Monday, March 01, 2010

New Apostolic Reformation, Sarah Palin, and the Prayer Warriors who are waging a spiritual war on America.

NAR's (New Apostolic Reformation) videos, according to researcher Rachel Tabachnick, "demonstrate the taking control of communities and nations through large networks of 'prayer warriors' whose spiritual warfare is used to expel and destroy the demons that cause societal ills. Once the territorial demons, witches, and generational curses are removed, the 'born-again' Christians in the videos take control of society."

The movement's notion of "spiritual warfare" has spread from the California suburbs to an East-Coast inner city, and has impacted policy decisions in the developing world. Movement operatives are well-connected enough to have testified before Congress and to have received millions of dollars in government abstinence-only sex-education grants, and bizarre enough to maintain that in its prototype communities, the movement has healed AIDS, purified polluted streams and even grown huge vegetables. Leaders in the NAR movement refer to themselves as "apostles."

In the days leading up to the historic vote on health-care reform in the Senate, Apostle Lou Engle led the Family Research Council's "Prayercast” against health-care reform, a Webcast featuring Republican Senators Jim DeMint (S.C.) and Sam Brownback (Kans.), and Rep. Michele Bachmann (Minn.). Earlier in the year, Engle, who leads the group TheCall, prayed over Newt Gingrich at a Virginia event called Rediscovering God in America. In 2008, Engle, at an event he staged at San Diego's Qualcomm Stadium, advocated acts of Christian martyrdom to end abortion and same-sex marriage. This "apostle" claims LGBT people are possessed by demons. And Engle is not the only NAR apostle with political connections.

Presidential campaign watchers got their first taste of the New Apostolic Reformation when it was revealed that Sarah Palin, while mayor of Wasilla, had been prayed over in a laying-on-of-hands by Rev. Thomas Muthee of Kenya, director of the NAR East Africa Spiritual Warfare Network, in a ceremony designed to protect Palin from witches and demons. Muthee, it turns out, is famous in his native land for driving out of town a woman he deemed a witch, a charge that had her neighbors calling for her stoning.

Palin, according to Alaskan Apostle Mary Glazier, became part of her prayer network at the age of 24. Wasilla is no stranger to wandering NAR leaders. Last June, Apostle Lance Wallnau stopped through in the course of his world travels, promoting the movement's Reclaiming the Seven Mountains of Culture campaign at Wasilla Alaska Assembly of God Church -- the very church at which Muthee laid hands on Palin. (The "seven mountains" are the realms of business, government, media, arts and entertainment, education, the family and religion.) Other NAR luminaries dropping by Wasilla last year include leading international Apostles Naomi Dowdy and Dutch Sheets.

Sarah Palin's threat to our country is not due to her burgeoning intellect, oratory skills, or leadership ability. It is that she is malleable enough, and with enough natural charisma, to be a perfect figurehead for marginalized groups to use in an effort to further their agenda.

Because of this chameleon like ability to reflect the philosophy's of these disaffected Americans she has been supported by groups as politically disparate as the AIP, the Republican party, and the Teabaggers.

However Palin's connection to the Evangelical movement since the day she was baptized in Little Beaver Lake has been the one connection that has not been just for show or to further her ambitions. In fact it may be the catalyst behind Sarah's political aspirations and desire to front a powerful political movement.

While many see Sarah's naked ambitions as fulfilling an emptiness inside of her, I think that she is actually completely convinced that she is a vessel through which God is working to bring this nation closer to Him. In other words Sarah believes she has already filled that emptiness with her faith, and is now willing to do anything to fulfill what she sees as her destiny. (Of course those of us carefully observing Palin realize that she is only barely holding things together and that the emptiness within is in danger of consuming her in the not too distant future.)

Palin's ability to attract these angry frustrated people makes her especially dangerous. She demonstrated that threat while on the campaign trail with McCain. She was able to plant a few conspiratorial seeds about Barack Obama back then that have matured into fully realized and well established conspiracy theories.

