Butler confirmed that Johnston's saved funds came in part from modeling, particularly a much-publicized spread in Playgirl, but said the most important matter going forward was "whether to seek full custody, split custody or whether Levi will be satisfied with reasonable visitation."
"I think split custody is the best of these," Butler said.
As I said before, the multiple reports that Levi had to pay up $18,500 in back child support were bullshit. Those were based on Van Flein demands of $1,700 a month. It does not look like the judge believed that number was fair.
Personally I think the judge kept the amount way too high as it appears she is still asking for excess of $1,ooo per month from Levi. I don't believe he will have the funds to pay that sum for long, unless he makes a book deal. It seems insane that Palin would push him to do so. (Whoops I almost forgot who I was talking about!)
Of course right now Van Flein is happy with this early victory.
Thomans Van Flein, attorney for Bristol Palin, told ABC News he and Bristol were pleased with Thursday's outcome.
"Bristol is pleased with the rulings from the court today. While pleased that the judge applied settled Alaska Child Support and Discovery Law in her favor, she is most pleased to have this process moving forward. She anticipates now resolving the few issues remaining between her and Levi."
Yeah you just wait buddy, I am none to sure things are going to turn out the way you anticipate.
I really like this parting shot from Rex Butler by the way.
When asked about Palin's upcoming role in the hit show, Butler told ABC News, "We are glad to see that she got some work. This will mean she has some income and will be more independent of her mother, and that's a good thing. And this could change some things between her and Levi."
I think Rex Butler is a master of understatement.
ReplyDeleteYou're the real tough guy, posturing like that. I bet Van Flein is really scared of big bad Gryphen.
ReplyDeleteLevi needs to write his book and tell everything he knows. At some time, his son might have to grow up with a President Palin and a destroyed country because of her. Surely he doesn't want that for his son or this country.
ReplyDeleteI love that parting shot! Just what I think, too :-) Sarah will of course be royally pissed about it, but it's hard to argue against the idea that a mother who is trying to have SOLE custody of her child should at least be independent enough to move out of her mom's place and make her own decisions...
ReplyDeleteI believe the judge will have the opportunity to learn and have documented the way in which Bristol facilitates "visititation" or provides Levi into Tripp's life. If she demenestrates a roadblock for Levi, then Rex can go about his claim for shared custody. The Palin's may be creating the best way for levi to win by their "grifter ways". Let's not forget the Palin's history of bizarre capacity for fucking everything up; especially when it comes for the well-being of children.
ReplyDeleteSkip from Asheville, NC
Since Rex is asking for full or shared custody, we'll get to see exactly how much Bristol is making...although I'm sure Van Fleabag and the Palins will want to settle it out of the limelight.
ReplyDeleteThis is a good article about Rex Butler: http://rightsadvocacyproject/images/pressarticle.pdf
From 2006. Rex is well respected in legal circles. I think he knows exactly what he is doing--the right thing.
Butler agreed with Levi that Bristol should 'show up' to get child support. He didn't tell his client to pay, every month, without fail. Which was the right thing to do, and would have looked good both in court and out here, on the street.
ReplyDeleteI don't see the enormous difference that you see between $18,000 and $13,000. What I see is a lot of non-payment of support. A few hundred, a couple thousand? Hey, he could have lost track. But over $10,000? Levi wasn't paying. Which makes him a-- ??? Right.
However this is spun, Levi is not looking good. He's looking like a guy who didn't pay until he was ordered to, with an attorney who isn't hitting paperwork deadlines and isn't communicating with his client effectively.
Van Flein doesn't have to be good. He just has to let a worse attorney mess up. And that's what I see happening.
when is bristol going to move out of mommy & daddy's house?
ReplyDeleteI would say the "few issues" would be "Sarah" and "Palin". It is a shame Bristol has allowed her totally insane mother to have such an influence on her life, and more importantly, her son's life. Bristol, get a clue: you are responsible for Tripp, not trying to jump through your mother's hoops. For god's sake see if you can find your spine and say "enough". Your son will one day thank you for it.
