Monday, May 10, 2010

Chris Matthews addresses the fact that the most ardent anti-gay propagandists often turn out to be deeply closeted homosexuals themselves.

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Most of us have the same theory concerning our most visible anti-gay minister here in Anchorage.

If these assholes did not damage so many innocent lives I might feel pity imagining their lives filled with such self loathing.  Can you imagine looking into the mirror every day  and despising the person who was looking back at you?


  1. Anonymous4:44 PM

    I would like to include Sarah Palin in this group of hypocrites. She constantly uses Christian buzz words and phrases such as prayer warriors, servant's heart, her constant references to the incorrect founding of the US where there is no separation of church and state, her references to the ten commandments as the basis for our laws, the list goes on.

    Sarah is a hypocrite because I do not see her practicing any of Christ's teachings. Instead of turning the other cheek, she lashes out at the slightest insult. She plays the victim when she is not a victim. Her lack of charity was evident towards her own citizens (until she showed up with Franklin Graham and brought them a plate of cookies). She preaches hate instead of love. She divides rather than brings people together.

  2. Ted Haggard had a cast and dildo made of his own penis so that it could be used on him by his gay lover.

    That's the epitome of ego-centric behavior.

  3. Anonymous5:55 PM

    Like I always say:
    I don't give a shit who you fuck... or don't. Just don't let YOUR screwing... or not interfere with mine... or not.

  4. I used to date a psychologist, and the principles described in the video were matter of fact to her. She also had an uncanny ability to peg people who were covering up, and not just gays. Twice she pointed out local political candidates to me as probable child molesters - both were busted w/in two or three years. Religion is itself a hiding place, affording ample opportunities to put on the good show for your peers. She also saw vice cops as "the kinkiest f***ers on the planet." How many times have you seen police interviewed on the news who are involved in some child sex story such as child prostitution or pornography, and what was the percentage who said, "I've been doing this for x years, and this sort of thing still makes me sick." About 100%? How long would you do a job that made you sick if all you had to do to get out of it was request a transfer? On the other hand, if meeting 12 y/o hookers and collecting child porn is what keeps you going... Just be sure not to tell reporters you love your job and you're all set - you'll have plenty of kinky coworkers to party with, and the blue shield to protect you. It's better than being a priest.

  5. Lisabeth6:48 PM

    If you haven't seen the movie Outrage, definitely rent it. It is about hypocritical in-the-closet gay polticians who actively oppose pro-GLBT legislation. It was very interesting. The filmakers did not out gay politicians unless they were hypocrites in their voting records.

    On another topic, it will be interesting to see what narcissistic Barbie says or doesn't say about Elrma Kagen. I find it hilarious that she posts her (given to her) opinion about anything Pres Obama does. I mean she's SO important ( in her own mind) that she thinks the world cares. You think the dunce might learn something from her fallen poll numbers, but nope, snippety scarah stays on her same path of stale ideas and ghost written opinions.

  6. Anonymous7:01 PM

    And this is a surprise to whom?

    So Gryphen, why are you ignoring Palin's latest rant on Fox know the one where she lloks and sounds like she is stoned out of her mind? ....ranting about how US law should be based on the Bible ( i.e. the Old testemant.)

  7. emrysa7:25 PM

    is it me or has chris matthews mellowed over the years?

  8. Anonymous8:45 PM

    LOL-look what turned up when checking into Rekers connections:

    Search rekers palin and find a Yahoo Answers question:

    "Who is this guy George Rekers that Todd Palin is hanging with?"

    See it in the cache before it's gone. Already deleted from Yahoo....

  9. Oh good grief!!

    I clicked the link to see who the minister in Anchorage was.........and laugh out LOUD!

    Just LOOK at him.

    If it looks, walks and quacks like........

  10. Forever Anonymous10:43 AM

    "George Rekers resigned this morning from the board of NARTH, the National Association for Research and Therapy of Homosexuality, amid a gay escort scandal."


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It just goes directly to their thighs.