Wednesday, April 07, 2010

Bristol Palin's appearance on Good Morning America.

I cannot believe they had her write on her hand. I mean WTF?

Wow the differences are VERY evident in this clip.  I cannot imagine WHY the mother of an eighteen year old would let their child do that to her pretty face. She is an attactive young lady she did not need to go under the knife.

However I DO have to applaud the fact that Bristol mentioned pausing to use a condom.

By the way the ONLY reason that Bristol is "100% Tripp's parent" is because she will only allow Levi to have him occasionally.  I know for a fact that he wants to see Tripp more. As do Sherry and Mercede.


  1. Anonymous11:11 AM

    Gryphen, did you see that Bristol has recorded an abstinence public service announcement? maybe they covered the TV show.

    Gawker talks about it here:

    I'm not sure why somebody who already has fat cheeks at times when she's carrying more weight decided to get facial fillers? Usually women do that past 40 when they lose fat in their cheeks. Now she looks distorted, like a chipmunk. Her eyes are weird, too - surgery on them or is that just a side effect of the other work? In the PSA you can also see the boob job (or else the use of a padded bra.) And a nose trim, too, looks like. Bristol, don't use your mom's discount plastic surgeon anymore - it will keep making you look worse.

  2. Jennifer11:18 AM


    Can you do a side by side set of photos so we can see Old Bristol and New Bristol? The nose definitely looks different to me, but I'd like to see some old vs new photos.

  3. Anonymous11:36 AM

    This is her pre-surgery!

  4. Anonymous11:38 AM

    What's her comment about being a full time parent? She makes it sound like there is NOT a father involved with Trip. I think Levi would be more than happy to co-parent, if given the chance.

  5. Anonymous11:41 AM

    I can definitely see the new nose, but why is her face still so fat?

  6. Wow. Very evident. Heidi Montag, anyone?

    Why would a 19 yr old girl do that?

    I am 53 and I have had fillers and botox, but I am 53 and live in the shallow NYC media world, and yes, I am vain!

  7. "Just say pause" Nancy11:46 AM

    STOP HYPING CHILDREN. I'm not buying anything the grifter family is selling. I agree, this is more Sarah than even the Candie production team at work. I do not see abstinence at all. I hope someone will get comments and opinions from the preteens that this type of moosecrap will damage and destroy. Who is the loon that came up with pause? From kids dictionary. To cease or suspend an action temporarily.
    What kind of solution is temporary? What next, get back to business as usual.?

    Bristol, you have no time to waste, get back to the studio NOW and clear up this mistake. You are messing with children, very dark of you. Get yourself in front of actual authentic preteens, teens and parents and answer direct, lose the scripted taking points style. Bristol, show us how it is in your home town and how your family, church friends and Dr. Cathy effected your local situation. A place with out birth records and where they don't always put babies or others in the obituary. How do you know how many births and suspicious deaths?

    ASAP we need some reality and truth. Sadie knows everyone Bristol humps in a small town, too bad her mouth is gagged. I can only hope the Johnstons had a wonderful Easter with the child they love so dear.

  8. Jennifer11:55 AM

    Robin Robers should be ashamed of herself. She mentioned Levi, then says, "The story is also about teen dads," and then says, "How difficult has that been not having that kind of support for Tripp?"

    What the heck? Levi is there. He wants to be involved. Who paid her to suggest that Levi is a deadbeat dad and not involved? Give me a break. And that gave PlasticBristol the opening to say she has to be "100% responsible" for Tripp.

    I really hope karma bites these people in the rear.

  9. Anonymous11:55 AM

    she is looking really fat....and I don't mean phat.

  10. Anonymous12:06 PM

    I was surprised that she gained all that weight. Why would she have work done and not deal with the over all round chubby look? I don't think she had any work.

  11. Enjay in E MT12:07 PM

    100% parent - yes, that is what happens to ALL mothers, not just single teen mothers. It is our female biology Bristol! Even with married couples 99.9% of child care rests with the mother.

  12. Anonymous12:15 PM

    Isn't it time she stops using the male baby sitters? What is that about? It looks creepy. She is weak. The face is a shock.

