Sunday, March 21, 2010

History has been made! Update: Post now improved with video of Palin throwing a hissy fit!

Summoned to success by President Barack Obama, the Democratic-controlled Congress approved historic legislation Sunday night extending health care to tens of millions of uninsured Americans and cracking down on insurance company abuses, a climactic chapter in the century-long quest for near universal coverage.

Widely viewed as dead two months ago, the Senate-passed bill cleared the House on a 219-212 vote. Republicans were unanimous in opposition, joined by 34 dissident Democrats.

The Republicans could not stop it.  The Teabaggers cold not stop it.  Glenn Beck could not stop it.  And even crazy old Sarah Palin could not stop it.

Today America wins, and the fear mongers, the liars, and the hypocrites don't.

In the immortal words of my half term ex-governor "We win, you lose!"

Update: And speaking of the devil, here are a few words from ole "Death Panels" herself. Presented without that nasty media filter on PalinTV.  Yeah like THAT is going to help!

New word for the day, "leftists".  Oh THAT is original.

Is that Todd behind her playing with his toys?

What the fuck is a "Repill"? "Dills"?  How come this idiot can't talk?

Did she just say "hosing the American people"? Is this an SCTV skit?

I think she is about to lose it, look how pissed off she is! 

And here I thought I could not get any happier today!  Just goes to show ya!


  1. That "hopey-changey thing"? It's working out quite well, thanks for asking. We win, you lose. Again.

  2. Anonymous8:22 PM

    So, are we going to see a mass exodus of all the repubs and tea baggers who have been threatening to leave the U.S. if the bill passed? I can hope!

  3. Anonymous8:26 PM



  4. In the past few weeks, I've heard conservative wingnuts say if Obama lost the health care vote he was finished. He won...what will they say now?

  5. kdusmdd8:30 PM

    Hope LimpBow has bought his house in Costa Rico !!!!!!

    I LOVE my President Obama !!!!!

    ...and to think it all happened on my son's Birthday. He said this is the best birthday present of all !!!! and I agree.....

  6. Better question: Has Rush started packing?

  7. When is Limbaugh leaving for Costa Rica?

  8. Okay Rush, you can leave now . . . .

  9. Right now Costa Rica is planning to close all borders because of the potential Limbaugh tsunami headed their way, lol!

  10. Maeve9:08 PM

    thanks for posting Obama's speech yesterday, reminded me of why I voted for him. Today's win was fabulous. Now all we need to do is get Rush to the airport...

  11. I can't help but wonder what the "back up" position is going to be, for all those who spouted out about how the world was going to end, if the bill passed.

    Maybe: " COULDA!"

    My main hope is now that the thing has happened, those who could not answer the question: "What exactly about the health bill are you protesting?" will be hearing news bites about preventing the insurance companies from acting in such an evil way (as opposed to how they would line up old people against the wall and shoot them, and force abortions on young girls)...and think: "Oh...I didn't know it had THAT kinda stuff in it. Great."

  12. Anonymous9:27 PM

    Great news... excellent posting again. Couldn't watch the whole video, that voice just keeps getting more and more difficult to listen to!

  13. Gasman9:32 PM

    Actually, even though they probably won't ever admit or maybe even realize it, the teabaggers have won too. Despite what they believe, they will benefit from these reforms just like all the socialists. However, I am sure that the citizens of Goober Nation are all packing and getting ready to run for the hills before the Socialist Death Panel vans roll up to cart them away. Better hurry up now! Those ACORN people are fast and they'll show you no mercy!

    I have created the F.A.L.S.E. fund - Flabby Ass Limbaugh’s Sunscreen Expense fund. With it we can collect money to help buy enough sunscreen and bug repellent for Rush as he gets ready for his new Costa Rican home. Due to the vastness of his hippopotamic landmass, his expansive blubbery ass takes a whole lot of sunscreen to cover! Maybe we can purchase it those 50 gallon metal drums. A couple of those should get him settled through next season. We can probably forget the bug repellent. Limbaugh is already repellent enough. I’m sure the bugs will simply leave him alone. Come on folks, dig deep. It’s for a good cause: to help Limbaugh haul his sorry Lardass outta’ the good old U.S. of A. It’s also tax deductible.

