Thursday, April 08, 2010

"Last I checked Sarah Palin's not much of an expert on nuclear issues" President Barack Obama taking time to educate the ignorant.

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To sum up this embed, President Obama signed a nuclear arms treaty with Russia, Sarah Palin said something painfully stupid about it, and President Obama responded with the quote in the headline.

Now usually I do not want my President to even acknowledge that Sarah Palin exists, but if he is going to deign to notice her I would like him to issue a dismissive statement like the one above so that her followers are thrown into a frenzy that results in the gnashing of teeth and the tearing of clothes to signify their rage. 

Because that just seems to brighten up my day for some reason. Is that so wrong?


  1. Anonymous7:03 PM

    Like Keith so aptly said SHE'S AN IDIOT!!!!!

  2. Anonymous7:03 PM



  3. icstraights7:06 PM

    No, it is not wrong, I just wish our President would not acknowledge that she exists at all...

  4. GrainneKathleen7:08 PM

    i agree, that it's best if the prez just lets her shrieks and her jabs echo in her own brain and on fox news. a simple dismissive statement now and then wouldn't hurt, though. she, as usual, is speaking about a topic she knows nothing of. dropping nuclear weapons on people is utter annihilation. what about all the unborn fetuses a nuke would destroy? doesn't she at least care about that?

  5. Anonymous7:28 PM

    What really concerned me was that Palin said we should retain all our nuclear weapons in case someone wages a biological or CYBER attack on the country.

    A cyber attack? Really? That's enough to drop a bomb on a country? What a creepy, dangerous, dumb bitch.

  6. Anonymous7:31 PM

    Damn, Even in dismissing her he's giving her stature.

    She's not an expert on ANYTHING!

    Tell us about those fungible commodities again Sarah?!

  7. Did Palin really liken international relations and nuclear weapons to kids fighting on a playground and also completely show her ignorance of both the treaty and her hero Ronald Reagan's policies?

    Pres. Obama only addressed her because George (Shame on Him for asking) Stephanapolis asked. Oh, there will be rage!

  8. Skeptical8:03 PM

    Palin is an idiot. She cannot spell 'nuclear' let alone understand anything about it. Certain that she has never heard of Nagasaki or Hiroshima. Bravo President Obama for calling her out on her lack of knowledge.

  9. Anonymous8:06 PM

    I wish President Obama had said "That she not an expert on anything" but cue the Palin response in 3,2,1 as if nothing else she is predictable and can't leave well enough alone..

  10. FEDUP!!!8:09 PM

    LMAO!!! Mickey likes it! :D

    O/T, but Alaska related:

    Al Barette, Alaska Board Of Game Nominee, Skins Wolf (VIDEO): Legislature To Vote On Confirmation Friday

  11. I think the 2nd part of his answer is even better-

    "If the Secretary of Defense and the Chairman of the Joints Chiefs of Staff are comfortable with it, I'm probably going to take my advice from them and not from Sarah Palin," he said.

    And another interesting quote from Ronald Reagan-
    "I call upon the scientific community in our country, those who gave us nuclear weapons, to turn their great talents now to the cause of mankind and world peace: to give us the means of rendering these nuclear weapons impotent and obsolete."

    Sarah the Quitter showing her ignorance again- ranting against a treaty for nuclear reduction/nonproliferation treaty that St Ronnie and the military generals protectin' our freedoms all agree with. It's just too bad that President Obama even had his time wasted with a question about this side-show freak.

  12. ...not so wrong at all. Intelligent people get annoyed at this nitwit "pontificating" as if she knows anything about anything. She works the clueless. A wave and a "you betcha" is all she needs with that group.

  13. Anonymous8:59 PM

    The Swag-Hag again...chin-first into a soot pile... what a complete waste of space...

  14. Anonymous9:03 PM

    Remember Sarah's former running mate, John McCain who joked about "Bomb bomb bomb Iran."

    Sarah and the nuts at Fox acted as if Obama would not retaliate in any way at all. No, he just said that would not be nuclear, and even that had some conditions. (Jon Stewart really nailed it tonight!)

    Whatever happened to the Christian "turn the other cheek?" Sarah really does have to leave the playground, recess is over, and maybe she should study before opening her mouth.

  15. sallyngarland,tx9:10 PM

    Palin loves the Republicans. Let her watch "Pete Sessions Strippergate"

    Such hypocrites.

  16. sallyngarland,tx9:12 PM

    My post was probably on the wrong thread. Sorry.

  17. sunnyjane9:33 PM

    It was a good comeback, but would have been more effective had he just said,
    "Sarah who?"

  18. Anonymous9:33 PM

    I am glad that our President gave Mrs. Mooseburger a well-deserved rebuke. Although I know it will fire up her brain-dead followers, it was something that needed to be said. It's also a comical irony that none other than the icon of conservativism, Ronald Reagan, essentially said the same thing about nuclear weapons as long ago as 1984. People like Palin and her followers are having difficulty accepting the reality of an ever-changing world that their rigid ideology is poorly equipped to deal with.

  19. Anonymous3:23 AM

    Aren't you people in Alaska ready to tell what you know about this loose cannon idiot yet???

    If I had information about Palin that would shut her mouth and make her go away, I would be shouting it from the rooftops! She is way more than annoying - she is disgusting and downright dangerous! And she is really makes Alaskas look bad.

    Would someone PLEEEEZE silence her screeching before some nutjob actually listens to her deranged spewing and hurts someone!

  20. Anonymous4:01 AM

    Oh yeah! It's on! Now that she has gotten a response (negative, of course) from our prez, she's going to start shrieking all over the place about how HE doesn't know what he's doing. He shouldn't even give her the time of day. She doesn't even realize that what Obama has done is a continuation of her idol, Reagan's, policies. If she could even recognize that.