ReplyDeleteI don't know why people are percieving any wrongdoing or attempt at not stepping up to resposibilities, financially or otherwise, from Levi. Remember, Levi and Bristol DID NOT get married. He only co-habitated with the Palin's for a short time. Bristol never lived with Levi under his sole monetary support. Therefore, he has no legal obligation to give X amount of his dollars to Bristol. But because he wants to be a father to his son, he is saying "I want to help, financially and physically." How many guys would have walked away from this one a long, long time ago? Every day Levi fights for any part of his child earns a huge gold star from me.
ReplyDeleteIt's still a lot of child support since he already paid some support and now has to pay an additional 10 to 13K. Bristol isn't broke, isn't wondering if she can pay rent or how to feed her baby. She has made plenty of money with all her interviews and baby pics. Didn't they once report she was getting nearly 300K for the exclusive baby pics of Tripp?
ReplyDeleteSP made such a big issue of him being Johnny Hollywood and now her very own precious daughter is becoming Julie Hollywood.
Personally, I think if a parent can support their child and has no bills (she doesn't pay rent or buy food living at mommy's) then the judge should order all child support go to a trust fund for Tripp. If things change and she has a need for money then the order could be changed.
It's awful funny that Sarah wants to keep family matters private but she allows Van Flea to comment publicly on the case.
ReplyDeleteI'm sure Rex Butler's "parting shot" will piss off Bristol just as Butler intended.
ReplyDeleteWill it make Bristol more cooperative to have the state of her independence discussed by her kid's father's lawyer to the news media? Of course not. Butler is jerking Bristol's chain with his remarks and he knows it. Levi is not putting the brakes on his lawyer and is complicit.
Butler is really piling it on with the "could change some things between her and Levi". Bristol's employment is just the thing to improve Bristol's attitude sufficiently to meet Levi's standards.
I really hope Butler can confine himself to "best for the child" remarks in the future and leave the taunting of Bristol to Levi. It's more professional.
@anon 12:24
ReplyDeleteI'd say that like most smart folks, Gryphen would rather be underestimated than overestimated.
However, Van Fleabag probably IS pinching a penny in two with his coinpurse because he knows it's not slander if it's true.
So, a young single girl gets rich by getting herself pregnant. Living at home with mom and dad, only now she gets a thousand dollars a month - has a family willing to do free babysitting, or a mother who can afford a nanny, gets her weekend off (if boyfriend is willing to take baby on visitation) can cash in on lots of celebrity attention. 6 figure pay for magazine interviews and shoots, could easily sell baby pictures for the rest of her life without working outside of the home.
ReplyDeleteThis abstinency advocate might not get too many recruits. I don't think she represents "real America".
"If you want to live under my roof, you better abide by my rules" This is what my mother told me anytime I didnt want to do what she told me. I'm sure Sarah is saying something similar to Bristol, which is why she is taking this route.
ReplyDeleteYou guys must remember that Bristol is a TEENAGER!!! A TEENAGER who is totally depended on her parents. Think of all the poor choices that you made when were that age...she doesnt know what else to do but to rely on her parents to make choices for her. We all know that Sarah Palin is vindictive and will use every single one of her children and grandchildren to punish someone (ie Letterman, Rham, etc)
I dont know how anyone can not have sympathy for her....her mother is going to drive her crazy.
Given that Levi had already paid some child support voluntarily to Bristol, even though it was not ordered, it sounds to me like he did the right thing in putting the money aside for support. It is not like they were hurting for money: there wouldn't be rent,or utilities, or food bills- we don't know at what point the Palins started hassling Levi. It looks to me as though he was willing to pay voluntarily, they started refusing access to Tripp and talking about sole custody, and he did the sensible thing by setting aside money for child support until a court could sort things out. If his income drops... and I suspect it will, unless he sells a book, which I was under the impression he was working on... then he can go to court and ask for an adjustment in child support.
ReplyDeleteIt's visitation/custody that's going to be the interesting fight. Levi has never contested paying support, and all I've heard is that he'll pay what the court orders.
I think any money that is made with Tripp being pictures should all go into a trust fund for him. This includes any/all photographs with Bristol, Levi or anyone. After all he is the reason they want the photos.
ReplyDeleteBoth parents have an obligation to support their child. I don't think Levi has objected to that. But why would he pay Bristol (who is living with her parents and has no independent support obligations) large sums of money voluntarily WHILE she is refusing to allow him to see his child and allowing her mother to publicly and continually denigrate him? He did exactly the right thing in the face of the Narcissism Brigade. He put money aside and awaited an impartial party to determine the right level of support.
