Monday, February 08, 2010

NPR has a poll asking if we are more bothered by Obama's use of a teleprompter or Palin's crib notes on her palm.

I think that ALL intelligent people realize that virtually all of the politicians use a teleprompter if one is available. Palin did the same thing during her VP speech, and during many rallies thereafter.

As many of you have pointed out, watching Palin look down to read her notes during the Teabagger convention was very distracting and made her look like an amateur. All a teleprompter does is replace a speech written on paper to allow the speaker to keep their head up and face their audience.

And it should also be noted that according to David Axelrod, talking about then candidate Obama: "When you're working with Senator Obama the main player on a speech is Senator Obama," Axelrod said. "He is the best speechwriter in the group and he knows what he wants to say and he generally says it better than anybody else would."

None of us believe for one second that Palin writes her own speeches. Hell she doesn't even write her own Facebook rants!

Anyhow if you want to weigh in on the NPR poll just click here. (As I write this post 54% are more bothered by Obama's use of a teleprompter. So you know the Palin-bots are out in full force.)

Update: Many of you are not very happy with this poll (and I can't blame you). I put it up as an example of how Palin is being taken seriously by even those media outlets who used to be reliably reality based. However if you want to take a poll that asks a better selection of questions then I suggest you go here. (Scroll down about midway. It is right below Palin "Wasilla Palm Pilot".)

(H/T to Mel)


  1. NPR has updated their post, noting:

    Update at 9:45 a.m. ET: Online questions like this aren't scientific surveys in part because advocates can mount campaigns to affect the "results". As "Froward America" points out in the comments thread, the conservative Free Republic has called on its fans to weigh in on our question here.

  2. Anonymous8:36 AM

    I'm more bothered that anyone would consider such a poll worth taking.

  3. Obama (and Palin and many others) uses a teleprompter for speeches. Perfectly okay.

    The difference is Palin used notes on her hand to answer questions. Questions she'd obviously been privy to beforehand. She isn't familiar enough with the issues, or her supposed stand on them to remember THREE talking points?! She couldn't remember her own opinion for that short amount of time?

  4. Anonymous8:49 AM

    here is a good birthday present for her. funny if she received 500 of them.

  5. The whole comparison is entirely false. Did the Prez just use a teleprompter in his long Q&A with the Repubs? Does he use one in pressers? NO! No! Again she manages to set up a false premise and have people bite at it. And to hear that even NPR has been suckered in makes me want to flee this STUPID country of ours.

  6. Check out this poll at the New York Daily News. 75% want Palin to disappear into the woodwork.

  7. the problem child8:57 AM

    I'm bothered by the use of the word "bothered". Neither of these two situations is bothersome. One is hypocritical and revealing of the mental level of the handscribe.

  8. notafaux8:57 AM

    This poll is just plain silly--and from NPR, no less. It's one of many reasons I no longer have much faith in NPR.

  9. Anonymous9:03 AM

    If she had written some numbers like our debt to China or something, I guess I would understand THAT.

    Tax cuts?
    What happened to the GOP chip in her head?

  10. Anonymous9:04 AM


    As Gryphen noted, another difference is that President Obama is his own best speechwriter.

    One other reason President Obama uses a teleprompter may be because while discussing vital issues like national security and immigration reform, he can't afford any verbal missteps. There are too many loudmouths on the other side ready to forget everything else he says only to pounce on and exaggerate a minor gaffe.

  11. Anonymous9:04 AM

    This was noted by others about a pin she was wearing at the Teabagg-y speech-y thing:

    She is wearing on her lapel a joint Israel/United States flag pin. It is clearly visible in a photo I tried to link but couldn't.

    Yes, I know, she is trying to bring on the end of the world and so she is pretending to be friends to Israel so she can assist "God" when she is elected President (retching as I type that)in sweeping up all the fake hate-y Christians to heaven and leaving the rest of us to eternal damnation. Well, if her "God" would like to do that, I say have at it! I'll stay with the rest of y'all!!