Sarah's wider influence has diminished greatly, but it has only hardened among a certain population. Every time anybody, myself included, dare to make a joke or reveal some flaw about Sarah Palin the attacks come fast and furious. She plays the victim and they rise to protect her, from the talking heads at Fox News, to political pundits like Pat Buchanan, to Palin supporting bloggers, they receive their marching orders and they charge into battle on her behalf.

But while many of them (especially Fox News) believe they are using her to further their agenda, she is also using them to further hers.


  1. Thank you for this post, Gryph.
    Hopefully, it will encourage people to pay a little closer attention to the puppeteers.

  2. Anonymous7:31 AM

    Is the Ann Coulter add below this story a joke or is Gryphen taking advertisement money from Ann???

  3. Anonymous7:37 AM

    The "Support Sarah blogs are all in a twitter because she is scheduled to appear on Leno tomorrow night.

    Just another call to listen to The Stupid for a pack of morons too lazy and dumb to think for themselves.

    It is mind boggling to consider that she has any support from any group in that she has no idea of what she is talking about! The dupes (or dopes, take your pick) are those who fall into the mindset that she is the answer to the nation's problems. Not people you would want to share a foxhole with.

  4. Anonymous7:38 AM

    Well, it's a vicious cycle, with a "leader" sucking in the gullible, and the gullible defending the leader because they actually believe the bullshit.

    I live in a county that has a lot of religious fanatics in it, as an example, a Repub running for Sheriff here who gave his stump speech at a baptist church. It was reported in the local paper and the question was, did he violate the separation of church and state doctrine and endanger the tax free status of the church (well, they DID allow it).

    These theo-fascists scare the hell out of me. They simply believe, not think at all.


  5. imnofred8:00 AM

    I really believe she thinks that she has been chosen by god to help the country. She has used words like "higher calling" and "gods will" on may occasions. She has many of the characteristics that the bible says about the anti-Christ. After all of the dirt that has come out, any normal person would be shamed into submission. It doesn't seem to phase her. She is a real danger to this country as she is pure EVIL.

  6. I saw this post via FB this am and was going to send it to you---but you beat me to it--every day I shake my head, Sarah is sooo...(insert adjective). Whew!

  7. Martha Unalaska Yard Sign8:20 AM

    To make a correction to this article:

    "Thomas Muthee of Kenya it turns out, is famous in his native land for driving out of town a woman he deemed a witch, a charge that had her neighbors calling for her stoning."

    In fact, Bishop Muthee is a liar, also, too:

    “Bishop Thomas Muthee staked his early reputation in the town of Kiambu on boasts that he banished a witch named Mama Jane, whom he blamed for crime, traffic accidents and public drunkenness in town. Once she fled, Muthee claimed, her spell was broken and peace returned.

    "In fact, Mama Jane never left. She is a pastor just down the road from Muthee’s Word of Faith Church.”

  8. Anonymous8:25 AM

    These points can not be emphasized enough. We are not discussing a cartoon character here, but someone who is skillfully able to connect some of the worst components in both the spiritual realm (apostate christianity) and the physical realm (big oil, military industrial complex – which is now mostly merged with the pharmaceutical industry, right-wing extremism, and the world's largest media empire). These combined elements represent the EXACT OPPOSITE of: real godliness and real biblical values, real capitalism, real democracy, the wonderful values embodied and expressed in our constitution, freedom of thought and conscience, and the ability to have civil discourse, tolerance, and a respect for differences in a civil and nurturing society.

  9. Thanks so much for this post, Gryphen. There really is a lot more to read on the original post from altenet (

    The NAR is quite reminiscent of the Spanish Inquisition. "Believe as we do or suffer the consequences." The NAR members just aren't killing people yet, or are they?

  10. Anonymous8:45 AM

    did god give her herpes?

  11. Anonymous8:59 AM

    Not sure if I agree that Sarah really believes she is somehow selected by God to do anything ... I think she recognizes her own malicious nature -- I don't think even she is that dumb to not recognize that (maybe not to the extreme others recognize it, but at least she must know she lies etc). So when I ask myself whether or not she believes she is some vessel for the Lord, I just can't help but wonder how anyone of such a knowingly deceitful nature could believe that about themselves. My current thinking is that she's just an extreme narcissist, plain and simple, and will do anything, ANYTHING at all to be the center of attention in order to fuel her empty sense of self worth. Politics is just her vehicle to do that.

