looks are very attracted to her eyes and consider them one of her best features. Please specify, since most of us have not seen her in person, what you mean. Do her eyes appear 'checked out', loopy, non-focused, glazed over, mean, or something else?

  5. Anonymous7:16 PM

    The segment covering Marc Thiessen - ex-chimpy speechwriter/hack - was outstanding. O'Donnell called him out earlier on Scarborough's show but got cut off by Joe, the OTHER hack, before he could finish.

    Tonight - he finished.

    So just to drive the point home that Thiessen is a baseline lunatic and his premise 'that on 9/11 we didn't even know who hit us'..(moronic even to a 6 year old) let's do a little stroll thru history.. Anyone know who John O'Neill is?? Anyone?? Here's a link for anyone who's curious.. (hint: He told the FBI in the mid 1990's about Bin Laden and his plot...would they listen?? HA!)

  6. Sometimes, when Gryphen puts up new posts, I forget to go back to the older ones and see if there are new comments. If that applies to anyone else here, may I suggest you go back to this post and read two posts by DCity Chick - (six or seven up from end of the 89 comments). Details of the Palins pallin' around with the AIP - really good stuff:

  7. I saw Lawrence go at that jerk on Morning Joe. Of course Joe had to interrupt Lawrence just as it got heated, went to commercial then came back and Joe took over. What an asshole, he was afraid Thiessen was going to say something damning about the SHRUB?? Well yea, he did anyway!

    Lawrence is great, he does need his own show.

  8. Anonymous8:17 PM

    I laughed so hard during the sheep clip I had to take a comfort break. For a cow she makes a great sheep.

  9. Anonymous8:23 PM

    Yes! That was quite the truth telling this am. I loved that O'Donnell. It was great. Good for Americans to hear it. O'course, repubs recoil like they've been bitten by a snake. They can't handle truth really well. Truth is therapeutic however.

  10. Anonymous12:20 AM

    Say ruh's eyes? She's missing some diamonds in her teeth. Just think how beautiful she would be if she would just glue a few diamonds in there. They would glint just so at the teabags. Until she does this I'm afraid she doesn't have a credible future in politics. Happily, I'm SURE she can afford them now.

  11. Anonymous3:05 AM

    Did you see where the quitter has banned the press in Fl? Even the thrilled ones say that is unusual. As I have posted before, what is there to hide that the press should be banned? Why is the press not reporting on the shady dealings she did in Ak?

  12. Anonymous4:05 AM

    This is OT but in regards to the obesity epedemic post with Michelle Obama
    Posting here as I want to be heard :D ..and that post is pretty old

    So I heard a very sound piece of advice to greatly reduce kids bad eating habits...usually the root cause of obesity, ect..

    Rather than focus on the FOOD or PORTION.. which is important but where the struggle lies...

    First make one very simple house rule (if the whole family obliged even better.. by example is always best)

    All meals/snacks/ect... are to be eaten at the kitchen/dining room table
    No TV, 'Puter, Magazine/ distraction
    Just sitting in a calm, relaxed place eating whatever they want and however much they want but
    "with no distractions"

    A big problem, they say, is our habit of "zoning" and "shoveling" when we eat
    This is the root cause of overeating
    Sitting undistracted forces one to be aware of what they eat (engage the senses!) and outta boredom you stop when you are done.. the TV is waiting!

    Then parents can incorporate better food choices (whole, real foods) blah blah blah

    Just thought this was such simple, yet sound advice... and not really being mentioned

  13. Anonymous5:08 AM

    It's about time these liars were called on it.

    Enjoyed every bit of O'Donnell's questioning and pointing out the REAL facts of 9/11, not that idiot's revisionist history.


  14. Anonymous5:12 AM

    KO mentions that there is no press again at her next speech. My new theory is that she puts an effort into only the few speeches that are televised or have press. Her performances (and they are performances) at these speeches carry her through the next few without scrutiny.

    I remember reading comments from the audience about the Houston "motivational" speech she gave and people didn't seem very impressed. She was described as pretty much phoning it in.

  15. Ferry Fey5:36 AM

    I was just looking at the photo in the "Sarah for 2012? Vote Here" ad that Google ads put up on Gryphen's page (sponsored by rightwing news source Newsmax).

    If it doesn't come up on your page you can find it here:

    She appears to be smiling, but if you really look into the expression, it is quite a pained look, like she's about to break into a nasty sarcastic reply to someone.

    Clicking the add to "vote here" leads you to Newsmax, and again the picture that they have chosen is superficially smiling, but the eyes are really "off" and not at all smiley.

    It's either like having someone tone-deaf put together your ad jingle campaign, or it's due to a graphic designer with good social skills making an apt choice. ;)

    Ferry Fey

  16. crystalwolf aka caligrl10:49 AM

    The demon sheep was really funny!!! loved the red eyes that match her red naughty monkey shoes :)
    And saying about the kids riding on the sheeps!!!!

  17. I love the revised 'Demon Sheep' ad (much better than the original). It is a perfect vehicle to showcase La Palin. I was laughing pretty hysterically.

    Lawrence O'Donnell is excellent. He would do well with his own show.

  18. Deb in WI11:56 AM

    I love Lawrence. He doesn't sit back and allow lying talking points like most of the MSM does with the thugs. I also commend his passion.

  19. Anonymous12:48 PM

    Reporters are not invited. They ask questions and Say ruh can't stand those things. Ooh. Yuk.

  20. Mac And Cheese Wiz9:04 PM

    I absolutely loved the second video, watching him being eviscerated and called out on a lie made my day.

    When is Sarah's turn?


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