Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Here is Sarah complaining to her big, bad protector Glenn Beck about her scary new neighbor.

So Todd and his "friends" built the fence too?  Well by looking at it I guess that is no surprise.

She keeps making subtle, and not so subtle, allegations that Joe puts her children in some sort of jeopardy.  That it absolutely the ugliest method imaginable to garner sympathy and SHE DOES IT ALL OF THE TIME!

Nobody ever threatened to rape her daughters while they lived in Juneau like she said!

Bristol was NOT alone and frightened by phone calls when Sarah's e-mail was accessed, like Bristol claimed ON THE WITNESS STAND!

And Willow DID NOT have to leave Wasilla High because of threats either! 

All lies, every last one of them!  And now she is using the exact same tactics in an attempt to smear Joe McGinniss.  You shameless little bitch!

"Screwing with my wife and children"?  Why does Beck use that kind of language to describe his fantasies that the Palins are being stalked.?  I mean what kind of deep seated psychosis does this guy have?


  1. Anonymous12:40 PM

    Why are they slandering Joe McGinniss so fierce? If she wants to whine about the new neighbor because he wrote Pipe Dreams and is working on a book, let her whine. The bedroom window accusations are too, too, too much. Histrionic.

  2. If that thing is any indication of the work that Todd and friends did on the houses she better pray it all doesn't cave in on her.

  3. Anonymous12:48 PM

    Notice both keep saying McGiniss is writing a book about her "family." He's not writing about her damn family, he's writing about HER, the politician/celebrity/grifter.

    Once again she's showing her ignorance. It is not at all unusual for a biographer to go spend some time living as close to his subject as possible. That's all he's doing--getting atmosphere. I wish he were there to get more!

  4. Anonymous12:53 PM

    Gryphen, here is the link to the Harper's story on Bristol and a video showing the prep for the piece.

    I was appalled at the language she uses in some sections. So ladylike, so refined - NOT. Tea Party my bum. She has no idea how to behave or how to speak like an adult AND she is lying again - about how is the sole support of Tripp. Oh,yeah, where is Levi's child support going?

  5. Anonymous1:03 PM

    Sex doesn't seem to play a bit part in the Palin family beyond accidental procreation because in the Harper's interview it states:

    "Though Bristol was well-informed about sex education, 'it's not like we sat down and were like, 'All right, here's the birds and the bees.' Truly, my parents just assumed that I wasn't doing anything. And it was a shock for us all.'"

    Okay - you tell me - how can the author say "Bristol was well-informed about sex education: and then finish the paragraph like he or she did?

    Good grief.

    The only sex Sarah seems to be interested in is the perverted kind she talks-up whenever she has a flimsy excuse to do so.

    I have long ago decided that Republicans get in trouble with sexual issues because they're not well educated on the subject and their religious beliefs repress them too much.

  6. Anonymous1:05 PM

    "Leave the kids alone"
    "Stop screwing with my wife and kids"

    I didn't realize Joe had bothered or threatened Sarah or kids. WTF???

  7. It's called projection. I wrote about it a couple of times, one of them here

    It is a classic symptom of insecure, frightened people.

  8. Anonymous1:15 PM

    Someone here a few days ago had a link to a blog

    It seemed psycho when I first saw it, but now I'm not so sure....between this and the Bristol/Willow Harper's BIZARRE spread, I'm beginning to wonder if there is some truth in there...

  9. Anonymous1:17 PM

    As the wife of an active duty soldier who has been in the Army for over 20 years IT MADE ME SICK TO MY STOMACH to hear Becky Boy say Tawd deserves the same medal as soldiers do. Fuck you Becky Boy!

    Does Tawd have the patience of Job or does he love your $ $carah? Why before weren't you concerend about folks in that house spying in your children's bedrooms? THESE PEOPLE MAKE ME SICK!!!!!!!


  10. BAustin1:20 PM

    I can't listen to it...can someone please summarize? Beck is such a tool!

    I hope Joe and/or Random House sues the pants off of this two idiots for the slanderous comments both of them have publicly made.

    P.S. Palin has friends? that want to work out with her before 6am? Doubt it!

