Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Alaskans are so over Palin that not ONE of them has donated to SarahPAC so far in 2010!

From TPM:

Sarah Palin may be uber-popular among the conservative base, her endorsement highly sought after by mid-level candidates -- but she's not doing so well among her fellow Alaskans.

Not one Alaska resident donated to Palin's "SarahPAC" in the first quarter of 2010, according to FEC reports. In the second half of 2009, only 33 donations -- out of some 2,000 totaling $1.4 million -- came from her home state. In the first half of the year, it was 29.

To be fair Alaskans have been exposed to Sarah for much longer than the other people in America. 

At this point we are just waiting for the rest of you to catch up.

Of course NOBODY is as fed up with Sarah and her bullshit as the people who are unlucky enough to live in the Silla with her.

"She took an oath, and she broke it," growled lifetime Wasilla man Jeff Laub, 51, gripping a Miller in his left hand as he leaned against a wall in the Mug-Shot. "Anyone who puts her hand on the Bible and swears an oath ought to keep it. That's that. "She's not getting my vote again."

"She's not even an Alaskan any more," said Wasillan Gerald Rexrode, 69. "She belongs to everyone now. She cashed in her chips and ran.

So much for the myth of Sarah Palin's popularity in Alaska.  Like everything else about her it was a complete fabrication.


  1. ManxMamma2:37 AM

    This certainly speaks volumes!

  2. Anonymous3:07 AM

    Wow - about time! Congratulations Alaska!

  3. Anonymous3:38 AM

    Too bad, though, that Alaskans didn't see through her earlier...and leave her on her ass in Wasilla. Remember, when McCrook picked her as his VP choice, her approval rate was at 80% in AK. Didn't Alaskans learn anything until the lower 48 REALLY started vetting her?

  4. We all agree that SP is a hillbilly loser. Who cares? She is a footnote to history.


    Along more interesting and important lines - actually I was looking at the NY Times this morning

    and wondering if you were still ranting about the Tea Party and calling them inconsequential wingnuts. Tell that to Arlen Specter and Rand Paul. That's five down so far - just in the primaries.

    One of the biggest problems in America is the extremely low-level education of the average citizen - especially about world history. I won't get into the teachers' union problem - that's another topic - but suffice it to say that when the Tea Party comes up in conversation, those of us with a decent education - graybeards, we like to call ourselves - immediately think of the Nazis.

    At the end of WWI, the Germans were severely abused by the treaty at Versailles; the terms were extremely punitive and Germany reduced to almost a slave state as the "winners" piled on more demands.

    As German resentment inevitably grew, a little corporal from Austria started his own "Tea Party" movement. They were ridiculed, laughed at - some were even jailed for a time - "Mein Kampf" I believe was the corporal's account.

    Of course the smarty-pants in Germany just went around telling everyone how smart THEY were and how dumb the National Socialists were, but all the time the Nazis were gaining power under the radar.

    We all know how this story turns out.

    I repeat - it is a mistake to ridicule these people. They are tapping into a resentment that has more power than you imagine (and as an aside, there are many - I for one - who think they have a point). Calling them "stupid" or "wingnuts" has no effect but to harden their resolve and make them sympathetic characters. They want the same thing you want - respect and consideration. Abuse them at your own peril, for they will destroy everything you hold dear.

    Count on it, Gryphen - I've seen it before.


  5. Anonymous3:58 AM

    Not even her dad or sister??

  6. Anonymous4:05 AM

    Anyone notice this over at Syrin's blog?

    Syrin from Wasilla wrote: 4 hours ago ReplyFYI....People are finally talking around here!!! This week has brought to light for me a confirmation from two seperate people that Bristol indeed has been pregnant twice.... Thats all I'm sayin for now

  7. Anonymous4:47 AM

    Re: teaparty. Total GOP vote in KY was 100,000 less than the DEM vote, so wingnuts may have voted for Paul, more dems voted now and that does not bode well for Paul in the fall.

    Spector was not felled by teabaggers.

    But nice try!

