Wednesday, April 14, 2010

What if you threw a party and nobody came? Republicans avoiding Sarah Palin's Boston Tea Party like the plague!

From the Boston Globe:

The GOP’s big names are skipping today’s Tea Party rally. Charlie Baker, the leading Republican candidate for governor, has a, um, scheduling conflict. Ditto state Senator Richard Tisei, his running mate.

Nor will you see US Senator Scott Brown, who, to hear the talk-radio types tell it, pretty much owes his election to the Tea Partiers. Count me as dubious about that. I was out on the campaign trail the weekend before the election, and I didn’t see much evidence of The Tea Party at Brown’s events. Of course, those same attention-craving talk-radio types remind me of the opportunistic 19th century French politician who, hearing a noisy crowd nearby, supposedly declared: “There goes the mob. I am their leader. I must follow them.’’

But don’t take the snub personally, folks. It’s not so much you as it is the headliner. To succeed as a Republican in Massachusetts, a politician needs broad appeal, and rubbing shoulders with Sarah Palin simply isn’t going to confer that.

“Being associated with Palin is a political anchor around the neck of any Republican who wants to win in Massachusetts,’’ says one Republican strategist. “The image of her is that she is not too smart, a little kooky, and way too conservative.’’

This is exactly what I and many others predicted would happen to Palin in the long run.

She may be popular in certain circles but those circles tend to eat paint chips and have conversations with the voices in their heads. Not exactly the crowd that a serious politician wants to attract.

I believe we are witnessing the beginning of the end of the Sarah Palin phenomena.  Now all that is left is to reveal all her scandalous little secrets and to see her indicted on federal charges (and yes I understand that is still coming).  After that we can finally put the unsavory story of Sarah Palin from Wasilla behind us forever.

Won't THAT be nice?


  1. To quote Sue Sylvester from last night's Glee: "You may be two of the stupidest teens I've ever encountered. And that's saying something -- I once taught a cheerleading seminar to a young Sarah Palin."

  2. Anonymous7:39 AM

    Do you really think that some top Repubs missing will affect her that much considering that there are supposed to be thousands of "fans,"

    I wonder if she is really in this spree to attain credibility or for the spotlight. If the spotlight, then we may have to wait until the crowds themselves wither away and the shackles clank shut around her wrists.

    Even then, a trial would mean spotlights, wall-to-wall coverage of the Event and Ms. Sarah would probably none the sadder (unless her wigs and makeup were taken away - then we'd see a sorry Sarah, sorry for her own lonesome self).

    All that said, I would prefer your instincts on this over my concerns.

  3. Anonymous7:42 AM

    To Anonymous 7:36, at least those 1,500 attendees to President Obama's appearance were probably educated and gainfully employed - not on the government dole they say they despise.

    People show up to hear President Obama. People show up to see Palin - big difference.

  4. she's a fraud, folks7:53 AM

    re: Indictment

    That may explain why Palin's legal defense fund - AFT - is still active and accepting donations. She knows that her $12 million may not be enough to cover the costs that may yet be coming.

  5. @Anonymous at 7:39 am
    I think most of those "fans" on her Facebook page are fake accounts that the Palin camp set up. I know of 4 people personally that are on her Facebook list, but thats it.

  6. Thanks for posting this Gryphen and the link to the Boston Globe. I loved Scott Lehigh's comment that he hopes someday a Palin scholar would translate her rambling answer to Couric on "Putin's head rearing and national security" into English! Someone on HuffPo commented within the last couple of days about anything to do with Mrs. Palin ALWAYS ends up controversial. Yeah, we've been saying that for a long, long time. And I just loved KO's comment last night on Mrs. Palin's demand for bendable straws should she get the opportunity to shriek at CSU.

  7. ManxMamma8:19 AM

    Anon @7:36 The last time President Obama was in Boston was 4/1/2010. He came to attend two fundraisers but also took time to visit the MEMA center where response to the flooding caused by devasting torrential rains was being coordinated.

    BTW $arah may have had about 3,000 in the crowd today - a beautiful, sunny spring day in Boston.

  8. Observation of C4P: They run a competition void of context, roles and professional duties between Palin and the POTUS. Their standard measure is to keep score how many people Palin spoke to versus Obama and repeat the POTUS's speech "was free" and Paling got xxx$$$ ha ha...insinuating Palin/we win..haha..Obama/the opponents are the losers. In the microcosom of C4P the world in black and white where they "win" so you "lose".
    Palin and her ardent adoring supporters are concrete thinkers limited to contrast extremes e.g. Palin got $$$$ and the President of the USA "spoke for free" so Palin is better/superior/winner/inferior. therefore Obama is a failure/loser.

    When Obama spoke to factory workers in Charlotte where they work the C4P took that as more proof of their game they alone play of another haha..the POTUS only spoke to hundreds..Sarah got paid mega bucks...x number of people came..blah blah.

