Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Bristol Palin, glamour model?

I literally have NO idea what Bristol Palin and the people at Bazaar are trying to sell with these photos.
Are they saying that raising a toddler is glamorous and that EVERY teen should try it?

Is the message that mothers don't need no stinking dads around telling them how to raise their babies or that they shouldn't make cookies or feed their children while wearing evening gowns?

Or is the whole thing just a big FU to Levi and another reminder that the Palin's can make money off of their children all that they want and he can't even get two days in a row with his son? 

Well if this quote from People magazine is any indication I am going to choose the latter.

"He is a stranger to me," Palin tells Harper's Bazaar for its June/July issue about her former fiancĂ© – whose public behavior, including posing for Playgirl, she claims to ignore.

Well THAT is a delightful quote for little Tripp to read someday.  You know maybe he is a stranger because Bristol often refuses to take his calls or let him know how Tripp is doing?   Think that might have anything to do with it?

So it looks like Bristol really IS going into the family business.  No, not politics.  The business of using her baby in order to gain fame, money, and support.  Sarah started it by producing, through means as yet unknown, the pro-life poster child Trig Paxson Van Palin and using him to clinch the VP nomination and promote herself as the anti-abortion Madonna.

Now here comes mommy's little girl Bristol, using her own angelic little boy to get magazine work, speaking gigs, and  oceans of unearned sympathy.

You know I wonder what message THIS sends to troubled fifteen year old Willow?   

Or perhaps she is perfectly happy with the crumbs thrown her way by her big sister.


  1. the message is look how far you can go when the condom breaks.

  2. The antics of this family just get weirder and weirder every day.

  3. Anonymous6:46 AM

    This is tasteless. I wonder what the Candies Foundation is thinking because this undermines the message it is paying her to promote.

    Does no one in the Palin family think beyond the tip of their nose? Do they understand even the basics of integrity and social responsibility?

    I sincerely hope the Palins are not representative of the type of people who live in Wasilla.

  4. Anonymous6:49 AM

    If I recall, they didn't use protection very often according to one of Levi's interviews.

    My, my, what a role model for teens Bristol is becoming - all the wayward girls who want a path to fame and glory.

  5. Anonymous6:49 AM

    Willow is the real beauty of the family.

  6. Anonymous6:49 AM

    Good to see Bristol, Willow and Track have a condo to party in.

    It may cut down on B&E stats for the local area.

  7. Anonymous6:56 AM

    It looks like her face has been photo shopped onto someone else's body. She is a chunky monkey now.

    Gryphen, what's happening with Levi? There has been an ominous silence surrounding him. Where are Tank and Rex? Is Levi still involved with them?

  8. Anonymous7:01 AM

    The message is that fundie women are raised to obey. Their bodies are to be used. Their minds are to be small and heard from as little as possible.

    The message is women are OBJECTS.

  9. emrysa7:05 AM


    this particular picture, gryphen, reminds me of the old advertisements of how the "wife" is all glamorous when she's cooking and cleaning for her man. WTF is the message here? and palin let her underage daughter in on this gig? so she'll allow her underage daughter to dress like some magazine model and then complain when people bring up her kids? fucking psycho. totally. the clock is ticking on that family, for sure. every day brings a new joke.


  10. Anonymous7:05 AM

    16 year old girl in evening gown in kitchen.

    The message is CFM, anyone.

  11. Ferry Fey7:10 AM

    Given that Palin women have some problems around the "one in the oven" issue, that's probably a bad place to be holding a bowl of batter, Willow.

  12. Anonymous7:14 AM

    Wow, what a fool I've been- with all my hard work, studying, undergraduate and graduate degrees, and good job and I'm in a rented apartment with a used Subaru in the driveway. If only I had been less responsible and gotten knocked up in high school, I could be livin' the glamorous life servin' tea in a designer gown in my own condo! What a great role model- brilliant message Bristol. I'm sure your son will love seeing how you've exploited him when he's old enough to understand.

  13. Anonymous7:15 AM

    I for one would LOVE to see Bristol try and speak to impoverished inner-city single mothers about the woes of child rearing. "What, doesn't everyone have a millionaire media whore mother who pays for diapers nanny services?"

    Get lost, Bristol.

  14. Anonymous7:15 AM

    Wow, look at how luxurious and comfortable the single mother lifestyle is!
    F**k abstinence!!

  15. Just wondering if the magnets on the fridge are where Quittypants gets her word salad.

    And also, too...don't all women dress in designer dresses to bake cookies? The rubber gloves gives the girl a 'common' touch, don't you think?

    The photos look like something out of the Stepford Wives.


  16. Anonymous7:22 AM

    They so photoshopped those pictures of Bristol. She is much, much fatter than this. And despite it all she still looks homely, especially in that top photo. And silly. Who cooks and feeds their baby in their eveningwear?