ReplyDeleteHe has paid her some monies. Both sides agree to that. $4000 over 14 months is more than enough for his half of diapers, clothing, toys, etc.
Anonymous at 1:34 has a very good point. if Bristol was paid in anyway for pictures of the baby, then by all rights I would think that Levi as father of the child would have had to sign a release and would be entitled to a portion of that income or at least designate it to trust for baby. why is there no mention of Bristol's income and expenses?
ReplyDeleteIt would seem that Levi would also have to sign a release for them to film baby for Bristol's upcoming TV show appearance.
ReplyDeleteI wonder if, when calculating child support, a car payment made by parents, room & board paid by parents, can be calculated into child support, say in lieu of money earned.
ReplyDeleteAnyone know this?
In AK it has long been the case that joint custody is the prevailing rule unless someone can be shown to be an unfit parent. This must be shown in a demonstrable way, heresay does not cut it. Jail record, etc.
I hope that Levi gets joint custody, although I have to say from experience that a 50/50 time split is not the best for children. Long weekends every other week (4 days, instead of 2) might be reasonable. And one must stick with the schedule. If you don't stick with it, the case can be brought back to court.
It's a sad situation. What a nightmare to be involved with the Palin family in any way. Poor kids -- and I mean Levi and Bristol, as well as the babies.
"We are glad to see that she got some work."
ReplyDeletePoor Bristol can't earn the big bucks in her living room any more?
It sounds like Butler knows Bristol did not have that job where she woke up and bathed Tripp and spent all that time driving the Cad mommy gave her. Is her corporate llc empire bringing in any cash? What about Candies where she does nothing?
ReplyDeleteBristol has time to show some independence over the next few months. Keep working since school is not your thing. WHAT BRISTOL NEEDS ABOVE ALL IS HER OWN APARTMENT.
When is Levi going to release his book and why hasn't anyone delved into the baby swapping situation???? Or is it all going to be swept under the rug as everything else related to Sarah Palin has been!?!?!?!?!!?!!?
ReplyDeleteAnon 1:34 - I love the idea of trust fund.
ReplyDeleteI will be interested to see what Bristol has made via photos of Tripp. I have a feeling that all of the payment checks were made out to Sarah instead of Bristol. I hope Rex has a handle on this in case of any hinky money antics.
ReplyDeleteAlso, if BP is playing nanny to Trig and getting free housing, food, car, etc. Isn't that a sort of income? It may not be "official", but I hope the court considers BP's real expenses.
Don't get me wrong, I think Levi should not be off the hook for support. I just don't want him to get screwed by the Palins.
I sure hope Levi had a DNA test done. I don't see Bri$tol leaving Mommy's house anytime soon, look at all the cash she can bank living there. Levi has never said he wouldn't pay child support, and remember he offered $300 a month for health insurance. Good luck Levi!!!! Hope you spill the beans soon!!!!!
ReplyDeleteI remember hearing that if McCain won Levi and Bristol would have a WH wedding. Thank God he lost and Levi was able to walk away from a shot-gun wedding. Even thou he is having his troubles with the Palin family at least he isn't married to their daughter and having to put up with Sarah and Toad as in-laws. There is a bright side to this mess.
ReplyDeleteNo, Paylin called Levi Ricky Hollywood and I guess that she (BP) would be Roxy Hollywood. ;-)
ReplyDeleteBristol can't move out of Mommie Dearest's House. If she did, Sarah would be seen going to Bristol's whenever she needed a prop!
ReplyDeleteThere needs to be an order to protect the child(ren) from being used by either parent to earn money by prostituting them to the media. Any money earned from pictures, reality shows, etc., should be put in a trust for the child(ren).
ReplyDeleteWhat I see, is a evil fucking family holding a kid hostage!
ReplyDeleteLevi hasn't seen Tripp in over 38 days! Why?
Why isn't Bristol showing income?
Yesterday on Phils blog was two very interesting anon comments.
Well since last night she basically told the teabaggies to join the R's I hope the R's release all they know and destroy her evil grifter ass!
The whole family is a bag of grifters!
I don't know how well you know this kid. Is he a good guy? Or are you just in his corner because Palin is in the opposite corner? He seems like nothing special to me. Just another punk that was to horny to get a condom and knocked up his girlfriend. His celebrity is only due to whom's daughter he got pregnant.