  13. Anonymous12:23 PM

    How come bristol can use Tripp in coommerials/ads/magazines but Levi can't?
    And what's with the hand writing? Does she want to follow in her stupid mothers footsteps!
    Nose looks different, face fatter, cleft in chin...what else, Boobs?
    Wasillabillies, too much money don't know what to do...

  14. Tyroanee12:34 PM

    I just gotta open my fly-trap... If Bristol is making money doing Candies ads, along with this ad, a spread on magazines, not to mention being LCC on her mothers stolen cash...
    Why, oh why hasn't Levi's lawyer gotten 50% custody on Tripp along with child support from Bristol?
    Because she is definitely making much more than him!
    LEVI... it's time for a new lawyer!

  15. So, Bristol is taking credit for the lower teen pregnancy rate? I call bullshit on this one. I heard the latest statistics on the news at noon and the rates are from 2007 and 2008 (and somebody we know was definitely pregnant at least once during that time) - not NOW! I think post Palin crappola will be more telling. And, I don't care what she's done to her face. She's her mother's daughter and the nut hasn't fallen far from the tree. Bristol used to have some sympathy in my camp. No more.

  16. Anonymous12:46 PM

    Well the writing is on Bristol's right hand. That means Bristol is left handed or someone has to write on her right hand for her just like everybody has to do things for her rotten mom.

  17. Anne NC12:48 PM

    She's following in her Mom's footsteps-lie, lie, and then lie some more. You cannot claim to be 100% responsible for parenting a child when you're receiving $1750 per month in child support from the child's father, denying him and his family visitation and taking money for plastic surgery, a car, and Lord knows what else from your idiotic Mother!

    Why in the world would she have plastic surgery? Is she making the kind of money that she can spend tens of thousands of dollars on cosmetic surgery? If so, why is she acting as if she'd be unable to make it without Levi's money. I know he is responsible for contributing to Tripp's upbringing but it should be 50/50. These laws should be changed because as they are now, they are ass backwards.

  18. Getting an answer out of her is like pulling teeth. What? Does she charge by the word?
    I have two observations: first, something is wrong with her face - it's not moving naturally, and second, the girl is completely wooden. There's nothing there other than the same few phrases she repeats over and over again. Someone should tell her that "awesome" loses its meaning when it's used in every sentence.
    As hard as her handlers and Sarah try, Bristol just doesn't have the charisma to be a public figure. Sarah needs to admit to herself that her daughter isn't a telegenic grifter like her and just let her live her life privately.

  19. Anonymous12:59 PM

    So many "off" things about Bristol doing this gig. One, it's the Palin family promoting themselves for whatever the cause might be. If one of the kids got a speeding ticket, would the Palin team be contracting out the kid to do a PSA against speeding? Or drunk driving?

    They exploit every situation they possibly can. That Neil Cole guy mentioned Bristol being very courageous for appearing. He forgot to mention her courage came in $$$. Greenback courage.

    Secondly, she doesn't appear to have the personality of someone wanting to be a public speaker. She has no animation and makes one feel she is being forced to do this work. Everything Palin is sickening. These Palin children may be the most exploited for money since the Dionne quintoplets.

  20. Anonymous1:19 PM

    "By the way the ONLY reason that Bristol is "100% Tripp's parent" is because she will only allow Levi to have him occasionally. I know for a fact that he wants to see Tripp more. As do Sherry and Mercede."

    Actually its not the only reason...

    Levi doesn't fight for more time. Its his fault too. If he wanted more time he could fight for it and probably get it. But he doesn't so I can't really believe at this point that he actually wants it. Saying a thing and working to do a thing are two totally different things.
    Plus all those who keep there mouths shut are also at fault allowing the Palins to keep the charade up and the money flowing.

  21. Anonymous1:20 PM

    How wonderful that Bristol is 100% parent. I forgot, doesn't she also go to school and work at two jobs and run that special company that Sarah set up for her. That time should really be deducted from 100%

    The really sad thing is that the Palins have no shame in using Tripp the way they use everybody else. He is being used as a prop for Bristol the way that Trig is Sarah's prop. (Can we say thank you, Bristol, for that? or do we have to thank someone else?)

    Parents should not be using their child as an emotional football in their own petty squabbles. The only one who gets harmed will be the child.

