Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Levi Johnston ordered to pay $1,750 a month in child support to Bristol Palin. As mother and sister lose home.

According to ADN:

The teen father of Sarah Palin's grandson has been ordered to make interim child support payments of $1,750 per month to Palin's daughter.

The amount is 20 percent of 19-year-old Levi Johnston's adjusted annual income, as set out in Alaska statute.

Johnston's payments are based on estimated income of $105,000 and are retroactive to May 2009. The payments are slightly lower for January through April 2009 because of Johnston's lower income.

Palmer Superior Court Judge Judge Kari C. Kristiansen set a trial date in the matter for Sept. 23.

I have become very frustrated with Levi's legal team lately.  I hate to be an armchair quarterback but it seems that if they had been a little more proactive Levi might have not been caught flat footed by Van Flein's aggressive legal tactics.

I am not a lawyer but I have dealt with Van Flein before and I know exactly how aggressive and ugly he is capable of conducting himself on behalf of the Palin family.

I also wish that Levi could have held off going after these interview and modeling gigs until after he had his child support and custody situation with Tripp all worked out.  However I also know that he was desperate to make money so that he had the funds to engage in a protracted custody battle with Bristol, Sarah, and their millions of dollars.

Right now on the advice of counsel Levi is keeping his money in a bank account and only taking a small allowance to pay his monthly bills, while preparing for the legal fight he knows he cannot avoid.  Unfortunately his money is so tied up that he has been unable to help his mother and sister who just recently lost their home as a result of Sherry's incarceration.

Sherry has had trouble getting her disability checks since being released and fell too far behind on the mortgage payments to recover.


  1. Anonymous9:03 AM

    Seems fair enough. He is making big bucks now posing semi-nude and doing t.v. stuff for publicity. Once Palin fades out and he becomes a nothing again they can always adjust it downward if necessary. Nobody should be against a father supporting his child.

  2. Anonymous9:21 AM

    Gryphen so you are actually finally accepting that Rex and Tank may not have Levi's best interest at heart. Rex and Tank believe in one thing and that is $$$$$$$$$$$$ and nothing else

  3. I don't know if it is that Rex and Tank do not have Levi's best interest at heart, or if they are just in over their heads. Levi, you need another attorney. Period.

  4. Anonymous9:35 AM

    Gryphen isn't saying that Levi shouldn't pay his fair share. He's saying the share Levi is asked to pay isn't fair! Especially with the money Bristol seems to be raking in.

    Sarah and the Palins continue to be in control in Alaska, will continue to be until someone brings them down.

  5. Gasman9:41 AM

    Nobody is suggesting that Levi should be absolved from financial responsibility, but you can't get blood from a turnip. Despite his posing "semi-nude and doing t.v. stuff for publicity" this has not translated into a steady and/or dependable source of income.

    If Levi is going to go after the big bucks available to him in the short term, might I suggest a tell all book that would once and for all blow the doors off Chez Palin? He has the dirt and he knows what closets contain skeletons. If he really wants to cash in, write a book that is ENTIRELY TRUTHFUL regarding Sarah Palin. He will be a millionaire AND he will rid us of that celebrity/political gadfly Palin. It would also allow Levi to extract a certain measure of revenge toward Palin who is surely pulling the strings behind the scenes when it comes to custody, visitation, and support issues.

    I see no downside to laying it all bare this time Levi. You, your child, AND the American public will all profit.

  6. Time to write the book Levi.

  7. Anonymous9:42 AM

    $P's little vengeful game is paying off. I can't tell you how much I despise this POS and wish a fate worse than death on her.

    So, how much was she involved in Sherry's arrest anyway?

    If Levi has any sense, he'll stop what he's doing, stay in AK and no longer contribute the the Palin madness. He'll never have the resources of the criminal Palins.

  8. indylindy9:52 AM

    Hey Anonymous 9:03 NO ONE is against a father supporting his child. We just think $1750 is excessive since it is pretty unlikely that Levi will make that kind of money going forward.

    They are setting this young man up to fail. When he falls behind the Palins will run to the press and label him a deadbeat dad. We all know it is coming.

    Hey Levi...maybe it is time to get busy on that book.

