Monday, February 08, 2010

Joe Scarborough: Republicans afraid of, and embarrassed by, Sarah Palin.

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  1. Anonymous5:17 AM

    Lots of people in Alaska are "afraid" of Sarah Palin. The GOP'ers elsewhere are just getting started in the fear game.

  2. Anonymous5:36 AM

    Republicans think: Let's see, if "substance" equals a George Bush or a Bob Dole (or John McCain) then I'll take WHATEVER Sarah Palin is because WHATEVER she is MUST be better than Bush/Dole/McCain and ANYTHING the libs can put out there. Here's the deal: Normal Americans have come to HATE the status quo. We've had "politically correct" from the Right and Left for decades and everything has sucked and sucked more with every passing generation. Nobody CARES if Sarah has an odd baby or an odd family or writes notes on her hand. SHE DIFFERENT. She's NOT the status quo. She's NOT an Establishment choice from the Right or Left. And that's enough. Get used to it. Get used to her. Unless some REAL nut does a Lee Harvey Oswald to her, she is the FUTURE. Our future. Cool.

  3. Anonymous5:42 AM

    I'm pleased to report that in today's Dallas Morning News, which serves a very red area, the article on the Palin/Perry rally is receiving overwhelmingly negative comments.

    Pat in Texas

  4. Anonymous5:43 AM

    She's so NOT the future.

  5. I don't think people in the L49 will fall for Palin's shtick like Alaskans did.

  6. Anonymous5:49 AM

    Didn't hear a word he said.

    Was transfixed by his HUGE GIANT BIG SWELLED head.

    I bet at night he sleeps sitting up like Joseph 'Elephant Man' Merrick had to do.

  7. Hmmmm Anonymous at 5:36 I believe this is what they said about George Bush Jr. and other world leaders in history including Hitler. Different does not equal better and can down right be dangerous. Don't let the shine blind you. Sarah Palin is not a serious contender in anyway she is scary in her delusional thinking.

    Would you let a surgeon operate on you if he said "Well I am a different thinker I actually only have been trained in family medicine but I think I know better than that other guy." "Who needs a liver lets get rid of it!"

    Use your brain and critical thinking skills just maybe Sarah is a hack and has no idea how to lead this country and would cut out the liver and be done. IMJS

  8. From Anon 5:36


    Ummmm, yes she is and it always makes our day here.

  9. Anon 5:36...please look at her SARAHpac filings. She has paid hundreds of thousands of dollars of her supporters money to the Washington DC status quo insiders for "media consulting" and speech writing...many of them who came right over from Johnny Mac's campaign. They are the same Dick Cheney neo cons who controlled GW Bush. Unfortunately for them, Sarah is being Sarah, and is not such a quick study, and is not able to learn and perform the dog and pony show at an acceptable level. She is "Going Rogue" on them, and they have the money and power to destroy her.

    Thankfully most people are not as ignorant as you are and only see the stupid and crazy woman who writes 3rd grade cheat notes.

  10. Anonymous5:56 AM

    nope, not if bloggers have anything to do with it.

    She WILL be taken down, where she belongs, out of the political process.

    Her future, probably evangelical religious nut with a huge nest egg wrung from her dumb poor constituency, the religious far right bible belt.

    Her trolls can assure us that she is our future.

    NO WAY.

  11. Ellen S5:56 AM

    But she's rocking the sex-worker hair! With the miniskirt! And Pearl Necklacce (nudge, nudge)! And she was making ", you are a bad, bad boy and I WILL spank you" faces!

    Doesn't all that make you think "President in 2012"? Maybe a Palin/(Orly) Taitz ticket? And they can run ads appropriate to latenight skinemax....

  12. Pat...let's take bets on how long it will take the Aquatic fan club to get over there and start posting love notes to happens all the time

  13. LisaB5:58 AM

    OMG--I hope Anonymous @5:36 was being facetious. It's that sort of idiocy that keeps me up at night.

    Andrew Halcro has an excellent blog up today that opens with a photo of Sarah's PalmPilot. The purpose of the blog is not to discuss that--although he does mention not being surprised at all--but the truth about "politics as usual."

    But the point he does make about Sarah's Palmpilot is very telling: why "Budget cuts" gets reworked to "Tax Cuts."