    Where was Vanity Fair's head? No one who reads that magazine wants to look at the Wasilla Hillbillies.

  17. Anonymous7:22 AM

    Posing in the kitchen in evening gowns, huh? a)This is an ad for the local dry cleaner.
    b)Or a message from Queen Sarah to us commoners and that message is "Let them eat cake". (Since $carah is ignorant, she is probably unaware that Marie Antonette utter this statement on the way to have her head chopped off.

  18. Anonymous7:33 AM

    Wow pretty soon there will be no more magazine or tv stations that I will buy, read or watch. WTF did she do to get interviews, photo shoots, speaking engagement, and articles in magazine? She disobeyed her churches teachings and spread her legs wide open. How many girls are thinking wow all I have to do is lie on my fucking back for a few minutes and I may get on tv or be like Bristol. STFU Bristol!!!!!

  19. Anonymous7:37 AM

    MAJOR photoshopping on Bristol's figure. This was taken six weeks ago and she was still pretty huge then. Either that or they used a body model.

  20. laprofesora7:48 AM

    This is in extremely bad taste. The 'bots are going to have a hard time justifying "they're just like me" when these fools are in the kitchen in formal wear. The Paylins have hit "fast forward" on their 15 minutes with stupidity like this.

  21. Anonymous7:51 AM

    I wonder what the designers had to say about this hillbilly skank and her skank-in-training sis wearing their clothes. I don't think 'strugglin' (ha!) unwed, woefully uneducated teen mom and juvenile delinquent are exactly who Isaac Mizrahi and Caroline Herrera are marketing to.

  22. Anonymous7:52 AM

    That was my first reaction, photoshop! And, posing in your kitchen in an evening gown is so 195o's.

    The real message that Bristol is sending is how glamorous it is to have a baby (wipe his face), a designer kitchen with gourmet sweets. Bristol's message is to have sex, get a baby, condo, SUV and make Levi pay through the nose.

    Speaking of Levi, I think that he needs a sharp lawyer to go to court with these pictures. Bristol's argument was that she should have custody of Tripp because Levi would exploit him for commercial purposes.

    How come Piper isn't in some evening gown? I bet that she wants to go to the party, too!

  23. Anonymous7:55 AM

    I can't recall another family as attention-seeking as the Palins. This is so crass. And hypocritical. If you want privacy, you need to act like you want it, not screech about it but then thrust yourself in front of cameras and into cyberspace.

  24. Anonymous7:58 AM

    I love how BristHole has so much trash to talk about Pres. Obama when she probably couldn't beat one of his young daughters in a spelling bee.

    Also, too, I recall the Hole saying something about not wanting Levi to exploit their spawn, so how come it's ok for her to have him all in magazines every couple of months while she reiterates her same tired, bs struggling teen mom story? There was no reason for that kid to be included in this spread, but hey, if there was no Tripp, we wouldn't be hearing about the Hole.

    The downfall of these pieces of sh*t can't come soon enough. I keep comparing them to former 'It' girl Paris Hilton -- for the longest time,her antics were being shoved down people's throats -- now, we barely hear anything about her. Take note Palins, the fame's not going to last forever and you'll all be bitter, broke slobs sniping at each other in five years (then the truth probably will come out as they try to outdo each other's tell-all books.)

    It's going to be sweeeet!

  25. Anonymous8:05 AM

    Oh yes, isn't Bristol the role model and perfect example for our country's "first daughter"? LOL

  26. Anonymous8:05 AM

    Photoshopping at its best. Willow is only slightly
    more attractive, & neither are model material. You can put a big flowing mop of hair on a boomstick &
    create the illusion 'glamour.' Tripp of course, having the benefit of Levi's gene pool is absolutely adorable. Pleeeeeeese Levi, fight for joint custody of that lil' man!

    OT: ADN comments re Sarah's rant about Joe McGinniss
    are amazing. Overwhelmingly anti-Palin!

    Sharon TN

  27. Anonymous8:11 AM

    Weird. First shot appeared to be an ad for cakes and maybe the dress. Second shot? Weird.

  28. womanwithsardinecan8:11 AM

    Looks like the aim of the photo shoot is some cutesy satire about the "glamorous" life of a teenage single mom. Of course, the satire would be more effective if they used a real teenage single mom with real teenage single mom issues. Not somebody whose sole insight is that being a mom means you can't hang out with your friends. She could have learned that in a sex education class. Oh wait...

  29. Anonymous8:13 AM

    A couple of things, also, too.

    She thinks the media is making up lies and reporting rumors about her family, but she doesn't give specifics.

