Sunday, May 23, 2010

Here is video of Sarah Palin's interview with Chris Wallace from this morning.

(If you cannot see or play the video then click here, and to read the transcript click here.)

WTF?  Why did she call Rachel Maddow a "TV character"?  Rachel is an ACTUAL journalist, not like that "I am not an actual journalist, but I play one on TV" bunch who Palin lets interview her! 

And has been noted by many of you in the comments section of other posts, Rand Paul ANNOUNCED his candidacy on Rachel's show, I don't think either one of them thought his last interview would go the way that it did, but when asked reasonable questions he responded with nutty answers.  What was she supposed to do?  Pretend she did not hear the crazy?

I am not at all surprised that Palin still clings to her "drill baby, drill" philosophy.  She is not known for admitting mistakes or changing her opinions.  As for what she "went through" because of the Exxon Valdez spill, it was simply an unconvenience to her and Todd since fishing was not their main source of income, I don't care how she tries to spin it.

Her response to his questions about Obama's response to the Gulf spill is perhaps one of the most purposefully disingenuous and ugly things she has ever let fall out of her ignorant mouth.  As we have already established right here on this blog, Obama is doing everything in his power to get this things under control. But for her to suggest that in the year he has been in office President Obama should have repaired all of the damage done by George W. Bush to the government agencies charged with overseeing offshore drilling is beyond hypocritical. 

Well she finally admitted that going from place to place and being the center of attention is a "fun gig".  Sure beats being back in Wasilla trying to raise that brood of hellions you gave birth to isn't it Sarah?

I would say I am surprised that she listed "honest" as one of her attributes, but I'm not.  Habitual liars always make the point of referring to themselves as "honest" mainly because they deceive themselves into believing it.

And yes folks she is DEFINITELY running in 2012.  That is unless I can finally get a grip on these last few nails and drive them into her political coffin.


  1. Anonymous3:56 PM

    patience in all things

    AND a great big hammer for the coffin nails.

  2. Anonymous4:05 PM

    Great necklace, Sarah! The Flintstone collection?

  3. Please drive the nails into her coffin! Please. The bottle of champagne is gone .. I drank it instead to celebrate my daughter's birthday .. I had given up on Sarah Palin's demise. I would certainly like to purchase another! Please, take her down!

  4. why pork up now?4:11 PM

    Word salad hell. She will be running from the law by 2012! She is not a brand that all will buy. Where are the documents that Kristan Cole is to deliver? They will get snagged in their own slimy business. Like mother, like daughter.

    Sarah Palin needs to grizzly bear some Mama focus at home in Ak. Her child needs her more than ever it appears. What happened to Piper after the Hickel funeral?

  5. The end of that interview caused a huge disturbance in the force. My fervent hope is that Americans will NEVER be "in the mood" for a Palin run for the presidency. I honestly don't know if I could take the stress of it. In my gut I don't think she'd make it out of the primaries, but I've heard theories out there that the RNC would essentially sacrfice her because they know she's unelectable and are working on getting someone solid for '16. That seems plausible to me. God help us all. Gryph- nose to the grind stone man. Secure those nails.

  6. Anonymous4:25 PM

    Let me know when you get those nails. I'll loan you my air nailer.

  7. run $arah run. go go go...paylin/back, paylin/bachmann, paylin/paul.

    She is tugging on Superwomans cape. Dr. Maddow aint the one to pick a word war with.

    Didnt she learn from randrand and his quicksand?

    Never bring a word salad to a word fight with a Rhodes Scholar. also, too.

  8. Anonymous4:39 PM

    Just the thought of her running makes me throw up a little bit in my mouth. Is she going to run entirely from fox news? I wondered exactly what her role was in the valdez spill, I can't believe she got dirty cleaning oil from birds. Why doesn't anybody ask her what her role was? Oh, thats right, pre screened questions only. As for the necklace, it looks like turqoise, maybe a gift from McCain?

  9. Anonymous4:44 PM

    Here's her word salad (transcript) from FNS with Chris Wallace. WARNING indigestion is unavoidable:,2933,593404,00.html

  10. Anonymous4:44 PM

    If she runs, how is she going to get thru debates, people are not going to let her get away with her cutesy answers now that they know what she is all about.They are just going to make fun of her now.

