Saturday, April 03, 2010

Rupert Murdoch must have assigned Greta Van Susteren the unenviable task of going after Palin critics this week. Bark Greta, bark! Good girl!

The critics have spoken and the news is not good concerning Palin's debut as "host" for her new show "Real American Stories".  This seems to have put a burr under the saddle of the Fox bigwigs and they have trotted out the poor woman, whose timeslot Palin usurped, to defend the untalented buffoon against her critics.

From Gretawire blog:

Have you seen the TV critics' reviews of Governor Sarah Palin's special? Nasty is a description I would assign to some of them. What is so bizarre is that not one single person who took a nasty swipe at her is remotely as successful she is. You don't have to agree with everything Palin says (I do not) but how can you deny her success? If you look at the ratings for her special, she easily beat the competition in the time slot! What is with the critics? Even with no TV experience, she crushed the competition. The critics are saying, among other things, she was boring. If she were boring with her ratings for her special -- what are the other networks who were crushed in that time slot saying today about their programming with their experienced anchors? It tells you a lot about the critics when they whack the winner and give a pass to those who are failing. It is rewarding the loser. Why can't they enjoy the woman's success?

If I may. 

Ms. Van Susteren, earlier today I was driving my car down one of the most beautiful stretches of highway on the planet.  The glorious snow capped mountains were standing starkly against a gorgeous sky of light blue, as fluffy clouds drifted lazily across the horizon, and playful birds swooped and sang seemingly just for my entertainment.

As I was driving I came to a place where there had been an accident.  I saw the red and blue lights of the police car and slowed down, where my eyes were immediately drawn to the horrible tableau before me as paramedics pulled an injured person from their car and loaded them onto a gurney.  I saw broken glass, crumpled metal, and what might have been human blood.  I did not want to look, but of course I could not turn away.

THAT is why people tuned in to watch Sarah Palin on Thursday.  NOT because she was so much better than the other choices on cable, but because she is a national car wreck and people simply cannot tear their eyes away. 

And that is why your show is safe.  Because even though you are boring as hell, watching you does not turn our collective stomachs as it would to watch the broken carcass of Sarah Palin's career broadcast into our living rooms day after day. Because after awhile even the gory fascination of seeing a horrific accident fades and we want to turn back to something much more soothing and less damaging to our collective psyche.

P.S. I borrowed the image above from a wickedly funny blog called NewsCorpse, which has now become one of my new favorite places to visit.


  1. Anonymous3:05 PM

    I just commented about this below as you were writing!! Can you move my post up here? It was about Greta!!!

  2. Anonymous3:11 PM

    What will Sarah Palin rating on her next show be?
    Will they be Up or Down ?

    I think the rating will go lower with each show.

    "Looking at quarter hour data, "Real American Stories" shed viewers from start to finish -- down 18% among Total Viewers (2.319mm vs. 1.895mm) and down 22% in A25-54 (533k vs. 418k) from the program's first to its final quarter hour." TVNewser

  3. honestyinGov3:30 PM

    You need one HUGE ' pooper scooper ' to come out and clean up the Moose pucky after Sarah has trolloped down the road.( Is THAT why she is always in Boots?)
    Isn't this usually where the Clowns show up right behind Her in the parade..? I think GlehDuh specializes... he's only a " rodeo Clown ". I do like The little clown car... kinda cute.

  4. mocha3:35 PM

    Palin's rating against the competition means nothing. Greta's show regularly beats them by double. The important thing that Greta is trying to distract people from is that a special featuring Palin that was heavily promoted all week on every Fox program did no better than Greta's regular show. Status quo. I don't think FoxNews was expecting status quo. Buttholes are tightened at Fox over this. What to do, what to do with sister Sarah? You can count on them trying something different. The other thing I feel certain is that somewhere there exists a demo tape of interviews by Palin that showed Fox she is unable to conduct an interview and they scrambled to make this mash-up of old interviews with Palin as narrator.

  5. Greta comes across enraged tv crit gave their honest opinion about Palin and the show. It's show biz and any land a series or a movie that sometimes is not a big hit or not even a mega star's right vehicle or performance.