    She also thinks her mom should run for president. Again, no specifics. Is it because she thinks her mom has so many good ideas such as picking fights with cartoon characters, taking pictures of a writer next door, going after Wooten, lying about selling a plane on Ebay, this psychotic photo shoot, etc., etc., etc.

    Sorry Bris, maybe when she grows up a little more she can run for head rat catcher. President though, that's too much like work and you know your family is allergic to that!

  30. womanwithsardinecan8:20 AM

    There are so many talented, caring people in this world, out there doing good things for others, struggling to put their kids through college, caring for aging parents, helping the homeless,researching deadly diseases, mentoring, volunteering, you name it. And then there are the Palins and the rest of the talentless "reality" celebs who make money and garner attention from being sparkly neon trainwrecks. We as a society made these people. What have we done?

  31. Anonymous8:20 AM

    The Palins are digusting. I think their attitude is an FU to everyone.

  32. Ratfish8:24 AM

    Get out the barf bag before reading the article!

    And once again Sarah Palin can not stay away when her daughter is being interviewed.

    Too bad Bristol is turning out to be as negative and nasty as her mother. She used to be a nice young woman.

  33. Anonymous8:26 AM

    It is an FU to the tea party by the people at Harpers. I mean Bristol is having a tea party there wearing $ 100,000 in clothes and accessories. Isn't that what all tea party "common sense fiscal conservatives do ?"

    What crap honestly --- Is anyone sick to death of hearing about this family yet?? If Palin is running for President, this is hardly the way to go about it. It looks to me like it is all about the money. Her supporters can't see that because they are a bit slow, but come on.....

  34. Enjay in E MT8:27 AM

    Everyone is wonderful today with the comments - glad I have a private office to giggle in.

    Is that really Willow holding the batter? Wow, she has grown up. I just don't recall Bistol being that tall.

    Perhaps this is another slam, only to the First Lady who promotes healthy foods. Look at all those cakes & cookies...

  35. In the article BPs account of getting pregs with Tripp is completely at odds with Mercede's claim that BP and Levi were trying to have a baby...which I also find hard to believe. They're all really serious liars. All of them. It's beyond lying, it's complete lack of understanding of what truth is. Is it Wasilla? Some drug they're all taking? Disgusting.

  36. I will never buy another copy of "Harper's Bazaar" again. This is disgusting. With all of the intelligent, talented and accomplished young women out there why focus on these two? Let's face it. We live in a country where women of substance are swept aside for any tabloid-ready trash.

  37. Not to worry about Piper, following in the footsteps of her mom, she is busy setting up her own "CHARITABLE" foundation..... collecting $$$$$ for the WIDOW of the "UNKNOWN SOLDIER".

    Anyone taking bets on when Bristol or someone will LEAK information about a secret wedding to her "roomie" followed by a short pregnancy and a 9 1/2 pound premie.

    Of coursr NO marriage license or birth certificate will ever see the light of day !!!

  38. Anonymous8:33 AM

    Ooo! Looks Mrs. Paylin has taken up high fashion photography! (Gag!) I wonder how much she had to pay to get somebody to publish her daughters pictures????

  39. SixFeetTall8:38 AM

    First picture of BP- it couldn't possibly be her. Look at the height of the window sill. What's your guess? 36 inches? Isn't that body+head approximately twice that? If so, that would make BP 6 feet tall- give or take.

  40. Anonymous8:44 AM

    Willow's picture is pornographic - fertile virgin in kitchen ready to tend to a male's EVERY need.

  41. Anonymous8:48 AM

    Gryph: did Levi find out that he is not the bio father of Tripp? Why is he not lobbying a judge to see him? Why are they letting the Palin's get away with saying he is an absentee father who contributes nothing?

    Something is going on OR Levi doesn't care about his son.

  42. Anonymous8:52 AM

    Yes Bristol, this is how the public needs to view you.

    Fits with the image of one who tried to start a "let's get preggo" pact in junior high.

    Good God Bristol, your message is skewed, no matter what you spew.

    On a positive note, your mommy & daddies hands off parenting style, means you got plently of caretaker experience.

  43. Anonymous8:52 AM

    Huffington Post refers to this as a "Tea Party" maybe so. but I bet Mommy Grifter PAID them to run the spread .... just like she bought up her own books....and directed the photo shoot.

  44. its so gross the way they must always exploit their children. Shakerspear would say 'they doth protest too much.' no really, I'm a good parent, seriously look at me, please believe me.

  45. laprofesora8:56 AM

    The ultimate irony is that after their fake cries of wanting privacy, when the sh*t does hit the fan, the Paylins themselves will be scrambling to write tell-all books and cash in one last time. Scum. I wonder which one will be the first to pose for Playboy?