  11. Anonymous4:56 PM

    What is she going to do about her medical records? Is she going to get away with not showing those also?

  12. Anonymous5:00 PM

    Did Fox take down the video? I tried here and at Fox News and I can't manage to bring up Mrs. Palin (in her Flintstones-type necklace).

  13. Anonymous5:00 PM

    as frightening as the thought of her running in 2012 is would it not be just a goodtime to see her "debate" President Obama??? LOL wonder who would win that one?????

  14. Anonymous5:00 PM

    Rachel made it clear that she had given Rand Paul more than the time he had allotted. She apologized to her sponsors for "blowing through the commercials." So, Rachel gave Paul plenty of time to redeem himself, and each time, he conflated gun rights with racial discrimination.

    Rand Paul's problem isn't Rachel. Rand Paul's problem is Rand Paul. If he was confident that he had given the interview his best, he would have appeared on Meet The Press. Sorry, Rand, still not ready for prime time.

  15. Ohhhhhhhh please, buy a danged barrel of nails. This creature must be exposed for the danger that she is.

  16. Anonymous5:02 PM

    Pretty necklace, but she looks like a dead-eyed bug.
    Sarah Palin is a total & complete fraud on every
    issue she portends to be genuine about: outstanding mother, committed Christian, oil expert, knowledgeable of world events & foreign affairs, qualified on the subject of DS, even falls down on basic geography. This gadfly expects to run for president? Which one of the Repugs vying for the slot is going to roll over & allow 'Sarah the TV character' the nomination? With McCain, she was protected from the press. If she runs for the top job herself she can cry foul all she wants, the press will do their job.

    Sharon TN

    Sharon TN

  17. She seems to have developed a lisp. What is that about? Is she wearing some kind of dental device? She is showing her support of AZ by wearing turquoise, how quaint. She just makes me sick talking about regulatory commissions and donations to Obama from BP, AS IF, she is above it all. She is the worst back room dealing one in the bunch. She put people in place in AK to protect her political career from her unsupervised children and other relatives. She also has them covering up HER past actions. So she can just lie as much as she wants. She puts herself in the category of candid and honest, ahhhhhhhh!

  18. Anonymous5:04 PM

    Well I will be one of the fortunate people in Murika because if she manages to make it to the primaries in 2012, I will move to France or Canada so as to live the rest of my life out in harmony and will renounce my American citizenship IF she becomes our POTUS. Now if she waits until 2016 to run, I won't care one whit because either I will have expired or will move to France or Canada and renounce my citizenship - either way I will have life made because I will NEVER have to say 'Paylin is my POTUS". It's my daughter in her late 40s with three small children 13, 11, and 6 that will worry me, so I will try to make certain that my daughter understands what's at stake and have her move to France and/or Canada so she and my grandchildren will NEVER have to admit Paylin is their POTUS. It will be quite a troubling embarrassment for any 'rill Murkin' to have to admit that Paylin is their POTUS, so I will do everything in my power to persuade my daughter to take her children to France and/or Canada where all can be provided with Universal Health Care, wonderful college educations requiring very little money, and have the added benefit of traveling the world. The education alone is worth more than gold!

    I don't believe my family and me will be the only rill Murkins who will leave the US and go live in France or Canada as the benefits are greater there than in the US.

    I could not stand knowing that my 6, 11, 13 y/o grandchildren are more knowledgeable than Paylin and yet Paylin is trying [and may succeed] as our POTUS. They would need to leave so they wouldn't go mad [dementia] and so they wouldn't have someone far more ignorant or uneducated than them trying to tell them what to do and how to do it! That'w what would occur with Paylin in charge!!

  19. Check out our latest: "Tee Hee Haw" - Sarah Palin stars as Elly May.

  20. Personally I hope like hell that she runs! Man can you imagine her in a real debate, that would be the most entertaining thing ever.

  21. I couldn't watch the moron bitch. If I hear one more put-down from her about President Obama I will personally go to Wasilla and hang her by her ponytail on her clothesline... the nerve of some idiot wannabe's...