    Once again it is victim time for Palin. None of the outcoe could be a result of her abilities, talents...absolutely nothing to do with what scoes out of her mouth, she's just mean people all against Palin's glory as the brightest star in the universe. Excuse me I need to go throw up.
    Yet again narcissistic entitlement reigns!

  6. Anonymous3:49 PM

    Tell us, Greta, what exactly DON'T you agree with Sarah about? Better yet, tell it to Sarah on the air. Otherwise, we will continue to believe that you are a complete and utter kiss ass with absolutely nothing left of what I used to think was a shred of decency and credibility. I say continue to believe because, after your embarrassing trips to PalinLand, your journalistic integrity disappeared like a dollar bill left on the ground in front of Sarah.

  7. Anonymous4:20 PM

    Notice how Greta is calling it Palin's "special" not her series or her show. This is Fox's way of cutting short their losses and to make it seem as if only a few shows were ever intended to be aired.

    I also wish people would stop referring to her as "Governor" Palin. She didn't even complete her first term and she does NOT deserve the title. Hell, she never deserved it.

    And yes Gryphen she is a train wreck that people cannot pull their eyes from.

  8. Anonymous4:22 PM

    Aghh!! That graphic!!! It's both horrifying and my new favorite!

    Gretta is funny talking about Palin having no previous teevee experience. Funny, I thought that was her first job after dropping out of college and before becoming pregnant and then getting married. I seem to recall video of her sports casting. Perhaps that doesn't fit Fox's fantasy narrative, so that bit of her history has been discarded.

  9. Didn't she have TV experience when she "did the sports" for a station in AK? Plus, isn't she a journalism major who lectured the "lamestream media" on how to do their job?

    I think Greta is secretly happy, too.

  10. Not for nothing, Greta...but Palin could have a show about changing a diaper and beat most competing shows. I wouldn't confuse having a cult following with being successful.

  11. Anonymous5:34 PM

    "If I may"

    haha! Thanks Gryph.

  12. Anonymous5:48 PM

    I have my own idea's why Grifter granny wears 5"-6" boots and shoes and it ain't pretty....
    "CRUSH videos" People who get off stomping little animals to death...!
    I could totally see her in her Pro Domme black pleather jacket stomping little animals to death for the likes of Murdoch, Malack, Graham, etc.!
    Yes Gryphen its like a car wreck you can't take your eyes of it and that is the only reason any one is watching.

  13. Anonymous5:52 PM

    Who is the supreme puppet master pulling everybody's strings? He (just a guess that it is a male; most women get past the wink and makeup and see Sarah for what she is) he gave Greta access to film fluff interviews with Sarah, Bristol and Ooh, Todd. Then, like Meg and others, Greta was pushed aside to make way for someone with no TV experience.

    Just for fun, how many people with those credentials and that voice can walk into a major network and get a TV show, let alone a series and a gig as commentator. No one, unless the puppet master liked her and may have gotten tied up in a multi million dollar contract when Sarah was looking hotter than she does now.

    Behind the push to get Sarah out there every living minute there must be some agenda besides just entertaining us non-stop. I wonder if she is being groomed to be the next defacto leader of the new combined Tea Bag and GOP party, (an empty vessel who will deliver their scripted insults and who allows her facebook to be their bulletin board). This can't be about Sarah being the latest entertainment star; even Greta let us know that Sarah has no experience. Putting Sarah out there is about something else, and I am guessing it has to do with the wrong kind of politics and power grab.

  14. This has gone beyond sick ... it is pathetic. What is FOX going to do - hold a gun to the critic's heads and pens :you will like her tv shows; you will write only good things. What happened to Greta of years ago? If we had any doubt as to Greta's ass-kissing devotion to all things Palin recently, well, this certainly lays that to rest. Unless .... Greta is being forced to do this, which reveals even more about Greta, right? Is there any professional, PROFESSIONAL (we all know what it means to be professional-whatever our occupation, we strive for that) at Fox? Pathetic.