  46. Anonymous8:59 AM

    What heck is going on with Levi allowing this to happen with his child?? His silence speaks volumes...who's paying who, is Tripp really his child or is he just a cover-up for Bristol pregnancy. I'm wondering if the whole Johnston family hasn't been duped into thinking Tripp is Levi's baby.....NO REAL FATHER would stand for this.

  47. Anonymous8:59 AM

    This looks like a 1950s Betty Crocker ad. When will people stop buying this junk?

  48. FEDUP!!!8:59 AM

    So, in the first shot, she is parading a cornucopia of expensive designer cakes - which the second shot implies *she* baked - and a grungy looking Tripp in jeans with a smeared face and NO socks on (what's with that anyway with the Paylins???), while she herself is pouring some hot coffee or tea out of a silver coffee pot in very proximity of the toddler (I *always* would pour hot liquids right near and above the head of my toddler... NOT!!!). Talking about potential disaster waiting to happen there!

    Bri$tol is trying to convey the image of an unwed teen mother that barely got a high school diploma, and only because of her infamous bully of a famewhore mother? Sure is the right way to , Bri$tol! ALL unwed teen mothers can afford the expensive condo you live in, with the nice designer clothes for wearing while doing kitchen duty! Uhum!

    Levi: Get your child out of this 'mothers' grasps - you can cite child endangerment (this pic, as well as when $$$arah is holding him in inappropriate ways, etc), child labor (he has to pose for pics and does not get paid for it, but gets exploited), alienation of love (by not being allowed contact with him), his mother never being there for him (all her speaking engagements/photo shoots all over the country), etc. Get a good family lawyer that can help you in this.

  49. Anonymous8:59 AM

    Tasteless and fugly photoshop work. The wrong message. Another EPIC FAIL. It serves only the ego centered mother who can't find the time to clean up her mistake child and the fundies who eat cake. The symbolism of Tripp says more than the hayseed dummies playing dress up. The worst of nouveau riche.

    Too bad about Levi.

  50. Anonymous9:02 AM

    Exactly, Anon@8:05 AM.

  51. Anonymous9:04 AM

    Is she now the voice for obese children? From the food she's serving her baby, it sure looks like it.

  52. Anonymous9:05 AM

    Wow, these photos look right out of a 50's Harper's Bazarre Magazine shoot. Was it intentional? A time when women were expected to be ready to entertain their men and thier buddies, or impress the boss, have perfect children and have a gourmet dinner on the table by 6 sharp every night. The Stepford wife and mother.

    And Palin and Bristol call themselves feminists?!?

    Was this an ad for their so-called Pie Spy gig?

    Too many messages here. I need another cup of tea. - Hedgewytch

  53. Anonymous9:06 AM

    Irony is invisible to the Palins. So, Bristol complains about the main stream media "making things up" in a posed photo shoot depicting the two sisters in evening gowns, wearing lipstick and make-up, hair coifed, baking cookies and serving tea (where are they - England? Time warped to 1960? "Mad Men" set?) Yes, she is just a typical high-school drop out, unwed mother. I guess it is OK to make things up if you are getting paid for it and its all good. I think for the Palins the boundary between "made up" and reality is very fluid.

  54. I sincerely hope the Palins are not representative of the type of people who live in Wasilla.

    Gryphen, judging by some comments from those in far away places, you might need to interview a few other Alaskans who happen to live, work and actually raised their children to adulthood honorably in Wasilla.
    NO, the Palin's are not an accurate representation of real Alaskans, those who are practicing traditional family values or the type of people who live in Wasilla!! The Palin/ Heath Family are a bunch of Liars, Cheats and FRAUDS!!!

  55. Anonymous9:14 AM

    There are young women out there who have also had babies as teens, like Bristol, but they are forced to join the military in order to provide for their baby. They are not receiving $1700 in child support and living it up in nightclubs and posing in magazines. The Palins make me sick.

  56. FEDUP!!!9:19 AM

    From the Bazaar article: "She's also fiercely proud of her newly purchased condo. (Before she bought it, she and Tripp were living at home in Wasilla, an hour and a half away.) Though her mother's earnings have been widely reported at $12 million since she stepped down as governor last July, largely due to her book, Going Rogue, and her TV deals, it's Bristol who has picked out and paid for everything: the big leather couches, the flat-screen TVs, Tripp's toddler-size bed (though he sleeps with his mother), and the Subaru wagon in the garage. "I'm on my own," she says, in between constant texting on her BlackBerry."

    Britta, Track's girlfriend, is the live-in babysitter, I guess.

  57. total fake. the pic looks REALLY bad. and dont any paylin kids wear shoes or socks out there in the wilds of AK?

  58. Anonymous9:29 AM

    "Are they saying that raising a toddler is glamorous and that EVERY teen should try it?"