    I really don’t feel very gracious right now. A bit of gloating and mockery seems appropriate. Hey Limbaugh, Beck, O’Reilly, Hannity, Palin, FauxNews, and all of you teabagger morons! Suck on it!

  14. sunnyjane9:32 PM

    The great paradox here is that EVERYBODY wins with this bill. The conservatives and teabaggers are just too stupid to realize it -- YET.

  15. SP kmows what shes talking about....Politicians not held accountable, (like her).

    sweetheart the ones she extended to her friends and family?

    who said it was Euro-style...she can't even the freak is she thinking that she is qualified to even talk about this...

    "falsely assuming"...she keeps channeling herself..

    What the freak is ObamaCARE

  16. God SP's kids must be embarrassed by her........then again maybe they are as clueless as she.

  17. WakeUpAmerica9:54 PM

    Her snotty, little junior high, mean-girl body language is quite evident, especially if you turn the screech down.

  18. Sorry. Still could not watch/listen to Sarah and billo. I hope this really upsets their stomach.

  19. Hey Sarah, I’ve got a message from a "leftist" in Alaska…bite me. She thinks Obama and Pelosi are on the far left, she is clueless. Is it pristine here Sarah? I was just looking at charts of toxic sites and there seems to have been some problems with lack of oversight.

  20. Anonymous10:20 PM

    Liberals have Australia, New Zealand and Canada, but Republicans can basically only run to third world countries if they're trying to flee Health Care. Costa Rica, don't they have some kind of government health care? How funny!

    Lovin the Hopey-Changey!


  21. Isn't it so clever to pretend Palin is (tough) standing outdoors for each appearance on Fox? She is a master of "lifting American spirits" proceeding to roll out more fear mongering about immigration etc. Yes, those who believe her lies are uplifted she will save them from what is not real or true. First terrorize people with lies about others and then lie you will be their salvation from the lies. It is sick, repulsive, cruel and vile deceit. Then distract lying the perpetrator is the victim of viscious deceit "lyin' and makin' stuff up".

    Bill O. had some difficulty leading Palin back to state the talking point to stay on message.

  22. BOR's #3 will there be enough doctors to fill the need? Palin whined about this toGVS yesterday.

    Have these rightist dolts not heard of nurse practitioners? Nurse practitioners are IDEAL for the day to day preventative care and treatment of illnesses, leaving the more intensively trained and specialized M.D. with more time to properly evaluate critical care perform treatments that their long and arduous education has trained them for.

    BTW, I think it's pretty funny that Palin has decided to go with the natural look (complete with her old bumpit) after getting the Hee-Haw jokes about her wiggy look last week.

    Although that dark brown thing curling around her neck looks like a ferret...or a boa constrictor...

  23. ENOUGHwiththetrainwreck10:27 PM

    bill-o really didn't seem on his game in this one. it is amazing how he says the exact opposite of what is known about the bill.

    smirky girl lost me in her first sentence. whatevah.

    limpbaughs won't leave - he makes too much money lying on the radio.

    obama's speech last night and today were both well thought and delivered in a manner that makes me quite proud.

    pelosi and The Gavel - priceless

  24. I get the impression that Bill-O doesn't like sister scarah very much...

  25. Anonymous10:36 PM

    Just listened to the video.

    Sorry Sarah, but the majority party is allowed to "disregard" the wants of the minority. George Bush and the Republicans "disregarded" my wishes for eight long years. And while I'm sure the Democrats didn't like it, you sure didn't hear the constant whining and gnashing of teeth that happens every time the Republicans lose their majority. Good God, what Sore Losers!