ReplyDeleteOn another note, he seems to be in on some sort of con game involving the Palin tribe. Who answers a question in Vanity Fair "I was there..........April 18th...........Just after 6 am .......when Trig popped out. Does that not sound scripted to you? Like someone trying to establish an alibi for someone? He could have simply said "I was there when Trig was born" He also went through unusual lenths to specifically put a date onto when they told Sarah about Bristol's pregnancy. Again, way too specific to sound natural. He too has much to hide.
Two things:
ReplyDelete1.) It's funny how the prospect of getting her hands on a little of Levi's money (well, it's probably not a little to Levi) can so quickly soothe the bitter feelings Bristol may have toward Levi. (She's like her mom that way: best friends with anyone that will give her money.)
And 2.) I like Rex's style. Classy.
Anon 3:34 Bristol could have demanded a condom. Takes 2!!
ReplyDeleteBristol's celebrity is only because of her mother...
ReplyDeleteThis is about the early ' Press releases' being leaked to TMZ from FleaBag and the amounts that Levi was going to have to pay. I had on CNN's the HLN Channel-( about 6 AM PST )and they were covering the tabloid News stories. They were reporting on the Bristol Palin Custody case. They didn't report much 'details ' but seemed to get their facts from what TMZ had reported. The spin of the story ( as they told it )was that Levi was told by the judge to pay $1700 ( THAT figure again )in child support and he had to pay it retroactively. The retroactive figure they quoted... I am not sure of. Somewhere between $15K to $18K ..maybe..? It just seemed like Head Line News ( HLN)was reading off some other reported story. The spin was that they seemed to portray Levi as the ' bad guy '.... and quoting the $1700/month support payments.
Wait...I thought Bristol worked 109 hours a week at a doctors office and another 58 hours a week at a coffee shop... could that have been total BS? Gasp!
ReplyDelete""If you want to live under my roof, you better abide by my rules" This is what my mother told me anytime I didnt want to do what she told me. I'm sure Sarah is saying something similar to Bristol, which is why she is taking this route."
ReplyDeleteBristol's abiding exactly by Mrs. Todd Palin's rules.
Pregnant before marriage--check
Cashing in on her very young child--check
Being paid to say one thing while living her life in a diametrically opposed way--check
Holding education at the lowest priority possible--check
Using the courts to fight her battles--check
The Sara Meg story .... ?
ReplyDeleteThere is a cartoon I remember as a kid, featuring spike (a large bull dog) and his side kick, some little rat dog that had attached itself to this great white beast with the confidence of a blood hound tic, squatty little legs, and the “made for a fly swatter” personality of a chihuahua.
Typical mismatch of a slightly dim, intellectually unburnished schoolyard bully and his evil twin handler, patrolling the schoolyard in the late afternoon, trolling for stragglers and easy pick en’s.
Spike the alpha, provides the muscle but endures poking, prodding, and is egged on mercilessly by the rat dog, and as it turns out, spike really isn’t all that spikey. More so, the rat dog is the real protagonist in this saga of Mutt and Jeff personalities and basically carries the leash.
New SP poll on Kos :)
Here is a SP poll 4 fun :
She is so awkward and uncomfortable on camera. She does poorly, articulates poorly and seems to hate it.
ReplyDeleteI suspect Sarah and some of her servants/consultants organized the reality show appearances and Bristol was told to obey.
Hope that the sisters and other young cousins are not looking at Bristol's life as something cool and exciting that they want to model.
I have hopes that Bristol will assert her independence soon. I just do not see how long she can pretend to be a mini Sarah, complete with matching old-lady sweater sets.
ReplyDeleteUNLESS they sent her to a Church camp for indoctrination (she DID seem to disappear for a few months at one point) OR if she feels a need to be there for Trig and Piper
(Bristol is no doubt the maternal one over there).
I hope she is not trapped forever - she is making money through her tv gigs, candies gig, PieSpy LLC, and possibly a receptionist job.
So, I think she would do fine on her own (financially) - and what teen would WANT to be in their parents house, under the thumb of a "mother" like hers?
I cannot criticize Bristol - she is just too young to make wise choices IMO. The games she plays with Levi cannot be her idea - the games have sarah's name all over them - SP practiced with Wooten, has it perfected now.
