Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Sometimes Joe Biden frustrates me, but other times I just love the guy. This is one of those times.

I could not have said it better myself Mr. Vice President.


  1. imnofred11:12 AM

    How long will it be before Sarah calls for Biden to step down because of this. I'm sure the Queen of Christianity will have something to say.

  2. Biden's right, this is a big fucking deal. So big, in fact that the AG of my state, Ken (Cooch) Cuccinelli, is planning on suing the federal government over the health insurance mandate. Cooch makes your one time AG nominee W.A.R. look like a bleeding heart liberal. He's a raging homophobe to boot, which of course means that someone will catch up with him leaving a gay bar in the near future.

    This whole health care reform deal is making the Republicans look like bigger idiots than they already were, but they are mostly using this "repill" (to use Palin-speak) talk as a method of fundraising for their base. They know there is no chance in hell they can ever get enough votes to repeal it, and they have to keep their base giving until it hurts.

  3. Anonymous11:28 AM

    I hope the FCC fines the White House!

  4. Whenever the blunt truth is spoken there is always someone who isn't going to like it, she said knowingly.

  5. As a Delawarean, I love me some Joe.

    As he said in a recent speech at the RTCA Dinner, "Dick Morris is quick to point out every time I put my foot in my mouth, well Dick...at least its my foot!"


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