  11. Yes, yes, everyone wants Sarah and her children. David Letterman wants Sarah and her children. Joe McGinniss wants Sarah and her children. And Todd is going to kick all their asses. You just wait and see!

  12. Anonymous1:25 PM

    Glen Beck is smart enough to exploit the pyschosis of Sarah Palin to build and hold an audience. Palin is just grist for his mill.

    It's the enabling of mental illness that causes the revulsion in our minds (being comparably sane). It's the grasping at power by those around Palin that frightens us.

  13. Anonymous1:25 PM

    She puts her children in danger everytime she marches them out on stage, or on tour, and she is concerned about the guy next door. What a phony.

  14. Anonymous1:37 PM

    If Katie Couric could ask Sarah a simple question that a 3rd grader could answer, it would be.

    Katie: "Sarah, it seems that everyone is a threat to your children, can you name someone who is not a threat to them?"

    Sarah: "Well Katie, I'll have ta get back to ya"

  15. Anonymous1:42 PM

    Okay, so I forgot the link:


  16. So beck is advocating a little violence from tawd?
    or to stir up the bots?

    I hope Joe is packin' some heat. JUST IN CASE.

  17. imnofred1:51 PM

    Typical Sarah, always the victim. I love how she tries to smear Joe by saying he has a questionable background. Also like how Beck twists it to make it look like a book is being written about her family. I'm sure she will be on Bill-O, Hannity and Gretta trying to garner some sympathy.

    The most nauseating thing about this whole situation is that Sarah claims to be this devout Christian but her actions paint a totally different picture.

  18. Anonymous1:54 PM

    What is so embarrassing is her histrionic behavior and reactionary hair on fire impulsiveness. What she doesn't realize is that this is all good news...for Joe. He is cleverly exposing her for the mean girl that she is, and giving her just enough rope to hang herself. Sarah honey, listen up. All those "stories" about your daughters being threatened are now fair game. All of them. You are one sick twisted angry woman with an obvious past of sexual abuse, the way you project that crap on your kids. Get some help.

  19. Anonymous1:58 PM

    Funny, he wants some asses kicked behind yet another Sarah-manufactured drama, but let's not forget his whiny, bitchmade diatribe about being accosted at a Wendy's while gettin' his Frosty.

    Is this who've we become Glennda? Is this who we've become?:

  20. Anonymous2:01 PM

    Lets hope that Joe McGinniss is a wise and cautious man. Cameras on 24-7 with back-up power, an alarm system again with back-up, perhaps a bodyguard, a good attorney and several people that can provide valid alibis for every moment of his time! He may need all in court or when the Palinbots come after him.

  21. Anonymous2:21 PM

    Sarah is a professional victim. Interviews with Joe Biden revealed how he had to treat their debate so carefully. He could not appear to attack her, because she is so clever at turning it into the "poor little me."

    She was the victim when she blacked out McCain's name on her visor; why can't they just leave me alone? She cannot answer unscripted questions-- not because they are gotcha questions but because she doesn't know the answers. It is a pity that she has such thin skin; one new neighbor and she is a basket case.

  22. Poor granny, with that big wooden fence blocking HER view she can never be sure that someone isn't on the other side with some high tech listening device picking up every whisper even through the fence!!!

    Now toad will have to build a tall ladder so the Palonistas can keep a constant monitoring of the other side of the fence. Else keep a constant patrol around the perimeter. LOL

    I have what is called a Shotgun Mike that I use on my camcorder to pick up the tiny voices of Humming Birds while I film them. One tape I made I had the mike pointed toward the feeder and when I played it back later I heard my neighbors at their house (300 feet away) making a drug deal clear as if they were in the room with me, which spoiled my hummer footage.

    The new neighbor should float some helium filled balloons, fly a kite or put up a tall flag pole with the American flag, and watch poor Sarah go postal envisioning spy equipment on all of them, while trying to trash it without sounding unpatriotic.

    Granny will soon go into self destruct mode as her paranoia drives her deeper into madness. If that were not so, she would not have rushed to imprison herself with that monstrosity of a fence.

    Watch out Sara old girl, just because you are paranoid does not mean that EVERYONE IS NOT OUT TO GET YOU .... BECAUSE THEY ARE!!!