    Why, yes! Doesn't this look like FUN, all you impressionable young teens? And don't even stop to consider what it would be like having a baby at, say, 15 or so when Mommy isn't a major bucks celebrity and you've got the media clamoring to take glam shots of you in designer duds on a cutesy kitchen set.

    Oh, and abstinence only, also too. And be sure to totter around on your CFM Candies while you do something wholesome, like baking cookies.

    More mixed message alphabet soup, courtesy of those gourmet word salad chefs, the Palins...

  59. julie9:33 AM

    I do believe this article is an eff you to the haters. The palins figure since everyone is going to distort all they do anyway, why not indulge in it to mock everyone. People who read blogs, unless they're how-to related, have no lives. I stand by that. How much time do you spend reading this shit? How much time does Gryph dedicate to expose an everyday family - 3 times a day?

    Go be productive. Go help a child who is acrtually at risk - who has a druggie family and is paying their parents remt at age 15. The more crap you feed the palins, the more they're going to spew back as retaliation. have you ever thought about Brittas family? If they don't object to their daughter hanging around this family and traveling with them, doesn't that tell you something. Look at the "mocha moose" and how they shipped lbs of coffee to the palins hotel in illinois to make sarah feel at home. They were happy to do it. Any pic you see of sarah with fans or employees, everyones happy. I have no doubt america doesn't want her as president. But even diehard nyers and libs I know have no problems with her as a person

  60. Anonymous9:33 AM

    BTW, the shot in the gown holding the green mixing bowl is just too ridiculous for words. It looks like it could be a month photo in a "Stepford Daughters" calendar.

  61. Do you think perhaps the Harper's Bazaar photo shoot was some kind of parody and the accompanying article, a satire? How could anyone swallow this as being, in any way, reality?

  62. Let them eat cake!9:38 AM

    The turquoise cake that Bristol likes is popular in Alaska with the unmarried mothers. The stories the bakeries can tell....

    Here is a Bristol bff, or former bff? Johnny Chandler's sister.
    I love you so much
    Bristol former lover and friend, brother and sister, pregnant in Wasilla.

  63. Anonymous9:40 AM

    I'm beginning to agree with this whole set-up being a big FU, but it's not only to Palin's critics, it looks like it's also to her dumb supporters who go broke sending in their pennies to enrich her.

    I think we should all reciprocate with a great big FU back at the whole loony lot of them.

    Everyone should do the one thing these 'Oh I want my privacy but I'm too much of an attention whore' "people" can't stand -- completely ignoring them and their constant, over the top antics.

  64. Anonymous9:46 AM

    I'm with you Fedup @9:19. When psycho mom gives you the money for these wonderful trappings of hillbilly wealth that doesn't mean you've worked for it.

    Then again, she has been a good little puppet though, toeing that BS abstinence line, trashing the 'not good 'nuf for our klan' baby daddy (hahahahaha!), and just being her mother's doormat who can't repent for her 'sin' enough.

  65. This layout of the Palin girls is totally absurd!! All I see is EXPLOITATION of minors!! None of this makes sense. Abstinence is certainly the one subject that Bristol Palin knows nothing about. Candies should have her on a teen tour talking about how she was able to have her boyfriend live and sleep with you in your parents home with their knowledage.. Not a very helpful message to teens, but, at least it would be the truth..

  66. Anonymous9:54 AM

    Has anybody called gloria allred about the interest of the minor children and if the money from these pictures are going into a trust fund for them. also, too, Isn't this just saying to willow and piper, all you need to do is get knocked up and the world will be open to you. I can't believe anybody would be interested in this nobody. Who does she think she is paris hilton? Who would pay for these doctored pictures?

  67. trust Britta?9:58 AM

    Britta is the staged girlfriend. I doubt she actually lives at the condo. If she is a girlfriend of all these years, the condo is where they can all go to jump each others bones. Isn't it a gated community? No one will keep track of what goes on and no one would talk.

    Why do these people never say where she works? How hard is that to find out and verify her hours? What I hate about this scam is that she is targeting the most vulnerable. Piper's age and pre-teens are the ones to get the wrong messages.

    Get ready for a population explosion and more adoption agents to help some of those poor children. Thanks Wasilla and how you handle your unwed teen mothers.

  68. Anonymous9:58 AM

    Where is Gloria Allred?

  69. Mercede Johnston9:58 AM

    Nice magnets, willow. Auntie loves Tripp? The only auntie I see who deeply loves and cares for Tripp is me. NOT the one who has to be bribed in order to spend time with him.. I'm the one trying to fight for him.
    This article is so hypocritical and disgusting. My nephew deserves better then this!

  70. GhostbusterTX10:10 AM

    Britta is the live-in babysitter, but not for Tripp or Trig.

    Interesting that Britta used the name brittapie in the past - Pie Spy indeed!