  9. krbmjb059:59 AM

    It doesn't matter if he waited to do those "gigs" or not. Bristol can take him back to court anytime to re-evaluate his income...for the next 17 years.

    On the flipside, he can also go back to adjust to a lower amount if he is making less money.

  10. Anonymous10:18 AM

    This reminds me of Troopergate, where Sarah and Todd were trying to get their former brother-in-law Trooper Wooten fired. People wrote that would hardly benefit Wooten's kids, if he were to be deprived of earning a living.

    Sarah seems to have this scorched earth policy regarding people she doesn't like. It looks like Sarah & Family are trying to empty Levi's bank account. That way, he will be unable to help his mother with any of her financial difficulties.

    What's the point? Sarah is so busy making $100,000. speeches and posing for $10,000. photos. This need to keep on punishing Levi is immature. Is this Sarah's way of trying to keep Levi silent? What would/could she do to his family if he talked about Palin family secrets?

  11. Anonymous10:20 AM

    This seems very excessive for a 19yr uneducated young man. Bristol could live in her own castle, has a mother who's making millions and has a sham for consulting company bringing in money.

    How could any judge agree to this when the Palin's don't pay taxes on their cottage, don't pay for their kids to travel on state business, charge the state to live at home, have govt health care, AND they think they deserve to greedily grab all the freebies at the gifting suite?

    Someone contact Levi & get him to talk & sell his story to every tabloid and do every talk show until the world knows the truth!

  12. Anonymous10:24 AM

    The trail of human carnage behind the Heath/Palin's is despicable! Everything and everyone they touch gets trashed. I hate that the Johnston's have had to leave their home while our Supreme LIAR goes on with her so called life making millions. Sickening. The only thing that keeps me sane on this issue is knowing Paling is NOT going to heaven. She is headed someplace much warmer.

  13. Anonymous10:29 AM

    Bristol's mama must SO proud of her! WHo said you had to get an education to make a decent living.:)

  14. jesus christ. This reads like a Greek tragedy.

    Sometimes bad people win. That's just how it goes. But then sometimes the good people they abuse go postal, too. You just never know how far you can push someone, do you?


  15. Anonymous10:31 AM

    While I realize there's no obligation on Palin's part for the care of the grandson she admits to, I do find it ironic that Levi's annual income is equal to about two hours of psycho-babble from the lips of Granny Palin.

    Yep, who said life is fair?

  16. Anonymous10:35 AM

    Alaska formula is clear; has to do with income AND percentage of custody each parent is filing for. This is an interim decision. Do we know if Levi is filing for 50/50, 70/30 or if he's ok w/Bristol having full legal and physical custody and he gets liberal visitation? If that's the case, that's why the support is so high.

  17. Anonymous10:41 AM

    I've watched this site lead the parade for Levi's attorney while he provided a handler who preened and obviously held the reins in what Levi could say, and set up naked gigs and outside commitment when the boy could have been on-hand for his child and attending school. When the description of the disorganization and understaffed attorney's office raised eyebrows, you insisted that brilliance and strategy were being used to great effect.

    Now? An attorney who doesn't provide the court with paperwork on time, an inability to defend against an excessive demand, despite a young man who is the sole support of a mother... and who cannot prove that he is as, despite making over $100,000 last year, he did not pay her mortgage...

    WHAT impressed you so much about this attorney? WHAT impressed you about the decisions that were made? WHY are you surprised at an outcome that was obvious so long ago?

  18. Anonymous10:44 AM

    Perhaps we're misjudging Rex & Tank.
    Might their strategy be - We'll allow
    Levi to 'pay-through-the nose' so to speak, until this nightmare gets to court in Sept. This will highlight
    the fact that Levi is indeed perfectly
    qualified to be awarded joint custody
    rather than just visitation privileges at the pleasure of princess
    Bristol & queen Shreikah. What do others think?

    Sharon TN

  19. Anonymous10:51 AM

    I agree with the tell all book. Maybe he is afraid of hurting his child but in the end his child would know the truth about his grandmother's character.

  20. Anonymous10:51 AM

    Anony 10;24 said

    "The only thing that keeps me sane on this issue is knowing Paling is NOT going to heaven. She is headed someplace much warmer."