  22. Anonymous1:22 PM

    Not only does she look like a fatty with her new fat cheeks, but she also looks much older than her 19 or 20 years. She could easily pass for minimum 27 years old now. Sad.

  23. Teach your children well1:22 PM

    I am confused. Is it abstinence or condoms now? She did this for the 100% selfish parent custody? Too bad about Levi, he could have made a difference for that little boy. I am sick of all the sad up North and concede that this disturbing promotion will probably win over who Palin is after. They do not care about teens or humans.

  24. Yikes. You might want to abstain from the Cheetos, too, cupcake.

  25. Anonymous1:32 PM

    What does Bristol mean when she said she comes from a famous family?

    Are the Palins the Osmonds?
    Are the Palins the Jackson 5?
    Are the Palins like Charlie Sheen, his brother and father?
    Are the Palins like the Kennedy family?

    I don't get it? What are the Palins famous for?

    Track got into trouble vandalizing school bus brakes and endangered lives of other children and was forced to go into the military... I guess that makes Track famous?

    What about the other Palins?

    Bristol was in high school, unwedded and gave birth to a child. Parents promised her a car if she stopped seeing the baby's daddy and now drives a Cadillac Escalade and owns a PR company with only a 12th grade education... I guess that makes Bristol famous!

    Willow led a bunch of kids to a vacant house. Did drugs, got drunk and trashed the place... I guess that makes Willow famous?

    Piper missed a lot of school going around the country with her mom selling books written by someone else... I guess that makes Piper famous?

    Toad was the husband of a governor who quit her job halfway through her term because she wanted to make more money. Toad also passed along confidential company information to who ever would look at them... I guess that makes Toad famous?

    Sarah, could not tell people what she read, name a Supreme Court case, did not know what the Bush Doctrine is, does not know the difference between North and South Korea, left her town in debt by building a hockey rink on someone else’s property, avoided paying property tax, collected money through the Alaska Fund Trust and promised to give quarterly statements and has yet to pass out one single report after many years. Sarah did collect per diem as governor for sleeping in her own bed... I guess that makes Sarah famous?


  26. Again with the cookin, and cleanin, and changin diapers, does the entire Palin family drop their G's? Watching this girl on TV is about as exciting as watching paint dry. Awesome...

    Hey Bristol, I heard Tripp's Daddy would love to help you out with that parenting gig.

  27. Anonymous1:43 PM

    I didn't watch the entire interview, but I did catch that when Bristol was supposed to describe her day, she didn't mention school at all. And where does she go to work everyday?!!?


  28. Anonymous1:56 PM

    Notice on every interview when she speaks about her "supportive family" she looks down. Every.single.time.

  29. Anonymous2:01 PM

    Anonymous said...
    I didn't watch the entire interview, but I did catch that when Bristol was supposed to describe her day, she didn't mention school at all. And where does she go to work everyday?!!?


  30. A modern feminist?2:03 PM

    Bristol is certainly working to bring out the Palin as the modern feminist meme. Alaska Dispatch I knew that Tammy Bruce is a democrat and what a set up that is.
    She worked so hard to promote Dr. Laura in California. They were all about passing off Dr. Laura as a feminist. She wasn't to be just a feminist, it was like there were no other feminist. One person embodies the whole deal and the life they lead and the mother that they are is a flawless example to follow. Finally Dr. Laura's son showed up with some alarming photos. They were scratched but not able to be fully denied. Dr. Laura got old and dissolved into an even more narrow niche but it appears the same old gang is up to old tricks. Guess who is in the place of Dr. Laura?

    Track, Bristol, Willow, Piper and Trig are Sarah Palin's lifeline to becoming the modern feminist. Bristol's performance is vital.

  31. Anonymous2:09 PM

    The Candies guy looks like a predator or maybe a priest.

  32. Anonymous2:19 PM

    Hate to be a dissenter, but I like her new nose. I think she looks better than with her old nose.

    She is still not a pretty girl, but she does look much better. Must be hard for her to be the plain daughter of a former beauty queen and to lack the natural good looks of her ex-boyfriend's (and baby daddy's)sister.

  33. Anonymous2:20 PM

    What happened to Bristol's face?