    I have to wonder what she "really" thinks of the Jewish Holocaust(s).

  12. I disagree about Palin not writing her speech. I bet she did. It was almost totally incomprehensible, like her off-the-cuff talking.

    Word salad, indeed.

  13. Anonymous9:07 AM

    On the subject of teleprompters - I would like to point out that investigated the photo of Pres. Obama in an elementary school with a podium and a teleprompter.Even Jon Stewart mocked that.However , the podium was for a session with reporters. It was not used in the classroom. Jon owes our president an apology -

  14. Janet in Texas9:14 AM

    BEST article on the web regarding the real retard.

  15. Ravenstick & mel expressed my thoughts well.

    The poll question is ridiculous...apples and oranges The screaming about Pres. Obama using a teleprompter is in the same category as the criticism about 57 states, his birth certificate, etc. The Palinbots are desperate.


  16. Anonymous9:17 AM

    Here's my theory on why she is now defending Limbaugh on his use of the word retarded--and her explanation of why Limbaugh's use and Rahm's use are 'very different'.

    She is afraid that other people besides Levi heard her call Trig "the retarded one" or "my little retarded baby", and, by saying that it is OK to call someone retarded if it's just a little joke-y politically incorrect-y funn-y thing to say (as opposed to calling someone you disagree's views "retarded"), then she can buffer any criticism of having said the word herself of her own/Bristol's child because if you're calling someone that that you don't disagree with, then it's OK. So, if you call someone retarded "retarded", it's OK if you're the Mom and you're just being sill-y and funn-y about it. But to call your own co-workers' ideas "retarded" is an obvious affront to all people of limited intellectual abilities and should require job termination. Do I have this right? Yeah, I probably do, because she is intellectually and logically and morally retarded.

    Sarah Palin, you are SUCH a retard!

  17. Mel - I am with you. Where do you want to go? This is ludicrous. Even NPR? WTF? I am so freaking tired of her. EVEN WITH the notes on the hands, the notecards, or whatever, she still could not answer questions or make a coherent speech. All she knows how to do on her own is be MEAN. She is the ultimate MEAN girl.

  18. mel just this morning I told thehusband I want to move to Canada! Ravenstrick also took the words right outta my mouth. Palin had to write down a few trigger words but she couldn't even get those right and crossed one out, what a moron. She is an embarrassment to our society

  19. laprofesora9:26 AM

    Isn't this about the silliest damn thing to waste time on? How about a poll questioning Scarah's lack of mental health? Mature, professional adults use teleprompters. Immature children who are unprepared write on their hands. Let's move on.

  20. Palin's hand-job is amusing because it comes off as a) half-assed; b) amateurish; and c) rushed.

    In other words, it's a palm-top version of everything she's done politically, ever.

  21. Anonymous9:41 AM

    54% in favour of Palin's crib notes? That could also be saying that Obama has fallen out of favour with the people. From a Canadian's POV this is alarming but not unpredictable.

  22. Anonymous9:43 AM

    I don't care who uses notes or a teleprompter during a speech. The problem with Granny Sarah using her hand was that out of the other side of her sagging mouth, she was ragging on Obama's use of a teleprompter in the bitchiest way possible.

    Oh, and the fact that she had obviously been told the questions ahead of time.

  23. imnofred9:49 AM

    I could care less if either one uses a teleprompter. Most every politician that makes a speech does.

    What bothers me is when Sarah slams President Obama for using a teleprompter and she writes notes on her hand.

    The amazing thing is that Sarah has shown several times that past few days what a hypocrite that she is and she doesn't seem to be losing many supporters.

  24. Anonymous9:51 AM

    Keep this simpleton in her unchanged groove fleecing the pockets of the bagheads. Fake vote the fake poll for the faker.