    Can't wait for the angry, incoherent response via Twitter, Facebook, Fox News, her new tv show(s). She sure has a lot of new venues to spew her venom now.

    Also, didn't she look like someone's crazy aunt or like a little kid dressing up in her mom's vintage clothing with all the pearl strands, and rhinestone crucifix nonsense? And the hair in a granny bun, and the glittery flag pin? Who goes out in public dressed like this? She looks like a mental patient, who, incomprehensively, thinks she is qualified to discuss nuclear strategy. Using a playground analogy.

  21. Anonymous4:04 AM

    I wish it would be highlighted that Obama has actually been working toward this moment since his years at Columbia.

    His 'senior thesis' (actually not a ful thesis but a paper he wrote for a class) was on arms control.

    Then, as Senator he so-wrote the Lugar-Obama bill - a reduction of conventional weaponry that was intended to be the handmaiden to nuclear non-proliferation.

    Now this.

    What confounds me is that this was never highlighted during the campaign - in fact, his name is on another bill as well - in response to McCain/Palin charges that 'he had no experience'. . .not to mention his experience on the Foreign Relations Committee.

    To this day, the old canard that Obama had no experience is still being repeated, over and over again.


  22. Sarah Palin is part of a bigger problem with our system.

  23. Anonymous4:36 AM

    PRIOR POSTS: No, it is not wrong, I just wish our President would not acknowledge that she exists at all...

    RESPONSE: Obama didn't bring up the subject of SP. He was asked a question about what SP said, and he responded. To ignore it at that point would be to insult the questioner and make it appear personal with SP. I think Obama made a better choice.

  24. Anonymous5:05 AM

    Even if Sarah was serving a life sentence in prison, Fox would report everything she said. She is way beyond dangerous.

  25. fromthediagonal5:15 AM

    SP's overwhelming ignorance DOES make her dangerous, precisely because she holds sway over so many other overwhelmingly ignorant people...and they VOTE!
    Never underestimate that connection!

  26. Anonymous5:43 AM

    Ugh, what a world we live in when our president is asked about what the likes of a sleazeball opportunist like Palin has to say!

    Who cares! Why are we still acknowledging this woman and pretending her foaming at the mouth is relevant to any conversation? It's like the media asking former pres. Bush to answer questions about my opinion on something.

    I love the president's response, but it just gives that crazy bitch more ammunition in thinking that she's important -- "Look, the president responded to me! I'm discussed in the White House! I really do matter, I'm not just a legend in my own mind!"

    Gross. What a freakin' travesty.

    I think another good response would have been ,"Ms.Palin is a private citizen, she is entitled to her opinion no matter how misguided that opinion. I certainly hope she and others she is influencing read further on this administration's positions."

  27. Anonymous5:49 AM

    Sarah after you become a parent and control your rotten a$$ kids, then you can come back to the grown folks table and put in your one cent comment. Until then keep doing what you do best which is grifting!

  28. Anonymous5:52 AM

    The First Lady was asked about the Alaskan Putz.

  29. Anonymous6:01 AM

    that may be true - that she holds sway over the 20% of republicans that adore her....

    the Moral Majority can't stand her and the rest of us just wish she'd go away. She should take some mommy classes and learn how to do at least ONE job well.

  30. Anonymous6:01 AM

    Obama can't see Russia from the White House. That's why Palin is such an informed expert on these matters. Surely, that's obvious?

  31. President Obama, Thank You Sir!
    The man IS impressive.

    Sarah needs to learn to Sit Down, Shut Up.

  32. gotta love this guy's wit and sense of humor. No one delivers a slam like O.

  33. Anne NC7:18 AM

    If anyone at FAUX would ever tell the truth, they would know that their sainted Reagan would have been in favor of the treaty and signed it, too.

    Palin, in opening her mouth, removes all doubt of her ignorance. If anyone who followed her did any research at all, they would soon become aware of how wrong she is.

    God help us all if this woman ever got near the WH. A nuclear weapon for an internet attack? She's a lunatic and extremely dangerous.

  34. Martin Luther King Jr. said:

    “Nothing in the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity.”

    Sarah Palin is Dangerous!

  35. Anonymous8:40 AM

    Masterfully handled, Mr. President!

    STFU, $carah. Or you'll wind up inserting your foot in your mouth so many times, those botoxed lips will start growing toenails...

  36. Anonymous9:36 AM

    Anyone ever notice how when Hannity praises her writings on facebook she just looks like a deer in the headlights. New term for the quitter "profitician"

  37. Anonymous9:53 AM

    Did I just see the POTUS smack Palin in her vajayjay?

  38. Anonymous11:42 AM

    Palin looks so sloppy, President Obama is the best.

  39. Anonymous3:13 PM

    The woman is an idiot.. a laughing matter that is!! We need more comedy... go Sarah!!!! you beauty queen!!!

  40. So where is Todd? I'm sorry but we have to keep an eye on his where abouts...... Was he with her in New Orleans?

  41. Anonymous3:39 PM

    Doesn't that ridiculous woman have
    children at home who need looking after? Todd, she told us is busy racing his snow-toy, so who is there
    for the kiddies?

    And Sarah, if you're reading this,
    for the sake of your children, please
    stop making such a back end of a mule
    of yourself 'advising' the duly elected President of the United States. If you were under even a fraction of the pressure anyone who serves in that capacity is, you'd melt like the wicked witch in 'Oz."

    Sharon TN

  42. Anonymous4:37 PM

    He should have said not comment.

  43. the President's first words were "I have no response."
    By giving the same answer to all potential objectors / obstructers (I'll listen to the experts) he's dismissing all of them.
    The question shouldn't have been asked, but George lost control of himself a long time ago.


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