    She had no idea who she was speaking to at the Tea Party Convention. She picked her Happy Little Buzz Word talking points, and put them on her palm for safekeeping. Then someone reminded her to whom she was speaking: a bunch of geriatrics very concerned about possible CUTS to Medicare. Better not mention budget cuts. Tax cuts! Yes, that's better. They'll like that one!

    She only says what she *thinks* folks want to hear. She is the EPITOME of politics as usual. "What do I stand for? Energy, Budget cuts, and Lifting American Spirits! Unless the crowd I'm talking to wants to hear me stand for something else. *wink* I'll say anything for applause."

  14. Anonymous6:00 AM

    How is Sarah Palin different, because she doesn't come off coherent like a polished politician?

    Look at her record of abusing power as a city council woman (affecting zoning and tax laws to benefit her business or personal property sales) or as Mayor (the sports complex the city couldn't afford or sustain in the first place - how did she and continues to profit off of that deal years and years later?)

    There is nothing new or refreshing or different about abuse of power. Sarah is no different than Nixon, Reagan (Iran contra) or any of the hypocrites at the powerful mega-church pulpits.

    Her ideas are frightening to personal liberties, but it is what she does with any modicum power behind closed doors that should terrify every real hard working liberty loving American patriot (to use her buzzwords.)

    She upped the ante saying she would die for this country, "If I die I die" was too subtle, now she's will "Live and Die" for this country - she's now espousing Patrick Henry, a realy honest to goodness Tea Party icon (Reagan isn't spreading her coattail strategy enough) and acting like a violent revolution is in order - she is dangerous, she has no compunction in sending her son and your sons and daughters to war - it only furthers her cause of bringing on the end times.

  15. Article from The Dallas Morning News:

  16. The more she talks, the more afraid the Republican's will be. She's Pandora's box. I hope for the world's sake, she is NOT our future.

  17. I'm with Flynn - the only tool bigger than Matt Lauer is Joe Scarborough - the two of them together first thing on a Monday, even hearing them scoff at Sister Sarah...aarrgghh! They make the monster, then destroy the monster....

  18. Anonymous6:09 AM

    Sarah Palin is so 1908. And she doesn't have the stamina for a real campaign anyway. How's her Iowa office coming these days?

  19. 10catsinMD.6:13 AM

    Got an idea from Wonkette.

    Osarah is a retard.
    Osarah is a retard.
    Osarah is a retard.
    Osarah is a retard.
    Osarah is a retard.
    Osarah is a retard.
    Osarah is a retard.
    Osarah is a retard.
    Osarah is a retard.
    Osarah is a retard.

  20. Anonymous6:14 AM

    "I won't close the door that perhaps could be open for me in the future," Palin said.

    WTH, she can't even articulate,

    "Yes, I want to run for President."

  21. Anonymous6:15 AM

    Different as in retarded?

  22. Anonymous6:16 AM

    She's different.
    Yes, well so is my dog. Doesn't make her qualified to high office, though.

  23. Anonymous6:29 AM

    Lynn D,

    We sure as hell understand exactly where you're coming from but do you really think Anonymous at 5:36 would have a chance at fully understanding your rebuttal?

    However, I sometimes get the feeling someone intelligent deliberately writes dumbed-down remarks like 5:36 in order to get a rise out of us. If you visit the Alaskan conservative - but anti-Palin - site "Syrin's Blog", there's a frequent commenter called Ken who comes across like 5:36's backward, backwoods cousin... I mean, he can't be for real because he's too inarticulate.

  24. Palin's a grifter only in it for the money.

    And as long as people like Anonymous @ 5:36am are around, she'll continue to rake in the dough.

  25. I seem to always be a day late and dollar short..........but has there been any looking into Todd Palin and his ties to Alaskan Independent Party or for that matter the CBC?
    If so, please point me to a past link on this blog. Thanks.

  26. Frankly, I'd prefer that a world leader not to make crib notes on her hand when she's trying to list her own policy issues.

    And at that, she made a mistake with them. How stupid do you have to be not to know your own policy concerns?

  27. Anonymous6:48 AM

    Say ruh is nutz. She has no more qualifications for the presidency of the United States than any bum on the street. THE BUMS are DIFFERENT TOO. The person who heads the organization of the United States needs to represent a tier of education, experience, analytic quality and values that is excellent and represents the willingness to comprehend the historic values of our Constitution. Say ruh, as a mere old, Alaskan, bimbo, is backed by soap and diaper salesmen and needs to shut up and sit down. Thank Q!

