Saturday, March 20, 2010

The Teabaggers and the Circus. Is there really any difference?

Just listen to the ignorance.  It is absolutely stunning how easy it is for the GOP to get people to protest something that they simply do not understand.


  1. Check the spelling in the title.

  2. Anonymous1:22 PM

    Perhaps we need to reform education also. It's obvious that there are some really STUPID people out there !

  3. Goodness. That was beyond appalling. They have NO IDEA about any of it nor could they even try to bring facts up to prove their positions. Blindly following, indeed.

  4. Grouchodawg2:34 PM

    A bunch of middle aged white folks with some racist undertones. But, never underestimate the power of large masses of stupid people!!!

  5. This video advances my recent paradigm shift: Fox is NOT part of the problem - Fox IS the problem.

    There is no doubt in my mind that videos like this are welcome field reports back at Fox central. They'll be watching this at their Monday morning meeting and smiling.

  6. Let's get this straight. Do NOT wear clothing imprinted with the flag of the US, if you really care about our country.

    Oh, there are no blue pills, sweetheart. If you haven't read the bill, stop watching Fox and get a grip.

  7. Anonymous2:47 PM

    Wow, the GOP and Fox News have really done a number on them!

    I was amazed how many people were seniors. I'm zeroing in on Medicare age and am really looking forward to it (there are so few GOOD things about reaching this age!). These folks have stuck to the ideology of their roots and refuse to wake up and look around them. It's pathetic, really.

  8. Anonymous2:51 PM

    Well THAT was interesting. I liked the way the guy admitted that Faux Knews perhaps wasn't fair and balanced, but it was the kind of news he was looking for.

  9. They really showed their true colors today...between spitting on congressman using the n word and calling Barney Frank a fa---t The teabaggers were never about policy...they were a cover name for the bigots, racists, homophobes, LaRochers...Beck, loonbaugh, Palinites... are what we always knew them to be now their loyal followers are exposed...the media legitimized them...let's see if their outrage from today gets the media to expose them further

  10. They sound pissed off that there is a black man in the White House more than anything. It's really sad they pretend to be mad about the health care bill (government run health care), but I bet not one of them would give up their
    Medicaid/Medicare. Or think that the service men should give up their government run health care.

    Go to the new left's web site he did the same thing at $P tea party. They are her most sophisticated supporters who could afford the $560 tickets, travel and hotel. They sound just the same and all were birthers.

    Dam John McCain none of this would be going on if he had never brought out this fake politician, fake oil expert, really fake christian, and fake everything else. All her hate and lies she spews gave the everyday haters the OK to make a lot of noise like she does.

    $P you need to read 1 John 3:14-3:17: Love the brothers. But if anyone has the world's goods and sees his brother in need, yet closes his heart against him, how does God's love abide in him? When your done with that go to Romans 13: 1-7: Pay your taxes.

  11. Anonymous3:34 PM

    I am waiting for the tea baggers to give up their medicare, social security, any form of government payment or salary. And, they can't drive on high ways paid for with government money, or fly because of government funded air traffic controllers. I hope that instead of stopping for the next red light, they protest that form of government regulation and push right through. I hope that they refuse any food or medicine which was inspected by the FDA. I think you get the idea; some government services are necessary just to keep order and preserve our society.

    They call that form of government control socialism. It is more like living in a condo where everyone pays to keep up the common areas, a shared facility.

  12. Anonymous3:34 PM

    I am sick to my stomach that Glen Beck's idiots are so willing to look so dumb in public. They are seeing that he is not afraid to look "crazy" and he gets paid big bucks. At least non of them mentioned SP by name. She is fading fast.

  13. Anonymous3:39 PM

    At the tea party protest today, Rep. Clyburn was called a nigger. Rep. Franks was called a faggot, and Rep. Cleaver was spat on. So, clearly, this "movement" has nothing to do with health reform. They're just the KKK without the hoods.

  14. Anonymous3:41 PM

    Anonymous at 1:22 pm. You are so right! Ignorance is rampant and something should be done about it. Students should learn about the Constitution and learn about what our forefathers planned for this country. Unfortunately, the way that it is going is so far off the mark that we will not even have a clue. I am glad that you wanted to "fundamentally change America" but that is not my goal and neither are the majority of the people. I was not born in this country but maybe that is why I consider this the greatest country and I will fight to make sure that we (yes, I am an American citizen) get back to our values. I came from a communist country and "socialism" is wonderful in theory but try to live there. It sucks!