  71. Syrin, per your post about two years ago on the Wizbangblog, you've known the Palins and Heaths their entire lives: please write the straight scoop on this lying, grifting, fucked-up fraud family. The world is counting on people like you. I'll be your chief marketing officer and promote your book.

  72. Considering what they have to work with, the no neck, no chin wonder looks MARVELOUS.
    The rill dill HERE....
    This may have been taken close to the same time as the Bizzare photoshop shoot.

    "It is more important to look good than to feel good and you look MARVELOUS darling, absoulutly MARVELOUS!" -Billy Crystal-

  73. Of course, that whole mountain of sh:t in that article is accompanied by Photoshop:

  74. Palins QA+fun has the caption;

    "I Don't Know If My Mom Will Run (For President)But She Should"
    Same as the top picture here, only with that sickening caption next to Brissles.

  75. Anonymous10:38 AM

    i don't know, but bristol's head looks waaay too big for her body in the first pic!

  76. Anonymous10:41 AM

    So much for leaving the rest of her famblie alone...

    If her daughter sees fit to promote Momma bear for president and so on, and cash in on the coattails of the previous FAILED vice presidental effort and FAILED to git-r-dun goobernership and so on...

    Because why else would Candies and Harpers Bizzare have this single teen mom doing anything for them?

    It is very palin to see that the apple has not fallen from the tree.

    Now thats some parenting skils.

    I wonder if all the other single teen moms that maybe graduated high school- or may be didn't graduate high school- if they need some money- they should call harpers bizzare for a story and get some grift for themselves.

    They deserve it more than the grifters apprentice.

  77. Anonymous10:41 AM

    Maybe the magazine should change their name to Harper's Bizarre?

  78. deebee10:47 AM

    Enough sugar there to be really harmful.
    "Have some more dear, who's the best mommie in the whole world?"

  79. Anonymous10:51 AM

    FEDUP!!! at 9:19 quoted from the Harpers story.

    I think the reporter from Harpers misunderstood, and didn't get this quote quite right. Harpers reports

    "I'm on my own," she says, in between constant texting on her BlackBerry."

    MAYBE what the reporter should have reported-

    "I'm on my own," she says, in between constant consultant texting on her Blackberry."

    Does this 'interview' qualify as 'work' to be
    billed by BSMP LLC? Billed to Sarah Palin for "Palin in 2012" or "Palin big book author" promotion.

    I think Bristol is paid for this . Out of that big pot of grift.

  80. Anonymous11:00 AM

    What a lousy view out the window of her 200K condo?

  81. Anonymous11:00 AM

    I commented about Bristol getting paid by Sarah for these appearances: and forgot one more thing also too.

    If as FEDUP!!! says at 9:19 AM

    "Britta, Track's girlfriend, is the live-in babysitter, I guess."

    Now if this is true, and Bristol is hired (BSMP LLC) to do this consulting, and has to travel,or work in general perhaps, then could 'childcare expenses' be included in the 'expenses' billed.

    Even if not billed as a seperate expense, SP pays Bristol who pays anyone for childcare- its the same.

    Not kidding here.

    S.P. can contract with BSPM LLC. to do this 'consulting work' and pay for the childcare, and pay the son's G.F. also too. This money from one pot to another pot- ALL IN THE FAMBLIE.


  82. Anonymous11:07 AM

    The Palins are no different that Lindsay Lohans parents. They lost control of their daughter and seemingly the same here. Everyone knows what happens to child actors when the fame and excitement wears off. What are the principles, standards that sister Sarah teaches her kids? That grabbing any and all opportunities for cash and fame is the answer to all their problems. And, to exploit one's child, by overexposing him to media, magazines.

    How do these acts not distress the palinbots? What kind of parents are the palinbots?

  83. Anonymous11:10 AM

    Simple, really: Have your cake and eat it too.

    This family gets more effed up every day. Can't wait for the crash and burn.

  84. Anonymous11:12 AM

    So the brother's girlfriend lives there too? Could that be so she gets lots of visits from her baby, Trig, when Sarah shleps him over to visit?

  85. mommom11:12 AM

    Poor thing.All that money ,all those possessions,
    she still looks like ugly old Chuck.

  86. Harping bizarre11:27 AM

    If the $4,385. Lanvin gown from Barneys is nice it gets lost in the phoniness of that photo of the tea party and cakes, cakes, cakes. The whole picture is distorted, SixFeetTall said 'look at the height of the window sill. What's your guess? 36 inches?' Nothing about that picture works.

    Willow in the Carolina Herrera dress with the "Aunty loves Tripp" on the frig (magnet letters but not a 'magnet' quote) message looks as dumb and fake as the other Wasilla knucklehead hicks. Whose arms did they use on Willow? She trimmed down since Oprah?
    When I read 'Aunty' my first thought was Sadie, that had to be for her from another of the mean girls.