  28. Anonymous6:49 AM

    Sarah will never be taken seriously, all she has is one liner smart ass remarks to get the applause from her bots. She will never run, she dangles that out there so her followers keep sending money.

    She loves money and the spotlight more than doing the hard work of being a Gov. or working hard to become a serious contender for Pres. If she was serious and confident she would be going on all the talk show not just the friendly shows with softball interviews.

  29. Ratfish6:51 AM

    She can lie with a straight face better than anyone.

    Excerpt from her Chris Wallace interview:

    WALLACE: You talk about new potshots. I think what you're probably referring to is that NBC has gotten a hold -- I'm sure you've heard -- of hundreds of emails in which your husband -- it was during your days as governor -- your husband, Todd, exchanged views with state officials about a judicial appointee, about appointments to -- to various state boards. A labor dispute -- was what he was doing appropriate?

    PALIN: Absolutely. And you know there are so few people in the political world, and the media world that -- someone like me that we can trust. My husband is -- is -- he's my soul mate. He's my best friend. He's my number one advisor. I'm going to bounce things off Todd. Nothing confidential that couldn't be shared with others out there in the public. Todd never circulated anything that was confidential, and hadn't already been circulated.

    Oh really, Sarah? Then why didn't your release his emails, and why do we have a lawsuit over this?

  30. Anonymous6:53 AM

    @anon 5:36 sounds to me like it could be $P herself making those remarks, like ending the sentence with the word COOL (or one of her daughters). Remember when BW asked Willow what did she think if her mother ran for President and her answer was "COOL" I've heard $P answer some questions with the word "COOL" also, too.

  31. Anonymous6:54 AM

    Soapydog- My dog too, he's cute and was born in the USA and smart enough to no when to shut up.

  32. scarlet/oregon6:54 AM

    Great Post this morning by Jason Linkins....

  33. GermanGoodness6:57 AM

    Sometimes I get so angry listening to her, I just have to stop. Her lies, word salad and attacks against the president just further fuel that anger.

    Because Republicans are such big whiny baby wussies when it comes to Palin, it sometimes makes me want to switch to the Republican party, run for office and loudly declare what an incompetent, deceitful sack of shit she is. Maybe then SOMEONE in that party with a sac would stand up and say, "Yeah, she is and I am embarrassed to have her represent us."

    Palin should not be in ANY position of power, political or otherwise. Please, please, please Gryphen! Get the final piece to the puzzle and take this fucking, slimeball bitch down!

    //rant over.

  34. Anonymous6:58 AM

    Sarah would like to be able to do away with people of difference races or religions, even if it via killing them. Of course she is publicly opposed to abortion because anti-abortionists vote on only one issue, anything more is too complicated for them, like figuring out whether 10 dead children melted by white phosphorous in Gaza is a bad thing.

  35. Gasman7:10 AM

    Anon @ 5:36,
    Yes, Sarah Palin is certainly different. She is undeniably stupid. The woman is not just UNDEREDUCATED, she is UNEDUCABLE. THAT is the difference. George Bush was intellectually lazy and incurious, but Palin is simply a moron. To make matters worse, she is incredibly vain and arrogant, so much so that she believes she should be POTUS. Oh, I forgot to mention that she also is a liar. Why should any Dem fear her? She is an inarticulate clod. That you seem to think that she should be on the national stage speaks volumes about you.

    Please, spare me the “Dems fear Palin” bullshit. I am among the most liberal people in this country and I do not fear her. In fact, I WANT her to run for POTUS. So much so that I will contribute to her campaign. She has no chance in hell of making it out of the primaries as a Republican. If the teabaggers run her as a third party, she will be laughed off the stage at her first joint appearance with other candidates from the Dems or the GOP. She is an imbecilic verbal stumblebum who will not do well in real debates. She will also not do well if and when she faces a real reporter, you know, someone who doesn’t work at FauxNews.

    There are a growing number within the GOP, even people who have always been regarded as conservatives, who have openly declared basically what I said above, albeit in somewhat less blunt terms. If they are speaking out about Palin so forcefully in public, imagine what they are saying privately. They are probably coming much closer to my words.

    The ONLY people who support Palin are the un or undereducated, the bigots - religious, ethnic, and racial varieties especially, and most of all the fearful. The people just like Palin. Her supporters are disaffected losers who feel powerless and sense that Palin is indeed different. However, you mistake that distinction as being in any way positive. So, when you folks state that she is “just like me,” you are more right than you could possibly imagine.