  12. Anonymous9:06 AM

    I saw this on a bumper sticker the other day and liked it:
    "Freedom is the Distance Between Church and State"

  13. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn9:16 AM

    "...she is actually completely convinced that she is a vessel through which God is working to bring this nation closer to Him...and is now willing to do anything to fulfill what she sees as her destiny."

    Bingo! And those behind her are convincing her of this travesty as well.

    "...she is only barely holding things together and that the emptiness within is in danger of consuming her in the not too distant future."

    We can only hope it consumes her before it lashes out and consumes the rest of us, too.

  14. Anonymous9:21 AM

    $carah is no different from the other charlatans who pose as religious leaders. It's all about $$ and power...for them personally. They lie, cheat, steal and worse to achieve their selfish, immoral goals. Everything is predicated on the gullibility of the mindless masses. The key to breaking this unholy spell is OBJECTIVE, SECULAR EDUCATION.

  15. Thanks for posting this Gryphen. Once again, people need to understand that just because Palin has become an international joke to most; Palin the Puppet is dancing for the real power behind her, the Dominionist religious right. Please check Leah Burton's God's Own Party for a real look at how truly evil and influential these people are.

  16. Werent they gonna pray away the DS from one of the paylin's grandkids?

  17. Anonymous10:27 AM

    You know if you believe in all this mumble jumble, there's nothing to say that the anti-christ can't be a woman. If you ask me SP fits the bill quite nicely.

  18. Snowing in Alaska10:31 AM

    With her new stiff face, she belongs on Evangelical TV. She just needs a bit of a tune-up, maybe a Giant Bumpit upgrade and some diamond studded flag and polar bear pins. The makeup is troweled on just right, more is not better in this case!

  19. The Christian Mafia is the WHY she must be stopped. Babygate is the HOW she will be stopped. It is the only way, folks. Gasman, I have a comment concerning your position: Show me a true Alpha Dog Republican and I can stop obsessing over The Wasilla Witch. They do not have one. If they had been spending all the time they have been bashing our President getting their own house in order instead, we would not be in this mess. Repubs are a wolf pack that always chooses its Alpha Dog as the one whose turn has arrived. Well, this time the turn goes to a Mormon wearing flip-flops, and they know it. They will choose the monster from Alaska unless an Alpha dog appears to save them. Lou Dobbs? The Newt? Rick Perry? Ted Nugent?

    Gryphen, the best thing you can do for your country is to put all those other issues aside and concentrate on Babygate. It's not Eargate, either. That moniker just brings another distraction and dilutes the real issue, and that is SP's modus operandi lie from the very start. She is not a hockey mom; she is not a Christian; and she certainly is not a good mother. Whether there is only one baby or four, she has drugged them, hauled them around like a sack of potatoes, and totally ignored their obvious basic and special needs. She is the Spawn of Satan, and nothing more than the anti-Christ who McCain unleashed out of sheer ego, greed, and selfishness.

  20. GrainneKathleen10:47 AM

    i, too, am not sure i believe that sarah really believes she is a vessel for god's will. we have seen her lie, cheat, steal, and just plain nasty her way in an attempt to gain power and money. is it possible that someone could really have so little self-awareness. i suppose the answer is yes, it is possible. but i am still not convinced that she doesn't use religion as part of her quest for money, power, and attention. when she campaigned to be mayor of wasilla, she politicized the election by getting the backing of both the nra and anti-abortion groups. she used their backing to win, but did these groups get anything in return? it would be very interesting to find that out.

  21. Anonymous10:54 AM

    Some one claiming to be a Alaskan, over at Palingates claim she is being treated for Bi Polar problems. I don't know if it is a hoax. But if the NRA is giving her guns, that certainly is a no no. She may have a permit to carry guns, but if she acutally IS bi-polar?