    OMG What can I say?

  21. Anonymous10:54 AM

    DNA! DNA! C'mon Levi...demand a paternity test! I assume that if it comes back showing that you aren't the father you can get any child support you've paid back (except that I imagine it will have been long spent by the Grifters.)

  22. Jennifer11:09 AM

    Are there no experienced Family Court lawyers in AK who would be willing to take on Levi's case for a reduced fee? He really needs the very best legal advice he can get, and that means an lawyer experienced in family custody cases.

    Doesn't SP have some enemies among the legal world in AK? Won't someone take pity on poor Levi and help him out?

    He seems like a decent enough kid. It's frustrating to watch him struggle with what seems to be terrible legal advice.

  23. Anonymous11:12 AM


    It's the only way out of this corner.

  24. Anonymous11:17 AM

    This isn't an issue of poor Levi or bad attorneys. This goes to the heart of the child support laws. There is no max that can be assigned as payable. The law states 20% of the non custodial parents income. This can be adjusted if income changes.

    In this state it makes no difference what the custodial parent earns in deciding child support, regardless of Bristol's "need" Levi will be ordered to pay the full 20% until he can show his earning potential has declined.

    While I agree she doesn't "need" the money, he is still obligated to pay by LAW. Not even that crazy twit mother of hers can change this.

    What kills me about all this outrage over Levi paying support is that you never hear anyone standing up for all the other parents out there paying child support when their baby's momma doesn't need the money.What about all the dad's barely keeping a roof over their heads and their ex earns more money yet they have to pay support she doesn't need either.

    If you want to see things change for Levi you should also want to see them change for everyone. And let's not forget bringing a child into this world isn't cheap.

  25. I also wish that Levi could have held off going after these interview and modeling gigs until after he had his child support and custody situation with Tripp all worked out.

    Nice........that way he wouldn't have to pay NOW.....but for heaven's sake, any custodial parent in their right mind would insist on adjustments knowing that his income increased.

    He would end up the same way he just did..paying retroactively!

    Now if he goes for joint or full custody HER income can be investigated, including her LLC.

    If he ends up with joint custody, there won't BE any support payments.

  26. Anonymous11:22 AM

    The amount's not excessive. It's based solely on the standard amount decreed by the law in Alaska. He has made a lot of money this year, so he owes a lot. That's fair.

    BUT, that payment amount won't have to last forever. When his income dries up, then he can easily show the judge his paychecks and get a lower monthly support amount.

    However, I have always felt that he should be asking for joint custody. That way, Bristol's income would be examined, and WHICHEVER parent made more money would have to pay (not necessarily Levi). That's what I think is wrong with his attorney's supposed "strategy."

  27. Anonymous11:25 AM

    Jennifer 11:09: Alaska Family Court has a comprehensive website & free advice, esp. if you have a standing order, which Levi does. We are all assuming Levi wants 50/50 custody - maybe he doesn't, in which case he will certainly pay a lot of child support. The formula changes drastically after 70/30.

  28. Anonymous11:33 AM

    Gryphen--How do you know Sherry fell behind in her mortgage payments? I would think since she is still married, that her husband (since he had a job) would also be responsible for the mortgage. They are still married! They have a court date next week. She didn't have a lawyer and Keith is getting a default divorce.

  29. To people who are commenting on Levi, you know, he didn't ask to be put into the Palin Woodchipper. And why shouldn't he try to make some money? He isn't making false claims in speeches or writing books of lies or anything. His mother is in pain, his father left and he is trying to make money for his family and his son or two.

    They used him. They dragged him from the woods to the GOP convention and practically married him off on national TV.

    I feel for him and I don't think it's fair to judge him.

  30. Yes Sherry is getting a divorce.

    She may have an attorney by now as she was looking into finding one.

    The reason the house is gone is because Keith (her husband) stopped paying the mortgage and she was not aware of it.

    He sent her a text message a few weeks ago telling her that she needed to move out in two weeks, that time is up now. That was the first time she realized that the mortgage, and property taxes, had not been paid.

    The bank is going to take the house back and auction it off.