    What was the rumor about the Caddie Escalade? She doesn't drive that or a pick up? She wants the paps to look for the Subaru?

  87. Anonymous11:43 AM

    Good point about the quickie wedding. How else could Scarah explain the #3 pregnancy and not have the fundy crowd go nuts. I already checked online for a marriage certificate, but it seems like Mat Su records (assuming that's where it took place) are more accessible if you go in person. Anybody in Alaska game ??

    Some Anon person a couple weeks ago was making a point about the Sitka hospital, so maybe check that county as well.

    Deafening silence from Levi.....Maybe waiting for the 1-2-3 punch as the books all come out.

    Tripp is a little cutie and looks just like Bristol. But poor kid, he's gonna have a wierd life with that screwed up family.

  88. Anonymous11:47 AM

    So the brother's girlfriend lives there too?

    If you can believe Bristol.

    Where is Britta working now? She and Track are virgins that have been together since high school? I think Britta was hired to play girlfriend. Something is very wrong with Track. Weird about his army situation. Weird he is living at the prison by the lake and stalking the neighbor. I need more verification to believe Britta is a significant other gf or that she live with Bristol as a roommate. She may keep her toothbrush there and check on the set up for Sarah. I doubt she lives there in the traditional sense.

  89. Posing for this spread and interview is, without a doubt, the most baffling public relations move I've ever heard of. This only makes sense as some kind of passive-aggressive attempt to embarrass her mother. If the Candie's Foundation is serious about preventing teen pregnancy, this doesn't really do them any favors either.

  90. Anonymous12:21 PM

    If Bristol bought that condo, it's not in her name, according to Mat-Su records. No name of anyone in the family. So, did she form another company to buy it? I'm sure Van Flea knows.

    And I'll bet that's no Subaru in the garage either.

    BTW, Toad has "bartered" (as in stole) a 20 ft. fence to keep Joe M. "out" (as if he even wanted to step on their property). What about the variances, etc.? Oh's the Palins.

  91. I am so sorry, Mercede. What can anyone do? I don't know how you handle all this. Adults that don't even know the Palins are damaged by the Palin lies. I can't imagine what it is like for those who know them. I live near and am familiar with another right wing propagandist and their son. It is the same, lies, lies, cover ups, lies and the media always does more lying promotions for them. I don't think the public relation blitz will end anytime soon. I wish I knew something to do.

    I remember Willow when she gave Kim Chapman's daughter the stink eye. I don't believe her other side at all. I think she is hard as rocks and just plain old mean. The girls in Alaska beat each other up as often as they can, I suppose Willow gets a free ride because of her privilege? That is no way to solve problems but even I feel like taking a good shillelagh to her.

    It will not be easy, but Tripp will wade through all that is going on and see things for himself one day. He is the cutest little fellow and I love to see him light up when he is with you all. It hurts to see him in the pictures with the ogress.

  92. Anonymous1:26 PM

    The readers of Bazaar are being schnookered. After
    closely scrutinizing their 6 photos is's plain
    obvious the 'Bristol' body is not Bristol's. Slim,
    trim & tall she isn't. Even with 5in. heels, the body is all wrong. Willow has a distinctly round
    not oval face, & she almost looks like a cardboard cut-out. Never has her hair looked anywhere near that
    thick - definitly a wig. Big sham, all of it. It's
    just rotten that Tripp-boy has to be a part of it.

    Sharon TN

  93. Anonymous1:26 PM

    I'm not seeing the downside to teenage pregnancy. Looks like it worked out pretty well for Bristol.

    This is the role model against teenage pregnancy?

  94. Anonymous1:29 PM

    Did the set designer intentionally spell "Auntie" as "Aunty" on purpose as a slight slam to the low intelligence level of this family of grifters?

  95. The bare feet on the Palin babies is done on purpose. Bare-footed babies are "cute". I, for one, have an admitted baby foot fetish. Any mom out there knows EXACTLY what I"m talking about. Their little bitty toes, chubby feet, so tiny and innocent. THAT is why Tri-g and Tripp are always barefoot- to capitalize on that viceral response it will get from mothers. However, foot fetish aside- my babies wore shoes and socks when temperatures and decorum dictated. But the Palins are too stupid to realize this and that little scheme has been backfiring since we saw poor Tri-g on the book tour woefully underdressed in inclimate weather.

    This family sickens me.

  96. But wait, she's not fat anymore!!! The real Bristol looks like she eats all those cakes everyday but the Bristol in the photos is photoshop "idill". At least the long dress hides her "log legs"; maybe you can't fix those on photoshop.

    whatever, I'm not perfect, BUT I DON'T PRETEND TO BE!! As long as these grifters try to perfect their image thru the "lamestream" media I'll point out their flaws.