    While our POTUS is running the country, the leader of a team addressing domestic and international issues seeking resolution, the end of two wars etc. Palin is running her her "poor man's teleprompter. Heh..context or responsiblity, appropriateness and principals do not matter in Palin land which is similar to the land of OZ.

    Considering troll comments e.g. verbal garbage alleging people who do not support Palin are "losers/know nothing and we probably have only served french fries through a window"...I rest my case.

  9. she's a fraud@7:53 and anyone else-

    I'm just wondering out loud here- What, exactly, do you think our girl, Quittypants, could be indicted for? I mean something that would really stick. Specifically---

  10. Anonymous8:37 AM

    L O S E R.....

  11. Anonymous8:40 AM

    Speaking of indictments, stick around:

    On Tuesday, students from the school revealed that they found documents related to the agreement in a dumpster behind an administration building on campus.

    A university vice president told ABC News that she believes a version of the agreement made public by university students Tuesday may have been stolen.

    "We believe, and campus police are investigating, that someone broke into my office and stole the document from my recycling bin," Susana Gajic-Bruyea said in an email to ABC News.

  12. Anonymous9:07 AM

    In Palin's itty bitty brain, this won't affect her or the GOP at all, 'cause it's not like the East Coast is part of the "Real America" anyways.

    BTW, that picture of her nasty mug, pretty much says it all, doesn't it?

  13. Anonymous9:07 AM

    From what I understand, Ms. Sarah's
    task is to suck the T-folks back into to the repub. sheeple pen. She doesn't give a rat's tail about the
    teabaggers & proved it when she openly
    dissed 2 of their candidates to shill
    for 'good hair' in TX, & that 'old man' in AZ. She is a highly paid,
    globalist - big repubs are all tied
    in to globalist agendas - fraud. Google, kissinger & sarah, & see what you get. Alex Jones, Henry Macow, Jeff
    Rense & others have exposed what she's about & the info. is there if anyone wants to see it.

    OT: Read in the adn comments section
    that the Todder has 'security,' while
    at the articman event this past weekend. He needed security at a
    smowmachine event??

    Sharon TN

  14. Anonymous10:19 AM

    Check out Newsweek April 19,2010 pages 44-47. Hate, by Evan Thomas and Eve Conant. paylin is pictured right up there with Huey Long, Father Coughlin, and Beck. A map of paylin's targets who voted for Health Reform, and her screeches to the goons to not retreat, but reload. This information should be headlines daily, instead of how much she has made since quitting her job her husband ran. No wonder any self respecting Repub wants to stay clear of this person who lacks a soul.

  15. Anonymous11:26 AM

    the last section of the contract was "stolen" good one! hahaha - the cover up begins.

    the papers found were partially shredded and pieced together.

    Besides, the point is the University claimed there was no contract.

    They must lie ALL the time.

  16. Anonymous11:46 AM

    Baloney. The PDFs posted on line are clear and complete, not reconstructed from shredded docs.

    The group promoting the event never claimed there was no contract, just that they couldn't make it public. See Page 7.

    Since this doc is now public, the students who stole it are going to be charged with breaking and entering, theft as well as liable to civil actions by WSB for revealing the terms.

  17. Anonymous12:35 PM

    She will be indicted for insurance fraud, for faking a birth. Then the rest will just dog pile! That is when the party starts.

  18. Sharon - FL12:35 PM

    To Anonymous @ 11:46
    I hope those students aren't arrested or charged with anything...I mean, it's not like they broke into the office, ruined doors, got drunk, had sex, ruined floors, trashed the place, yaknow what I'ma talking about? But hey, maybe there's a couple of boys they can blame it on. Anyhoo, kids will be kids, don'tcha know.

  19. Anonymous1:07 PM

    It is just possible that Republicans have realized that they have gotten all they can out of the baggers. The Baggers will not vote for a Democrat, Independant, or Green Party and they can't win unless they attract the majority of the Independants, most of whome find the Anti-American baggers offensive.

    So between now and the fall election they need to create a better balanced approach.
    Too bad there is video of them all parroting the baggers fight songs.

  20. Anonymous1:09 PM

    Ratfish said...
    Palin is on the "Bridge to Nowhere."

    Also Thyphoid Sarah. She spreads a deadly disease to others, even though she is immune. She is a carrier of bad things.

  21. Anonymous10:47 PM

    I firmly believe that as time goes by, more and more Republicans will realize that Palin and her ilk are bad news for the GOP. Calling her a little kooky is a gross understatement of her ignorance and her divorcement from reality.

    It is clear that she nurses a strong hatred for, and obsession with, our current president. Why else would she expend so much time and energy trying to undermine his presidency? In addition to her intellectual limitations and her hate-filled rants, she is also a sore loser. Brown, among others, realizes she is bad news. He also knows that Massachusetts is a state where Palin is decidedly unpopular, and he cannot win an election with that albatross around his neck.


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It just goes directly to their thighs.