  23. Anonymous2:27 PM

    check out Fox video at Andrew Sullivan's site.

    Steve Doucy is warning Joe McGinness to be careful about what hat he wears because it may be mistaken for antlers... and it may be perilous.

    Some sick folks working at Fox

  24. Anonymous2:30 PM

    I'm sure Joe will have a shrink look into her psyche about her crazed remarks re people threatening her daughters.

  25. Anonymous2:30 PM

    Well, of COURSE Dear Sarah must be protected from these stalkers!

    Just think, this author has posted on the internet for all to see the fact that he is living next door to Sarah, and posted a picture of her on the internet along with a story accusing her of being a pedophile.

    What? He didn't do ANY of those things?

    SARAH did? Well, shucks, WHO is supposed to be the stalker again?

  26. Anonymous2:34 PM

    Looks like the only thing left of the pit bull is the lipstick. Knew it the first time she opened her painted mouth.

  27. Anonymous2:40 PM

    They have the money-- why don't they just GTHO and buy their own lake? Oh, then they wouldn't been in an obvious place where they can claim they are being watched and have access to the media.

    I don't click on her stories at ADN-- I don't want her to think she is causing clicks.

  28. Anonymous2:40 PM

    Anon@1:25 PM is absolutely correct.

  29. Anonymous2:43 PM

    she sounds drunk, or drugged.

  30. Callie2:53 PM

    Don't you just love the irony that Rethugs who think nothing of giving the government unlimited power to listen in on our phone conversations are freaking out over a writer legally renting the house next door?

  31. Gryphen - Thanks for showing the pattern. I think it would be helpful if you would link to your post on the gang rape threat.

    Another Fox anchor warned McGinniss to be careful not to wear a hat that may look like antlers. How can this type of 'journalism' or 'entertainment' be tolerated?

  32. Anonymous3:04 PM

    Is the fence high enough to keep Palin and her tribe out of the general population? If so, I'm all for it.

  33. Anonymous3:04 PM

    palin and beck will be in DC on 8/28. 8/28/63 was the date of Martin Luther King's "I Have A Dream Speech.
    She is beyond disgusting.


  34. Anonymous3:09 PM

    Here is her kick ass UGLY fence.

  35. Anonymous3:12 PM

    I am not getting why Sarah is that obsessed with Piper's room. Piper sleeps with Sarah and Tripp sleeps with Bristol. That's been established.

    Piper and Sarah are often traveling but if Sarah is sleeping with Piper in her room when they are at the lake house, she might worry about what can be heard. Is the fence any protection from sound that carries. I know from where I live that conversations can carry. In the summer I've heard talk while in a my bed room, I thought the people were outside. No, they were far away in a house behind my garage.

    If I was Sarah I would worry about the cable workers. It is so easy to listen in on people if you have the access that Ailes and Murdoch have. Not saying they would do that but that is not unlikely either. The people that Sarah allows to set up her place do not play nice. Don't you think they know her weak spots and want to be covered when the sheetz hit the fan? Sarah may not get it yet but she is a bigger tool than Todd or Bristol.

  36. Anonymous3:26 PM

    What a bunch of nucking futs!!!

  37. this is getting pathological. beck, dooshy, the bots. Joe is in town to nail her cellulite ridden ass, and she knows it.

  38. Anonymous3:29 PM

    I was talking about Sarah and her whole family, all of Fox and everyone who goes along and believes the BS-NUCKING FUTS!!

  39. Anonymous3:33 PM

    For someone who is always preaching about FREEDOM, she sure is a control freak. Sarah ... You need help in a serious serious way.

  40. Anonymous3:33 PM

    GKerry - loved your comments...they should really get her and Toad going!

    What is most interesting about this recent Palin fiasco regarding 'Joe the author' is it isn't getting as much press as her other prior idiotic things (Letterman).

    In fact, I saw an article about this Palin subject right next to a headline regarding 'Kendra's sex tape'! Sister Sarah - you really, really are important! Using your daughter Piper's 'bedroom' shows what a hoarrid mother you are!