  97. Anonymous3:33 PM

    Sarah couldn't let the girls do this on their own, she was there. I don't think the set designer had a chance. If Willow didn't do the magnets, it was Sarah or Bristol's idea.

    This is the worst ever layout and photos I've ever seen. I am leaning towards the Palins were punked by Harpers. HB may be right wing, but they may not actually like Palin. Why is Bristol in that awful scene that looks like an oil spill disaster? It makes that dress look like something you would never want to touch for fear the yuk would rub off.

  98. Anonymous4:22 PM

    If the picture of Bristol's condo are accurate she lives in a 2-3 story complex.
    Why would a young mother with a toddler buy a multi-story place surrounded by concrete?
    Loving mother's want a yard for their children. This place looks too corporate. You know, how sometimes corporations buy a place for clients and employees to utilize. This does not look like a place where a mother would want to raise a toddler.

    I think it is all a front.

  99. Anonymous4:29 PM

    Yup. Palins were definitely punked.

  100. When my sister was 8 years old (in 1957) my mom threw her a "little lady" party. All the little girls came in their mom's dresses, high heels and hats and we sat at card tables playing children's card games and eating little "bridge" snacks. This whole photo shoot (and so much of what the Palins do, really) reminds me of that "dress-up" party ... a bunch of little kids pretending to be mommies and fancy grownups. Dress-up and pretend is fun at eight. It's seriously creepy at Bristol's age.

  101. merci5:58 PM

    Mercede, you might like reading Vera City
    ".... Allegoric picture comment continued. First: would the Harper's Bazaar staff really embed symbolism into these pictures?"

    That is not to say there was not also an intentional message to you in the kitchen scenario. Harper's Bazaar are old school at subtext. Leni Riefenstahl is another study of technique. You know the three clowns and how they interact. Who thought up the magnets and what about the spelling?

    That is the fugliest spread but an interesting study.

  102. Gryphen, this is way-out-there but what was the relationship between Johnny Chandler, his sister, Mercede and Bristol?

    Somewhere I saw a picture of Johnny C.'s ears and they looked ruffled. Just like the ears on the baby they used as a stand-in for Trig (he was too big to be a premie) at Sarah's baby shower.

    In a comment on this thread, someone posted a picture of Johnny C.'s sister and she was pregnant. Do you know when she had her baby? Could it be possible she is the mother of Ruffles?

    Just a thought...

  103. Anonymous9:04 PM

    I hope that Mercede comes back to check the comments from time to time. I'm sorry that I'm late, but I want to let her know that this Harpers thing stinks!

    I thought that Bristol argued in court that Levi would shamelessly exploit Tripp by using him in photographs. She wanted to protect Tripp's privacy.

    By now, there are several photo spreads where the Palins have very clearly exploited Tripp. Yes, he is darling, and the photos are clearly staged. But, if they are so worried about his privacy, Tripp is in the wrong place. He is being used, and his privacy is not protected.

    I know that lawyers are expensive, but please find an adult whose advice you can trust and who is reliable. You need to get Levi a good family lawyer who will fight to protect Tripp's privacy. We can all name a publication that will pay a lot of money for the truth about the Palins. Not gossip, proof. There is an author in town who is writing a book about Sarah Palin. I doubt that he pays for information, but he might be nice to talk to. Get active, and we'll be cheering for you.

    (Gryphen, maybe you'll forward this to Mercede.)

  104. Anonymous11:25 PM

    To Mercede: blood does NOT necessarily make you a family. I am adopted. I've met my birth mother and half sibs 3 times. There's nothing there between us. You need to start your own life, date, get married, have your own kids. You cannot control what you do not own or give birth to.

  105. Anonymous2:53 AM

    rjb...I agree with your comment.

    Mercede, my heart breaks for you, Levi and your mother. A child needs and deserves all the love in the world from all his family. The Palins view little Tripp as an object to be possessed. One day when he grows up he will know the truth. You and your family have so many people on your side. Best wishes to you.


  106. Anonymous2:56 AM

    How bout read the fucking article you ignorant pricks... she SAYS she fucked up, and that it was a lot more difficult than she thought, and telling girls NOT TO DO IT! To use protection & use it correctly! Also, she has a full-time job & goes to school... so all of you unclassy folks, why not start calling the girl down the street who does the same thing trashy too?

    At least 15 girls I know who graduated HS in 2007 are unwed teenage mothers, either living at home or married to their baby daddy (i.e. he pays the bills, sleeps somewhere else). Yesterday one of the moms literally told me that when her 8 WEEK OLD wakes up at 9 in the morning, she turns the TV on and goes back to sleep.

    But, yeah, Bristol's totally a shitty person, I mean, God forbid someone take responsibility for their actions!


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