Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Sean Hannity does everything except write the answers on her hand for her in this "interview" with Sarah Palin.

Whenever I hear Sarah Palin talking about the "lies" the media tells about her, it always reminds me that everyday is opposite day with Sarah Palin.  The more she screams that somebody is lying the more confident you can be that they are indeed telling the uncomfortable truth.

You can see how she really worries that by telling these truths it will somehow "discredit" Time magazine. Which of course it will to the teabaggin, Fox News watching, Sarah Palin adoring simpletons that believe the President is a fascist and that the founding fathers were closet evangelicals. (By the way Sean Hannity is spreading something alright, but I have never heard it called a "message" before. Unless the message is "Don't step in it!")

At the end of this interview did the crazy, violence inciting failed Governor just accuse our President of being the one who is dividing this nation?  Surely I must have heard that wrong!

Like I said, everyday is opposite day with Sarah Palin!

You know of all of the Fox News giant talking heads, Sean Hannity might be the one that consistently helps Palin look her best.  He does not get testy and confront her on things she should, but does not know, like O'Reilly, or openly masturbate in front of her like Glenn Beck, but instead not only pitches her the softest of softball questions, but actually runs up to her, cradles her lovingly in his arms and helps her to hit it at least back to the pitcher's mound.

Even at Fox News Palin only connects well with a small portion of the demographic, Sean Hannity.


  1. GrainneKathleen5:39 AM

    i shouldn't look at "don't tread on me" rattlesnakes in the the grass in the morning. too too early.

  2. Anonymous5:58 AM

    Forget the softball questions, consider what Hannity throws out there equivalent to T-ball. She just can't lose when it comes to an "interview" with Sean.

    Sample: Isn't true Gov. Palin, that most of the country just loves you? Be honest here. Yes or no?

    Answer: Yes.

    It doesn't get much more embarrassing than this.

  3. mocha6:00 AM

    You can always tell when she's had professional hair and makeup compliments of FoxNews. You'd think she'd learn something. They even manage to keep her at one necklace. Sorry, but I can't watch the video. I am Palin'd out.

  4. Anonymous6:13 AM

    Looks like I just stepped in the same ol' stuff again. I'm not sure why a watched the video expecting something new. Peeeuuuuu!

  5. Anonymous6:25 AM

    Common sense tells me that Hannity and Palin fan the fire of being uneffective...

    So Hannity says Palin had a real job. LOL !!!!!

    You can hear it in their voices and the way they talk, they can't stand the president.

    LOL Palin says Obama divides our country. Again she lies and lies and lies and lies and lies and lies and lies and lies and lies and lies and lies and lies and lies and lies and lies and lies and lies and lies and lies and lies and lies and lies and lies and lies and lies and lies and lies and lies and lies and lies and lies and lies and lies and lies and lies and lies and lies and lies and lies and lies and lies and lies and lies and lies and lies and lies and lies and lies and lies....

    Note to Scarah Palin = I don't feel right standing next to you in a effort to move this country forward. Your too divisive and flat out stooooopid.

  6. Can't comment. Palin fatigue has set in . . . .. again.

  7. Anonymous6:29 AM

    All the interviews Scarah does on Faux News seems like they walk her thru it.

    Remember Scarah can't think on her own. She must be scripted and coached thru the whole interview.

    She is a total fake.

  8. Anonymous6:31 AM

    It looks like she's already in Texas awaiting her next gig tomorrow night in Austin. So I wonder when was she home last? I hope all the money is worth is in the end...

  9. Anonymous6:33 AM

    Here's the transcript from this show.,2933,591654,00.html

  10. mocha6:35 AM

    There is about 20% of Americans that will love Palin no matter what. They are the same 20% who are teabaggers, who are also the birthers, who simply oppose anything Pres Obama does. It's all one big, fat, white, sweaty group. Even JFK said that 1 in 5 people will oppose everything you try to do. Our present day "1 in 5" is the 20% who like Palin, teabag etc. And I don't think it's because they like Palin. They think Palin is in Obama's face. Stuck in junior high school all of them. I don't think Pres Obama pays much attention. In that interview when asked about what Palin said about Nucular arms reduction, the most telling thing was the way Obama started to wave his hand dismissively. He caught himself. He should have caught himself and stopped after saying he didn't have any comment. Instead, he couldn't help himself, and said she wasn't a nuclear expert. That validated Palin. I don't think he'll make that mistake again.

  11. Anonymous6:44 AM

    We are all one America just like the people I put into office in Wasilla and at the state level and all my cronies, we are all one white America.

  12. Anonymous6:53 AM

    She's George Walker Bush in a skirt. Cheney resides in her empty heart.

  13. frsbdg6:53 AM

    Shorter Palin: blah blah Obama bad blah blah blah bad Obama blah blah. Blah blah common-sense conservative blah blah Obama bad.

    I can think of nothing more insulting than having someone who probably has never read the constitution criticizing someone who has taught constitutional law.

  14. And political titty-dancer Sarah Palin has had a real job - making payroll and watching the bottom line? Sorry, Sarah, but strokin' with your husband's partner and destroying his business doesn't count as business experience unless you were getting paid for it.

  15. Anonymous7:11 AM

    Clicked, listend for a minute, stopped the video. Same bullshit, different day. She has nothing to say. Ever.