  25. Many are really missing the point here. The problem with this whole deal is that Sarah complained about President Obama using a teleprompter while reading from notes during her speech. Also keep in mind that the notes on her palm were used during the Q&A session not during her speech. This makes me think that Sarah already knew the questions before they were asked and wrote the answers on her palm/hand to cheat. Sarah is a damn fraud. That's all it is to it.

  26. Anonymous10:20 AM

    Gryphen, the tide is turning. Just came off the NPR site. I think your posting has made a difference. Thanks for alerting us.

    I hope every reader here goes over and votes simply to undercut the Palinbots sense of victory regarding her "putdown" of our President.

    BTW, why is she constantly putting down other people instead of offering constructive solutions? Because she has none, right?

  27. Anonymous10:29 AM

    What hypocrites, if Obama scribbled notes on his palm you can bet they'd be screaming bloody murder.

  28. Anonymous10:29 AM

    What is it with the fascination these woman and there hands. Carrie Prejon and O'error Palm-in.

    Oh this is just so retarded.

  29. Gasman10:36 AM

    For the life of me, I can not understand how this teleprompter bullshit started. Palin used a teleprompter EVERY FUCKING TIME SHE SPOKE while campaigning in 2008! Do you think there is any way in hell that Steve Schmidt would have let her open her RedBullhole before a huge crowd and the assembled media without one? Even WITH a teleprompter she has trouble staying on message. The times she didn’t use one - like the Couric interviews - were absolute disasters.

    There have been dozens of instances, maybe even hundreds, of Obama speaking extemporaneously without aid of a teleprompter and doing exceedingly well. Take for example the ass whoopin’ he delivered to the entire GOP House Caucus. No notes, no “palm pilot,” NO TELEPROMPTER and he owned 140 GOP representatives. Palin doesn’t have a snowball’s chance in hell of replicating that feat with a single Democratid rep, let alone “all of ‘em.” Aside from that, the OBVIOUS gulf in intellectual achievement between the two could not be more profound. It is laughably absurd for the teabaggers to imagine that Palin could debate Obama on ANY subject under the sun and not be hopelessly, undeniably exposed as the total ignoramus that she is. Palin is a buffoon who has memorized - kind of - a few talkin’ points and winks, nods, flirts, and does some fancy pageant walkin’ and nothing more. She cannot open her mouth without mangling the English language. Obama is articulate, informed, well reasoned, and undeniably prepared when he speaks. Spare me the teabagger delusions.

    “OOOOOO, look at that uppity nig..., um, er, college professor usin’ complete sentences and pronouncin’ words correctly! Bet he can’t do THAT without a teleprompter!” That they would even make assertions such as that from someone who was Editor of the Harvard Law Review, a Constitutional Law Professor, an Illinois State Senator, and United States Senator speaks to their underlying racial animus. They WOULD NEVER accuse a similarly credentialed white person of their idiotic charges. These are yet more thinly veiled code words attacking Obama for deigning to seem smarter than the white conservatives. These are simple KKK 101 tactics. The fact that an African American is demonstrably smarter than not only themselves, their teabagger queen, AND the ENTIRE GOP pisses them off beyond belief. They are simply coming unglued.

    Every single president or presidential candidate has used teleprompters since they became reliable. For at least 40 years they have been used for virtually every speech delivered either in public or on TV. I defy the teabaggers to find a single speech that Palin made on the campaign trail where she did NOT use one. On top of that, EVERY on air TV person on any MSM show, and EVERY cable show including those on FauxNews use teleprompters. This line of attack is so ridiculously moronic I cannot understand why NPR is indulging in this exercise in intellectual slumming.

  30. Anonymous10:39 AM

    There is a reason that I no longer send NPR money every year.

    Pat in Texas

  31. As a Canadian, it is more than a little disturbing to see so many Americans being taken in by the likes of this bimbo. I just shake my head and wonder WTH??

    Sue and anyone else who wants to...come on down. We would love to have you...and provide you with health care too.