  22. We see Palin as the new Elly May. "Tea Hee Haw"

  23. AKRNC5:17 PM

    Actually, if $arah Palin was ever honest, she'd realize that Americans have already spoken loudly and clearly about her. Over 70% of the American people have said they don't believe she is qualified for office. Her approval ratings have dropped since the election of '08 despite her traveling around the country or, as I believe, because people are getting to see what she is really about-divisive, irrational and most of all, ignorant about all things involving our country. In July 2009, Palin's favorable/unfavorable were 47/45, In November 2009 they were 43/52, by February she was at 37/55 and this month she is at 37/56. All of these results can be found at the Public Policy Polling website.

  24. Anonymous5:19 PM

    I've got to think that having SP run for president would be a big rallying point for the Dems. Anyway, I can't see that the RNC would be able to convince all of their candidates to throw their races nor play by her rules in the primaries. I can see them considering having her run as VP again, though. On another note, what's with all her heavy breathing?? That's what I found oddest about this particular video.

  25. Did Stephen King ever create a villain as monstrous? She exudes something that is truly sinister. She is ice, and she wants to establish dominion over the country, if not the world. I cannot envision a more frighting future. Gryphen, I sure hope you find those nails!

  26. Anonymous5:43 PM

    To "Why Pork Up Now"...what are you getting up with that question about Piper after the funeral?

  27. Anonymous5:47 PM

    Gryphen--Are there rumors Bristol is pregnant again? I had to ask based on that photo.

  28. Anonymous5:59 PM

    To Anonymous 4:44 - Thank you! for putting up the URL of the transcript. I cannot hear videos, so rely on the written word. Sometimes that's a blessing, that I have not heard the rill dill's speech. But mostly it's a loss of information. Thank you.

    Great blog, Gryphen. I check in several times a day and always find it interesting.

  29. Anonymous6:04 PM

    In the Denver word salad she chided the President for not doing press conferences and taking questions. That deserves a place in history so if you are naming nails ("This nail in honor of ..."), keep that one in mind.

  30. SP is a LIAR, a FRAUD, a HOAX and a BULLY.
    I don't think a faked pregnancy would deter her supporters one bit(they would make her a hero for protecting her duaghter).
    BUT, I DO think an abortion could do it - you know, the "white out" on her medical records - a "mistake" by the dotor's office and the billing entity. A tearful apology and a showing that she has repented may work for some of them - but most will NOT accept it.
    Seems that is the ONE issue that bonds them (the bots).
    SP MUST know that the abortion/white out evidence is out there - why else would she have discussed it in her book of lies? It was a pre-emptive move.
    The woman is an idiot, as KO repeatedly points out. For those salivating at the thought of her debating President Obama - forget it. She will NOT debate ANYONE. She will do it HER way, from one-way, ghost-written facebook proclamations and FOX propaganda network ONLY.

  31. Anonymous6:37 PM

    There is a Facebook page requesting the Queen of the Teabaggers to go on The Rachel Maddow!!

    I doubt Princess Dumb Ass would go, she's a coward and a fraud!

  32. Anonymous6:41 PM

    I love how she calls Rachel a "tv character" when Rachel is a Rhodes (sp?) scholar, a Doctor, and a damn good journalist. Meanwhile, quittypants supposedly has a degree in Journalism and knows nothing about journalism. She thinks any question is a "gotcha" question. Seriously, did she really ever get a degree in journalism. Gryphen, you need to do some serious investigative work on that. I bet she did not. She is laughable and quite idiot!!! I agree with KO.

  33. Anonymous6:43 PM

    @ Anonymous 6:04.
    You made me laugh out loud with calling her crap speech in Denver her Denver Word Salad. LMAO! Good one.

  34. emrysa6:47 PM

    in the words of dumbya, bring it on!

    if this crazy bitch is still in commission by the time the elections happen, I hope like hell she runs, because she's going to get a huge, well-deserved, and very public smackdown - and I look forward to seeing it! if she really thinks that half the people in this country will vote for her then she's crazier than I thought.

  35. Anonymous7:00 PM

    She will never run. If she did, she would have to produce a real medical report, which she will never do. That said, it does not mean that she won't cause considerable damage. She is the principal attack dog of the Republican party. She will bite, tear, and chew at whatever she is directed to, and then be discarded as unelectable. She will pull the party to the right and fire up her lunatic followers but she will be held in check by the Republicans who know a good pawn when they see one. This faux queen, thinks she is a real queen who will capture the opposition king, but she is only a piece to be sacrificed.

