Monday, April 05, 2010

Missing: One Anchorage city mayor. Identifying features: Grecian Formula treated hair, noticable lack of integrity, and the stench of moral turpitude.

It has been several days since Mayor Dan Sullivan called in too sick to host a radio program at KBYR last Wednesday, and then took a turn for the worse and was even too sick to be an interviewee on Glenn Beigel's "triumphant" return to teabagging radio a couple days later on Friday.

Wow!  Too sick even to do a telephonic interview?  Now THAT sounds pretty sick!

So I have asked around and apparently he is still nowhere to be found. Almost as if he were in hiding. Hmmm.

I checked his Press Releases but there has been nothing new posted since last month.

I then checked his blog (Jesus, does EVERYBODY want to be a blogger now?) and nothing new has been added there since February!

Well you know this could be serious! I think perhaps we should form a search par....wait...I just received word of a sighting.

Well I hope at least he has been behaving himself and staying out of...uh oh....

Some people just never seem to learn their lesson do they?

It has been eleven days since the story first hit the blogoshere and radio airwaves Danny-boy, how much longer do you really think you can hide?

Isn't it ironic that the man who vetoed an ordinance that would finally have allowed gay men and women to work and live in Anchorage without fear of discrimination is hiding from a potential scandal about his own sexual proclivities?

Some might even call that Karma.


  1. Anonymous8:47 PM


  2. SME1318:53 PM

    ROFLMAO You are too funny. I love the pic. I needed something to laugh about Grphen, thank you.

    Oh and our elusive mayor is most likely off hiding the 193K so he doesn't have t give it back.

  3. Judith9:15 PM

    Gryphen, we need a new picture of him. Aren't there more of him that are more recent than this?

  4. Anonymous9:42 PM

    He's planning a party, that takes hard expensive work dontcha know?

  5. Anonymous10:12 PM

    Danny was at the Athena Society Anchorage Chamber Luncheon today.

  6. Thanks Anonymous 10:12.

    Good to know he has fully recovered from his "illness".

  7. Nice Gryph. Seems the pics lacking a woody. Though i suspect Danny boy neglected to mention that also. But then i guess he's beter now?

  8. sunnyjane11:38 PM

    Maybe he was hiking the Appalachian Trail.

  9. BigSlick2:47 AM

    We should start a pool placing bets on the date of his resignation.

    It won't be the thievery that does him in, it will be something like a sword-crossing threesome that gets his own kind to toss him into the Inferno.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.