    As tempting as I imagine it might be, this response was not meant to be simply an extended insult to you. I am trying to give you the most brutally honest assessment of Sarah Palin that this liberal can. To my knowledge, she is simply the most unqualified person who has ever run for VPOTUS/POTUS. She would be INFINITELY worse than George W. Bush. That is why she will NEVER get anywhere near the White House. If by some improbable twist of fate, Palin found herself the GOP nominee for POTUS, there would be mass defections from that party with dozens, if not hundreds of prominent Republicans either leaving the party or urging their members not to vote for Palin. She is that dangerous.

    At a time when we need unity as a nation, she divides and polarizes us. She will never attract beyond her idiot teabagger base, and unless she does, she has no chance of getting elected to any national office. Less hero worship and more objectivity would serve you better.

  36. Anonymous7:26 AM


    I dare not read your comments while smoking a joint.

  37. Anonymous7:32 AM

    I bet Palin would do well in Roller Derby.

  38. 10catsinMD7:48 AM

    I put up the comments like one at Wonkette. Wonkette has her entire speech from Sat night, and their readers are in a stir with the suggestion that they listen to it.

    Another topic, just listened and relistened to Ariana on KO about the "retard" comment and RL.

    Ariana's statement about her "brand" should be put out there loud and clear. What with Sarah hiring all the consultants and her facebook, quotes, interviews, and speeches. It's all about "branding" her. Ariana calls it a "veneer." We need to remember to call her out constantly and keep stripping the veneer away.

    We need to smash the branding wide open.

  39. Obama's biggest failing may yet prove to be his failure to turn a special prosecutor loose on the Bush Admin from day one to reestablish America's moral clarity and the rule of law. It's already clear that what he risked is a reality - torture and other crimes of the Bush/Cheney/neocon cabal remain a policy debate rather than a path to prison. It also allowed Cheney to completely outflank him politically. It's not lost on the neocons how morally weak Obama looked protecting the same war criminals who were on the teevee mocking him as weak. Once Obama let it get to that point, his hands were tied - anything he might have done early on to snuff the neo-barabarians' influence would have taken on the appearance of a politically motivated vendetta. He's been walking on a politically weak leg ever since he stepped down from the moral high ground to get a better "look forward." It's stunning how much he didn't see there. The neocons never backed off and are again making it clear just what we have to "look forward" to - more neocon attacks on America's moral imperative, the rule of law and our Constitution, still couched as a debate of weakness vs strength. Given the Dems track record on standing up for their convictions and what is morally right, though, surely they'll stand strong against the neocons again this time. Oh, wait...

  40. LisaB7:52 AM

    Make yourselves heard. This was linked to a conservative blog.

    NPR poll: hand notes or teleprompter worse?

  41. Anonymous8:03 AM

    6:58a.m. Agree completely.

  42. Anonymous8:03 AM

    Anon at 7:32

    Roller derby!

    An instant visual flashed across my mind's eye... the Wasilla Gorilla all elbows and scrappy determination layin' waste to everyone in her way.

  43. Anonymous8:09 AM

    If "the door opens" (thank q dominionists, international corportists, murdoch, et al.) for the placement of this substandard unlikely "candidate" in a short skirt for a thorough medical examination to rule out early onslough alzheimers. Early onslought alzheimers manifests with forgetfulness of rather substantial magnitude. It's terrible for the patient and family. But, she will need to produce the "real" medical charts. The forgetfulness is a big thing, here (there, also too).

  44. Anonymous8:21 AM

    Hillary Clinton has cute legs too. But, we seldom see her wearing short skirts hiked up to above mid thigh stroking her legs suggestively. No. Instead, Hillary Clinton thought to herself: "How can I be taken seriously; by wearing a very short skirt and stroking my thighs? No, I don't think I get my "ideas about governance across like that; stylist? get me a pantsuit". For this reason alone, say ruh, has no credibility and is not cross-referencible with Hillary Clinton. No comparison whatsoever.

  45. An "imbecilic verbal stumblebum", yes Gasman I think that is the best description of Sister Sarah I have seen. And Sarah, I know you read this blog, that "hopey changey" thing is working just fine for me.