    Re-pill. Just when you think you've heard all her odd accents! For some reason I'm in the mood for a Dill pickle now............then on to bed. AKbatwoman

  26. (just finished slogging through the whole video)

    Possible headline at Redstate after this interview: "PALIN RECOMMENDS CRACK DOWN ON INSURANCE COMPANIES!!"

    Sorry, Sarahhhh, you're a day late and a dollar short for climbing on the bandwagon.

    Why do every one of the Faux interviewers comment on the background, or the weather? Is that something she demaanded in her contract? I hope Palin's replies are all the closer she gets to "her Alaska" TV show.

  27. oh, ow, ow, ow.....i made myself listen....ow, ow, ow.....but she is soooooo stoooopid!! and i agree: "dill"?? "repill"?? wtf?? has she forgotten how to say "eeeee"?

    And Bill was feeding her talking points, and trying to prompt her where he wanted her to go. But i'm also beginning to think, by asking her for her predictions, he is putting her on the spot, to see if she really IS a news "commentator" instead of a talking-point spewer.

  28. Anonymous11:04 PM

    Secret deals? What about the secret Palin cabins?

    Ya got caught beotch!

    By the way, wash your greasy stringy hill billy hair. Does not look right!

  29. Anonymous11:31 PM

    OK, OK, I'll take your word for it. I simply cannot stand to hear this shit.

    But did I hear O'Lielly say "there won't be enough doctors" to pay for everyone who's covered? WTF?

    Shouldn't we be funding more people to become doctors, then? Does he think only he and Palin should have health care and no us lesser mortals? Cheeeezuschrist.

  30. Anonymous11:42 PM

    Only evil-doing cowards have to live in a "compound" that keeps the real world out.

    What nefarious activities are done there on the Dead Lake besides what we see in public?

  31. Anonymous11:48 PM

    What's that thing laying around her neck? One of Piper's pets?

    Pissed off Palin - I love it!

  32. Anonymous11:48 PM

    $arah, you ignorant slut.

    YOU LOST. Deal with it and take your pathological crap and stuff it up your nose. We've had enough!

    I'm proud of our president, proud of the Congressional reps who passed this bill, proud of REAL Americans who look after each other, not rip each other off for their own benefit.

    In fact, $arah, go straight to hell, do not pass Go, do not collect $200.

    And stay out of the lower 48!

  33. Anonymous11:49 PM

    Palin's got a whole heck of a lot of nerve to mention accountability in government.

  34. Anonymous11:58 PM

    Ripill & Dill
    I fill that former half-term ex-governor of Alaska, Sarah Palin has rill appill to some misguided pipple. But to my irs, shih's unbearabla shrill.

    on a more positive note: Mazel Tov, President Obama, we love you!

  35. Anonymous11:58 PM

    WTF is a "Dill"? other than an herb used in pickles???

    Loved the snowmachine on the dead lake that she was shouting over!!

  36. A little irony G - down under the comments, in the ad section we have Eric Cantor who is running for congress collecting money to support candidates who will repeal and replace the "health care takeover" - I know the ads come up at random, but don't you think he'd rather spend his money aiming his ads at people who are going to agree with him?


  37. johnie2xs2:10 AM

    There's this one point, brought up again and again by these nay-saying Rethuglicans, that irks me every time they say it. If the government is so damned inept at running anything, why is it that they try so damned hard to be part of this "awful" government? They sure as hell don't seem to be doing anything to make it better, as far as I can tell. Besides, if in fact it is as bad as they say, maybe they should look in a mirror to see why that is.

  38. Hey! What happened? Her Elly Mae Clampett jiffy-pop hair went down!

  39. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn2:59 AM

    Hey Rush! If Costa Rica doesn't let you in, the Bikini Atoll is a fabulous option. A beautiful, untouched (for about 60 years) tropical paradise--and all the coconuts you can eat! Oh, and while you're at it, take Michelle, Glenn, Shaun, BillO, Orly, and the Palin clan with ya,'K?