Nasty mommy dearest - and the nastiness is now showing on the outside too.
I wonder how many men still lust after SP? Methinks those "starbursts" the men were feeling during the VP campaign are gone gone gone.
Gidget turned into Cruella de Ville, right before our eyes.
In my opinion, many laws are in place for when we need them, we don't have to use them. I never forced any child support payments from my ex, he was going through severe depression (almost disabling him). Sure it was tough with three children (for me financially), however, the man was the father of my children, a decent person, and why would I want to put him over the edge? (He is fine now). Anyway, it isn't like Bristol is hurting for finances with a millionaire mom. If they (Sarah and Bristol) had any sense of family- Levi is the father of the baby - just waive child support until Levi got on his feet. Crying out loud, they knew Levi for years, he lived with them, it wasn't a one night stand. These people are beyond un-principled. No brains, no common sense, and no heart.
ReplyDeleteSheeze Louise....these people are completely without shame nor moral compass. Money is the root of all Palin!
ReplyDeleteI maybe missing something but i see couples with children living on one wage earner paying rent and only pulling in 14-1600 a month. So what do the courts deem a living wage for to raise a child?
ReplyDeleteWhatever the story on Levi, none of use would even know or care about him had it not been for Sarah dragging him out of the woods for a make believe "family values" pictorial that was designed to serve her and her alone.
ReplyDeleteOne needs to keep in mind that he is still a very very young man caught up in the insanity she created and is more than likely being used as well to earn another grifter some money at this own detriment.
What this unwanted publicity has done to these two young kids all in the name of Sarah Palin will someday be viewed as the "crime" that it is because it has all been acted out on her selfish behalf.
"I think split custody is the best of these," Butler said.
ReplyDeleteThank You Rex Butler. I think it's really important that the kid knows both parents and spends an equal amount of time between them. Although I do feel that the longer Bristol continues living at home...That is not a good thing. Living under the thumb of a controlling and emotionally manipulative person is bad shit.
Double the dose when quittypants is in da house.
My interest in all this is that someone crack that nutshell of a family WFO and frog march her ass to jail, sooner than later for the benefit of so many.
As for Levi, he sure could have walked away from this mess, but he isn't. A real father sticks around no matter the in laws or if the baby's Mom hasn't got her running legs yet. He wants to be a part of their kid's life and that's commendable.
"I don't believe he will have the funds to pay that sum for long, unless he makes a book deal. It seems insane that Palin would push him to do so. (Whoops I almost forgot who I was talking about!)"—Gryphen of Immoral Minority
A very good point, Sir. May Levi take her up on it!
Anonymous said...@ 12:24 PM
"You're the real tough guy, posturing like that. I bet Van Flein is really scared of big bad Gryphen."
As Rex Butler would say — ASSUMPTION!
emrysa said...@ 1:17 PM
"when is bristol going to move out of mommy & daddy's house?"
That's what I'm concerned about. Never, Why should she? Free room & board, support payments coming in and free baby sitting + lucrative jobs on the side. Come now, she appears to be a home body type. Pass the chips, Mom. :0
Anonymous said... @ 1:52 PM
"You guys must remember that Bristol is a TEENAGER!!! A TEENAGER who is totally depended on her parents."
Whoa. Whoa! When shit at home is bad, once you're 18, then yeah, it's a good idea to get the hell out. But you need to be aware that the home is FUBAR. Clearly, this is not a home, it's just a house. I do sympathise with her, but I haven't seen any independent thinking on her part quite yet. She's a follower of the path of least resistance and there's that controlling Mom, hovering.
I want Sarah & Levi to battle it out on Dancing with the Stars. Whoever gets closer to 1st place, wins Tripp.
ReplyDeleteBristol can sit in the audience with the babies. Piper can be a guest judge. Tawd can fix the roof. Chuck can be in charge of the wardrobe (don't want to lose that underwear...)
(no I am not drinking, I wish I was)
I think Levi ought to take a few hundred bucks and get Bristol's name tattoo removed from his finger.
ReplyDeletemlaiuppa, he has a state of Alaska tattoo covering it now. That is an older picture.
ReplyDeleteDoes Levi have a job yet? No?