  46. Anonymous8:32 AM

    Nate at 538 has an interesting column today about how badly Palin needs an advisor and points out several reasons/mistakes.
    There was this interesting post in the comments:

    Obliterati said...
    My uncle's been an oil-worker and part-time politician in Alaska (they have a lot of those up there...the whole state goverment is like a PTA meeting)for twenty years, and he's talked to and dealt with Palin on several occasions.

    He swears, SWEARS, up and down, that Palin was never ever like this before the '08 election. He says - yeah sure - she wasn't an MIT grad or anything. But she always seemed perfectly normal in terms of intelligence, commitment, organization and mental stability. He never saw, or heard anyone speak of, all this crazy Palin language/gibberish or any of her kooky beliefs and boneheaded political mistakes and unforced errors.

    He insists that she suffered some sort of severe mental breakdown during the campaign.

    Anyway, food for thought. She's always entertaining, I'll give her that.

  47. Anonymous9:23 AM

    Joe Scarface = HACK.... HACK.... HACK.... HACK.... HACK.... HACK.... HACK.... HACK.... HACK....

  48. Well said Gasman! Do you mind if I use some of your words when responding to some of my idiot friends?

  49. So if Sarah needs an adviser......why doesn't Todd step in. Doesn't he not have eyes and ears?

    Dallasite...thank you for the info.
    Appears Todd is real interested in people looking into AIP membership lists.

  50. grasshopper9:51 AM

    She didn't have a breakdown. She just had a glimpse of the big time spotlight and a taste of real power and how profitable it could be for her greedy evil soul.The drug abuse didn't help matters. We all know what happens when we stab our way to the top. She IS going down.

  51. Okay, I found a video about AIG...Joe Vogler speaking...

    It now makes sense to me why the religious right loves her...... But why would the GOP go along with her crap, especially McCain knowing how she felt about government. She's not even an AIP sleeper...too obvious. Todd must be likened to Captain America then.

  52. Anonymous10:01 AM

    Re: "hopey changey thing"; we are very pleased to have an intelligent educated President. Americans voted for him en masse for a reason not the least of which is that he could personally tolerate a good education. He should have the right to enjoy working his agenda without the caprice of such a stupid woman hounding him. Say ruh is worse than anyone who ever hounded the vaunted GW.

  53. Anonymous10:04 AM

    As say ruh will learn the problem with disloyalty is that you can really only scam them once then they're on to you. We are on to her; didn't she turn on every republican mentor and backer in Alaska to date? How's that disloyalty thing workin for ya say ruh?

  54. Anonymous10:33 AM

    Yea, and the Alaskan legislators have not turned a special prosecutor loose on the errant Palin gang either. In fact they want to seat her AG pick a holdover from the inner circle of GW. She gets a break because she is a little woman with fragile little shoulders. Nonsense. Let her answer some real questions in the proper forum.

  55. Gasman10:43 AM

    Pummel your idiot friends with my words with my hearty endorsement. If they support Palin, tell them that I said they were morons.

  56. Anonymous10:46 AM

    You rant describes just what the repugs are looking for.
    Could be an excellent nomination speech!

  57. Anonymous10:50 AM

    The smugness she demonstrated this weekend (perhaps)shows the woman is not dealing with a full deck. A con artist usually backs away if their "con" might be discovered. But SP's lack of self-reflection, actions, arrogance despite being caught red-handed in the cookie jar(hand scribblings), is very telling. It cries out "attention at any and all costs". It seems to say, she doesn't care if she's caught on national camera in full display, ie. cheating with crib notes.

    That itself raises a red flag on the mental stability. It screams for attention, somewhat like psychopaths who actually hope they will get caught. It gives them a sick pleasure to keep people guessing their next move or debating why they would do such a thing. The inconsistencies (accusations against Emmanual, but not Limbaugh) are not actions of a clear-thinking person. It displays someone looking for a fight, an argument, just for the sake of arguing, which is a prime trait in people with personality disorders (NPD).

    Usually, it's very troubled individuals who cry out for that kind of attention.

  58. BAustin11:16 AM

    I'm sure I am not the first to post this...but wandered over to the Alaska Indepedence Party website and thought the #6 on their platform was interesting in light of cabin-gate

    "To foster a constitutional amendment abolishing and prohibiting all property taxes."

    Please Levi...write the book, and right the wrong!

  59. Anonymous12:29 PM

    BUT they do take her seriously! The people that right her speeches for her think she is perfect for the job - even better the G.W. Bush!

