Thursday, May 20, 2010

Is Rand Paul the male version of Sarah Palin?

This from DailyKosTV:

Here is the transcipt:

The tea party movement is huge. The mandate of our victory tonight is huge…

The tea party movement is about saving the country from a mountain of debt that is devouring our country and I think could lead to chaos…

I think we stand on a precipice, we are encountering a day of reckoning…

We have a President who went to Copenhagen and appeared with Robert Mugabe, Hugo Chavez, and others — Evo Morales — to apologize for the industrial revolution. … These petty dictators say that to stop climate change it’s about ending capitalism. … The president by attending Copenhagen gives credibility and credence to these folks and he should not go…

When we had a crisis recently, when we had a crisis and things were tetering in the balance, people blamed capitalism, wrongly so. It was government! It’s the government that needs to be regulated…

People are already saying now you need to weave and dodge, now you need to switch. Now you need to give up your conservative message, you need to become a moderate. You need to give up the tea party. You need to distance yourself. [Shakes head.] The tea party message is not a radical message. It’s not an extreme message…

I’m humbled by this victory tonight, I’m humbled by your support. I hope you’ll fight on with us until November and I thank you very much for coming out tonight. Let’s have a party!

For contrast here is Sarah Palin with Sean Hannity on Tuesday night.

Same broad generalizations.  Same specific talking points peppered throughout speech.  Same.....word salad.

And one more thing, and I hate to be petty but sometimes things just catch my eye as wrong and I can't stop focusing on them, have you noticed his hair?  It appears that not only might Rand and Sarah share  the same speechwriter, they also might share the same wigmaker

Update: By the way did anybody else notice that Sarah seemed to think that in Pennsylvania Tim Burns (who lost by the way) was running against Arlen Spector instead of Mark Critz? (Check it for yourself at the 2:48 mark)

Why, oh why does ANYBODY think this woman has a clue as to what she is talking about?


  1. getastylist7:44 AM

    What a lovely frock Sarah is wearing.

  2. emrysa8:06 AM

    I guess palin couldn't be bothered to put on clothes for her latest faux appearance. maybe she really wants to be like the pajama clad bloggers.

    both of these people represent the worst of this country. freedom at all costs = anarchy, and that's what both of them want.

  3. Anonymous8:16 AM

    WTF? Is she wearing a nightie?

  4. Anonymous8:24 AM

    A week ago Palin endorsed Nikki Haley for SC Gov. Today polls show her leading, going from 4th to first.

  5. Anonymous8:27 AM

    ... getastylist:
    Her version of angelic?
    and while I am at it... the background is probably a video shot in winter and not updated to reflect the change in seasons.

  6. Anonymous8:37 AM

    Same wig maker's handiwork on the same kind of empty head spewing the same kind of empty, ignorant rhetoric.

    President Obama did not blame the industrial revolution or capitalism. The irresponsible manufacturing systems that pollute the air and water, the irresponsible use of fossil fuels, and the reluctance of our people to moderate wasteful usage and driving habits have all contributed to the problem over overloading our ecosystems with pollutants.

    Even if a natural cycle of warming were taking place, it is being escalated and exasperated by human activity and inattention. Only those totally detached from contact with the natural world can claim not to notice changes. Only those who do not read, do not listen, do not observe the world around them will shut out the warnings.

    Rand, Palin and others are contributing to the damage being done by mouthing platitudes and false arguments. They don't have the intellectual skills to understand the big picture, to understand how to question and consider.

    Gosh, I always thought Sarah was Dubya in a skirt. Now I see she has a doppelganger in Rand Paul. It's like a B-grade science fiction movie from the 50's: The Attack of the Stupids! The Stupids Are Coming!

    OMG, they are everywhere!

  7. "Why, oh why does ANYBODY think this woman has a clue as to what she is talking about?"

    I have not figured it out, although I have some ideas.

  8. Anonymous8:55 AM

    Gee, Sarah is looking like the Church Lady grandma she really is. Not that she goes to church or is really spiritual - she just looks like the stereotype.

    Man, I will say this for the GOP team that handled her during her VP run - at least they knew how to pretty-up the package.

    She should be investing some of her money into stylists, voice coaches, therapists, and taking classes on basic civis. You know, Rand Paul could use all those as well.

    Does anyone remember the Dixiecrats? Rand Paul seems to be a remnant of that segregationist, states-rights movement. It lasted for over 50 years (from the late 40's), but seems alive and well in his yammerings. They were dumb then, and even dumber now.

  9. Anonymous8:58 AM

    I think Hannity thinks he might have a shot at sleeping with Palin. He looks like he's in puppy love with her. She must have powerful natural pheromones the way these conservative poops melt.

  10. Anonymous9:11 AM

    Oh $carah your slip is showing....

    The more you spew about our POTUS, the more you sound jilted...

    Get over it $carah.

    However me thinks your attorney likes to keep you in the spot light... your a money maker... just continue to remain clueless and jilted, cause the college education fund for your attorney's kiddos ain't all there yet.

    Just saying...

  11. Forever Anonymous9:16 AM

    And Sean Hannity, who was so interested in the only race between a republican and a democrat, does not correct Sarah......maybe nobody at fox listen to her anyway....they all get lost in her word...salad.

  12. Anonymous9:20 AM

    There are things I like about Ron Paul, but this guy is nuts. And dangerous. These people really could take over this country and bring back the days of segregated lunch counters and a Dominionist version of Christianism being taught in the schools. Why won't anyone call them what they really are?