    Suggestion to Toad and Sarah: Take a nice swim in your dead lake this summer.

  41. Anonymous3:37 PM

    I agree.
    The victim pathology becoming more shocking.
    If that is possible.

  42. Anonymous3:53 PM

    Random house and Mr. McGinniss must be thrilled at the amount of free publicity for the upcoming book that is generated by merely renting a house.

    However, she and Tawd have reasons to be concerned about Joe and it's not his living situation. There are some unanswered questions about fires in Wasilla. Just ask Dr. McDonald how thorough Joe can be. Oh, that's right, you can't.

  43. Anonymous4:01 PM

    1:15 PM:

    Wow thats some creepy stuff but highly believable when you view it thru the prism of SP.

    ...slowly i turned and shut off the tv.

  44. Anonymous4:01 PM

    Sorry if I'm late to the party but want to alert Gryph and everyone else. AP got their hands on some Sarah e-mails this afternoon. Huff Post has article on her dealings related to the pipeline. Sarah's true colors are finally seeing daylight.

    I noticed in the comments many are JUST NOW reading that she went with Transcanada and gave them half a mill, so it goes to show just how uninformed the general public is on this woman. Cripes we regulars knew this before the Presidential Election even took place.

    I'm guessing with more e-mails seeing the light of day now and her paranoia over Mr. McGinniss are setting the stage. Soon Sarah will need Mother's little helper (I know most of us think Mother already uses helper regularly) but the dam appears ready to break.

    Let's keep shoving the water in the dams direction til it can no longer stand the weight!

    Doot Diddy Doot

  45. Anonymous4:04 PM

    What a fine, Godly woman.

    Ha ha :)

  46. Anonymous4:07 PM

    Has Todd ever kicked anyone's ass? And I'm not talking about taking down an animal with a gun.

  47. Anonymous4:09 PM

    Isn't it funny that Sarah, the tough, frontier woman is scared of a writer? The pen truly is mightier than the sword.

  48. Anonymous4:40 PM

    Her fear of the author is because her life has been so full of deceit. She is known to lie about everything (documented to the hilt!)and is afraid what he will find and publish items that she has been able to keep quiet up to this point. (Both personally and professionally!) Run, Sarah, run! (Out of Alaska, hopefully!)

  49. Sarah is in victim over drive and ranting about how Mr. McGinniss is writing about her FAMILY, because she's afraid what will be in that book. She's in damage control right now, smearing him so none of her congregation will believe any word that's written. Perhaps she's afraid he will address who gave birth to which child. She can point out how obsessed he is about her poor kids...peering in the windows, making stuff up. Hmmmm

  50. Anonymous4:54 PM

    So McGinniss moved 4,000 miles to look out everyday at a fence?


  51. London Bridges4:58 PM

    The fence will make an awesome cover for Joe's book!

  52. Anonymous5:07 PM

    Um, @4:54, I don't think Mr. McGinnis moved out to AK to 'look' at anything. He's a serious writer, not a TMZ photographer looking to create a minute by minute log recording every move the Childlike (Childish?) Empress makes.

  53. Anonymous5:07 PM

    People of Wasilla, it is time to take out the trash!!!!

    Do you pay your property taxes? Well Palin doesnt.

    Do your kids get into trouble? Well Palin's kids dont.

    Do you get anything from your government like housebuilding supplies? Palin did.

    And, can you usurp someone's property for your own benefit--The recreation center.

    This isnt the Alaskan way folks. Dont put with their shit anymore.

    Does Palin owe you money? YOu will never see it.

    We had a "Palin" in Fairbanks called Rhonda Boyles. She was our Mayor. We got rid of her.

  54. Mr. McGinniss is thinking about his work. He is close to records and people to interview. He has a lovely enough view in the other direction. SP is the one who will have to look at the poor craftsmanship.

    The pen truly is mightier than the sword.

  55. Anonymous5:13 PM

    I can't understand why Joe's presence next door is such a threat to poor victim Sarah. Anyone can rent a boat, go out on the lake and take pictures of Casa Palin. Cameras come with some really powerful telephoto lenses. If she doesn't want someone to look in the windows, then she can put up some curtains, blinds or shades. Cheaper than that ugly fence.