  32. Anonymous10:45 AM

    I would like to chyme in and
    say that sarah is a dufus. But he real poblem is she wanting to get into The conversation with President Obama. She is obssessed with him. I dont know i she is attracted to him or not...i doubt it because she doesnt lik black men..but the reason she continues to try and slam him is to get him to personally respond to her by calling her name in public. She would wet her pants if he responded to her directly from the podium that has the president sealin front of it. He/michelle knows the game she is playing and will not respond to her because he knows she is irrelevant.Not saying that he will call her name..but if he does..she would los her fricking mind...more than she already have. Keep watching and listening!

  33. BAustin10:57 AM

    I originally thought the notes on the hand was another one of Sarah's clever ideas to make sure the MSM talks about this distraction rather than actually reviewing the content (or lack there of) of her speech. A slight of hand if you will. But now i wonder if she really is such an egomaniac that allows her to think she is so much smarter than her sheeple that they wouldn't notice that she was checking notes on her hand for a pre-planned Q&A session.

    I mean all she does is harp on energy energy would THINK it was the one topic that she would not require a cheat sheet....oh wait....never mind.

  34. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn11:14 AM

    Yesterday I wrote a comment on another IM post that I heard a very supportive report on Palin's Baggie speech on NPR. It hit me like a ton of bricks--it gave the impression that they're taking this load of s**t seriously; it was almost as if the announcer was in awe--or hypnotized. Seriously. I know that NPR has seemingly shifted its position over the past few years, but this was too much. I'm beginning to wonder if this is the tip of the SCOTUS decision--simply donate major cash to a "public" radio station in exchange for some glowing press on your knucklehead candidate? Just askin'.

    And add me to the list of those wanting to get out of Dodge should She of the Magic Hand be elected POTUS. But I'll fight tooth and nail against her, first!

  35. Anonymous11:36 AM

    Saw Sarah on Dutch TV tonight, for the first time since november 2008.
    And what did they show of Mrs Thinks-she-can-be-president-of the most-powerful-nation-in-the-world?
    Her sneer at Obama for using a teleprompter and the subsequent consultation of the palm of her hand (and it wasn't in a political news program, but in the entertainment news).
    Everybody who sees the clip of the incredibly inept way she reads her palm just bursts out laughing.

  36. Anonymous at 10:45 AM wrote:

    But he real poblem is she wanting to get into The conversation with President Obama. She is obssessed with him. I dont know i she is attracted to him or not...i doubt it because she doesnt lik black men..but the reason she continues to try and slam him is to get him to personally respond to her by calling her name in public. She would wet her pants if he responded to her directly from the podium that has the president sealin front of it. He/michelle knows the game she is playing and will not respond to her because he knows she is irrelevant.

    I'm don't think Obama views it as a game, per se -- not in the sense that he looks at Palin & go "Oh, she made that move, how do I counter it?" I think it's more along the line of simply not engaging with someone who is intent upon harm. Sort of like aikido, as in this description of aikido from Wikipedia: Aikido is performed by blending with the motion of the attacker and redirecting the force of the attack rather than opposing it head-on.

    Not that Obama is a martial artist, but there's a centeredness about the way he handles conflict & attacks on him that's very reminiscent of a sort of spiritual aikido (see the book Aikido in Everyday Life), of not attacking back, but rather of redirection so that their attacks don't land -- often resulting in them falling flat on their asses not because he put them their, but because they themselves put them there.

    Palin is a case in point. Frequently. So were the House Republicans the week before.

    While I don't agree with Obama on everything, I admire the way he consistently maintains balance within himself & counters his opponents without treating them with contempt or disrespect. Which in a strange way makes a lot of them even more pissed off at him, because he doesn't sink to their tactics of namecalling & nasty tactics.

  37. honestyinGov11:57 AM

    Ahhh yes... the " Palm Pilot " has a brand new meaning after this weekend. And all along we were thinking that Cheater Barbie's fascination with refrigerator magnets, stealing one liners off Billboards and bumper stickers... you would think the " God is my Co-Pilot " would apply. Looks like she didn't trust Him. Bad Sarah. She is now " speaking to the hand " though.