  15. johnie2xs3:46 PM

    If I caught it correctly, the kid who did the interviews was named Chase Whiteside. That name could not be more "whitebread" if it was fabricated. I'm not saying that derisively, much to the contrary. It is great that having a name like that, very little could be done by any of these tea-baggers to show their proclivity to bias, and thereby demean his lineage as a way to discredit him. This kid deserves a Peabody, Pulitzer, or whatever other journalistic awards are available to be given, if for no other reason than being able to keep a straight face during these interviews where the interviewees show their ignorance to a point that I myself wouldn't have been able to hold back, and would have called them morons.
    I've seen his reporting before, at the tea party rally in Washington months ago, and was impressed by him then. This kid should get a break in Network news. If there is anyone out there reading this who could help bring this about, take note. FOX News, is not an option.

  16. Anonymous4:23 PM

    'Stunning' is definitely the word for this embarassing show of ignorance. I loved how that woman talked about the 'purple kool-aid' and how those people blindly followed a leader. She knows nothing about the bill, can't name any specifics, can't defend her opposition to it and yet is hellbent on getting it killed because the wingnuts on Fox News told her to.

    Does she NOT see the irony?????

  17. The one thing I still hope for is the Black and Hispanic people get pissed.
    Where's the outrage in the Black community. Why are we not protesting the wing nuts? Perhaps it's time WE all started not being so freaking nice and showed these people for what they are.

  18. Anonymous4:38 PM

    Off topic, but htis newly redesigned blog sucks. Takes forever to load ( and I have 10mb speed)

  19. Looking at the Teabaggers, all I see is pure hate. Simple as that. Just as a side note, these people are the type that think wearing the flag makes you more patriotic...wrong! The real Americans are fighting so that more people can get access to healthcare. Those are the true citizens of this country; not the ones trying to deny that access. Wearing the flag doesn't prove you're a good american, if anything, watch carefully the ones who do. It's like people who wear crosses and are in fact pure devils. Fox/Republicans like to put lies out there cause they know these people are so easily manipulated; then they sit back and look at their dirty work. It's really sad.

  20. It's true, these "tea parties" are nothing more than glorified klan rallies. Believe me, they're not hiding anything regarding their true intentions, which is projecting hate onto our president and projecting venom into our country. I know it's a lost cause but somebody in the mainstream-media needs to go on the "inside" and finally expose these kkk/white-supremacists to the world. Record what they say, how they talk, how they think and I'll bet you everyone will see their true agenda.

  21. Anonymous5:05 PM

    This really doesn't surprise me at all. Remember this summer right here in Anchorage the hate talk at the assembly meetings concerning the non-discrimination ordinance

  22. Anonymous5:13 PM

    It is disheartening that there are SO many folks with great intentions that have advanced thru our existence that have absolutely no clue where they are or what they really think. No clue.

    It's like they have been given a script that gets read to them during their night's sleep, and the following day they just 'execute' the instructions they were given the night before..


  23. Anonymous5:50 PM

    The question is "The Teabaggers and the Circus. Is there really any difference?"

    The answer- clowns, monkeys and elephants come to my city once a year and march down the street. After making a lot of noise, bad smells, and sh**ing all over the place they GO AWAY ( to another lucky city who wants them). The streets are washed clean and everything is back to normal.

    Now the teabaggers are different- these dip*hits are permanent fixtures. Day in day out..

    Another difference is the clowns in a circus KNOW that they are dressing up in a costume. Once in costume the rest of the act is to say and do stupidly entertaining things, as part of the show. The teabaggers believe all of this is for real (except for the paid ones).

    It is terrible to compare honest working circus employees including clowns and the animals to teabaggers. What have they done to deserve this?

    P.S. when the elephant farts everyone laughs. When my radio and tv farts 24/7 with these teabag idiots and others like them -especially idiot politicians who are the ringmasters-that isn't funny at all.

  24. Anonymous6:46 PM

    Astonishing. Some of them freely admit they don't know what is in the bill and yet they know it's bad. Blue pills, WTF? The ameristan lady must be eligble for Medicare. The comment that we have the best health care... sure until you try to use it. And the emergency room or even worse - herbs and Jesus, are the answers for the uninsured. The whole crowd reeks of I've got mine, so F-U. Yikes, my head hurts, I think I'll listen to the President's speech to the House again.

  25. sunnyjane9:06 PM

    And these are the Sarah Palin and Fox News "real Americans."

    Lord have mercy upon us.

  26. Anonymous9:42 PM

    Not that we Canadians really care all that much, save for the free comedy routine, but if it fails to pass it's going to provide one really good belly laugh.

    Then on the other hand, the ugliness on your side of the border could seep across so I guess it's just as well you get it done. Not that any of you are ready for social change or even deserve it yet. Ten more years would definitely make better people out of you all! You may not realize it Gryphen but we see Palin as just an example. You people are just fucked up enough to make her your next pres.

