Friday, April 16, 2010

More on Sarah Palin and "Shreddergate".

San Francisco Chronicle:
Californians who care about our universities - and contribute to these foundations, directly or indirectly - should not have to go sifting through trash bins to find out how their money is being spent. Sen. Leland Yee, a San Francisco Democrat who has authored legislation to force such transparency on CSU and UC foundations, called it "our little Watergate."

The students who discovered the contract are speaking out and denying it was stolen as claimed by California State University, Stanislaus president Hamid Shirvani.

And the war of words between Sen. Leland Yee and California State University, Stanislaus President continues to heat up.

Gee wouldn't there have been far less drama if the University had just asked Conan O'Brien to speak at their fundraiser?  After all he could probably have raised just as much money, been far more entertaining, and not acted like a secretive spoiled little brat. Plus he could probably really use the work.


  1. I like how this story is "unbending."

  2. Anonymous4:50 AM

    To do you steal something that is yours? Stealing is when you spend $100K that isn't yours while refusing to tell the very people whose money it is that you're spending it.

    Conan O'Brien would have got bumped by Leno.

  3. Kat_from_HI6:21 AM

    How can something be stolen that didn't exist in the first place? DUH! Not lookin' too good Prez Shirvani & the rest of the board....

    Interesting that most of the Foundation Board are all administrators or other employees of the University. Co-mingling much? They fit in very well with the Palinista mob & their spider web financial webworks.

  4. Anonymous8:59 AM

    Ah, the grifter that just keeps on giving!

    Where are the little Trigs today? It has been a while since any of them have been seen. They must be getting fairly big by now.

    What about the babygate story, Gryphen?

  5. Anonymous10:13 AM

    Leave it to Californians to stomp out Palin! Go Californians ... let's do this Palinectomy once and for all!


  6. Don't want to bug you Gryphen but Sarah will be testifying in Knoxville on April 20th re:Yahoo email account being breached. Wonder if anyone in your fan club here is planning on attending.

  7. Yes, how can you steal something that doesn't exist? As with everything/anything/everyone connected with the Queen of Duh, they would rather lie about it than simply tell the truth, which can only leave inquiring minds that want to know thinking: cover up.

  8. Anonymous2:31 PM

    1. The document that ended up in the students' hands was an unsigned draft, not a contract.

    2. We're supposed to believe that folks got nervous, came in on a 'Furlough Friday' to shred a bunch of incriminating papers....and then forgot to shred the only thing anyone was looking for? Don't be silly.


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