    Of course to further accentuate how ' out of touch ' she is she read all the blog stories about her " Palm Pilot " and scribbles " Hi Mom ". Isn't this what Piper would do...if she was bored and left in a room with nothing to do and Sharpie. Cheater Barbie is regreshing. TAWDRY... watch out... You are now having Sex with a Minor... a 12 yo maybe.( mentally that is )

    And isn't that scenario actually a pretty much accurate picture that Piper is in. She will have been out of school for a whole week. ( and MORE speeches this month ) Is Cheater Barbie doing her ' home-schooling ' while on Tour. Not to worry about that test Piper when you get back... I'll just write the answers down on your hand... " Just like Mom !!"

    Gryphen... you know people in the Education system up there. Has anybody asked Pipers teacher if this is OK. I'm sure she would never comment " on the record ". What about the School Board..? Piper is probably lost already because Granny is ' teaching her ', But such a great message to send to those OTHER Kids in Pipers class.What about THEM... the ones who ARE in school. Piper will tell them the stories of WHY she was not there and make it sound so glamorous... sort of like ' Show & Tell '.I'll bet they will be so impressed that they may forget what the President told the schoolchildren.." Stay in school and study Hard ".

    "Pipers Road Trip" ( maybe THAT should be the name of the story )is well documented so the School people know about it. Do they stick their head in the sand like the Media did at Diana Palins hearing... " I don't see anything ?" Since Cheater Barbie reads all your stories and will react to what you post... how about a " Pipers Big Adventure "... and what she is learning right now. If the School Board sees it they may have to take their heads out of the sand...they can't deny what is happening.
    With all these days off.... Piper can follow in Big Sisters Bristols ( her Role Model )footsteps and go to Summer school as well to make it up.
    I'll bet they let it slide and Piper gets a pass though... after all... she is the EX-Gov's daughter. " Special Rules " and Special ZERO Tax Rules apply for the SPECIAL people.

    The " Field of Dreams " rule applies here Gryphen. If you write about it... she WILL respond. Could also be known as the "Divorce-gate Rule"

  38. Anonymous11:57 AM

    LaurieAnn: it is a combination of religion and the cultural dumbing down of America.

    It's OK, even better, if you are uniformed couch potato as long as you love Jesus. If you love Jesus then no one can criticize your beliefs.

    And if you are uninformed, willfully ignorant, you are more likely to be afraid of the world and more likely to look to Jesus and then his handmaiden Miss O'silla for saving.

  39. Anonymous12:05 PM

    I think I was more irritated and distracted by the way she kept rubbing her legs during the question and answer session. While waiting for each question she would give a good rub or maybe that was a cover so she could see her hand. It was discusting to see a "so called conservative woman" her age to be dressed in such a short skirt also too. The banner on all the media programs kept the audience from looking up her skirt. Disqusting.

  40. Anonymous12:13 PM

    Ravenstick: right-on! It is about time someone point that out.

    Also it is about time for the media to acknowledge that there is a difference between calling an action "retarded" and calling a person a retard.

    Finally, Mrs. Palin's remarks about the President of the United States were inappropriate and demeaning to the office of the president. A few years ago, the news media and the administration would have called her speech UNAMERICAN. Maybe they would have been right.

  41. Anonymous12:15 PM

    Outside of obsessing about Sarah Palin, some people really have too much time on their hands.

    This should be soooooo obvious by now: the people in Obama's corner don't care about teleprompter and those pulling for Palin are indifferent to notes scrawled on her hand.

    I'm just biased perhaps but you do what works or is expediant.

    A few years ago we hit some clear-air turbulence that almost turned us upside down. When the situation stabilized I copied the altered ATC clearance on the back of my hand. I could have easily remembered it but only people with a death wish rely solely on their memory--which it turns out, is not to be trusted in tight spots.