  40. Anonymous3:05 AM

    Next, the Democrats should pass a law requiring Sarah to wash her hair at least once a week!

    Hurray for health care!

  41. Anonymous3:12 AM

    OMG like nails on a chalkboard! Yeah Sarah, loved how a MAJORITY vote crammed the legislation through.

  42. Wilderness Lover3:32 AM

    Wow what a SORE LOSER!

    A word of advice for Sarah:
    GO WASH YOUR HAIR! That oily-greasy thing isn't working for you.

    Now we know why you wear those ugly wigs!

  43. Anonymous3:35 AM

    There aren't enough words to express how happy I am that health care reform will now be law in spite of all the hateful ignoramuses and cynics who tried to kill it.

    The ex-half governor is probably livid with impotent rage that her lies and those of her ilk only postponed but did not stop health care reform. This success should also be instrumental in underscoring just how irrelevant she is.

  44. Anonymous3:45 AM

    Congratulations USA! Welcome of the club of all industrial nations! You have done the right thing and the majority of Americans wanted it and need it. Speaking from socialist/leftist Canada, trust me, no government official will stand between you and your doctor. As for Sarah Palin, how can she accept government health care for her and her family because of her husband's native Alaskan heritage but deny it for all others. What a Bitch.

  45. Anonymous4:25 AM

    Now Palin and Bilbo realize how the Native Americans felt.

  46. Anonymous4:31 AM

    I never, ever thought that anyone could make Bill-O look sane. Well, okay, first there was Beck but now with Palin, Bill is cast as the wise elder schooling the village idiot.

    Sarah, Sarah, Sarah. Go away. I don't care if you sit down or not, just shut up.

    Will someone please tell her she is looking haggard and sounding shriller than usual? Will someone please take her by the hand, lead her to a quiet corner, and give her some hot cocoa to sip? She is wobbling off the rails again.

    This time, if she isn't careful, she may fall off the rails altogether. I, for one, will not feel badly when it happens.

    Maybe voters in MN will oust Michelle B this fall and then she and Sarah can form the Has-Been Biddies Club. With their looks failing, their voices quavering in the bitter old ladies way, perhaps some of those ultra-Conservatives known for their compassion (like there were ever any of those)will take pity on them and wipe the envious drool from their thinning lips.

    Okay, so many that's just a fantasy for now, but a girl can hope, right? It's not over until it's over. We progressives still have a lot to undo from the Bush years, but we've at least started now.

  47. Mrs. Palin has seemed very odd in previous interviews, but this one had to be one of her most random and agitated performances to date. I don't think there was one complete sentence or connected thought. She was physically jerkier than normal.

    All of us have said the woman is crazy, but seriously, there is something very, very wrong.

    Almost makes me wish I could read BOR's mind. He can be a bit whacko himself, but in a very different way.

  48. Anonymous4:41 AM

    Now the truth comes out. Will there be enough doctors?

    I guess that's a conservative's way of saying, 'we know that our healthcare system isn't working, we just don't want to infringe on the insurance business' profits'.

    Guess this means the Palin family can stay in the U.S. when they need medical attention?

  49. Anonymous4:41 AM

    I am pleased but it it not nearly enough, just a foot in the door.

  50. 1. OMG--hilarious...poor Bill O. had to shut her up over and over. She sounds like a complete conspiracy buffoon.

    2. The "leftists"--give me a break. She just loves those keywords to put the RWNJs in a state of apoplexy. The marxists! The communists! The socialists!!! The evil feds expecting me to pay taxes on my vacation cabins!!!! Where will this travesty end??!! *tearing out hair extensions*

    3. WTF is the "Democrat party"?

    4. Interesting how she comments that some people might not want or need this reform--she's one of them, since she and her family are already on the government dole, covered under the Indian healthcare programs. Those of us living here in "Real America" aren't so lucky, however.

    5. I love how she goes on and on about the "will of the people". Well, the will of the people **was** health care reform, you half-baked Alaskan!!! We contacted our representatives and told them so, and they voted accordingly.

