Here is a challenge for you. See how long you can listen to this little prick before you want to throw your computer out of the window.
His whole speech is filled with insults toward liberals, attacks on our President, and misinformation. He claims that CPAC is the Republican version of Woodstock except that their women are beautiful.

Beautiful? Really? Yeah, I don't see it.
Materra also makes reference to Obama's past cocaine abuse, which our President wrote about openly in his book "Dreams From My Father". Not much of a scandal if the guy admits it and even mentions it in his bestselling book is there?
(I guess Materra missed the memo about President Bush's arrest for cocaine use. Or is it different because Georgie boy wasn't a black man?)
Perhaps my favorite part is when this little weasel says that college professors and administrator's supported Obama 12 to 1 over John McCain, but rather than make the fairly obvious observation that intelligent people preferred Obama to run their country, Materra simply claims that "academia" is out of step with the rest of the country.
You mean the rest of the country that overwhelmingly voted Obama into office in 2008?
Watching numerous videos from this pathetic hate fest has convinced me now more than ever that all this party has to offer anymore is negativity and barely veiled racism. Simply put there are no new ideas, just the same old recycled talking points and finger pointing.
I thought our Miss Palin was a know, the reason for her rock hard abs. Fake like everything else.
ReplyDelete...booty is in the eye of the beholder.
ReplyDeleteUgh, that picture again. I just ate. Thanks a lot.
ReplyDeleteI guess these people really do want to stay a minority group forever. I don't know how in the world they think they're going to grow their team with shit like this.
ReplyDeletenot that I mind. these are the people who hold society back from evolving, so the less of them the better.
Sexism and racism bleeding all over at CPAC, along with the usual hatriot talk, lies and hypocrisy. Seems like a swell time.
ReplyDeleteP.S. Thanks for reminding us about the wannabe-beauty-queen's fallen assets. I'm sure she'll enjoy seeing that photo again when she reads your blog, Gryphen.
I watched the whole thing. Jason Mattera is a comedian, not a politician. His shtick was pure theatre. Not that there's anything wrong with that. Whether he actually believes what he spouts we may never know, but if he's makin' a livin' doin' it for the time being, then more power to him.
ReplyDeleteDoes he ever go on other shows to be interviewed?
Bet he uses a teleprompter.
As usual, everything is negative. NO ideas, NO platform - just bash Obama and you are bound to get applause. Palin is not going to CPAC - they do not pay for appearances.
ReplyDeleteThanks for posting the cottage cheese thighs picture again! Post it wide, post it often!
Please post the photo with her hideous pout while wearing the green jacket as well as the self exam snarl from the TN Teabagger speech. They'd round out the one in the shorts above. Thanks, G.
ReplyDelete"this pathetic hate fest has convinced me now more than ever that all this party has to offer anymore is negativity and barely veiled racism."
ReplyDeleteGreat ending Gry. That's it in a nutshell. The Rep Party is a whole bunch of angry white men, angry that a BLACK MAN holds the presidency.
They all make me sick. That includes a large majority of my own family in the Midwest...of which, I no longer talk to.
Sad? Not so much. I dont miss their retoric one bit.
Hopefully, one day they will see how very wrong they are backing this "PARTY OF NO".
I'm Sick to my stomach listening to the word vomit Repugnants who never had a clue,an idea or a platform to back up the useless rhetoric spewed out of these mindless morons!Talk about the ugly American ! The darkness in thier hearts has shown itself ,it's Racism,Hate for anything or anyone who has a clear agenda to fix this Country! Most of all they are Afraid scared to death of a President who simply wants to help his fellow American.How sad and pathetic they are.
ReplyDeleteOT: ADN has the latest schpiel from
ReplyDeletevan Flein about setting the $$figure for Levi's child support. If Levi fails to get joint custody, & what's her name prevails & is awarded the high monthly support amount mentioned,he will be up the creek as far as getting on his financial feet. The heavy financial pressure would effectively put a damper on any new relationship he formed with another
young woman. And I think that's exactly why Miss Bristol is keeping up the finacial pressure. Levi, of course should pay what he can, but
that child does not require the amount demanded. Not with the $$ those Palin gals have/are bringing in. And Tripp's medical ins. is
already covered.
What do you think?
Sharon TN
They are awful! And young people talking like that is just shocking! They don't represent America. They are an embarrassment to our country. It's truly pathetic!
ReplyDeleteI don't remember them being so awful last year.
It's unbelievable that they are proud of this kind of speech.
If that's conservatism, their movement is doomed- they are just too arrogant and stupid to see it.