  15. WalterNeff6:35 PM

    "What is so bizarre is that not one single person who took a nasty swipe at her is remotely as successful she is."

    Apparently, following Greta's logic, Roger Ebert—a Pulitzer Prize winner—should no longer file negative reviews of Spielberg, Scorcese or Rob Schneider movies.

  16. mocha7:22 PM

    I think Greta and her husband kiss Palin's ass because they think they could make her and Todd useful tools for Scientology.Not necessarily convert them, but maneuver them into promoting something that is a front for Scientology.

  17. Anonymous7:36 PM

    How were the ratings for the flat no talent Palin?

    Investigating Scientology and Tommy Davis no like

    Not Joking

  18. "...a wickedly funny blog called NewsCorpse."

    Thanks, Gryphen.

  19. Too funny! After watching Alice in Wonderland I became convinced that Tim Burton had Sarah's temper tantrums in mind when he was directing the Red Queen. Reasons why here:

  20. Anonymous3:33 AM

    During the election in '08, I lost respect for almost ALL conservative commentators, writers and politicians who failed to express disgust with Palin, for her lack of knowledge, inability to express herself and her smarmy, fake attack-dog attitude.
    They were the ones who lost credibility, who revealed their lack of sincerity and honesty.
    Greta's been on that list since the start, but I keep hoping one of them will grow a spine.

  21. Anonymous5:01 AM

    So the message here is we should not criticize those who are more "successful" than we are ?
    Yes, I agree the emperor does have nice clothes.

  22. Anonymous8:07 AM

    What has happened to the child or children known as Trig?

    Why has this story slipped through the cracks?

  23. Anonymous5:58 PM

    Greta's logic follows the Alaskan and national conservative Palin supporters logic that we should support Sarah just because she wants it, she is trying, she is willing to take hits, she is 'nice' she is just like one of us, she has a servants heart, she is a hockey mom, she has common sense. . .this was all before her GOP Convention speech.

    The GOP and well-meaning Alaskans couldn't understand why we shouldn't just drop everything and clap our hands and cheer this VP choice.

    The more logical of us voters that care about the substance of a leader rather than the talking points were bewildered she was even on the table and horrified that she didn't even 'blink' at being asked.

    We have a right to question her success since she's taken a short-cut to any of her earnings or shallow pool of questionable accomplishments - meanwhile still using her brand to foment hate and anger and define who is and who isn't a real American.

    You saw her give up in the Couric interviews, you saw her think,
    "Why are you making this so hard Katie? Why aren't you just accepting my answers the way I want to answer them? I thought we were gonna talk about kids and being workin mom's? Why aren't you just happy for me that I made it here and just GIVE me this kind of power?"

    No, a great number of us regular American's can question Sarah's success because that is, for better or for worse, the American way.

  24. Anonymous6:02 PM

    Greta, you clawed your way to where you are today. You aren't a looker, you've had some work done, you have taken very harsh hits for not being as physically marketable a television personality as many Fox talking spokesmodels are. But you are brilliant, I respect your resume and accumen above any of your network colleagues.

    You went to school, you have multiple degree's, you write, you analyse, you earn your keep and your status as a contributer to the American discourse.

    You really are going to sit there an defend Sarah's television career? Any and all of 'em of Sarah's chosen career fancy?

  25. Anonymous6:41 PM

    Who would name their child Greta? Must of been an ugly A$$ child to be named Greta? Not much changed since then!

  26. appleton, WI4:39 PM

    Greta and hubby John Coale (who helped scarah form sarahpac) KNOW what they are doing. Greta sold out for the big bucks - it is VERY expensive to buy your way up the Scientology ladder. Van Suestren and Coale were big Hillary supporters, also, too. The thinking is that a woman, ANY woman, will be easy to manipulate (for Scientology's infiltration into our Federal govt.).
    Greta does whatever Roger Ailes (and Murdoch) tell her to do - sad, because Greta does not really believe the crap she has to spew.
    I await the day that Greta RUNS AWAY from Faux and writes a book - DO IT GRETA.


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