ReplyDelete"Personally I think the judge kept the amount way too high as it appears she is still asking for excess of $1,ooo per month from Levi. I don't believe he will have the funds to pay that sum for long,..."
ReplyDeleteThat's right. BUT, a judge only had CURRENT income to make a ruling on. Since he has made plenty of money this year, that's what he's required to pay this year. It's not a permanent edict, and can be changed as Levi's circumstances change. When his income goes up or down in the future, Levi can ask the court to modify the monthly requirement.
ReplyDeleteOn another note, he seems to be in on some sort of con game involving the Palin tribe. Who answers a question in Vanity Fair "I was there..........April 18th...........Just after 6 am ...... Does that not sound scripted to you? Like someone trying to establish an alibi
I totally agree, and yes, it does sound scripted. People seem to forget that Levi is backing up Palin in her lies. He is in on this, in many ways.
Gryphen, in response to Van Flein's statement that Bristol "anticipates now resolving the few issues remaining between her and Levi," you state that you're none too sure things are going to turn out the way he anticipates.
ReplyDeleteCan you elaborate?
I'm wondering about Alaska child support laws cuz that's a lot of child support for one child, considering that Bristol is supposedly employed at a doctor's office as well as other work. . . . . .must be Levi makes alot of money. . . . .I'm in NYS which has a pretty high child support percentage....I'd like to know what Bristol was ordered to pay for child support as well....
ReplyDeleteI thought it was stated on OPRAH that Ms.Bristol was up at 4am in the morning bathing Tri(p) and going off to work in a doctor's office.....Maybe this stff needs to be brought up. . . . . .
ReplyDeleteGryph, someone posted this at Bree's. Is it right?
ReplyDeletelurcher lurker
... Ruffles = blue parka Book Tour kid = Turkey Trot stroller kid and is Bristol's, born very prematurely, fragile for a year and now doing alright but still no way up to age-level. Trig is in fact Todd's son... his oh-so-helpful assistant in the Governor's mansion who went on, ahem, family leave at right around the right time...
A way to date the ruffled baby and following Trigs.
ReplyDeleteLevis has a blood blister until his thumbnail on the Johnston tatooed arm. It takes a long time to grow out.
I hope the judge grants joint custody, that there is an interim custody agreement so that Levi has regular access to his son, and that the support payments are reduced to a more reasonable level---after considering both Bristol and Levi's income.
ReplyDeleteHowever, I do think Levi and his attorney were very wrong on two counts: (1) Stating he had already paid $10,000 when he had only paid a bit over $4,000. They should have how much had actualy been paid. (2) Stating that Bristol should have/could have come pick up Levi's support checks from him. No way can a judge condone that stance. Too many ex-husbands/significant others would insist on the same thing as a way to control their wives or, worse, lure them out to do them harm. Levi should have put those checks in the mail or handed them over to his attorney who could see that they were delivered.
I hope that Levi is a stand-up guy who will be a positive influence on his son. However, as time goes on, it seems like most people having dealings with the Palins are tainted at least somewhat. I hope it's not the case here.
""If you want to live under my roof, you better abide by my rules" This is what my mother told me anytime I didnt want to do what she told me.
ReplyDeleteYes when my teenagers lived at home that is exactly what I said. BUT my daughter wasn't pregnant or had a child. Now that she is 29, with one son, she maintains a relationship with her ex. My advise... You must put your difference aside for your son. I have to say he sucked as an husband but he does quite well as a Dad. He has joint custody but my grandson always lived with Mom. It is only in case of important choices to be made they both have an imput. I think Levi is a good guy. For his age he has stepped up to the bat for his son. Now when it gets settled in court they will HAVE to allow him access to his son. Which should have be handled out of court but of course it has to be drama with the Palin's.
"(2) Stating that Bristol should have/could have come pick up Levi's support checks from him. No way can a judge condone that stance. Too many ex-husbands/significant others would insist on the same thing as a way to control their wives or, worse, lure them out to do them harm. Levi should have put those checks in the mail or handed them over to his attorney who could see that they were delivered."
ReplyDeleteBut access to Levi was being denied at the same time. Implied was "I can give it to her while she is dropping Tripp off". No Tripp, no $. He might have had it in an escrow account (similar to what some do to a noncompliant landlord).
Child support is for support, not payment for visitation. There is no connection.
ReplyDeleteLevi should have just mailed the check.