All talk and no solutions or proposals. I saw the coverage on cnn and they were selling socialist anti Obama propaganda, and FREE posters of the quitter.
ReplyDeleteOh thanks for that beautiful photo of Sarah, It reminded me to add ricotta cheese to my shopping list and to schedule a colonoscopy.
See- Sarah's good for something afterall!
Gryphen, If you keep posting that picture of Quitty's cellulite cottage cheese legs you are going to need a full time bodyguard. I guess the next big expense is going to be liposuction.
ReplyDeleteI could only listen to the little prick for 45 seconds.
ReplyDeleteewwww~ gross...i'm almost embarassed for her!!
ReplyDeletenope won't cut her any slack..
i made it to the part "our women are pretty".
ReplyDeletei got better things to do than listen to ugly christian blather.
CPAC is a big joke but at least they aren't getting PAID...!
ReplyDeleteKeith rips into "Mann coulter" its great!!!
Hope someone will rip into palin SOON!!!!
Isn't he one of the guidos from Jersey Shore?
ReplyDeleteAlso too, their women are not beautiful because their hearts are full of hate, and Gryphen, it would take a lot more than this guy to incite me to do harm to my $2500 MacBook Pro! There isn't any conservative commentary distasteful enough to override my love of my laptop (yep, I worship fake idols....)
ReplyDeleteAnd as well, Palin does have some nasty ass hamstrings. The partner says he would still make time with her in bed, but instead of just muzzling her, he'd now have to have low light and no doggie style.
When I listen to the insane bleating from the teabagger sheeple, I don’t hear ideas or policy differences with liberals, I hear trash talking, smack, and a zillion variations on “Your mama!” These goobers don’t have the slightest idea what liberals ACTUALLY support, they just like tossing out invective that they think is oh so bright and pithy. Hell, they don’t even know what THEY THEMSELVES believe in. They are engaging in the basest sort of mindless tribalism that doesn’t have a damned thing to do with policy or ideas.
ReplyDeleteThere is quite possibly nothing as simultaneously humorous and pathetic as teabagger attempts at debate and/or wit. They are so clueless that they are absolutely unaware of how unbelievably imbecilic and dorky they come across.
The nonsense about “academia” is priceless. They actually think that ignorance is a virtue. If we’ve learned nothing else from the previous president, I think we HAVE learned that incurious fools should not lead our country. These teabaggers are quite simply thicker than shit and they seem to be proud of it.
Hey, teabagger shitheads, answer me this: If you disdain academia, precisely who will train the next generation of doctors, nurses, pharmacists, and scientists? Do you really want to return to leeches and bloodletting? Who will take care of our aging nuclear arsenal if we have no academia to train our next generation of physicists? Who will guard against biological warfare and other weapons of mass destruction? You teabaggers? Are you REALLY that stupid?
The teabaggers are the Khmer Rouge without guns; nihilistic fools whose arrogant visions of ideological demagogic purity are ultimately self destructive and based upon their self assured bigotry and hate.
Luckily, in their own paranoia they are turning upon themselves in a way that will lead to their self immolation.
Pass the marshmallows.
So what is this freedom he talks about?
ReplyDeleteMan those be some Butt Ugly legs and butt!!! OMG THAT is pretty???
ReplyDeleteI was always told Pretty is as Pretty does..... and quite honestly I have never seen Scarah do anything "pretty"
You know in those commercials, when they tell you to call your doctor if you have an erection lasting over four hours?
ReplyDeleteThe doctor will tell you to look at the above picture of Palin bending over, to remedy the problem.
All the polling indicates that younger people don't care if gays have full rights as citizens, they are not as racist as older people so attracting more young people with race/gay baiting seems quite stupid.
ReplyDeleteBut then, these kids are stupid.
I am sorry for the Obamas, but all this racist hate we see is a good thing. It is now clear who they are and clear that this was always simmering underneath.
ReplyDeleteNow their ugliness is on display as they feel fully empowered in their racism.
Okay just got a screen shot of "all the good looking women"
ReplyDeleteHad to get my glasses on... nope, still didn't see it.
This is what is wrong with America... No answers just spewing crap and pointing fingers.
ReplyDeleteSad, really sad.
Proud to be a Obama Zombie, because this man's way of life is just plan mean and crazy.
Uggh. I literally lssted one minute, then the off button was firmly pushed. The youth vote? You are really deluded.
ReplyDeleteAdd to that snide, self aggrandizing, entitled, hitting below the belt - your family is no doubt so proud of you Mattera.