  36. emrysa7:06 PM

    wow that heavy breathing is f-ing weird! when she's not talking her chest is rising and falling like she just got thru running a marathon. very strange.

  37. Her political career is already dead, so there's no sense in building her another coffin. I can't watch.

  38. Anonymous7:48 PM

    I used to be one of those people who wanted Sarah Palin to run for office because Obama would be reelected easily, but think about this...what would happen to the country when she lost? Think about how she riles up her base. Look how pissed off she was when she lost as VP last time and how she went after Obama's head. She would incite her followers to revolt against the government when she lost. There would be a permanent divide in this country, so I'm hoping she's exposed before she's able to run.

  39. Anonymous7:59 PM

    An Anon commenter earlier asked what role Sarah played in the Exxon Valdez disaster and the answer is absolutely none. She was about a month from giving birth to Track, so whatever hooey she is spitting about assisting with the Valdez spill is an absolute lie.

  40. Anonymous8:22 PM

    emrysa - adderal is my guess. (speed given for ADHD)

  41. Anonymous8:24 PM

    If she does run, it will be evidence of just how crazy with power and otherwise she really is. She's deluded.

  42. Anonymous8:34 PM

    Ivy Frye is under the bus...

    Ms. Palin’s inner circle has contracted in recent months, with some of her closest longtime Alaska aides — including Meghan Stapleton, a spokeswoman, and Ivy Frye, who helped research her book, “Going Rogue” — departing. Rumors of family discord still rumble across the Internet.

  43. Anonymous8:39 PM

    IVY FRYE is under the Palin bus!!!

    Ms. Palin’s inner circle has contracted in recent months, with some of her closest longtime Alaska aides — including Meghan Stapleton, a spokeswoman, and Ivy Frye, who helped research her book, “Going Rogue” — departing. Rumors of family discord still rumble across the Internet.

  44. Anonymous8:39 PM

    She will never run. If she did, she would have to produce a real medical report, which she will never do.


    Why? Obama never did. Still hasn't.

  45. Anonymous8:52 PM

    TO: 5:00 PM
    Anonymous said...
    as frightening as the thought of her running in 2012 is would it not be just a goodtime to see her "debate" President Obama??? LOL wonder who would win that one?????

    REPLY: I do not believe Palin would run for POTUS and if she did, the rest of the GOP numnuts will not give her a pass. But let's face it, if Palin was in a debate she would start off with, "I may not answer the questions the way you want me to answer it!" Basically she is saying, "I do not know what the crap you are talking about so I will tell you what my followers want to hear!"

    Sarah could be up on stage having a stroke and foaming at the mouth trying to answer a question and her moron followers will still say she won the debate.

  46. Anonymous8:59 PM

    I'm making a prediction that Rachel will graciously invite Sarah to be her guest on her program, and we all know that Sarah is too cowardly to actually sit for a real interview. Especially after that Katy Couric went all gotcha on her!

  47. Anonymous9:12 PM

    Question, why does fox refer to Sarah as governor? Sarah did quit her job within her first term, does not make sense to me.

    What is going on with Sarah's breathing? Look like she is going to pass out. Just watch her flat chest when she is not talking... pretty scarey. Hope there is an EMT on the set.

  48. Anonymous9:24 PM

    An Anchorage friend told me that her friends from MN thought how popular Sarah was, and when they came up to Anchorage a few weeks ago, and did their tourist thing, they were a bit surprised to say the least. to find out that most Alaskans they questioned didn't like Palin. They went home enlightened. Hopefully this summer will enlighten more visitors from the lower '48.

  49. Anonymous9:58 PM

    RE Ivy Frye is under the bus ....

    A quote from the article:

    [Todd Palin's diary next week] youngest daughter, Piper, had a dance rehearsal. His oldest son, Track, would be helping out on the sprawling new addition to the family property on Lucile Lake. The toddlers, his son Trig and his grandson Tripp, would keep everyone on their feet. And his wife would be home for the weekend.

    “Everybody,” said Mr. Palin, smiling, the late Alaska light washing over him. “All together.”