  8. Anonymous4:48 AM

    anon 4:05: I had a feeling that kids in Wasilla would be a bit peeved over Bristol's money-making on lies and might just want to bring down her house of cards. And mom's house of cards will be collateral damage.

  9. Anonymous4:55 AM

    May be now the people from Wasilla and the rest of Alaska will start telling the world:

    1. The evil things the Palins did to other people.

    2. How Sarah slimed and scratched her way to the top?

    3. How she faked her way into office.

    4. How Sarah robbed the taxpayers of Alaska.

  10. Anonymous4:55 AM

    Did anybody catch Joy Behar last night she had a tea bag lady on that said the tea baggers were fiscal conservatives and not really interested in social issues, which i believe was a lie, yet Rand Paul this morning said social issues were important to the tea baggers. Joy really ranted on Sarah Palin, but the tea bagger lady would have none of it, she obviously hasn't studied the issue very thoroughly.

  11. mocha5:11 AM

    "Tell that to Arlen Specter "

    What utter nonsense. The Tea Party had nothing to do with Arlen Specter's loss. Arlen Specter wasn't running against a Tea Party candidate. He is a Democrat and his challenger is a progressive Democrat. In the Kentucky Senate primary, twice as many people voted Democratic as voted in the Republican side of the primary. The two Democratic primary candidates for the Senate seat in KY each had more votes than Rand Paul. Rand Paul will have to dump the Tea Party and move to the center well before the Nov election if he hopes to win against the Democrat. You really should read a paper or watch something other than FoxNews occasionally.

  12. angela5:18 AM

    I agree with you Greybeard that tea baggers should be taken seriously,
    but they should also be mocked. They are coming from a place of hate and I've been on the end of that kind of hate. Having a black president unhinged them. But a black president was ELECTED.

    Specter wasn't beaten out by a tea bagger and the democrats in Kentucky had over 100,000 more voters in their primary than the republicans. Rand Paul is wacky. But that's okay. I have faith in the electorate not to let these angry people take over the place. Vigilance and mocking can be dual weapons. The loudest doesn't necessarily mean the strongest.

  13. mocha5:27 AM

    As far as no Alaskans contributing to SarahPAC - isn't that classic grifter behavior? Suck the well dry in one place and then move on to the next, confident that the story of picking clean the last place won't arrive in the new place until the picking is well underway there because the ones who were scammed before are too embarrassed/shocked/stunned to talk about it. Please, don't wait for the rest of us to catch up, Gryphen. Continue trying to do your best to get the story of Palin's grifter ways out to future victims. There is still a lot you and your fellow Alaskans can do to stop the grifter granny.

  14. London Bridges5:34 AM

    Is Bristol worth it? From a greed standpoint, the answer is YES!

  15. Anonymous5:38 AM

    Thank you 4:47 AM. Not everyone in Ky. is a bagger.

  16. Anonymous5:48 AM

    account of Hickels memorial:

    "Todd, Sarah and Piper attended Wally Hickel's funeral last night here in Anchorage. I noticed that Frank and Lisa M, Sen Begich. Mayor Sullivan and other dignitaries sat up front but the Palins unobtrusively sat at the back of the room - many of the guests probably didn't know they were there.

    I have heard that Sarah and Wally were in contact last fall and had a reconciliation of sorts. I know Wally still thought that she had not done as he wished to some extent - but that's life."

  17. Anonymous5:50 AM

    Oh, yeah, teabnaggers are large and in charge...just tell that to NEWLY ELECTED Rep. Mark Critiz...Oh, and what about that guy in Palm Beach who was supposed to be the Republicans' big upset a month ago, and who won with 62 percent of the vote...Rand's victory is an embarrassment to embarrassment, and I wonder what he's thinking today...probably nothing, probably just reading his spin memo from Frank Lutz and counting all that corporate, pro-Wall Street PAC funds...

    The other problem with your theory is that the Nazis succeeded because people stopped ridiculing them and started taking them seriously...Only scared GOPers are going to let the teabaggers bully them around. The Dems are going to scoff all the way to November victory. Your side has elected some weirdos...and now that has to play out.