  34. Anonymous2:23 PM

    She gave the impression she only takes care of Tripp. That must be a handful for her. We all know Tripp's paternal family is aching to be there with him and for him. When a person is filled with fear and evil thoughts and they must work hard to destroy others. That is part of their demeanor they can't always hide. Bristol is consumed, her life is dedicated to getting rid of Levi, Mercede and Sherry. The other Johnstons are closer to Sarah. Bristol has no time or energy for a real job. She can have others do any on-line fast track school for her and no and has no need to attend class.

  35. Anonymous2:30 PM

    And this is what we will have to endure all for lack of one condom and the blind, dumb ambition of an old man from Arizona with daddy issues.

  36. Anonymous2:44 PM

    Bristol Palin has a growing baby, limited intellect, passable looks (fading fast), a boring personality and a vindictive, pyschotic mother. That's not a package that will do well in a search for a husband and a path out of a prison-like home.

    Her dismal self-esteem will torpedo her future (if her mother doesn't get to her first).

  37. Anonymous3:05 PM

    To Anon at 1:56-

    Came here to say exactly that! She looks down and too the left EVERY TIME she talks about her "supportive family". Her body language is screaming.


  38. Anonymous3:36 PM

    We've seen what young Alaskans do, especially to survive those long winters. Is Bristol saying to pause before you text your friends to find out where the next rager will be? Once you are juiced up and that hot bod you've been dreaming of walks through the door, it is a little late to pause and think. Bristol needs to start with the substance abuse. Those horny guys and gals start jonesing for drugs before they jones for sex and the internet is a buzz with hooking up and worshiping drugs and the fun they have drinking together. If she is loaded on anything she is no one to talk until she is detoxed and works the steps. No one in the Palin family has ever had a come to Jesus moment, not one that is forgiving and a new start.

    Her face could be swollen for several reasons. It may not be only fat. People can puff up like that due to other lifestyle issues.

    If she wants more teens to listen to her she needs to drop the dude. Did he say his company is selling the old folk clothes she wears? Is that a new fad? Help me understand what that is about. When you notice her clothes they are butt ugly. I don't know why anyone would bring attention to her dress style. The best thing her clothes have going for them is that they are so blah and you don't see them. They make her puffy face all you see.

  39. Anonymous3:36 PM

    Coke Bloat

  40. ENOUGHwiththetrainwreck3:40 PM

    the best part of growing up is to figure out who you are and what makes you happy. living someone else's lie is a short ride to a lousy life.

    bristol's ad is stupid. period. end of conversation.

    her interview was not interesting.

    go to college - find yourself. leave the rest of us alone. thank you

  41. Anonymous3:59 PM

    Her body language is screaming --soapydog. She is a prisoner. It is a tragedy to see any young person in that condition. She also screams uneducated, if she would be deprogrammed she might have innate intelligence to work with.

    I think this is the start of another train wreck season. Sarah P. and Michelle B. center stage and Bristol backs up the "capable strong woman" they want you to buy into.

  42. Anonymous4:01 PM

    Too many Slurpies from the 7-11. Also too, the camera adds 10 pounds--Bristol, get an education and get out of Dodge. You'll be 30 before you know it.

  43. Anonymous4:03 PM Hypocrisy Must Be Genetic for the Palins

  44. Anonymous4:34 PM

    My thoughts:
    She is not smart, not engaging and NO ONE GIVES A SHIT ABOUT HER. She looks more like her mother now after whatever she did to her face. Before she at least looked balanced, her nose fit her face . Now she just looks like she has a really fat face. She is only like what five feet one tall? She looks really fat and frumpy and more like her mother. Sad really. Tripp is cute in a toddler way, but he looks way too much like chuckles to me and he has a really weak chin, poor guy. Hope he was gifted with some intelligence as he is surely gonna need it growing up with that ignorant crew.

  45. Anonymous4:43 PM

    I want to boycott all commercial sponsors of the Palin Discovery show and Candies and anything a Palin has touched. Please provide a permanent list on your Website. I vote with my money and I have a lot of it to vote with.

  46. Anonymous4:46 PM

    If Levi wanted to see Tripp more then Levi could go to court to get partial custody, just like everyone else does. Levi hasn't done so. That shows Levi is fine with letting Bristol have custody.