    What Joe has shown us, without writing a word, is that Sarah is totally unfit for any kind of public office. It is one thing to refuse to answer those unscripted gotcha questions. She can't and she won't study issues.

    It is another thing to fly off the handle at the slightest provocation. Try to imagine Sarah sitting in the Oval Office (her dream, our nightmare). The Red Phone is within inches of her grasp. Todd comes in and shows Sara some nasty thing that a columnist just wrote about her. Or worse, he shows her the cutting remark from another head of state, refusing to negotiate with Sarah because she is a bleeping idiot. She's inches from the Red Phone, and she can't control her temper. Just the levelheaded person we want to see in a role of leadership.

    Please keep it up Sarah. Don't relax for the next five months. And be sure to involve the nut cases at Fox in your school girl rage. It further discredits both them and you. The real hypocrisy is that Sarah has put her daughters out there for that cheese Harpers spread. That's how much she cares about privacy.

  56. Anonymous5:31 PM


  57. Anonymous5:31 PM

    Do you know what the favorite video game is at the Palin house? My Little Bastard.

    Who injects Sarah's face in Wasilla to keep it from drooping like Chuck's? That fat is failing fast!

    Tawd is one of those Natives that doesnt like Native women--not good enough. Got Sarah on the cheap because she couldnt force Track's real Dad to marry her. I guess a used Buick still runs as well as a new one.

  58. womanwithsardinecan5:53 PM

    To add to the person who said Sarah wouldn't be able to see Putin rear his head unless Joe is shorter than Trig, that's now moot. I don't think Sarah can see anything over that fence.

  59. Anonymous5:58 PM

    4:54 Anon, the fence will stop nothing. The writer did not move there hoping to write a book based on peeping over a fence. That is why grandma is acting out again.

  60. Funny, I imagine Sarah's KY pick Rand Paul would say that Joe has every right by our Constitution to be there.

    Sarah, what say you regarding Joe's rights, your rights, and the US Constitution?

  61. Karen6:09 PM

    Did Sarah hear the audio version of Pipe Dreams?

    More Palin redacted emails available. You never know what might slip through.
    Indeed, Joe is very scary for the Palin mafioso.

  62. Anonymous6:13 PM

    @ anonymous 5:13

    Exactly! This latest episode in $arah's delusional paranoia and overreaction is exactly why she is unfit for higher office- she'd be ruining delicate negotiations with insane remarks and trying to drop bombs for perceived and imagined insults.

    Sure, it may be uncomfortable having an investigative writer living next door to you, but if she thought about it for a second before flying off to post a rant on Facebook, she should have realized that if Mr. McGinniss was going to look for tabloid-fare in an underhanded way, he wouldn't have told her exactly who he was and what he was doing there.

    It would have been far worse for Granny Grifter if someone else rented the house and posed as a friendly neighbor, all the while employing every bit of high powered recording and photography equipment they could find to gather the goods on the goings-on at the Palin compound then sold it to the National Enquirer (or the Romney campaign).

    You know she's gone too far this time when even her usual cheerleaders at the WaPo and Politico are saying that she's 'makin' things up' by accusing Mr McGinniss of peeping in her daughter's bedroom.

    I'm not sure if Mr McGinniss' intention was to stir up this kind of attention, but he's certainly going to profit from it as I, for one, have ordered a few of his books and can't wait to see what he turns up in Wasilla.

  63. McGinniss moved 4,000 miles to TALK to the PEOPLE who KNOW STUFF about her. Living next to them is just hilarious, but that is not what $arah really fears.

  64. Anonymous6:20 PM

    There is a Sarah and The Pipeline story over at Huffington Post. Some people are beginning to think that Joe is the distraction so you won't notice a more serious story. Some emails between Sarah & TransCanada are being withheld, which could keep the story going for a while.

    Don't pay any attention to the failed candidates who were unlucky enough to be endorsed by Sarah. Don't pay any attention to the Pipeline story. Don't pay any attention to the fact that Joe totally unhinged Sarah in a few short days. How's that hopey changey thing workin' out for ya?