    And yes I know that the Alaska courts determine child support based on the income of the non-custodial parent, but if Levi had started proceedings to determine the custody situation last summer he might very well be in a better situation now. I was able to get joint physical and legal custody of my daughter so I know that courts do not just favor the women in these cases.

    I just hate to see the Johnston family suffering like this while Sarah and her tribe build a veritable fortress using the money paid to her by people who are probably in situations far more similar to Sherry's than to Sarah's.

    I am preparing a much more informative post on Sherry's situation in the future.

  31. Didn't Levi purchase a home where Sherry and Sadie can reside or are they all just out on the street?

    For some reason Keith is being a hardass; I mean to let the mortgage go and have his soon to be ex-wife without housing is one thing, but to leave his daughter homeless? That is one messed up man for certain.

    I don't know why he would do this and I'm sure he has his reasons but Mercede is still young and needs to have a steady homelife and an actual home to live in. Bad on you Keith Johnston to let your grievances with your wife deny your children a place to live.

  32. Anonymous12:23 PM

    Levi needs to speak up or write a book.

  33. Anonymous12:28 PM

    Levi needs a mentor!

  34. mommom12:39 PM

    Do you know how much is owed on the house? It is possible that people would be willing to contribute to help.

  35. The judge has to use a set formula to figure out the child support payments. It has to be based on current income for the year. This is a situation where income will be changing and very unknown. When Levi's income goes down he will petition the court with the evidence of his new income and the judge will change it. $105,000/12=8750, 8750*.20=$1750, it's that simple. If Levi's fame dies down and he gets a job that pays say $3000 a month, $3000*.20=$600.

    As for Sherry not getting her disability they are supposed to stop it any time someone is incarcerated for 30 days or more and then it is supposed to be started up again right away. If the benefits were just suspended they start them up quickly, if they are terminated it can take a few months. The staff in the prison system are supposed to notify social security before the inmate is released and help the inmate fill out the paperwork about their release date several months before release, I would doubt the prison system in Alaska does this for anyone, as they really don't give a rats a** about what happens to the inmates and want to facilitate the reincarceration, clearly. Inmates who tell the staff at the prison they are on disability get treated poorly also, they act like everthing you tell them is a lie. They essentially told me CFIDS?ME is not a real disease which is malpractice to begin with. They will probably drag their feet and make the process as difficult as possible. They may not have known exactly when she would be released which could cause a delay, but by now they had enough time to get the paperwork done. They usually just release most inmates who have no place to go to the street and homlessness. With a felony charge Sherry will be disqualified from getting section 8 housing for 2years(the rule is 2 years of good behavior), but she should apply anyway and then file an appeal, because they may look at her situation and grant her a section 8. The people running the program will lie to her about that though, they certainly lied to me several times. The reason for denying a section 8 to felons is obvious, but Sherry would not be a danger to the other residents and that should allow her to get help with housing. Sherry should be able to get SSI right away which is not much money, but is a help while she waits for SSD. Maintaining a house on disability income is really quite impossible anyway unless it is already paid for or has a very small payment. If she could get into a more affordable situation she would do better financially and her stress would be reduced. The USDA also has apartments in AK not only for low income families, but also elderly and disabled, the section 8 housing is often in horrible shape and managed poorly, but the federal government has health and safety standards, inspections, and if residents complain about problems they respond. They care about the standards under which people live in the housing which is the opposite of what goes on with section 8 in AK.

  36. What's with the timing?1:39 PM

    Why did the Huffington Post and ADN wait so long to rehash this old story? ( By The Reliable Source | February 26, 2010 ) February 2010, why did they wait and bring that up now?
    February 25, 2010 Bristol Breaks Levi’s Ba…Bank

    I find this time suspect. For Levi, it is the price one must pay when they can't afford a public relation firm.
    I don't have an answer for what's up with the legal strategy Levi is taking. I would go with DNA and asking for joint custody, that may already be in the plan. The court of public opinion should not matter to a judge. I look at this latest ADN as same old kiss ^ss from them. Huffington Post from ANCHORAGE, Alaska is new.

  37. Anonymous1:39 PM

    Don't forget people whenever those Alaskan sewer rats take Levi to court, their lawyer fee gets paid by the Alaska Fund Trust. When will they release the Alaskan Fund Trust quarterly reports as promised on their website? AFT trustee Kristan Cole is like her mother, before it is too late she will embezzle the money like her rotten mom did for the account she was responsible for.