    Like, I wonder how popular Rand's going to be when people find out that his campaign manager thinks the government caused and/or was complicit in 9/11...Yeah...Sooner or later, he's going to get called on his "I'm just a fiscal conservative Reagan Guy" act and show the world what a NUTCASE WINGNUT weirdo he is and he's gonna get WHOMPED...

  18. Anonymous6:11 AM

    You have a lot of unfinished business with Palin. Please take care of it - don't just let her escape to another state.

  19. Privacy Advocate6:59 AM

    In Alaska our state capital is cut off from the rest of our state, you have to fly or boat in. That being said, we have very limited media that covers our capitals political news, before our bloggers came online we were force fed politics that the Alaska media deemed necessary to promote the political landscape they wished to perpetuate, oil money ,drill baby, drill.
    I just happened to find out about Trooper Gate a month or two before McC announced sahah as vp running mate, because I was looking for a link at our state website on the FOIA which had been removed, I was hoping there might be a Google cache of it and my search brought to some FOIA requests about trooper gate.
    Palin had it easy here keeping the general public in the dark as she ran her shadow Government from the states meth capital Wasilla.

  20. Anonymous7:14 AM

    Palin has burned her bridges in Alaska. As Geoffrey Dunn said, the rest of the country is two years behind Alaskans knowing the truth about her. Thanks to the dedication of those on the blogosphere helping to accelerate the real truth about Palin.

  21. emrysa7:14 AM

    hahahaa, I predict the ol' pac is going to get a reality check this year. and of course sarah will blame whatever fundraising firm she's hired, rather than see the truth that she doesn't have as many fans as she thinks she has.

    another prediction: sarah's book tour this year will turn into some kind of traveling revival in order to draw crowds. a 'patriotic' dumb-fest for the vacant. you watch... they can't have her going out on her own this year because she won't get as many people, and they can't have that kind of embarrassment.


    Thank you one and all brave souls who come forward and speak truth to power. You are what can make Alaska great.

    Sarah Palin does not listen to anyone but please someone try to explain to her that she is from her states most populated metro area (Fairbanks #2 and Juneau #3). The tiny burg of Wasilla, Alaska, part of the Anchorage Metro Area (population is 362,340 people). 2009 estimate Alaska population 698,473. They have trees and pockets of wooded areas with modern phone service. How many people live in a metro area with half of their states population and pretend to be a backwoods hick?

    "When Sarah came back from Washington she was disinterested, distracted and disengaged," he said. "She wouldn't show up for meetings, so Todd (Palin, her husband) ran them. He was gracious, but he ran the show."

  23. Anonymous3:17 PM

    33 Alaskan donations out of 2,000 total.
    700,000 people live in Alaska, 310 million in the US.

    Just about the same ratio.

  24. Anonymous3:30 PM

    So, Gryph, does this "...only 33 donations -- out of some 2,000 totaling $1.4 million -- came from her home state. In the first half of the year, it was 29." mean that any donations from AK came from corporations, rather than individual residents?

  25. Anonymous4:00 PM

    Thank you Jeff Laub and Gerald Rexrode for going on the record about being against Palin! Wish that all the residents who "know things" about her would mosey on down to the Mug-Shot, have a cold one and just tell it like it is (or like it was).

  26. Anonymous6:58 PM

    SarahPac so far has only 23 donors for the year 2010. Again..none from Alaska.

  27. Anonymous12:07 AM

    Unfortunately... 33 donations multiplied by 50 states put Alaskans on-par or slightly below... The average would be 40 donations per state. (2000 divided by 50)

    I just wish people all over would wake up to this BS. >.<

  28. Anonymous6:44 AM

    If you look at SarahPac yourself you can see NOT ONE Alaskan I was checking it out when it became available that was the first thing I noticed, the second was how most of the $$ are spent on herself....

  29. Anonymous11:39 AM

    Again, I ask:
    33 donations and 29 donations.............were they from individuals or corporations??????


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