  65. Anonymous6:26 PM

    I googled Sarahs address to a particular condo in Anchorage and the travel time came up 47.9 mi – about 51 mins. That sounds about right. That neighborhood has plenty of houses to rent.
    Great views of condos and cement and a little lawn. Sterile, not inviting for young children.

  66. McGinniss isn't in town to stare at a fence or at the Palins. He's there to talk to people. People who know. People who have been trusted. The point of him moving next to the Palins is to show that he's not afraid of them, and to let others in town know that they don't have to be afraid of the Palins either. Remember, this man is used to dealing with psychopaths. Palin's hysterical over-reaction plays right into his plan, and will do even more to inspire people to talk, because they can see that she's already losing it. I really can't wait to read the juicy info he's going to get.

  67. Mitch who lives in Kansas6:41 PM

    OK kids. I need some help. I have posted on this wonderful site before but have kept my name private. Now; because I want to enlist some like minded fellows I am announcing my name to the public. Glory Be!
    All kidding aside, I am asking for some assistance in poking our collective stick into the cage of the Palinbots. There is a website ( that has; at best, 10 posters. Along with myself, they have banned anyone and everyone who offers a rebutal to their insanity. What I am asking for is for everyone to go to the site, scroll down a few threads until one sees the critique of Sarahs feakout over Joe McGinnis and leave your well informed comments. This woman and the people who blindly support her need to be stopped. Swimming hole my ass. 350 acres of a public lake?? WTF? A phony fence? A phony gas pipline? Magical thinking? Go to blogsforvictory and rock their world! Get some maschochistic pleasure!

  68. Tripp needs a fence?6:54 PM

    Here is zillow about the Palin property.

    A typical condo in Anchorage. No fenced yard for children.
    One of these condos sold in Feb 2009 for $200,000. Coldwell Banker. They now sell around $300,000. Bristol may have been quit claimed, or what is it called, her condo. From one LLC to another or however they do it.

    Tripp needs a fence?

  69. So much has happened in the last 48 hours there must be something they are hiding. Joe moved in last Saturday, $he posted today. then the bri$tol Harpers BIZZARE stuff and her insane FB post and now the Trans Canada e-mails are coming out. Dont trust foreign oil companies, eh? ICEBERG!!!!!!!

  70. Anonymous7:05 PM

    Anonymous at 1:25 said...
    "Glen Beck is smart enough to exploit the pyschosis of Sarah Palin to build and hold an audience. Palin is just grist for his mill."

    That's kind of along the lines of what I was thinking. I believe Glen is punking Sarah just like the Canadian DJ's did when they were pretending to be French Pres. Sarcozy. Notice his subtle self-satisfied nods at his buddy in the control room after he encouraged Sarah to fall in line with his craziness. It's all part of his rodeo clown schtick. Beck is not your friend, Sarah--you are just a pawn in his game.

  71. Forever Anonymous7:17 PM

    Joe McGinniss knows his subject well. He moved to the safest place in town.

    He has become the Jessica Fletcher of Murder She Wrote. Hopefully he won't be solving crimes involving murders.

  72. Anonymous7:23 PM

    300K in Anchorage has got to be down by Westchester Lagoon

  73. Anonymous7:39 PM

    Sarah grabbing the spotlight again over nothing. If she is so paranoid about Joe the Author, she should move into the other tacky house on her property. Problem solved.

    Everyone knows how vindictive "the witch" is - so this is not over by a long shot (sorry about the pun). I would warn Joe to think back to the relentless harassment of her brother-in-law, Wooten. There was a vendetta against him by the Palin's and the Heath's. Of course Monnegan paid the price for not obeying Palin. But, of course, that was when she was governor and abused her power. Joe will survive all of this.

    The person I pity is the owner of the much discussed house next door to "trashy, expensive Palin complex. She will make his life a living hell!

    The woman is sick, sick, sick!

  74. Anonymous7:58 PM

    Even the "lame stream" media that gives Sarah so much attention is sick of her. She is a complete laughing stock and she is proving everything Steve schmidt and the book Game Changer (or change?) said about her.
    She is thin-skinned, mentally ill and it is clear she is losing it. You know the melt down we expected? It's here!!!!!!!