  47. Anonymous4:55 PM

    Bristol is still doing penance for getting pregnant TWICE. Her mom really has the hooks into her. This stupid abstinence message she is forced to recite must be so humiliating for her. Too bad she chose to go down this path.

  48. Bristol Palin: the Republican Monica Lewinski

  49. Anonymous5:24 PM

    OK I doubt this is it (well...), but my face always completely blew up when I was... PREGNANT.

    Maybe she *just* got the work done and is still swollen from that. I don't know why these young women who get surgery (and she is SO young!) don't understand that they are now in for a lifetime of maintenance and the earlier they start, the more time they have to turn into the "Cat Lady." Youth never looks ahead, I guess.

  50. Anonymous5:27 PM

    Who's watching TriG?

    Sarah's roaming the country; Todd may have moved to Palmer; Willow and Piper are supposed to be in school; and TriG's previous primary-caregiver Bristol has an apartment in Anchorage when she's not roaming the country with TriPP.

    Is TriG living at the Palin compound or is he with Bristol? Does he have a hired mommy now? Gryphen, Barb, anyone??? -B

  51. emrysa5:41 PM

    what. a. bitch.

    she's 100% responsible for that kid because that's the situation SHE has set up, but yet she's going to go on tv and make it sound like levi is neglecting his kid.

    snotty, lying, conniving bitch just like her mother. I think I'm about done paying attention to this soap opera. these people are the total f-ing dregs of society and I shouldn't waste my time giving a shit. where's my bong.

  52. This could have been an interesting interview. Imagine if GMA had shown some shots of Cole's/Candie's sexy teen clothing line and ads and asked about the hypocrisy. I also would have liked them to roll the end of the 2009 Town Hall where the teen audience was asked if the program had any impact on them and the answer was basically "No".

    Instead we're told how "open" Bristol is (I guess because she's there) and got to hear Bristol's rehearsed and worn-out talking points (since
    Greta)...with an extra emphasis on 100%.

    What's been the most difficult aspect about being a teen mom? "Just being 100% responsible for another person and having my childhood pretty much taken away from me with having to provide for him and just take care of him all the time."

    About teen dads - how difficult has it been not having that kind of support for Tripp? "It's extremely difficult just because, like I said, I'm the 100%, like, Tripp's parent. I'm responsible for him and, uh yeah, it's very difficult."

    Bristol obviously has the same photographic memory and brilliant mind as her mother.

    Oh...and also, too, Bristol revealed she is NOT going to school.

  53. Rule of thumb for plastic surgery.

    If people can tell you had plastic surgery, then it was a bad job.

  54. Anonymous6:24 PM

    She looked absolutely rediculous in her suit jacket and pearls and overcurled hair at the beginning. Just like that feature she and Sarah did with their babies - Bristol giving Tripp a bath in the sink with a red suit jacket on and done up hair. . .

    Her voice isn't as grating (and she doesn't chew gum a la mommy as Mayor) but it is as dead and flat as her eyes. Or was that for affect when they zero'd in on her 'consequence' of having such an adorable chip-off-the-ol-block Levi looking baby?

    The message isn't so bad, "Pause before you Play" could mean many things to many people. Either rethinking intimacy, what kind of intimacy or whether to use protection. Although horny teens aren't going to remember this PSA when the in-the-moment opportunity presents itself.

    Oh, and Candies, that whore-shop taking credit for the lower statistic? Bristol peddling and accepting that too? Unbelieveable. But then we are talking about the Palin's who believe doors are opening wide open the world over for them to shake things up, progressin their bank accounts.

  55. Anonymous6:55 PM

    The "don't get pregnant" message target audience should be 10-12 year-olds. Bristol is just another preachy old hag to them.

    Bristol could care less that her little sermon is absurdly ineffective. In her dull, boring existence, some camera time makes her feel important.

    Bristol's well on her way to being a 40 year-old pregnant teen with a story no one cares about.

  56. Anonymous6:59 PM

    Anon 5;27- Toad is spending this week at the Arctic Man in Paxson Alaska, snowmachines racing down mountains and lots of partying. He doesn't need to work, got those women doing that while he plays.