    As for her Tea Party speech: Mrs. Palin's remarks about the President of the United States were inappropriate and demeaning to the office of the president. A few years ago, the news media and the administration would have called her speech UNAMERICAN. Maybe they would have been right.

  60. Anonymous12:32 PM

    Curiously--well, actually not: predictably, the Gryphen generated headline completely ignores Scarborough's observation that Palin's line about a "lawyer" at the podium has resonated big time with republican candidates, will be a mantra for the right, and one which he said will "draw blood" on the campaign trail."

    So, Joe, there are actually two things being said behind the scenes: "God, she's an embarrassment!" and "Man! What a great line! We can use that."

  61. Anonymous1:08 PM

    Hey anon. I'm a real american And I can't stand this bimbo, or his wife!

  62. Anonymous1:10 PM

    Flynn, Adam Brickly, a less educated Palinbot who thinks her crap don't stink, also posts as Elephant man on C4p and as his own name under that far right wing, woman hating blog, Race 4 2012.

  63. Anonymous2:13 PM

    FWIW, I think Anon 5:36 was being pessimistic. Or just facetious.

  64. Sharon in Florida3:57 PM

    Just heard Chris Matthews say that Scott Brown was committed to campaigning for McCain in AZ next month. Doesn't surprise me at all.

    Palin's slobbering repeatedly about Brown this weekend makes me think that she's fantasizing that Sen. Brown will choose her as a running mate. Palin & Brown are cut from the same cloth. Watch out Mrs. Brown. Sarah's got her eye on Scott.

    Wouldn't it be funny if ol' John McCain took a look at her buffoonery this weekend and told her "Thanks but no thanks" about her campaign support next month. Calling Cindy & Meghan.

  65. Anonymous4:55 PM

    Anon @ 12:29 - I guess the Democrats can trot out that Reagan was the most prolific Teleprompter President too. He had it down to an art form. You could watch his eyes as he read it. Granny Grifter adores Reagan so much, he was the Teleprompter king..You Betcha!..Will Sarah Malaprop talk unscripted in a room full of Democrats for 90mins like President Obama did with the GOP, no teleprompter? I think not..

  66. Anonymous8:11 PM

    Gasman: alrighty then. Do you like the term Mirin? It's the mirins' way for instance. You should put up the pix of say-ruh's welcoming sign. "Get out! All ya's...and vote for me or else!"

  67. sunnyjane2:36 AM

    Too bad those two guys didn't have the smarts to know that the Constitution clearly says we have to offer citizens of other countries the same protection under the law as U.S. citizens receive.

    Senator Susan Collins (not to mention Sarah Palin) can be excused for not knowing it; she's just plain stupid.

  68. Flynn D said: "However, I sometimes get the feeling someone intelligent deliberately writes dumbed-down remarks like 5:36 in order to get a rise out of us."

    That's okay. There are people doing the exact same thing over on Palin's facebook page and at the Pee Warrior site. Because it's fun to pretend that Tsarina Palin is here to progress us back to a Real Pro-American Christian nation under the frost heaves, praise Jesus!

  69. Anonymous3:04 AM

    Matt Lauer is an absolute right winger and paid shill, and has been from day one. So these people are everywhere. They like to make it seem that it's just Fox, but the reality is right wing money controls 80 percent or more of the media in this country.

    It's a joke that Lauer and Scarborough are talking about Palin like she's an outsider, and talking about the teabaggers as independents, as a party, even throwing in Ross Perot's name. The tea party is not only bankrolled by the GOP, but they already rejoined with the republican party a couple of months ago in an announcement. Palin has been hired by Fox, stumps for repubs, and is building a studio in her home paid for by Fox. What does this mean? It means that no one has gone rogue. It's all incestuous. They all support each other, and they all have the same exact memes. Palin's "red meat" was no different than Guiliani's red meat a year ago. And the tired old line about dems not being commander in chief...come on.

    Where is the rogueness? Where are the independent spirits? It's not there. Palin is following the money, she's learned how to line her pockets like any good republican, and observers who notice that she's moved farther to the right since being first elected governor of Alaska are not seeing anything new. All repubs have to do the same. And Brown? The little whore doesn't even hide it. He's already Mr. 41. That's his purpose. He might as well just write out his vote (no), and fax it in for the next 2 years.


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