    I also do believe that Joe sees Sarahs psychopathology quite clearly and that's probably why he's interested in writing about her. And she's so stupid and so nuts and out of control, that she's just giving him more ammunition.
    God how can the people at Fox stand her psychodrama!

    I think Joe knows about Trig and if anyone will find out the truth he will.

    The media should be embarrased about what a crappy job they have done vetting Sarah. Thank God for the bloggers and real journalists like Andrew Sullivan and Joe McGinniss!

    It's really unbelievable that anyone would think she is capable of being POTUS.

    PS who is Dr McDonald and what does he have to do with Joe, Scarah and Toad!!

  75. Anonymous8:07 PM

    May hasn't been good to Sistah Sarah. She got no traction with her attempt to get the girls' basketball team to go rogue. The school district had too much class to even mention her name.

    She's gotten quite a bit of bad press over the CA university mess as well as bad press over the screeches she's been making. Her endorsements don't work out well for her. Drill, Baby, Drill is a disaster. Rand Paul is a disaster. Nikki Haley appears to be headed for late-night TV jokes.

    Now emails between her and TransCanada? Interesting. She's going for distraction and attention in her usual manner, i.e., if all else fails, talk about the kids being molested, raped, stalked, whatever! Daddy let it slip that she doesn't make the decisions. It's been a tough month.

    She appeared in an interview within the last week in a see-thru blouse with a black bra on underneath but now she whines that she's being stalked? The woman is sick.

  76. Anonymous8:13 PM

    Gryph~ it's pretty obvious beckster has a boner for queen $arah...she is an evil just wait...she will blame Obama...

  77. Anonymous8:19 PM

    The owner has power over Palin, like no other. He can contract out to a corporation to lease and build a tall, tall building. MTV and Dr. Drew might want to rent out the house to do preteen substance abuse interventions and pregnancy counseling. If not one of the music Hallapalooza shows. Simultaneous to the Disc program and the studio job she does, contributions from a crazy woman to Fox. Who I do believe are smart enough to check on what she is really doing.

    Piper would love a home where girls could pop out a kid for one of those good Christian adoption networks. Think of the foundation possibilities.

  78. [anonymous said... 3:32 PM

    GKerry - loved your comments...they should really get her and Toad going! ]


    Thanks anon, I hope so. For four years a freaking nutcase bastard like Sarah lived in the rental next door to me with his wife, two kids and 17 loud barking [24/7] pit bull mix dogs which he sicked on me every time I tried to go for a walk with my gentle little furkid KEESHOND.

    I could not sit outside in my own yard with my furkid without him or his wife or both attacking me verbally on some rabid, incoherent rant reminiscent of a drug addicts rage, after which they would call the cops and falsely accuse me of one thing or another including taking pictures of their kids and making dirty suggestions that I was doing so for perverted reasons. In truth I was taking pictures of 9 of their dogs running loose so I could take them to court and make them leave me alone. Both were professional victims.

    Finally, getting no help from law enforcement who believed the two of them against one me I set up a large broken camera with a large fisheye lens (very visible) that I picked up in a freebee box at a yard sale.
    ( it didn't look broken) I placed it in a very protected and prominent place and pointed it at their front door and yard.
    It drove both of them bananas just thinking I was taping them. They called the law on me dozens of times but no one could cite me for having a camera on my own property no matter where it was pointed and no one knew it was only a prop. LOL I had put up with their shit for 4 years but after only 2 months of thinking they were being taped they moved away. Ahh yes, GUILT does have a way of eating away at a guilt ridden person fearing exposure as the truth is closing in on their many crimes and sins.



  79. there is a Best Western two doors down from the Palin Pound. Would she get as bent up about Joe if he stayed there for the summer? Which leads me to agree with some observations that this is just another one of her cheap ruses to cover-up something else.

  80. Anonymous9:18 PM

    Gryphen do you know what the comment about De McDonald is about? Another fire and Satah is invoved? Please anon explain

  81. Anonymous9:39 PM

    Sarah is scared. She's built up this facade that she is so terrified will crumble. It will.