  27. Anonymous12:11 AM

    Let me put it this way. The chances that two reporters and three congressman would make this all up are, in my book, equal to the chances that a network newscast would broadcast fabricated memos supposedly showing that the sitting President of the United States had defied a direct order back in the 1960s and claim that the fabricated documents came from an “unimpeachable source,” when in fact they came from a source who had already been proven to have made false and defamatory claims about that same President on two prior occasions.

    And I realize that this is going to sound conspiratorial, but there are few things about that video that bug me. By way of background, I worked for a House member (a Democratic house member, by the way) for many years. I know that John Lewis is treated like a saint because of his background in the ciivl rights movement (which is commendable) but he is no saint. He is a whorish politician, just like 99.9% of his colleagues.

    The video is also strange for this reason. They are crossing over to the Capitol from the Canon building on the corner of Independence Ave and New Jersey Ave. I know it well. I made that walk many times a day for many years.

    First of all, there is an underground tunnel that runs between Canon and the Capitol building at that intersection. And when I say tunnel, it’s not a tiny, dark little tunnel. It’s HUGE. Two 18 wheelers could easily drive through that tunnel side by side. Why would they being walking outside instead of taking the tunnel on a day when there’s a huge protest outside? That’s what the tunnel is for, so members can get back and forth between the Capitol and the office buildings and avoid tourists (and rain).

    Also, it is clear from the video that they did not exit the Canon building at the doorway at the corner of Independence and New Jersey (which is the most direct route). They exited the Canon building at the East exit, and then walked up Independence avenue and crossed at the New Jersey Ave crossing. Why in the world would you do that? In other words, they essentially went out of their way to to walk past a “hostile” crowd for a much longer distance than they normally would (when, in fact they could have avoided the crowd entirely by taking the Canon tunnel).

    Maybe I sound like Oliver Stone playing the Zapruder film back and forth looking for the shooter on the grassy knoll, but something is fishy about it to me. Again, I’m not accusing anyone of lying, but the jury is still out for me.

  28. Anonymous1:09 AM

    Of course there's a difference between the teabaggers and a circus -- the latter is fully aware that it is entertainment and charges admission.

  29. sunnyjane2:30 AM

    If you want to see "stupid," check out the article that talks about Michele Bachmann's banner on her web site.

    It says: "Michele Bachmann, Amarica's Congress Woman."

    I'm positive that Rand McNally will want to revise their atlas to reflect that there's the new country of "Amarica" in the world.

  30. Anonymous4:30 AM

    Dear Tim,

    I understand what you mean when you say, where is the outrage in the black community. (Like most Americans, black Americans use social media to advance their views and their outrage.) There is outrage, but this is not the black community's battle to fight alone. Racism is a systemic problem that did not begin in the black community, so it's not "our" problem to eradicate. How is race handled in the white community? Do white people raise their children to be colorblind? Do white people raise their children to appreciate African art, literature, and culture (and I don't mean just hip-hop). Do white families have deep and lasting friendships with black families?

    This time around, the white community will have to take up the mantle to fight teabagger racism.

  31. Anonymous11:40 AM

    The Teabaggers are a bunch of mini-me's of the GOP who are easily induced to vote against their own best interests. By spitting at and insulting Rep. Lewis and other black Congressmenbers--as well as calling
    Sen. Barny Frank the F word (in addition to using the N word), they have shown their true colors for the world to see.

    All Americans who have any degree of social consciousness and conscience need to fight these loons tooth and nail in order to ensure that they get marginalized and stay marginalized. They want to take America back to the 19th century, as opposed to the 21st century.

  32. This is the same crowd that protested against the segregation of schools so many decades ago, carrying signs saying "Race mixing is communism". This is the same crowd that spit on and insulted those who were only trying to get some service at a simple lunch counter. The only difference is they're trying to wrap themselves up in a more palatable cover. The HATE and venom they spew far outshines the "concern" for health care reform, gov't. spending that they swear is what angers them. Believe me, if they were truly angered about those issues, they would have been out in full force during the Bush/Cheney years! But these were (mostly) white men making the decisions, so they were okay with that.

  33. Anonymous3:40 PM

    OT - Sorry Gryph, but I also have to agree with: Anonymous said...
    Off topic, but this newly redesigned blog sucks. Takes forever to load ( and I have 10mb speed) 4:38 PM - - -

    It does take sooooo long to load, and usually ends up with error message saying: "Not Responding". Then, just before everything freezes up and stops.

    At that point I have to totally reboot, as nothing else works at that point.

    If/when it does get going, the font/print is so small, these tired eyes can barely see it all. Then I have to mess around trying to enlarge the font size, which sometimes sends out the 'Not Responding' message!! Very maddening.

    Still LuvYa, and your blog (when I get it), and hope I can get it figured out soon. :o)


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