Tuesday, March 23, 2010

"Republicans originally thought that Fox worked for us, and now we are discovering we work for Fox"

I know that the GOP has always had corporate masters, but this is ridiculous!


  1. Tyroanee7:17 PM

    Because it's really hard to understand "BatShit Crazy" until you watch it everyday and begin to believe it's the truth and fairly unbalanced.

  2. Anonymous7:40 PM

    Dipsquirts all of them.


  3. Say NO to Palin in Politics7:48 PM

    Totally right, and your psycho governor was in psycho sinc (enough) to tap in to what Fox needed and she was willing to supply.

    Wouldn't you love to know what all went in to making this monster? I'm referring to Scarah. Who said what, first, in whose ear, first, who made connections happan, first.

    Gretta and hubby John Coale come to mind. But it could have gone back so much further, to seeds planted in Scarah by Dick Cheney, Carl Rove, Rudy Guiliani and others.

    But whoever told her XYZ, she bought the whole enchilada, didn't blink, gave it her best shot, lost, then quit to money up like they told her she could.

    Fox Network saga is whole other story.

  4. nswfm8:00 PM

    Please finish this psychopath before $P incites people to kill for her. I haven't commented in a while, but she and her ilk are dangerous, using the rifle scopes as targets as shown on that USA target graphic.

  5. nswfm8:07 PM

    Please finish this psychopath before $P incites people to kill for her. I haven't commented in a while, but she and her ilk are dangerous, using the rifle scopes as targets as shown on that USA target graphic.

  6. Anonymous8:12 PM

    David Frum is the first sane voice out of the Republican party we've heard this year. I'm not on his side, but am thankful that finally, finally, someone is speaking up.

  7. She is a talking points puppet for the far right movement. Nothing more. She exists and is paid to rile up the "base"; the base that is tuned into Fox 24-7 and will happily suck up the pablum they are fed, thru the nipple of Palin.

    Hell, O'Reilly, Beck and Hannity have to hand feed her talking points when she appears with them. It's obviously worth if for Fox because her pretty face and ignorant diatribe gets those trailer parks a rockin'.

  8. Anonymous9:27 PM

    I think that someone is on Fox News shit list now. Fox News and Limp-boy needs to be shut down before they get people killed. They are going to far and people are getting more extreme by the day.

  9. Anonymous9:41 PM

    Oh No! They finally realized that FOX took over their party! Somehow i don't feel sorry for them.

    Now what are they going to do about it? Personally, keeping the Repubs a fringe party for a couple of decades appeals to me.

    Think what the Dems could get done in that kind of time period.

  10. Im tellin ya Gryph buy in to Damitol and you will make a gazzillion. I am looking forward to a coherent discution this trip is getting old. Cant wait to hear what went on at the assembly.

  11. sunnyjane10:27 PM

    This is ALMOST funny. Frum admits that "Fox worked for the Republicans..." Fair and balanced news? I don't THINK so.

    Would ANY progressive writer ever say, "NBC worked for the Democrats?" I think NOT.

  12. Anonymous10:40 PM

    Looks to me that Bushie's boy is afraid of them and realized they are actually living in a nut house, like we all have been saying!

  13. Anonymous10:40 PM

    I never thought I would even consider Frum a sensible voice, but just goes to show how weird the world has become. O'Reilly, too, in comparison to Beck, Hannity and Palin seems almost human (okay, the outer fringe of human, but . . . .)

    Where is the FCC while Fox is running roughshod over our society?

  14. Although David Frum has said things, in the past, that have made hairs stand up on the back of my neck, he is at least a reasoned voice of the Republican Party. I am now viewing him in much the same way I did William F Buckley,in the past.

  15. Anonymous3:41 AM

    They're FINALLY just getting this NOW?

    Oh well, the smart ones are.

  16. Anonymous5:59 PM

    So does this mean that David Frum will be applying for unemployment benefits alongside all the "lazy millions" that the Republicans so love to denegrate?


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