  22. Anonymous10:59 AM

    I keep thinking that this will end with the undoing of Sarah by someone close to her and she herself will make a big enough mistake just as Lonesome roads was brought to light in the movie A face in the Crowd. Unfortunately the easily duped people in the movie were getting set up to be duped again by the next con man. How can we educate people to not follow these grifters when it is so important that we have a real discussion about our choices going forward in this crisis.

  23. Anonymous11:00 AM

    Thanks Gryphen. Great writing. This subject matter, of course, deserves much more scrutiny than it gets. I was unwittingly involved in the NAR movement, as it slowly, but surely, infiltrated the Assembly of God Church and many non-denominational churches.It is ,to me now, a very disturbing memory. Thankfully, I was able to free myself from this dangerous and deluded cult. As far as Sarah Palin is concerned, I tend to believe that she, indeed, considers herself to be on a mission from god. I know from experience with these people that this is not a far fetched idea for them. In fact, it would also explain her seemingly unending lies. She would be considered Called and Anointed, therefore, one would commit a sin, by their way of believing, to question or speak against "The Anointed One". O/T... Some time ago, you wrote that you believe that 1. Bristol did not give birth to Trig and 2. That Tripp was Trig before he was Tripp. Just curious, still think that?

  24. Anonymous11:23 AM

    The original/full story that was on AlterNet happened to be the first piece I read today, as I'd gotten the email alert.....and criminy, my mood has been crappy ever since!

    And as so many others have said - it isn't her alone that we fear, but her followers and especially the backers who have the $$ and connections. They have already made heavy inroads into so many levels of government, education, etc. and the big question is how the h*ll do we stop them?

  25. honestyinGov11:24 AM

    OT Gryphen... but we need an Update.

    What is the status of " Tax Cheat Granny "..? We know they went out the next day to take pics and make an assessment.
    Wouldn't the new assessment be part of the public record and could be seen in the record books at the courthouse or the Assessors Office. Please give an Update on the " Tax CHEAT "

    Ohh... BTW.... I had on The Soup last night and Bristle made it onto the Show. They pointed out the hypocrisy of the ' disadvantages ' of young Girls having a baby... " Joel McHale pointed out... you get to have an appearance on a TV Show." It wasn't a long bit... but if you can make it onto a Soup segment that shows out how " ridiculous " you are. They can pick from a LOT of stupid stuff.... and they picked YOU !! That's Karma Bristle.

  26. Gasman11:38 AM

    The good news is that the Talibangelicals may be a dying breed. I think that this is a phenomenon more of people Palin's generation and older. Most young people could care less about sexual preference. I don't see the Talibangelicals really being able to hang on to their own youth in sustainable numbers, let alone recruit many young people from outside their ranks. They will always have a certain appeal to uneducated, disaffected, and the economically marginalized, but not many beyond those folks.

    I think that these asshats are nothing more than cave dwellers whose moribund movement is even now in its death throes. They may not ever totally cease to exist, but it is truly hard to imagine them ever exercising much additional political clout. Remember, the real GOP doesn't respect them. The Repubs view them as gullible sheep to be herded as needed and made to bleat in unison when the shepherds find it useful. The rest of the time the GOP couldn't care less.

    If any political opponents really pushed back hard on their witchcraft nonsense you'd see their support dry up rather significantly. If someone levels the "cult" charge at them it would be hard for them to refute it effectively in the eyes of the rest of Christianity.

  27. Gasman12:08 PM

    Anon @ 8:25,
    Let me get this straight. You used the word “skillful” in reference to Sarah Palin? Please, give examples of this “skill” which you have witnessed from Palin. I have seen nothing but the breathlessly inexplicable actions of an arrogant moron whose shoot-from-hip style has led to blunder after spectacular blunder. She is a feckless buffoon who is CONSTANTLY putting both of her Naughty Monkeys in her piehole. Toddlers have better reasoning and long term planning skills than Palin has exhibited.

    However, feel free to prove me wrong and enlighten me with evidence of this “skill” you have seen. I would be most interested in what actions of Palin’s which you find to have been “skillful” in any possible way.