    Everybody? All together? Without Bristle and Will-o?

  50. carrieoki11:17 PM

    Palin seems to think she is the center of the Universe. Well, a subject of universal derision is more like it. See post "Sarah Palin attacks Maddow for doing her job and says Rachel was 'prejudiced' against Rand Paul" and then see comments:

  51. Anonymous12:02 AM

    Love the scrolling descriptions on the Fox story: Governor/years, Mayor/years, U of Idaho 1985 BS. I think they got the last part correct :)

  52. get real12:18 AM

    Sarah Palin is a CONFIRMED political quitter - and a loser.

    She is nothing but a coward, liar, quitter and fraud. These are indisputable facts.

  53. Anonymous1:33 AM

    Gotcha questions? Isn't that sort of the purpose of journalism?
    For example, if Paul doesn't have any racist-inciting opinions that he can't defend without sounding like a dumbass cracker, then he doesn't have to worry that a real journalist will ask him about it, now does he?
    I know this concept will sail right over Palin's Tower of Bumpit, but then, she thinks the main job of a good journalist is to keep their pubic hair shaved.

  54. The enemies of the United States of America would no doubt give thanks and joyfully celebrate a Palin presidency. For them to witness the country's further regression into the pit of ignorance under her 'leadership' would be a dream come true.

    Hopefully, the majority of voters have the required number of grey cells and the creature will get nowhere near the Oval Office.

  55. Anonymous5:30 AM

    If Rachel, a Rhodes Scholar, is a TV personality, then what does that make Palin (half-term governor who quit, Fox personality, and star of the soon to be Discover TV show)?

    Anyone else think she is sounding more and more unhinged lately? In that Fox interview, she is manic (more than usual), just like a few other recent appearances.

  56. junasie145:49 AM

    Wallace ends the interview with: "Gov Palin... always a pleaaure... please come back", like she's doing him a favor by coming on his show. Doesn't he know she works for Fox? She'll come back when they tell her to, whether it's a pleasure or not. Phonies, all of them.

  57. imnofred6:08 AM


    PLEASE grow a set and expose Sarah Palin for what she really is. She is dangerous and the rest of the country needs to know what you already do.

  58. Anonymous7:46 AM

    Has anyone tried to do a Wordle of her word salad?

    Could be an epic idea for some great merchandise!

    I can see those tee shirts from my front porch, also, too.

  59. Anonymous8:08 AM

    The oil industry had no involvement w/ Bush??? At least she's showing off her new reading skills and can quote Ann Coulter!! Nice pick.... As for running for office, the GOP does like their puppets.

  60. Anonymous8:30 AM

    OMFG I have such a fu**ing headache. How is it a victory when the democrat won and the republ-i-klan lost? Hey Sarah we won you lost!!!! Shut up and shit down you racists piece of sh**!!!!!!

  61. Anonymous8:51 AM

    It shall be interesting to see who of the candidates Palin endorses with stings attatcvhed endorse her and make her the candidate for 2012 or be destroyed by her for she is vindictive. There are some people no one should ever accept anything from for the price you pay will cost more than money. Palin quit as governor to jump start her campaign and spew lies to destroy would be opponents and profit for power and money.

    I wonder what the time line was of McCain staffers observing ehr behavior, wondering if she had mental issues and Palin going rogue that Obama is a terrorist? It was a choice for Palin to buckle in and learn what she needed to learn e.g. prepare for interviews and the debate. Instead she had bizarre behavior and needed to be sescluded at the ranch, a plan devised to prevent a national debacle of epic proportions.
    Palin's MO is to beat the other down with words, spew and spin lies.

    This is a grave situation for our nation and Palin leaves wreckage. She will cause much destruction, ruin, terror amongst our citizens striking fear in people's hearts. I feel so sad for fellow countrymen, our country as I consider the damage Palin will do escalating in the next two years.