  16. Jennifer in Richmond7:20 AM

    Once again the victim. Hannity didn't mention that when President Obama "criticized" her it was in response to a question about Palin's criticism of HIM.
    She just rants on Facebook and at her teabagger rallies but God forbid that anyone answer her charges. It seems to me that the First amendment she is always whining about is the same one that allows Joe Klein or anyone else to criticize her.
    Hannity acts like it is absolutely astonishing that anyone would have anything to say about Palin despite the fact that all she does is fly around the county giving speeches bitching about the administration and the "lame stream media."
    I am so tired of her acting the victim. It's time for the rest of the media to stop treating her like a rock star and start holding her accountable for the shit she says.

  17. Anonymous7:43 AM

    You know, a lot of us keep complaining about how little time she spends with her family. Maybe her family is glad she is on the road so much. If she were my wife or mother, I'd be thrilled to have her gone most of the time, wouldn't you?

  18. Anonymous7:52 AM

    My brother in law was ranting yesterday about Obama dividing the country. Naturally, he gets his information from Faux News. It's the only news he watches. He seriously told me it was "fair and balanced". I said, "Don't believe the way they advertise themselves". Of course he believes everything Fox says and anything I say won't change it. I've tried.

  19. Anonymous7:58 AM

    Can't watch..
    Same old lame Palin BS..
    Palinbots only allow freedom of speech one way - theirs - otherwise they have to threaten people directly - Fascism led by a dimwit in a skirt..

  20. Enjay in E MT8:29 AM

    Wow - that was alot of 3 second sound bites in that Faux interview, most of which came from the 2008 campaign. McC should be very proud it only took her 19 months to get those talking points down.

    Queen of Quit is "being attacked for voicing her opinion as private citizen". Ayup, just like Jon Voight or Rushbo or Joe the Plumber if they are standing on a soapbox promoting violence & sedition.

    Yes, our debt should be dealt with - and will be if we continue with Democratic administration. Unfortunately, Reagan & Bush I & II - they are the fiscally conservatives that sent this country down this path. Giving tax cuts to the upper 5%, trickle down economics, more cuts during war....

    Poor S'arah - always the victim

  21. Anonymous8:29 AM

    She cracks me up. What a poser.

  22. Anonymous8:48 AM

    LOL Don't her listeners realize she just says the same exact generalizations over and over? I hardly even hear what she's trying to say and even I notice that.

  23. Anonymous9:19 AM

    Lordy, lordy, lordy...Sarah, honey, you better get down on your knees and pray for the Lord to forgive you.

  24. Tyroanee9:53 AM

    I watched... but this wasn't an interview, it was I tell you something and you agree repeat and rinse.
    Blah BLAH babble babble.
    People actually think this is news?


  26. Anonymous10:47 AM

    It is amusing to watch these Ailes-Burgers - pick which ones you want to add to your bun - sing their siren tunes to each other.... Hannratty seems to be so enamored with the Swag-Hag he may be masturbating under his desk as he chats her up...

    Over at the cluster farm you never know.....

  27. Anonymous12:15 PM

    She finally looks like the pretty, harmless Governor we elected from the Valley.

    Never thought I'd miss her trademark glasses and up-do.

    Stick with the simple look Sarah, only your wardrobe (voice and brain) needed the upgrade.

  28. Anonymous1:40 PM

    You know, when one drinks a little kool-aid and listens to the end of the interview.... it's almost believable. No wonder she has so many followers.
    Too bad she's ly-in out her AZZZZZZZZZ!!!!!
    The image of her at the campaign rally where the yoo-hoo's were screaming "ki_ll him", just standing there with that little smirk, haunts me to this day.

  29. She is a nitwit spewing nitwittery. It has made her wealthy. It is a strange strange world.

  30. Anonymous3:10 PM

    What the hell is with that ridiculous sweater thing she has on? Something she borrowed from her Mommy?

  31. Anonymous3:11 PM

    @Just a Mote - "She is a nitwit spewing nitwittery." That deserves a gold star! I applaud you!!!!!!

  32. I can't listen to her. All I know is every time I see her since her cosmetic work and with all the Botox, I think she needs to get a refund. Over done, honey. Way over done.

  33. Anonymous8:46 PM

    "Spill here, Spill now." "Spill, Baby, Spill." You betcha!

    Rear Adm. Mary Landry said that 5,000 barrels a day was now estimated to be leaking, five times the previous estimate of 1,000 barrels.

    So, Sarah, how's that tarry, scummy stuff workin' for ya now?

  34. Anne In DC8:11 AM

    Every time Keith Olbermann shows her uttering another idiocy, I just think to myself: Why can't you ignore this fool, since nothing she says makes any sense? That's true even when a fellow bottom feeder like Hannity coaches her. There is nothing anyone can do that would help her to make a logical argument about anything, regardless of coaching.

    Everything President Obama says, she has to say something in opposition regardless of how illogical, ignorant, and idiotic it sounds. Her remarks about Obama's "racial profiling," coming from a bona fide bigot--as well as the Louisiana oil spill that serves as a mockery of her mantra of "drill,baby, drill"--only underscore her block-headed stupidity and that of her faithful followers who are nothing but non-thinking sheep who bleat out the same old stale hard-right talking points.


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