Saturday, April 03, 2010

On a day marked with emotionally raw and confrontational posts perhaps it woud be nice to end it wih a little humor.

"You're a Pain ", Palin Parody of "You're So Vain".

Now that was pretty damn good!

Now all you have to do is get the tune out of your head before you return to work on Monday. 

Good luck!


  1. Anonymous10:39 PM


  2. Anonymous11:04 PM

    Thank you -- that was great!

  3. ManxMamma3:46 AM


  4. Stumbled! Good find, Gryphen

  5. Anonymous5:01 AM

    So the question is:

    Will the artist tell us who the song is really about, or keep us guessing for the next 40 years?

  6. carol from Minnesota5:46 AM

    I can see why the tea baggers bought into the FAKE persona of Sarah Palin. I, as a woman, would love to have a good looking, older, competent, intelligent, sensible woman with great family values and a successful career as a mother and in politics come to the forefront in the political arena. Unfortunately it is not the fake Palin who is that person. She has molded both her projected personality and her face to fit what she wants others to believe is real.

  7. It was funny, catchy, and I hated it. Oh well.

  8. sunnyjane7:26 AM

    HOLY SHIT! This is better than a visit from the Big Bunny on Easter morning!

    LOVE IT! Please keep it up FOREVER. When I need a laugh, I'll know where to come.

  9. Anonymous8:15 AM

    Maybe this is merely one of those classic cases of misheard lyrics! What they are really singing is:
    You're "Oy Vey"n!

  10. What a great way to wake up! Thank you for finding this.

  11. Anonymous10:17 AM

    Beautifully said Carol from Minnesota !

    This was great--the only thing missig was her standard disingenuous mantra about honoring the troops by honoring her....

  12. Anonymous2:06 PM

    Loved it! Will play it again and again if you keep the song accessible. Would have been even better to include the exploitation of her kids.

  13. Anne NC2:17 PM

    It was great! However, the part of Palin thinking the world would stop spinning without her and the free world is all about her, is sadly, quite true. Her ego is that big!

    Was it one of her family members who said during the book tour that Palin was the most important person in that world or some kind of nonsense like that? I remember seeing it referred to but never found the original source.

  14. Anonymous8:38 PM

    excellent!!! thanks so much! you made me smile:)


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