  62. I honestly don't know how you do it - I got to 2:07 and had to vomit.

  63. Anonymous9:12 AM

    Okay this woman is a fucking retarded idiot. #1 Bush was the guy who said he would bring honor to the White House. He did nothing but embarrass the USA for eight long tragic years. He put the fucking idiots in charge of overseeing the same companies that they where literally fucking and using drugs with at special parties. They could make a porn based on Bush's M.M.S. Bush is the one who got all of this money from big oil, coal, Enron and much more evil and horrible companies.
    #2 Rand Paul said that the TV Character
    (Maddow) was fair to him but the media at large was not.
    #3 A political blogger is claiming that he had an affair with Nicki Haley of SC who is running for Governor and is supported by Sarah Palin. Nicki denies that she cheated on her husband.
    Enough of SP That woman is an idiot and an embarrassment to all women.

    Our president needs to step up and tell B.P that we are done with your Blood Profits. Get lost B.P. we can clean this mess up without you. Oh and we'll be sending you a huge bill. Be Prepared to pay through the nose.

  64. Anonymous10:01 AM

    Didn't your very own Senator stand up for big oil just last week? Didn't she also have energy companies come up with a bill that would gut the EPA? How can Sarah say shit about our president when it is clearly the Republicans who are bought and paid for by the oil, coal, banks, health insurance and every other evil company that exists today? She is such an idiot.

    I hope someone can expose her soon. I want my country back from these ass backwards morons without any brains. Let's move our country forward and bring our jobs back from China.

  65. Anonymous10:53 AM

    emrysa@8:22Are you saying, sarah(eith the bachlor's degree,which took six years to achieve)is overactive,impulsive.and inattendent?
    The medical terms to describe ADHD. The medical texts also state"these are out of range for the childs age."
    I matched my breathing to hers. It was vewery shallow,repeated very quickly, and tireing to match for just a short period of time. I wonder how much )O2 reaches her brain per day? a brain deprived of O2 can be very illusionary in thought.
    The latest is: she now states Obama is used to using OPM(other peoples money)now that is really strange comming from Palin I'd say. Just who has gotten rich on the use of OPM.

  66. I have not watched the videos ... I may later with the sound off (and after 5 pm when I have a cocktail or some wine) but going on what everyone is saying, it could be adderol (and the abuse of it, in other words taking it as speed not as properly prescribed for ADHD). When my 35 year old son went on it as prescribed after being diagnosed with ADHD recently, the first couple of dosages of it and he would talk your ears off. Normally he speaks quietly, in a thoughtful manner, and sometimes would even have difficulty keeping his train of thought to finish a sentence. But a dosage of adderol and he talked non-stop (until the meds wore off). This may be what you are seeing except that she may be self-medicating with it. (Or someone is feeding it to her, a la Elvis, or M. Jackson).

  67. First, I want to say a gigantic THANK YOU to Gryphen for keeping us so up-to-date about Palin. I have only posted here once or twice, but am going to begin participating more because you are all fabulous!

    I don't believe that Palin running for 2012. Watch the end of the video. She is tired of being asked about 2012. As I watched her face, I had the distinct impression that she has already decided not to run. The way she says "Don't know if that's going to me be, Chris" gives the impression that she has already made up her mind and that she isn't running. There is still lots of time for her to change her mind thought.

    Palin talks about the "mood" of the voters. Well, the mood of the voters as been pretty consistent. Her poll numbers are ghastly. She has been traveling the country extensively for the past 6 months now and has hired big wigs to prep her for the bigger political arena where she won't be constrained by the McCain campaign. She has always blamed her poor image on the McCain campaign's handling of her during 2008. Now that 18 months have passed, Palin can't use that excuse anymore and she has for the most part stopped using it (the "lamestream media" is her favorite excuse now). She has hired handlers. And she hasn't been able to recover her image.

    Now Palin refuses to talk to the press. I live in Eugene, OR. Palin was here a few weeks ago. The media was shut out. She refused to speak to any of our media and she released pics for the media to use. She wouldn't even take pre-screened media questions. I was floored that the Repubs who were paying her had to convince her to allow the media to hear her speech in the overflow room. I believe they told her that they wouldn't have her come to speak if she refused to allow the media into the overflow room, but I am not certain about that. I knew that Palin was media-phobic, but until she visited here, I had no idea how hard she and her handlers worked to keep her away from the media.

    This is one of the reasons I don't think Palin will attempt to run in 2012. Even she knows that a candidate cannot shut out the media like she has these past 2 years. And she has seriously pissed off the media, which is disastrous for a politician.