  38. Anonymous1:44 PM

    Unfortunately, Sherry signed a quit claim deed to the house back in 2005. Found at MatSu real property assessment site.

    Don't have a clue as to why she did this. What kind of person is Keith Johnston, anyway?

  39. Anonymous1:48 PM

    Levi want to get even with Sarah? Bust Bristol's born again hymen! This time put a helmet on your soldier!

  40. I really feel for this kid. As if it's not enough for a teen to deal with being a parent ... trying to fight for visitation and parental rights, all while being the parent to his mother and siblings, just way too much.

    I'd hope someone with a lot more power could intervene and help levi. I don't think his current attorney and manager are capable of giving him the support and advice and representation he needs.

  41. Anonymous2:12 PM

    I am an attorney (don't like when people use lawyer, Gryphen!), but I have been saying this for months and months here to no avail. Levi's biggest mistake was hiring Butler. The man lead Levi down a horrible path and couldn't even be there for him when he needed him the most. I didn't believe for a second that Butler or Tank had any interest in Levi outside of fame and fortune they exploited off Levi.

    A lot here put too much faith in those two men. With their association to Levi, I believe that Levi's credibility is going to suffer from the various PR mishaps, and Levi's chances to take out SP is nigh. Although he is pretty boned (not a legal term) now with the decision in place. I don't know if Alaska has a sliding pay scale for child support, but if he earns more, he is going to pay more.

    Sorry to hear about Sherry. Have had seen cases--working both ways across the gender spectrum--where failure to pay mortgages, rent, or any method to maintain stable living has lead to unfortunate situations. Hope she can find a way to reconcile that situation.

    Hate to say I told ya so, but I told ya so. :/

  42. Alicia2:16 PM

    Do any of you know Sarah Palin personally?

    Remember, everyone has two sides to them - the people pleaser side and true self. EVERYONE. Watch yourself when you interact in public. Do you truly believe everything you say to strangers.

    To me, Sarah has grown into your average politician. except she's one who has had to work for what she has now. I believe she has a solid family and that shed do anything for her children.

    It kills me when people rag on her about taking Piper with her on tour. Piper's in what, 3rd grade? Do you remember what you learned in elementary school - everything? anything? I have no doubt Piper's doing fine. Learning on the road and in classroom can be equally good techniques. Homeschooled children, while some are "freaks", are usually quite bright and learn more. With public schools not even teaching anymore, who cares about Piper's formal education.

    Worry about the legal side of Palin. with can be proven by first hand knowledge. I'd like to examine all of you and your families under a microscope just like you're doing to her.

    Do you remember high school? Remember how no one was exempt from underaged drinking? (no matter home conditions)

    And about how Bristol was out of school for several months, remember, she was threatened by "friends" who say she backstabbed by dating Levi. Maybe that why they both were homeschooled. Remember, Levi never graduated. School isnt for everyone. I wish Obama would learn that. Good people everyday make damn good livings without formal education, who are ignorant either.

    hypothesizing (sp) is always encouraged in my book, but when thoughts are slanderous, maybe you should rethink your personal freedoms and examine your own integrity.

    Good people don't put down anyone.

    We must help our human family.

    Or we'll do crazy

  43. Anonymous2:16 PM

    indylindy, do you have no feeling for the child of a separated family? Don't you know that the amount will be reduced if Levi stops earning the big bucks? If it was your child and your husband and you separated would you not think 20% is reasonable? Do you hate Palin so much it clouds your judgement on this matter?

  44. Anonymous2:27 PM

    i'm sure Sarah had a good talk with her high school BF, Joe.

  45. Linda2:47 PM

    Alicia-- to some extent I agree with you. None of us is perfect. I know I'm not and that is why I would not run for public office -- I KNOW that all the dirt about me would be open for public inspection and speculation. The fact that SP has held and run for public office and also the fact that she holds herself out there as "perfect" is why all of this gets looked at and talked about. She could so easily admit to being a human, and having made mistakes, and therefore deflect a lot of criticism. But she can never bring herself to admit less than perfection. People like that -- the holiers than you -- will ALWAYS be targeted. And, BTW:

    1. I never drank in high school and neither did my two children. EVERYONE does not do those things.

    2. Although you may not remember what you learned in 3rd grade, everything you learned after that was built on what you learned in 3rd grade. There is no evidence that Piper is homeschooled and she may not fail 3rd grade, but she may fail future grades.