    Without looking at one, which way is Lincoln's face facing on a penny? Where is the date? To his left or right? And the word "Liberty"? How about "In God We Trust"? Does it run along the bottom rim or the top? Is it upper case, lower, or both?

    I could care less about what a person does to communicate just as long as the message gets through that he (or she) wished to express. Then again, there's not enough time in my day to consider participating in such an intellectually impoverished poll.

  42. Anonymous12:20 PM

    God almighty, what a bunch of twits. I've been in the O.R. and have seen a scrub nurse use mercuricone
    on a person's body that said "NOT THIS ONE" to make sure the surgeon didn't yank out the wrong kidney during a nephrectomy.

  43. Anonymous12:28 PM

    Lyda Green indicated on Shannon's show today that Palin used a teleprompter when she addressed the Legislature before she quit. The woman is a damned liar about everything and there is so much proof out there. I would suspect that 'if' she gains the nomination to run for President against President Obama, every evil thing she has ever done will become known in the lower 48. She has money behind her, as we all know, and that is especially frightening.

  44. Anonymous12:46 PM

    I think SP has a thing against teleprompters simply because they can't be shuffled mid-speech and require the speaker to stick to an outline.

  45. @Gasman...I always feel so relieved after one of your posts. I love the fact that you are able to be so precise...and so witty at the same time. Thank you...

  46. Martha Unalaska Yard Sign12:54 PM

    NPR is doing it for hits, folks. That's all. Just like the NOW poll back at election time, on the PBS site. It's why they all do it.

    Hits translate into revenue so if you don't want to support this stupid practice, ignore them. And then write a letter to them about it.

    Let the bots bang on their keyboards like the monkeys they are. They haven't a clue.

  47. Anonymous1:22 PM

    She knowing that the country voted overwhelmingly for President Obama willfully refuses to acknowledge that documented fact. She knowing that the country loves President Obama and his ways incites derision and invites scorn upon him and his administration and intelligent agenda. Why?

  48. How many people actually WATCHED Palin giving her "speech" to the teabaggers? It was OBVIOUS that she was either reading from a written speech, as she looked down EVERY sentence or so. Either that or she was using a podium that has a prompter built in. But whether it was notes, note cards, or in-podium prompter, Palin was READING her speech.

    The "palm pilot" was in addition to her speech notes, because she could not even regurge her own talking points in response to prescreened questions.

    That is why the media, if it were unbiased, would be noting that Palin appeared to be consulting notes, looking down at the podium every sentence or so. And yet she was criticizing President Obama for using a teleprompter? Hypocrisy of the highest order.

    I hope the media will start being more honest about teleprompter use. The supposed "liberal media", for the most part is letting Fox News types get away with making it seem like President Obama is doing something out of the ordinary. They might also note that Sarah Palin used a teleprompter frequently as governor of Alaska.

    President Obama has his hands full trying to get this country back on track, so why should he MEMORIZE all of his long speeches? There's not time for that. He DOES know what is own philosophy is and can articulate it in interviews, unlike Sarah Palin.

    I wish more people would look at the job loss chart more often: losing more and more jobs per months as Bush's term came to an end and the economy completely tanked. And the graph turns around, with job losses slowing more and more ever since President Obama took office. In other words, he's been turning things around. If we had President McCain and VP Palin I bet we would be in the Great Depression II.

  49. Anonymous1:37 PM

    Watch Obama give a speech, it is like watching a tennis match.

    Read from prompter on left for 3 seconds, switch to right for 3 seconds, switch back to left.

    As an orator, he is one fine reader.

  50. Anonymous1:46 PM

    Pres. Obama is a genius. He is a brilliant communicator. Folks on the right are intimidated by his brilliance, and his command of 21st century communication technology.

    It's a brand new world, and the "right" is still stuck in the 20th century (or in Palin's case, the 19th century, except when she's on her "busy prop" BlackBerry).