    PS: The will of the people put President Obama in office, also, too!!

  51. I could finally watch the clip of Sarah Palin because I was screaming laughing over your commentary. Reading your commentary and waiting for Todd and his toy to fly by ......became a comedy skit. I always thought a dill was an herb or a type of pickle. Please add commentary to all her clips. Its a riot.
    By the way, SP did make a contribution to the health care bill. Congressman Bill Owens NY23 voted yes. Remember her foray into NY politics earlier this year and the result. A Democrat was elected in the district for the first time in 150 years.

  52. I can't take this fucking idiot anymore...stop with the talking points Sarah. It's OVA, and you and your kids and grandkids will still suck up the free government healthcare.

    The snowmobile was a nice touch...talks about the pristine, clean Alsaka land while someone is polluting the atmosphere on a frozen dead lake. You and your family need to pack up and join Rush in Costa Rica.

  53. Anonymous5:01 AM

    Moon said...
    "...I've heard conservative wingnuts say if Obama lost the health care vote he was finished. He won...what will they say now?"

    I say he's just getting started. ;-)

  54. Anonymous5:03 AM

    I loved seeing her mad. Ha ha. Usually she's so snarky and smug. That lady hates Obama almost as much as she hates losing. But guess what? We win you lose, you witch!

  55. Bill O'Reilly seemed so annoyed with Palin. He kept cutting her off. It was as if he were thinking: "Why do I have to pretend to be interested in anything this ignorant woman has to spew? Love her last line about Alaska. Isn't Lake Lucille polluted?

  56. I am so glad this passed,but.....
    What are we to do about palin and her teabagging friends?

    I thought it was an incredible stain on our proud history that these republicans needed to incite the crowds into yelling slurs and hate filled comments at Democratic congressmen and women.
    I understand freedom of speech, but this is going and has gone to far.
    Palin can't talk and she is a quitter. She offers NO solutions to today's problems and actually lies with impunity!
    She is making an incredible amount of money from these gigs.
    It really is time to stop it now. She and all her fox friends will get POTUS Obama and others killed and they will not be held accountable.

    It is passed time to haul the goods out on palin.

  57. OH MY GOD she's an idiot and one of the few folks who can make O'Reilly sound fair-minded.

  58. Anonymous5:50 AM


  59. Molly6:04 AM

    Is the secret dill they have up there in Alaska used for some special kind of rogue pickles?

    I noticed too that when Billo asked her if that scene behind her was real, she hesitated and said something like "Oh, yes, Alaska is real".....uh huh, but that doesn't answer the question, does it. The question was really (rilly?)whether or not she was actually STANDING there IN the scene, not just in front of a backdrop or a window. Ms. Truthful told a half-truth. She's rilly good at that.

    Thank God McCain/Clueless were defeated....can you IMAGINE???

  60. Anonymous6:09 AM

    Do ya think FUX is giving up on Sarah?

    When Palin first showed up on FUX, she was glamorous looking, everybody was nice to her, interviewers were leading her along - helping her...


    I suppose Sarah will go in the house and plop her fat a$$ on the sofa and put her teeth in a mayonaise jar, eat some cheetos and drink her sody pop.

    Her hair is greasy and stringy, no new clothes, make up looks like peeper did it.

    Billy O looks like he is irritated with Sarah. Bill has that "Re-Todd WTF is That Idiot Sarah Talking About Look?".

  61. Anonymous6:11 AM

    she looks awful... I suspect that is what she looks like most of the time. She had nothing to add, except how out of touch she is. Obviously, if the measure passed, it's what the majority of people want.

    I got a real kick out of the guy on the snowmobile....the politicians to the left appear to see him and turn and stare. LOL

  62. Anonymous6:18 AM

    Hey, did that "thing" on her neck move? :) By the way, she showed us bloggers that it wasn't a picture behind her, didn't she? Someone reads the blogs.