    Keith Johnston? The last I heard he moved to the lower 48 -was it Arizonia?- with his young squeeze. Who knows,maybe they rent or live with her relatives? Are they livng off of retirement or her salary? That would explain why no care to save a home for Sadie. Keith was around for Tripp's first birthday. Keith would talk to the media back in the day when the Johnstons/Palins were bonding. Keith and Todd were both north slope workers. You don't hear about Keith's love of kids and hockey anymore, why? Why was he once a man that cared for kids and sports, he was open and now shuts down? Keith holds many secrets but he will never give it up. That might be why Levi can't do much about a book, that is a book that will tell the whole true story. Poor Levi, he is between a rock and a hard place.

    The media will not ask questions or put Grandpa Keith's mug in public often. I don't know the Johnston divorce story. The part about loosing a house is major. People do not let that happen without a reason. Sherry and the kids were overwhelmed, it does fall to Keith. He rather be a mystery father who is moving on. He did visit Tripp for a birthday #1. I think his escape plan is working out for him. Too bad for the rest of the family.

  47. Anonymous3:03 PM

    I simultaneously LOVE & HATE "irony."
    So if Levi writes the biggest selling book of all time which brings Sarah down, Sarah, in effect, get half of it. Gawd!!!!!!!

  48. Anonymous3:13 PM

    "It kills me when people rag on her about taking Piper with her on tour. Piper's in what, 3rd grade? Do you remember what you learned in elementary school - everything? anything? I have no doubt Piper's doing fine."

    you don't know much apparently. Piper can't even write her own name as proven on the book tour. 2nd and 3rd grade is extremely important because that is where one learns the basics of reading and writing. The child has a lot of catching up to do. she is still at first grade levels. SP is incapable of teaching anyone anything. She can't even learn/memorize facts for herself. Piper is way behind her peers in eduation, never mind that she sleeps in her mother's bed and doesn't appear to have any friends.

  49. Ivana3:23 PM

    There's a lesson here boys... KEEP YOUR MONKEY WRAPPED!

  50. Anonymous3:25 PM

    I love Alicia's post; it is a masterpiece of sarcasm and humor. How witty to claim that there is no need for kids to go to school. Even though Sarah didn't know if Africa was a country or a state, she was smart enough to run for Vice President. Alicia is right; we should be helping our fellow man. That must mean that she wants to see everyone have health care coverage. Of course, it also means that the tea party people should stop their insults against our President; we should not put people down. Thanks, Alicia!

  51. Anonymous3:38 PM

    I'm sorry, but Sarah is evil incarnate!

  52. Anonymous3:39 PM

    Anon 9:03 - Just what is your beef with Levi? Yes, he should support his child, has he or anyone here suggested
    he shouldn't? As for posing half naked & 'doing tv stuff for publicity,'don't even go there.
    Personally, I wouldn't want my sons
    appearing in any such venue. However, the magazine in question is geared to an adult readership whereas Bristol's
    'job,' (or whatever it is) with Candies is aimed at sexualizing pre-teens. Huge difference, anon 9:03.
    And what right do you have to deem
    another human being as 'nothing!

    BTW-Sarah & Bristol have gotten quite wealthy 'doing tv stuff for publicity.'

    Do you call yourself 'anon' at c4p

    Sharon TN

  53. honestyinGov3:41 PM

    Gryphen... I think ' Alicia ' above is projecting a little too much. Or maybe she works for the Bristle PR Firm ... the LLC. Oh well.. lets move on.