  57. Anonymous7:05 PM

    "Supportive FamilY" - how nice! $1700 plus a month in child support? Absolutely fantastic!

    Funny she does not mention that little detail....but then she is a Palin.

  58. Anonymous7:09 PM

    Add that to the montage of clips poor Tripp will see when he's older and hear how he was a mistake. I feel sorry for that boy. Shame on Bristol! So who takes care of Tripp when she's 'at work' or jet setting all over doing her promotions etc.....Was Tripp with her during this interview? Why can't the Johnston's have Tripp when she's out whoring herself?

  59. Anonymous7:34 PM

    Tripp looks just like Levi. I think. Cute. Bristol? Not so cute. Her face blowed up real good.

  60. I like that ... a 40-year old pregnant teen with a story that no one cares about .. Bristol, this is you! Wake up.

  61. Anonymous7:44 PM

    What is the margin of error on the teen birth rate in the US fell two percent between 2007 and 2008?
    What are the stats on teen suicide and other teen death? Abortions?

    Tripp was born Dec 2008 and Bristol is taking credit or 2007 and 2008?

    "Pause before you Play" is inappropriate and dumb as Bristol is using it.

    Bristol's "don't get pregnant" message target audience is 10-12 year-olds and younger. Her friends have their babies. Willow's age can be set and see Bristol as a fake.

  62. Poor baby .. Trig, where are you? Piper, little girl, are you getting to go to school now? Did you have a nice Easter, maybe an egg hunt? Did you go to Easter service?

  63. I am not surprised Bristol used the word condom. Funny things happen what mama $arah is not around.

  64. Mac And Cheese Wiz11:00 PM

    I love the mixed message she sends. Having a baby out of wedlock is fine if you have a supportive family like the Palin clan. You can dress nice and have pearls, go to school, work, run a consulting firm of your own, and take care of Tripp 100 percent. (That Palin math don't add up) The rest of you teens, well, you'll have to just suffer and live in a dive, wear a ratty tee shirt, jeans, and no make up or surgery Suckers!!!

  65. Anonymous3:32 AM

    Did anyone else notice that she said Tripp was 15 months old? (It might have been 16, but it definitely wasn't 13!) That would put his birthday at the end of October (or September), not December. What's up with that? This "mother" doesn't even know how old her child is?

  66. Anonymous9:46 AM

    anon 3:32

    If December 27 was 12 months, March 27 would make 15 months.

  67. Anonymous7:46 PM

    How spiteful and hateful of Bristol to HOG all the credit for caring for Tripp. A REAL mother would have acknowledged the father's participation, if for no other reason than for her child's sake. Bristol is publically saying that Tripp's father doesn't care about him. Now it's in the public record. How does she imagine Tripp will feel about that years from now? A GOOD MOTHER will tell her child and the world that he is loved by everybody. A GOOD MOTHER wants the best for the CHILD. Not just for herself. Bristol is NOT a good mother. Not in the way that REALLY counts. Any maid can change a diaper.

    Isn't there a story in the Bible about a baby who would have been torn in two had it not been for the unselfish act of his REAL mother? Bristol obviously isn't familiar with that particular parable. She certainly doesn't live it. Bristol would have more help if she didn't push it away.

    Bristol wants to pretend Levi isn't available to be Tripp's dad.... except when she's cashing Levi's CHECK.

    Bristol Palin is a disgusting PIG.

    Just like her mother.

  68. Anonymous9:46 AM

    her message is blatantly obvious - if you have rich parents entitled to free medical care, then you can have an illegit baby or two or three and nobody will care.

    woe to anyone that is poor....they are just living off the system which is meant only for the children of rich people like me.

  69. BrazilNut7:06 PM

    Like mother.. like daughter.... what a piece of work..
    She is a

  70. Anonymous7:31 PM

    When is the truth going to expose these frauds? Her friends,Levi and Mercedes must know the truth and have been threatened ? One day, when someone doesn't get their way, they will speak out.

  71. Anonymous10:02 PM

    Levi and Mercedes do know plenty, but they can't function, maybe at a much later date, when Trip has children. There are many stories to tell. If no one in Wasilla wants or is able to tell the Wasilla point of view, others must go there and report back. There is a wealth of information and hidden memories to dig up.


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