    Oh, Sarah......please, please, please take your screechy voice and your hate somewhere else (maybe Russia) and quit calling your dead lake "pristine"!!

  63. Anonymous6:25 AM

    I loathe Bill O'Reilly, a true blue misogynist if there ever was one. But it must frost his cupcakes to have to showcase this nitwit on his show every time Fox calls her up for her "brilliant analysis".

    And for once, it would be refreshing to see if she can form one sentence using 10 words rather than a string of senseless nonsense spewing from her empty head that seems to go on and on and on hoping something will hit the target. Absurd!!

  64. Anonymous6:27 AM

    All of you have covered all the crazy stuff.
    I agree that BOR seems to have little interest in her opinion but has little choice in that matter.
    Of course, he let the proverbial
    "cat out of the bag" with his comments of a looming doctor shortage. Oooops...
    The label "Obama Care" may just backfire on the repub detractors and guarantee our President an easy historical reference. Yeah!

  65. sunnyjane6:37 AM

    Gasman, thanks for the opportunity to contribute, but I decline. I hope Rush burns his fat ass so badly that he can't sit down.

  66. Agreed, Miller@5:07. I definitely got that. It was as though Bill was talking with someone with whom he disagreed rather than one he presumably agreed with. He was trying to get her to say something and she kept blathering on (and on, and on ...) about something else.

    Hopefully the only reason he is putting up with it is because he knows she'll be on 'for a limited time only'.

    It also makes me wonder who tells BillO what to do. I can't imagine it was his idea to have her on his show at that point.

  67. Love how she says "they" should have reined the insurance industry in. Who does she think "they" is? She had her opportunity to say and do something constructive, and she blew it. She and her cronies are "they". All that energy spent on spewing hate and talk about death panels. Sarah, take your screechy hateful speech and go.

  68. Thanks for posting this Grypen and much thanks for the comments. I tried to listen .. really I did. Did not make it far. I love all the comments and especially Shan's at 9:04 re: the potential Rush Tsunami. Yes, my thought is that Costa Rica would be none too happy especially in light of the tourist dollars they would lose if Rush is living there. But, hey I hope he makes good on his pledge to leave: Rush, can we drive you to the airport?

  69. Anonymous6:55 AM

    Anon 6:25 am, Agree

  70. I seldom tune in and watch BillO, but do know he enjoys sparring with intelligent people. He does not normally suffer fools and will call them out. I think it's only a matter of time before he doesn't bother to cover his true feelings about Sarah. We will either witness more and more of this, or she will not be on his show any more.

  71. Anonymous7:17 AM

    Looks like Sarah may be "chunking up." Is she in training to fake another pregnancy? Even the camera operator (Piper?) knew enough not to shoot below the shoulders!

  72. Slightly off topic but when is Rush going to move out of the country?

  73. Gasman8:04 AM

    sunnyjane said...,
    For some reason, most people seem to feel like you. Contributions to the F.A.L.S.E. fund aren't what I'd hope they'd be.

    Poor Rush's big ol' pasty Lardass will just have to burn. I guess it will be good training for what will surely happen to him after he goes to hell. I guess his ass will REALLY burn then.

    I'll be anxiously counting the days.

  74. She's a liar and a propagandist. She does the repuke trick of not referring to the DemocratIC party respectfully and correctly and she calls them the DEMOCRAT party. They all do it on purpose and just once I'd like to hear an interviewer correct one of these repuke clowns.
    The best part of this clip was when she got lost in the weeds describing the "process of constitutional process, blah, blah blah." That was classic word salad and you could tell she was just making shit up as she went along and she got lost among the big words.
    Her calls to reform the insurance industry was the biggest WTF? moment in recent Palin history. What the hell does she think the bill does? Does she really not know about the provisions regarding pre-existing conditions and lifetime caps on benefits?
    Now that this fight is over she'll need to come up with new talking points for her upcoming commentaries on Faux news. I have a feeling she'll stick with the "leftist" and "socialist/western Europe" themes.