  82. Anonymous1:47 AM

    Picture this if you will:

    President Sarah Palin having to erect a 20 ft fence around the White House because she'd be mowing the lawn in her shorts and clingy "wifebeater" with Trig attached to her back...

    Those nasty, perverted, librul, lamestream reporters!!

  83. Anonymous2:56 AM

    This is a woman (a middle-aged woman yet) who is not ashamed to wear inappropriately short skirts when speaking to large groups of people, but now is embarrassed when someone sees her outside in SHORTS??

    Give me a break!!

  84. Anonymous3:46 AM

    She's scared of an author? According to the Mudflats post to the left, this house used to have male ex-con former drug addicts living in it while rebuilding their lives (a good thing).
    Why didn't she build a fence then to protect her precious innocent children from 2005 - 2008?

  85. Anonymous5:19 AM

    Do you love your freedom, Alaska?
    Let's honor the men and women of our armed forces, who fight to preserve our freedom to live wherever we want in this fine country!

    How's that working out for you, stupid?

  86. Sarah Palin you pathetic moron. While most celebrities take serious precautions to protect their children from harm you have drug yours all over the country using them as photo op props for your fake GOOD MOMMY act so any pervert can have access to their pictures with a quick Google. You have repeatedly issued a challenge to child molesters with your constant self victimizing act of accusing every male who does not find your aging beauty queen ass "ENTICING" of wanting to rape one of your daughters. Is this a new version or offshoot of THE MUNCHAUSEN SYNDROME?

    In your latest attempt to malign your new neighbor who is a well known author [ IE; HE RESEARCHES AND WRITES HIS OWN BOOKS!]

    You, Sarah, have exposed Piper to harm, providing any WANNABEE child molester with access to a TV or computer with the location of your "LONELY, ISOLATED HOUSE IN THE WOODS". Then in your frantic rush to once again play the victim and capture the spotlight you not only told the world on which side of your house PIPER'S bedroom is located but described its location on national TV complete with photos to make it easy to find and the fact that you have a 14 foot fence on that ONE SIDE of the house so that no neighbor could see if someone was breaking into Piper's room. Oh, but no bother, you told crybaby Beck and the whole world you have no air conditioner and leave the windows open all Summer. Now that's an invitation! You should be scared Sara, damned scared, not of your neighbor that you maligned but of the potential consequences of your own publicity seeking, lying mouth!

    So if anything happens to Piper you have ONLY YOURSELF TO BLAME AND NO ONE ELSE!

    Sarah, are you deliberately trying to get piper raped?

  87. No matter what publisher is going to handle JOE'S book, they must be tickled pink over the million bucks worth of free publicity that Sarah, queen of quitters and professional victim has given them for Joe's book. She is the gift that will keep on giving and giving and giving.
    I can see people standing in line to reserve a copy of HIS book already, at any price.

    BTW Sarah, You cannot be the fearless and rugged frozen frontier woman shooting wild game and field dressing it and be the delicate and fragile, frightened fair maiden at the same time. It just doesn't sell but only makes you look like the middle aged menopausal, shrill voiced hysterical woman desperate for attention that you are!

  88. Anonymous7:40 AM

    Dr. McDonald
    Captain Jeffrey MacDonald, M.D.

  89. Anonymous8:10 AM

    I hope Joe contacts a good lawyer and sues Sarah for slander and libel. She should be held accountable for the ugly,nasty insinuations she has made about him.

    I wish Todd would go over and take a swing at McGinniss. Then Todd could be arrested, also. But we know that won't happen because Todd is a wimp who only does Sarah's bidding so he can stay on the payroll.

    I think Sarah has really gone too far this time.

    And Joe, I think you should hire some protection if no other reason than to document this stuff as a third party. I also think you should throw a summer cookout and invite Max Blumenthall, Gryphen, AKM, Shannyn, Phil, Diva, Geoff Dunn, Levi, Wooten, Monnegan, and the Johnstons..oh, and the Palins. Just make sure they don't bring a covered dish to the party.

  90. Anonymous12:12 PM

    What is it with the fucking Republicans and bartering? Does she have chickens to pay for that crappy fence? Or are chickens strictly for doctors. Maybe you throw eggs at the builders for sucking so much.


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