  28. Gasman12:43 PM

    Floyd M. Orr,
    Do you think that Palin has a snwoball's chance in hell of surviving the rough and tumble of the primaries? She would be pummeled in any sort of debate and if she wanted to be taken seriously in GOP primaries she couldn't ignore them. She barely made it through the 2008 campaign and for her it lasted only about eight weeks. And, during that entire time she was assiduously shielded from the press. She faced VERY little real grilling. If she ran as an independent, she might last marginally longer, but not much.

    There is a LONG list of GOP notables who are on record saying that she is either not electable or not competent to be POTUS. On top of that, members of the press - even conservatives like Andrew Sullivan - have declared that they did not effectively do their job with Palin in 2008 and will not go easy on her in the future. She is even being abandoned by her teabagger sheeple. Who will rally 'round her?

    Guaranteed, if Palin runs on the GOP ticket, she will be rhetorically mauled by ALL of the other POTUS hopefuls from within the GOP. In her utter imbecility, lying, and rank hypocrisy she would present an irresistibly large and slow moving target for all of her rivals. They would rip her to pieces before turning on one another. Her poll numbers are dropping like a stone. Who will propel her into this position of power and authority which you imagine for her? She is systematically alienating nearly everyone in the country. At the CPAC straw poll, she drew 7%. At those numbers, she can’t outdraw “undecided.”

    That the GOP is a ship of fools without a captain is beyond dispute. However, that does not mean that Sarah automatically gets the gig. She couldn’t take the heat of being Governor of Alaska, and she is suddenly going to have the fortitude of withstanding a presidential campaign? No way. She would quit before she even got started. She simply doesn’t have the discipline or fortitude, let alone the knowledge and abilities to run for POTUS. If she thought Katie Couric was rough on her, she has absolutely no idea what she would face as a REAL candidate for the top spot.

  29. Anonymous12:59 PM

    The young can be made to believe as their parents believe,wittness palins Piper and the hate on her face when palin left.Her expression when palin drove away was the most hateful expression I have ever seen.This was on the goodby by traveling palin did.Piper stretched out her claws and it looked like she wanted to kill.Talk about a parent who doesn't seem to care about her daughters welfare.That child needed help.Yes palin has a lot of the charesteratics of the anti-christ,including the ability to lie with a straigh face and start a cult.

  30. Anonymous1:12 PM

    This is the part of the Sarah Palin phenomenon that has always frightened me the most, and yet, is talked about the least. Years ago, the militia movement out in the west and midwest believed that they were going to take over the government someday. However, their numbers were very small, they were extremely isolated and most people thought they were completely crazy and dangerous, so they never acquired much power.

    This group, on the other hand, appears a lot more mainstream and has infiltrated many parts of society, perhaps to a greater degree than we even realize. They have spread to other third-world countries and have members in the highest levels of government (see the stories about The Family on C Street in DC if you want to have nightmares). Their 'you're with us or you're evil' message is truly terrifying in a country that was founded upon individual freedom. And no one seems to know how to stop them.

  31. Gasman, I'm on your side, dude! If I debated you, I would lose on the simple basis that I think SP has at best a 40% chance of taking The White House. However, I think she has an 80% chance of becoming the Republican nominee and who knows what chance at another VP gig? My point is that this whole story is more about the media than anything else. Look at all that has happened (and not happened) over the past two years. We need to get this nightmare over with ASAP. Even a 2% chance of electing this despicable moron to a position of Sanitation Engineer is way too much. How obvious could it be that all the MSM already knows everything we do about Babygate, but are deliberately feeding their cash cow? Mooooooo!

  32. Gasman, the only skill I see in $arah and any of the inner circle is they are not indicted. Yet.

  33. Does anyone know if CBJ still practices at Providence Matanuska? She is currently listed on the clinic website that has a 2010 copyright date. I had read elsewhere that she disappeared after bringing her lawyer to her meeting with ADN in late '08.

  34. I am with sjk. Sedition is a hell of a thing to skirt. Just a minor step to orange jumpers!

  35. Sarah Palin tweets madness! If you have trouble reading her tweets on Twitter, check out for a translation!

  36. A few weeks ago my mother, in all seriousness, asked if I thought Sarah Palin was the Antichrist.

    I didn't know what to say.