  75. Anonymous8:33 AM

    he says "they" should have reined the insurance industry in...

    Regulate private business? That is not the Rep talking point.

    WE have just reined them in a bit.

  76. Anonymous8:36 AM

    Did everyone notice that it says, Sarah Palin, NOT GOV Palin under her face with BillO??

    is that new?

  77. LisanTX8:40 AM

    Sarah just provided the PERFECT clip for the position of Freedom of Reproductive Choice:

    She said that she didn't want the government coming between her and her doctor regarding her medical care.

    Perfect quote.

  78. Anonymous8:44 AM

    I agree with History Goddess; there is something seriously wrong with Sarah. (I finally made it through all seven minutes of her interview with BOR, last post).

    I can make the guess that she has not signed a deal with either A&E or Discovery. The reason that she is making sure that the trees and lake are in the shot behind her is because she is still trying to sell her image of Sarah's Alaska.

    Note to Sarah: A serious politician who is running for president does his/her interview from the office, with shelves of beautifully bound books in the background and an American flag in the corner. There are cleverly placed pictures of family; this would be the place to insert a photo of Alaskan scenery. Seriously, given the advance notice that you would be on camera, is that the only clean top that you had in the house?

    Sarah's delivery is Frantic! She is a good candidate herself for health care for several reasons. She has no idea what she looks like as shown by her terrible taste in clothing and hair styles. She is still working on that outdoorsy image when she should have switched to her professional political opinion image.

    She has no control over her voice and her thoughts. She has hit the "on" switch and she simply lets it fly. There wasn't a complete thought or sentence in seven minutes of babble. Even BOR saw through her, interrupting Sarah several times. (Second note to Sarah: It's not a good idea to try to talk over the host).

    There is a mental flaw which prevents Sarah from taking a thought, and expressing it clearly in a simple direct manner. The jerky movements with her hands give away the underlying tension and anxiety.

    All in all, I think that having Sarah on Fox is a good thing, and on second thought, I need to amend my thinking and issue a third note to Sarah: Don't change a thing; stay true to your authentic self (Thanks, Oprah). In the same way that the guy shouting insults in Congress is a disgrace to the GOP, Sarah diminishes the value of Fox as a real news channel. The violent racist remarks from the tea baggers show the worst side of the crazies, and Sarah just adds to their screams. She appeals to the most narrow, uninformed marginalized "rightists" in the GOP and she help to fracture the Republican Party. Now that Health Care Reform is a reality, make Sarah can get some medication for her mental health issues.

  79. Anonymous9:32 AM

    How come her family gets to have government run health care but nobody else is suppose to have it. Why Why Why does she continually get a way with this?

  80. Anonymous9:48 AM

    She does the repuke trick of not referring to the DemocratIC party respectfully and correctly and she calls them the DEMOCRAT party.

    Jennifer, I'm not fond of Republicans either, but can't you see the irony in what you just said? Let's not play their game by deliberately mangling their party name, either.

  81. Anonymous9:49 AM

    "Loved the snowmachine on the dead lake that she was shouting over!!"

    That was probably Toad, hauling ass out of Wasilla to try to GTF away from that whole dysfunctional bunch!

  82. Hey Griff, you didn't post the part where the chick with the bad hair's head explodes.

    It does explode right?

    Just starts spinning in circles, catches fire and explodes...

    common, tell me that happened. *giggles*

  83. I think they are going to have to give her some vocabulary notes before the next interview. When Reilly asked her if she would "cede" something, she didn't seem to understand him and answered something else. Those one syllable words are confusing, aren't they.

  84. actually, the new words for the day are "Totalitarian" -- used to excuse the despicable behavior of the teabaggers and rethugs.


    "Civil War" a dog whistle call to arms

  85. Anonymous11:13 AM

    Healthy, I thought Lake lucille was a dead lake! What is healthy about that?

