Monday, March 01, 2010

Keith Olbermann shares the very personal story of his father's battle for life and destroys the myth of "death panels" once and for all.

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I cannot tell you how impressive I find Keith's unselfish decision to share this incredibly painful episode in his life with his viewers. As much as he is personally suffering he still realizes that what he is going through gives him a unique perspective that will help others understand the truth behind the Republican lies and obfuscation.


  1. laprofesora6:58 PM

    Y'know, I just had a thought: if you watch the faces on Fox, you know exactly what Hell looks like.

  2. Anonymous7:35 PM

    It is obviously so painful for him, especially after having lost his mother not so long ago. He is a very caring person and has been so passionate about health care reform. The amounts of money raised and the numbers of needy people who received medical care is astounding - all thanks to his bringing the issue to light and encouraging the donations. This wasn't a *one-shot* deal for him as others have done for pet projects. It continues, he won't let it go as long as he can make a tiny bit of difference. Another aspect to the free clinics that hasn't been mentioned, is the coming together of so many volunteers from all walks of life. There is still hope for America, that we are better and we can do better, by putting partisan politics aside and taking care of our people. So many congress-critters were invited to the clinics, but I don't know of ANY who went to the ones held near to them.

  3. Anonymous7:40 PM

    "If the enemies don't get you, you're own folks may."

    No words have ever been spoken as true as this.

    Once again, KO -- you are my hero.

    Take care of you and yours.

  4. It was painful to watch his special comment last week. I just wish some of the people who worship Beck and Limbaugh et al. could 'hear' KO. But to think that would happen is naiveté. Still, I am very glad his voice is out there from the platform he has. Maddow is another favorite of mine.

  5. Anne NC10:08 PM

    Whenever I think of how $arah deliberately misled people regarding the death panels, I can't help but think of the hell the families go through when a loved one is dying and they can't agree on what to do. I've seen families in such terrible arguments regarding how to treat Mom, Dad, Grandparents, etc. because nothing was put on paper prior to their getting sick. What we all need to remember is that these things can happen at any age and it's up to you as to what you want done. Just remember to do it legally, give a copy to a family member, your physician and keep a couple for yourself for making any possible changes in the future if the need should arise. It takes the burden from family members who sometimes don't understand anything about the medical conditions the physicians are speaking about. They don't have to second guess your wishes because you will have already made them known. Please do it for your family and for yourself.

  6. Gasman11:05 PM

    Olbermann’s comments regarding “Life Panels” has far more credibility than anything which issues forth from the many large puffy orifices of Lord Lardass Limbaugh or the sniveling piehole of Glenn Beck. Olbermann’s experience rings true for many of us because we know his account is real. Guaranteed, if you haven’t faced that issue yet, you will. The bullshit “DEATH PANEL!!!!!” meme is so goddamn insulting that it makes me want to scream. Limbaugh and Beck want nothing more than to panic you to the point that you act emotionally and not rationally. They want to scare the shit out of you and stampede you into the frothy teabagger mob who scream brainlessly at the top of their lungs.

    However, when you finally do have that inevitable conversation with the doctors about the pending mortality of a parent, spouse, sibling, or even a child, you will not have the support of Limbaugh, Beck, or the teabagger hordes. You will be alone with your loved ones, your doctor, your conscience, and your God. Thankfully, you will not face any of the mythical “DEATH PANELS!!!!!” about which Limbaugh and Beck warn, and you will have choices to make and you will have a say in what happens. You and your loved ones are the ONLY ones who have the power to decide in those panels.

    If the GOP prevails in this debate, your doctors will not be able to bill your insurance company for that discussion. It may make those very necessary counseling sessions less frequent and less helpful. Let Limbaugh or Beck name names and locations for these “DEATH PANELS.” I want to see them in action. I want to speak to their members. Of course, Limbaugh and Beck cannot provide this information, because these “DEATH PANELS” do not exist.

    Let us bring some sanity and compassion back to this debate. Let’s tell Limbaugh and Beck to go to hell. Thank you Mr. Olbermann.

  7. mocha5:41 AM

    I have always enjoyed Keith's take on things, but until the death of his mother, I thought he was a bit of a pompous blowhard. His experience with his mother's, and now his father's illness seem to have really matured him as a person. What a contrast to see him talk about his father, truly suffering, fighting back real tears compared to Glen Beck and his theatrical tears. I wish him and his family the best.

  8. One of my end of life conversations with my dad went something like this: "If you come here and find me on the floor what will you do?" The first time he asked, I answered incorrectly, "call 9-11" We practiced until I said "Make sure you're dead, then call 9-11" It was hard to answer correctly, but that was the gist of his end of life wishes. Thank goodness he made me practice.

  9. Basheert7:23 AM

    Good for him. He was amazing, during an extremely emotional time in his life, he chose to go on the air and share his personal agony.

    Death Panels ARE real. They are the 21 year old boneheads that act as clerks in Prior Approval Units of Insurance Companies that have NO medical training. Insurance Companies make all the decisions - and docs get all the blame.

    The only advice I can give to anyone is to BE the advocate for your family. Yell, scream, demand, question...PUSH the original Squeaky Wheel. Do NOT accept the word NO. Take an active roll in patient care decisions.

    Insurance companies say no all the time - you CAN fight it and you do stand a chance of winning the argument. But you have to get in their faces and PUSH. And KEEP PUSHING.

    So many people just accept their denials - and walk away. The people who get care are the ones who fight like hell to get the right decision. It is difficult, but it is also possible.

    KeithO is helping people realize that we all need someone to fight for us when we can't do it ourselves.

    He is awesome!

  10. Mac And Cheese Wiz10:37 PM

    Keith is an amazing man. I've been in his shoes, and will be again in the near future, and I doubt if I could have the courage and grace to put a piece like this together.

    Thank You, Keith, Bless you, your father and your family. I hope I have someone like you on my side when my time comes.


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