  37. Verbose, the next time somebody asks you that question just answer honestly.


  38. Gasman9:19 PM

    Floyd M. Orr,
    Rod Blagojavich has a better chance of becoming president than does Palin. I give her a 0% chance. No way in hell. I’d bet large sums of money on it.

    Who in their right mind would ask Palin to be their VP? Knowing what a disaster she was for McCain, nobody who "has the worm" - as Lincoln dubbed the lust for the presidency - would risk it all by taking on such a loose canon. What does she offer any campaign? Nothing. She does not bring in numbers. She certainly brings in no skill set, except of course fancy pageant walkin,' mangling English, and cleaning out whole Dillard’s stores. Naming her to your team is committing political suicide. Politically, she's a dead woman walkin'.

    The MSM is lazy. If they really had the goods on her, they would run with it. The greater MSM has nothing invested in Palin and if her demise could profit them, they would jump on the story. Because the first outlet that reports that Trig is not hers, or whatever scandal is her downfall, that outlet is going to have a GIANT PR coup. How about the National Enquirer? Do you think that THEY would sit on any damaging story about Palin? John Edwards had a very legitimate shot at the presidency and they brought him down. They would do the same with Palin in a heartbeat. They would LOVE to be able to wave those two giant pelts at the rest of the MSM.

    At this point, as a private citizen, Palin is not really that interesting of a target for the MSM. However, the instant she starts making noise about running for POTUS, she will be scrutinized like never before. If she thought Couric was tough, she will be sobbing in a fetal position once the press really latches onto her. She can’t handle a basic interview. How is she going to handle real debates with actual opponents who are trying to damage her?

    Remember, “Game Change” describes how Biden purposely did not challenge Palin at all in the debate. He simply let her babble incoherently. Despite the great temptation, he just let her take all the rope she wanted. What happens if Pawlenty, Gingrich, or some other primary opponent is not so gentle and exposes her total lack of knowledge on all subjects? She has absolutely NO skill at extemporaneous speaking. She would have the ultimate deer-in-the-headlights moment and would probably quit on the spot.

    If she can’t stand the heat in Alaska, how the hell is she going to stand up to the pressure of a presidential campaign for the duration as the top dog? THAT kitchen gets a damn site hotter than any in Juneau, Anchorage, or Wasilla. She doesn’t have that kind of fortitude. Remember, she is first and foremost a QUITTER.

    You are either needlessly fearful or simply paranoid. Have a nice cool drink and chill. Orly Taitz has a greater chance of becoming president. It simply is NOT GOING TO HAPPEN!

    I personally would recommend a big double single malt on the rocks. It will do wonders for your disposition.

  39. LOL!

    I would be more shocked that the Antichrist/Rapture etc. was actually REAL than that she was it, or part of it.

  40. Sarah and a "Motivation" June 4 in Charlotte, NC

    (I think it's like The Situation, only different)

    $300 tickets for a "Semi-formal meal" (??) and an "enlightening" speech. Plus live jazz (??).

    Proceeds (a portion thereof...) go to NASCAR legend Richard Petty's special needs kids' camp

    The Crown Ballroom is next to the NASCAR Hall of Fame, looks like it seats about 2000 banquet-style

  41. Anonymous1:12 AM

    Thanks, Gryphen, for this post. And I certainly appreciate reading all the comments, too.

    A dangerous movement, no doubt.

  42. It's a good thing that;
    "You cannot petition
    the Lord with Prayer"
    --Jim Morrison

    Does anyone think that it's about time for a "New Inquisition"?

  43. Anonymous5:28 PM

    Everyone read "The Family"!
    It is kind of tough reading all the different names they go by...but will explain everything!!!!
    Also Support UNIONS! These Xtians hate unions, repigs too!

  44. Anonymous7:44 AM

    shes a Tool. we tune in and tune her up. we plant seeds in her dim head and watcher' go! shes cheap intertainment on any stage. shes your village idiot. thanks for the laughs Sarah!


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.