  86. Anonymous11:15 AM

    She is so mad cause that damn Black Man beat her. It is grinding on her every day. How could he beat someone as beautiful as she is.

  87. Anonymous1:18 PM

    @ anonymous 9:48 AM

    "Jennifer, I'm not fond of Republicans either, but can't you see the irony in what you just said? Let's not play their game by deliberately mangling their party name, either."
    The difference is that Jennifer is not saying it as a Faux Analyst on national TV. The real irony is that you would prefer to censor a personal comment on a private blog rather than criticize SP's "games" on national TV.

  88. What was that beaver tail hanging off her shoulder? Oh yeah, hair extensions....she is so wound up, being on teevee is great, because she is just soon to implode

  89. Anonymous1:41 PM

    The will of the people, rejected you in 2008. Deal with it.

  90. Even more telling was Palin's session with Greta. Palin really put her penis-envy on display, when she says:

    "It really reflects a lack of experience of President Obama's, which -- it was warned about during the campaign, that candidate Obama didn't have executive experience. He hasn't been an administrator or a manager of anything.

    So to jump into this huge, hugely important, responsible position as president of the United States without the experience to know how to work across party lines and to know how to administer and to manage a team to get policy through that makes sense and supported by the people, it's a bit over his head, if you will, and things aren't going well.",2933,589706,00.html

  91. Sarah I've been told you read these comments?Someone said "BITE ME " Well I'll be standing right behind them so You can BITE ME TOO.

  92. Anonymous6:48 PM

    This woman has aged 10 to 15 years in the past three years. She was attractive, but now she is one old, mean, hate-filled woman. Sarah, you on the downhill slide to 50 and menopause is going to make you one bitter woman.

  93. Is Sarah announcing her plans to run for Don Young's seat? Here she talks generically, but in one of her other interviews, she talked about contesting primaries in Alaska and there is only one Congressman for all of Alaska. Here she talks about schoolin' some Republicans who 'sit down and shut up and go with the flow':

    "...those in the Republican Party who have not had their voice be heard vigorously in opposition to what Obama, Pelosi and Reid are doing to America with this cause -- I think that they're going to have some lessons taught to them, too, because we expect those who are in positions in power in Congress, even in the Republican Party -- we expect them to stand up and to voice opposition to what these characters in Congress are doing to us with "Obamacare."

    Those who have decided instead to kind of not make any waves and kind of sit down and shut up and go with the flow and still cast a no vote -- we're not -- we're not pleased with that tactic, either. And you're going to see some contested primaries in the Republican Party because of those who have chosen to not have their voices -- voices in power to be heard.",2933,589706,00.html

  94. Palin's 'mayor and city manager' meme. She always refers to herself as a former 'mayor and city manager' to emphasize her management experience. This is ironic on multiple levels.
    *When she ran against John Stein, she lampooned him for referring to himself as city manager because, she said, Wasilla didn't have an official city manager. However, Stein's background was in public administration.
    *After she becomes mayor, she is practically forced to hire a real city manager or administrator to cover for her own incompetence.
    *Ergo, she never really managed the city, the city hired someone else to do that.
    *However, she constantly self-refers to herself as a city manager while lambasting Obama for his 'lack of experience': "Obama didn't have executive experience. He hasn't been an administrator or a manager of anything.",2933,589706,00.html

  95. Was the snowmobile part of the circus act of the family?
    I find it difficult to take a person as sincere when giving an interview appearing they paused during something more important e.g. a sport, done up to appear at Grand Ole Opry or romping with a dog to address critical issues. To each his own choice of PR and the image they chose to present.

    Mud Flats has a translation of this BOR appearance. Palin speaking live is vastly different then her Facebook posts. She comes across as erratic in words and appearance. She is a study of false impressions, conflicting images, deceit, false claims of what is real and not. It's chaotic for those of us who perceive her as a whole and not only her ghost writers.

  96. Anonymous10:18 PM

    Very nice and intrestingss story.


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