    I just posted a fairly long comment on PG with some suggestions or resources that Levi might use. I won't re-paste the whole thing. It's lengthy. You can see it there. It had a few links, one of which was the " Foreclosure Angel Foundation ". Maybe the Johnstons are too proud to ask for help or are not aware of some organizations that might help them. Read my post and pass it on to the Johnstons if you think it is helpful and you can get in touch with them.
    I would think there would be SOMEBODY in Alaska that would want to help the Johnstons just to get back at the Palins for the damage they have done to the State. Help the Johnstons AND make Sarah ' eat some Crow '... that's a two-fer.

  54. Anonymous3:46 PM

    Anonymous said...

    i'm sure Sarah had a good talk with her high school BF, Joe.
    2:27 PM
    Alicia, go back to LOTUSville!
    Levi time to write that book NOW! The PAYlins are wootenizing Levi...Let it all out Levi...Just think what you write might help her be put in jail sooner! Sooner is good
    B/c I'm damn sick of this grifter bitch!!!

  55. ManxMamma4:12 PM

    Alicia, forgive me but I think you may be 'doing crazy'.

  56. He'll never see that money again.

    Even if a subsequent hearing determines he overpaid, the Palin's will never "refund" the money and even if it's "credited" to his payments, they'll still report him for being behind.

    I hate to say this, but the lesson here is the only 100% guaranteed birth control is no sex. All this is a result of two teenagers who thought they were in love having unprotected sex. Unprotected sex gets you pregnant. And gee, turns out they weren't in love after all. Not the kind of love that can survive dysfunctional families. Waiting until after you're married to have children is a pretty good idea.

    Poor Levi has ruined his life. Bristol too. Levi will be bound by these child support and constantly being dragged back into court for the next 18 years. Not to mention dealing with visitation. And having the family poison his son against him.

    Bristol will never marry. No man will be stupid enough to want to get involved with that family after this. There is no one on earth that isn't familiar with what is going on.

    It's all so tragic. But at least Levi has a chance at some happiness. He might be able to get a decent job someday and marry and have a loving family of his own.

  57. Donna5:30 PM

    Anonymous 2:12

    I truly am an attorney. And I think most members of the bar know the difference between "lead" and "lead." And am confident that few lawyers of any competence would avoid making comments such as that a lawyer wasn't there when his "client needed him most." Nice try but you're as much of a lawyer as I am the center for the Celtics. And I'm 5'0".

  58. Anonymous5:30 PM

    2:16 PM Alicia..We must help our human family. Or we'll do crazy..

    Why and how is it that a mother and daughter are loosing their house?

    Honesty in gov has a list of resources to start.
    In a healthy community people do help each other. If no one will help b/c of the Palin Factor that is something else.

  59. Anonymous5:34 PM

    How can Piper not be screwed up for life after spending her life under the abusive wing of her narrisstic mother? She is forced to listen to Sarah's screeching voice during speeches and interviews, with her sadistic tone and evil rhetoric. She hears her mother tell constant lies and trash talk her former friends and coworkers.

    With all these fine examples of behavior, Piper is going to be a lonely, sad girl with no self esteem and no true friends, because Sarah is the worst role model for any positive character traits.

  60. Anonymous6:05 PM

    Well let's see here about this Keith Johnston character....Mercede in the famous kitchen picture oddly referred to the baby as her little brother (Sherry/Track?--but she had a hysterectomoy-- or Keith/Bristol?), when Keith lets the house go that totally undercuts Levi's ability to provide shelter for Tripp & his chances of custody, unclear how Keith is getting by in the lower 48with his new gal pal, Levi oddly doesn't publish the damn book, Bristol was underage when she got pregnant......

    Me thinks that Keith is another person being paid off by $P for his silence. And Levi is in a tough spot (probably like a lot of people who can spill the beans on $P because he would implicate himself or someone close if he does)....

    People should start following Keith's trail. Those of you in Alaska---WHAT DO YOU KNOW ???

  61. Anonymous7:34 PM

    Alicia - No, I do not know Mrs. Palin personally. Do you?

    High school age drinking? Everybody does it? Sorry that does not make it acceptable, let alone do your claims make it a universal reality. Nor does it make underage drinking acceptable.

    Your comments about how special people such as Piper do not need to go to school...did I get that right? I understood that Piper was so smart and third grade was so irrelevant that she was not missing anything??? So was Piper's third grade experinece last year or this year? Or is that on going? Neither mom nor dad have demonstrated alot of respect for education. So Alicia, did you or any of your children finish school? And why is this relevent to under age drinking? Are you trying to justify your life choices? Or just Palin's Life choices?

