Thursday, May 20, 2010

First Wasilla turned on Sarah Palin and now the Teabaggers follow suit. Thank goodness she has all that money to replace her diminishing support.

 From TPM:

Lucas Baumbach, who's running for the state senate, is angry that Palin is butting in to the Republican race to unseat U.S. Rep. Walt Minnick (D). What's worse, she's endorsing the other guy.

"I think she should let Idahoans pick for themselves instead of shoving a candidate down our throats," he told TPMDC in an interview today.

Baumbach supports Raul Labrador, a conservative state representative who openly supports repealing the 17th Amendment. But Palin is stumping for Vaughn Ward, who was the Nevada state director for John McCain's presidential campaign, by headlining a fund-raiser tomorrow night.

So, as the Idaho Reporter originally reported, Baumbach is organizing an anti-Palin protest outside the rally He said he expects about 200 people, many of them from the local tea party.

"I'm a big fan of Palin's in the past, but I have to question whether the money's going to her head," Baumbach said, or whether she's just doing "what McCain tells her."

Baumbach takes issue with Palin for endorsing candidates like Carly Fiorina in California, accusing her of following McCain's line instead of listening to what tea parties have to say.
And it's even worse, he says, for her to impose herself on Idaho.

"She has a lot more star power here" than in California, he said. "I think it's just abusive."

Teabaggers gathering to protest Sarah Palin instead of President Obama?  Well I think that may be perhaps my favorite story of the day!

We Alaskans all knew that Palin would wear out her welcome with her supporters  after awhile, we were just unsure how long certain deluded individuals would hang in there. Now we know.

Of course not ALL Teabaggers are courageous enough to reject Queen Esther.

Don't expect to see Labrador, the guy Baumbach supports and Ward's opponent, at the anti-Palin rally. Labrador released a statement calling for conservatives to stop attacking Palin.

"Sarah Palin's visit to Idaho on behalf of the beleaguered Vaughn Ward Congressional Campaign has prompted many comments by conservatives," wrote his campaign. "We are disappointed with her coming into this Primary Race - as Ward clearly is the damaged candidate - but we urge conservatives to STOP the attacks on Gov. Palin."

Pansy ass!


  1. No name, and I know it!7:24 PM

    She QUIT as governor. (Not that I am complaining, mind you!) Why does she get to still be called governor? She is like a little girl who dressed up as a princess and still calls herself that. She never had respect for the office of being governor (or for the American flag, or for herself or for her family.) Why is anyone still calling her governor?

  2. Anonymous7:44 PM

    Sarah really missed the boat on this one. She should be stumping for this guy:

    Sarah and Harley would be perfect together. Harley received a revelation from the Lord, through an African minister, that he would one day be POTUS. Hey, were have I heard that before? Plus, he's dumber than a box of rocks, just like Sarah. Personally I'd like to see them on a ticket together.

    Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go make my sign.

  3. I don't think Labrador is a "pansy-ass" at all.
    I think his statement is very clever! He disses Palin's choice of candidate, then says "Don't attack Palin." HAHAHAHA!
    I am trying to think of an analogy - I am baking chocolate chip cookies - they smell yummy, but they have no nutritional value - so, dear family, "Do not eat them! No! No!"
    Ha ha ha - they will want the cookies even more (as Labrador's supporters will want to bash Palin even more).
    Labrador did not need to call attention to her at all. By doing so, his supporters ARE criticizing Palin even MORE. LOL.

  4. Anonymous7:59 PM

    Same thing happened here in Minnesota. There were two republicans running pretty much neck-in-neck for the party's nomination for govenor. Palin endorsed Tom Emmer over Marty Seifert. I don't understand why anyone would care what Palin thinks or who she endorses, but Emmer got a big boost because of it, and won the nomination at the state convention.

    I can't imagine Palin actually takes time to learn much about these people she's endorsing. I think she just likes endorsing people. She called Emmer a "hockey dad" and talked about how proud she was to endorse him. What she doesn't seem to know is that Emmer is a real hot-head, and has 2 previous DUI convictions. There are lots of people who are angry and feel Palin had no business butting in.

    I think this is all good, because I enjoy hearing these repubs, who supported McCain/Palin in 08, now turning on poor Sarah. I hope Emmers has Sarah campaign for him - that way he's sure to lose!

  5. May her endorsments prove to be the kiss of death that they ought to be. Voters evarywhere, it is clear that all she has done for Alaska is given us a sea of snark-o-tunity.
    may there be an end to her ill gotten gains,also,too! now that she is melting, its bound to get really choppy.

  6. The cooperates are throwing so much money at sarah that she must feel invincible and drunk on her new found power.
    I wonder what she says to her mirror. Mirror, mirror on the wall am I the fairest looking Quitter of them all!

  7. Anonymous11:20 PM

    Soon, Sarah will have to pay people to appear in their towns since her town and state will no longer want her. Tic toc tic toc tic toc

  8. It's news to me that Wasilla turned on Palin. Like who, specifically? I'll believe they've turned on Palin when someone (or a whole bunch of them) finally start spilling the beans on all of her past corruption.

  9. Anonymous4:34 AM

    The Idaho venue where Sarah is rallying for Ward is a hockey rink - they could not sell out the FLOOR at $10 per ticket and the price has now been reduced to FREE. In Idaho. Ward had been busted for plagiarizing (twice this week) and calling Puerto Rico a foreign country during a debate. Sarah and Vaughn = MFEO.

  10. Anonymous5:02 AM

    How can less than a half wit endorse anyone? Quit every job she ever had. Any pol who accepts an endorsement from the likes of her, ought to be ashamed.

  11. Anonymous7:31 AM

    Incredible that SP just threw her chances out the door. After the election she could have surrounded herself with the best advisers, worked up her resume, stayed on as governor, and diplomatically used her influence. But "diplomatically" doesn't fit her character. So she pushes her own agenda, attacking lamestream media, but at the same time using the same media to over-expose herself, because she's addicted to being seen and heard.

    She chose the short-term excitement of celebritydom over a chance to become a contender (as a puppet run by bigwhigs) with the Republicans and ruined her chance by her own actions. Now this overexposure, her inability to be a team player, her repellent nature, odd behavior, odd mothering choices, odd ways of dressing, her political contradictions, her angered deliveries during Hannity interviews, and her roguishness is her undoing.

    It's so obvious now more and more don't want to have anything to do with her.

  12. laprofesora7:53 AM

    The one person Paylin is beholden to is McCain. He knows all her dirty little secrets from the campaign. She has to suck it up and do as she's told or he will spill the beans. That's what's behind many of her "endorsements"; she doesn't know one candidate from another. Just insert "name" and claim he/she is a patriot.

  13. Love the graphic!! If the media would ignore her-maybe she'll go away!

  14. Anne In DC10:00 AM

    I love it that the Teabaggers are turning on Palin in the state where she was born. It couldn't happen to a more deserving person. Sooner or later, she was bound to wear out her welcome, and it is happening in Idaho of all places!! Rand Paul is turning out to be the male counterpart of Palin, who endorsed him.
    Just like her, he puts his foot in his mouth every time he speaks. It's a wonder their feet haven't grown teeth, since it happens all the time with both of them. Hopefully, this is the beginning of the end of her career as a grifter.

  15. Sure, we'll stop the "attacks" on Ex-Half-Governor Palin....just as soon as she shuts her ignorant, constantly babbling mouth. She is so desperate to be relevant, it is hilarious.


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