    I personally think that Palin has jumped the shark in the past few weeks. Her disastrous speech at the 010 ICSC RECon Conference will hurt her. You know Palin bombed when her supporters are disappointed!

    The ICSC is the crowd that Palin thinks loves her the most. These are small business people who are largely conservative. She couldn't even deliver to them, and they like her! She bombed in front of the very group that has $ to support her with; she needs this group if she ever hopes to win anything again.

    Palin better shape up. It isn't hard to do a little bit of research once in a while. Wait, correction, it is obviously very hard for Palin to do any research at all. It is time to dump that tired ol' speech and give the people something new. If she doesn't, she will lose what remains of the supporters that can help her at all.

    Why people think Palin would be capable of handling foreign relations or giving State of the Union addresses is beyond me. Palin is worse than GW. I think that conservatives are beginning to wise up. She will always have the rednecks. But Independents and moderate Conservatives are fleeing from her.

    I did find it hilarious that Palin wouldn't talk about the specifics of Paul's comments. She gave a vague supportive reply and then made it abundantly clear that she wasn't going to touch what he had to say with a gazillion foot pole. One more person thrown under the bus by Palin.

  68. quills2:14 PM

    I too wonder about the 'heaving bosom' syndrome. I'm thinking that she's not completely confident that the anchors are going to stick to their talking points and she's nervously anticipating fielding something totally out of her depth. It's pure fear...

    I've also noticed that on a few occasions, Fox sometimes writes less than glowing articles about her and anchors aren't doing the cow-towing that's expected. It's almost like they may be giving her a little more rope, with which she will surely hoist herself up, skirt falling back over head to expose what she really is... :)

    Just today I was reading on Fox about Sarah's comment about Obama's inaction in the Gulf spill and insinuation that he's in bed with BP. As I read through the article, I was sure that they would have taken her side and plunge once more into the abyss of crazy, but was stunned that they actually pointed out that her facts didn't square up on this issue.

    "If there's any connection there to President Obama taking so doggone long to get in there, to dive in there, and grasp the complexity and the potential tragedy that we are seeing here in the Gulf of Mexico -- now, if this was President Bush or if this were a Republican in office who hadn't received as much support even as President Obama has from B.P. and other oil companies, you know the mainstream media would be all over his case," she said.

    Gibbs fired back that the former Alaska governor needs a lesson in how the oil industry works.

    "Sarah Palin was involved in that election but, I don't think she was paying a whole lot of attention," Gibbs said on CBS' "Face the Nation."

    "I'm almost sure that the oil companies don't consider the Obama administration a huge ally," he said, adding, "My suggestion to Sarah Palin would be to get slightly more informed as to what's going on in and around oil drilling in this country."

    Palin used Twitter shortly thereafter to respond to Gibbs.

    "Obama is the top recipient of BP PAC & individual money over the past 20 years. Dispute these facts," she wrote, linking to a Politico article citing campaign finance reporting showing more than $3.5 million given to candidates by BP since 1990.

    The largest single donation by BP -- $77,051 -- went to Obama.

    However, Palin did not point to another set of numbers reported by campaign watchdog, the Center for Responsive Politics, which showed the oil and gas industry overall contributed $2.4 million to John McCain's 2008 presidential campaign while $898,000 went for Obama's bid.

  69. quills2:23 PM

    Also, too, and I've noticed that when the question about the possibility of her running for 2012 arises, she never smiles upon answering. Her jaw clinches - perhaps in similar fashion to what her gluteus maximus is doing when her mouth starts moving more quickly than her brain.

  70. Anonymous3:11 PM

    Gryphen, once again I thank you for helping me go Palin-free with your speech summaries. There's a lightness in my soul that didnt exist when I was regularly listening to that strident harpy opine on topics far and wide (and completely independent of any knowledge or insight she may - or probably didnt - have on the topic). I still think we should know what she's up to, just as we'd want to know what the termites infesting our homes' foundations are doing - but it's such a relief to know I dont have to actually hear her speak. And I'll echo the others who hope that you help bring about her inevitable unmasking sooner than later.

  71. Anonymous4:33 PM

    Okay is it idill or eyedill? Does she know how to speak? Does she think its cute to mangle the english language? If she lived in Arizona and I was a cop I'd ask for her papers!


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