  62. Anonymous7:36 PM

    So, Gry, is it true that the first Trig...ruffle ear baby...was the child of Todd Palin's sister Diane?

  63. Anonymous7:51 PM

    The solution is so simple, it's stupid.

    Levi, get a regular job. A lower-paying job that they can base permanent child support on.

    There. Problem solved.

  64. Anonymous8:06 PM

    "So, Gry, is it true that the first Trig...ruffle ear baby...was the child of Todd Palin's sister Diane?"

    not ruffle ears...that baby has similar facial features to Tripp. Could the current Trig be Diana's son?

    do you know who the mothers of the 3 boys are - not counting Tripp...that would be 4 babies.

  65. Anonymous8:42 PM

    For those of you that say that if he gets partial custody in the future he should get money back that he has paid, that is a fallacy. His retroactive payments were for the time that he had not paid child support and the monies he earned during that time (hence the word retroactive). In the future, if his income decreases he will be asked to pay in accordance to his income. For example, a coworker of mine has four children and her child support varied according to her ex's income (at one time she was receiving about $12/month for four children). As far as the house being in foreclosure that is the father's doing and his responsibility. Nevertheless, I would imagine that the mortgage company would have mailed her notifications or would have at least initiated a phone call to his mother. I do not know about foreclosures but legal papers would have had to be delivered to the house. Furthermore, I do not understand why she would sign a quit claim deed because if her name was on the original mortgage, she would still be responsible for it. The only way her responsibility would have been terminated would have been if the house was paid for at the time she signed the quit claim deed and then her husband got a new title and he applied for a new mortgage in just his name. So all that sounds extremely fishy.

    As far as an attorney being aggressive and ugly, if I hire one I would want him to be just like that. You do not hire an attorney that is nice and shy, you hire someone that is a barracuda (sorry about that) and goes for the jugular to win the case, if not, you might just as well go pro se.

    Just remember the adage "there are three sides to every story, yours, mine and the truth".

  66. Anonymous8:46 PM

    Perhaps Levi could start a traveling circus to make some money. Sarah and her family seem to being very well since starting theirs. It might be hard to do however; the Palin Circus has more clowns.

  67. Anonymous9:16 PM

    Do us all a favor, Gryphen, and post a copy of Tripp's birth certificate!

    Levi was on Larry King's show and said..."he was at the hospital on Dec. 27, 2008, when Tripp was born. He saw the b/c and it read...Tripp Easton Mitchell Johnston."

    Since he is the father (cough), he should be proud to offer a copy. Also, a copy should be in the file for the "child custody case."

    Since neither party in the custody case "wants to question paternity," and therefore eliminate any DNA testing, this b/c would be helpful!



  68. sunnyjane1:04 AM

    For Alicia: I can tell you what children learn in the SECOND grade. I picked her up from school the other day and she and my grandson where discussing how long it would be before he was six. She started adding the days in each month from what was left in February to his birthday on June 19. She did this in her head, and she was RIGHT. Now THAT is just a smidgen of second grade.

    She also writes book reports, solves written math problems, and knows quite a bit about history.

    God only knows what she'll be learning in THIRD grade!

  69. The laws tend to be clear about what child support numbers are, given the income. They are based on the prior year's income, so if Levi does not make the same amounts this year, he can request, and likely get a change in the amounts. It does not appear to me that he was treated any differently than the father of any child in the same situation.

    That his mother and sister are in poor financial situation is not relevant in a child support case. He is not legally liable to support them whereas he is legally responsible for Tripp's support.

  70. Anonymous1:58 PM

    The Keith Johnston/Bristol Palin theory has possibilities. No wonder he wants to get out of town fast.

  71. Anonymous10:22 AM

    Alicia - 3rd grade was mighty important to me, that's where I learned the multplication tables
    from a teacher who asked all 30 of
    us if we clearly understood. If not
    she made sure we did, & then we moved on to division. Without a good grounding in basic arithmatic, in
    elementary school, higher math is difficult if not impossible for most kids.

    Sharon TN


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