  51. Shaorn in Florida2:00 PM

    In case this hasn't already been said: some commenters on (I think) Huffington Post) said that they had contacted the Gaylord Hotel and found out that there was a state-of-the-are set up on their lecterns with built-in teleprompters right in the lectern. So Miss Holier-than-thou was using a teleprompter for her speech to the TeaBaggers while she ridiculed POTUS for the same thing.

  52. Aussie Blue Sky2:30 PM

    If I were a taxpayer financially supporting NPR I would be complaining to them about polls are being taken on stupid questions about teleprompters. All at NPR would have seen the President v. the Republicans by now, and know it's an irrelevant.

    NPR polls are no better than KTUU polls - completely invalid tabloid nonsense. Tell NPR to get out of the gutter.

  53. Sharon in Florida2:38 PM

    Armchair Jane, several commenters on HuffPo were saying that they had contact the Gaylord Hotel who confirmed that they had a state-of-the-art set-up where the teleprompter is built right into the lectern. Apparently Palin was reading from a teleprompter while she was bashing Pres. Obama for using a teleprompter! Once again capitalizing on the stupidity of her faithful followers.

  54. Anne NC3:25 PM

    Armchair Jane, I saw her looking down repeatedly and I also saw her walk off the stage with a handful of pages that were standard size. For anyone who thinks she was able to memorize that speech, think again. Sarah can't even remember what was "allegedly" written by her on her FB rant regarding NOW since she criticized them for the very same thing she had praised them for two days earlier. Just more proof that she not only doesn't write her FB rants, she doesn't even bother to read them. Or if she does read them, she has absolutely zero comprehension skills.

    It's still amazing to me that anyone gives this woman credit for anything. Her history is in black and white and it proves she is not only lacking but she is known for being mean and nasty.

  55. Anonymous3:50 PM

    Did anyone see the column that "Sarah Palin" wrote for USA Today? The comments are classic. I like this one:

    Why I'm speaking at Tea Party convention
    By Sarah Palin
    $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$

    I'm betting at least 1/3 of he love fest comments are from paid Palin staffers.

  56. I love NPR (and need them out here in outlier country) but they reflect the same tied-up-in-knots thinking that much of the left does. It's moral equivalence crossed with p/c. The thing is, NPR doesn't need to do this--they have a large endowment from the Kroc Foundation, I believe. They are free to go; whereas PBS, which was dogged by the Bushies and threatened with death-knell federal funding reductions has an excuse to do on-the-one-hand, on-the-other. These two non-commercial outlets need to hear loud and clear about their obligation to report on this ominous cloud on the political horizon. My local station, struggling as it is, will want to hear from it's donors about what the national editors are engendering. The pledge drives are coming right up.

  57. I'm so glad that the US has solved all the problems about unemployment, health insurance, hunger, housing and education for NPR to do a poll of such importance.


  58. No, her writing on her hand doesn't bother me in the slightest.

    Now, if she were to actually write a *book*, say, or her own facebook posts, she might be worth getting worked up about....but that ain't happenin' here.

  59. "Word salad, indeed."

    ...with crazy moose dressing and right wing nuts.

  60. Anonymous2:48 PM

    Gryphen, I just voted in the NPR poll and the results are more realistic: 47% disapproved of Palin; 27% disapproved of obama; 2% dispproved of both; and 23% don't care.

  61. Anonymous2:58 PM

    anon@12:15 pm. yes, sometimes people write things on their hand. usually when they have no paper. like guys in a bar picking up chicks. but palin takes the cake. she had to remind herself to "lift american spirits" ???? WTH? so lifting american spirits is just a cheap ploy, not a heartfelt wish you would act on without without forethought???

  62. Anonymous3:00 PM

    anon@12:20 pm. you conflate palin giving a speech and reminding herself to "lift american spirits" with a surgeon taking extra measures to prevent surgical error??? sorry, the only twit is YOU.


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