    And I get so aggravated every time one of them starts complaining about the budget. Why are they suddenly so worried about big government and debt, after having kept their mouths shut for 8 years ow W? Our "defense" racket eats up 50% of the budget by the time everything (sprawling intelligence community, military retirement and healthcare, interest on debt of previous wars, black budgets, etc) is added together. Yet they'd be the first to howl if anyone suggested that we close our 1000+ overseas military installations, cut Israel loose, and end all our wars, active and proxy.

  13. Enjay in E MT9:42 AM

    Yes, former half term Gov appeared to believe Spector lost to Burns -- obviously one of them was on the wrong ballot!

    Why doesn't FAUX provide her with the questions ahead of time? (And answers since she doesn't understand why the primary may be important Nov. 2010)

    Still feel like I got lost in a illogical maze with Rand Paul comments & not sure this is his point:

    He states:
    The government should NOT be allowed to interfere in a (PRIVATE) BUSINESS. (able to deny service to who they want, allow customers to carry guns on the premises, smoke, drink, drugs, sex, etc.) OK - sounds like a whorehouse, but, it is private. Customers/ clients/johns are "by invitation or membership only" - nobody can walk in off the street and nobody can sue the business for discrimination because it is a PRIVATE Business.

    And believes that if a business is PRIVATELY OWNED - yet open to the PUBLIC - walk in traffic/open door - then even tho it is a Privately owned business, they should NOT have to comply with PUBLIC laws such as non-discrimination, no smoking, guns carrying determined by the city...

    Someone tell me I am getting the drift of his arguement.

  14. Anonymous9:43 AM

    To Anonymous 9:20: well said!

  15. Anonymous10:11 AM

    Bad boy or bad wig?
    Cha-Ching! Bristol is in the house.... "she's a good speaker" ?

  16. You're being too hard on Sarah. Why don't you talk about what she does know? She completely nailed the part on her Specter flash card about how he used to be a Republican.

    Anyone would get confused with the 5 or so races to watch. And, anyway, what was PA thinking when they scheduled a special election on the same day as primary races? And why are there primary races for the Senate and House on the same day?

    You can't expect her to actually keep facts straight or pay attention to Hannity's questions and comment when she needs to concentrate on her smile and the pace of her blinking. Jeesh! And didn't Sarah just look so pretty...just like an angel.

  17. indylindy10:33 AM

    I truly despise this woman...She makes my blood boil every time she opens her big fat trap and spews her nonsense!

    Please please please let her 15 minutes be over soon!

  18. Anonymous10:48 AM

    From time to time, Jon Stewart will make a montage of all of the Republicans spouting the same talking points. It's no secret; some one at the top of the food chain sends out a daily bulletin with Frank Luntz focus-group tested words such as death panels or pallin' around with terrorists or pick the jargon of the day. I am sure that Fox, Sarah and every one else get the same Tea Party Points, too. It is the only preparation that Sarah might do for her Fox comments, and even then, she shows her stupidity by mixing up the Spector's race with the race to fill Murtha's empty seat.

  19. Anon 9:20 - "Yet they'd be the first to howl if anyone suggested that we close our 1000+ overseas military installations, cut Israel loose, and end all our wars, active and proxy."

    Rand Paul is an anti-interventionist -- opposes nation-building and would be willing to close overseas bases. I believe this is one of the things the Repub. establishment dislikes about him.

    "Instead of closing military bases at home and renting space in Europe, I am open to the construction of bases to protect our border."

    He's also veiled his position on Israel. It's surprising that Palin supported him.

  20. Anonymous11:08 AM

    8:55 said,

    She should be investing some of her money into stylists, voice coaches, therapists, and taking classes on basic civis. You know, Rand Paul could use all those as well.

    Can you imagine? Be thankful she hasn't!

  21. Anonymous11:24 AM

    emrysa: they don't really want freedom for all, they both hate freedom for my reproductive system and that is a deal breaker for me.

  22. Anonymous11:24 AM

    'anonymous' doesn't seem like an adaquate user name
    when so many are signing with that handle. Couldn't
    we each choose a screen name so that it's clear all
    the 'anonymouses' aren't actually the same person?
    Hey,if Sarah can come up with track, bristol, willow, piper & trig, why can't we choose - truck,
    brillo, pillo, zipper or kwak? or use your own first name. Less confusing that way. Just a suggestion,
    so don't nobody freak out.

    Sharon TN

  23. Forever Anonymous11:48 AM

    Yes, anon@9:42 you are getting it.

    I think Rand Paul understands private business to be what people can do in their bedrooms.

  24. To Anonymous @ 8:24, when $arah goes on FAUX and spews nonsense about Burns winning against Spector, who he was not running against, you don't have any problem with that idiocy, do you?

    No mention of the fact that it was Sestak who beat Spector and Critz who soundly defeated Burns. Sarah was wrong, AGAIN! She doesn't have a clue as to what she is talking about and the great majority of the people realize it. The group she represents is a very small minority without power. One of these days the idiots that follow her will realize she hasn't a clue to what is going on in the world.

    As for Rand, after hearing him on Rachel Maddow last night, he's a nutcase. No wonder $arah likes him.

  25. well, we are a few short months from learning two things:

    1. how many "bitter clinger" voters are in KY.

    and more importantly,

    2. how many "bitter clinger" Americans are prepared to send their money to this clown to "take back THEIR country"

  26. Rand Paul is A-OK with govt spending if it’s going into his pocket:

    “But on Thursday evening, the ophthalmologist from Bowling Green said there was one thing he would not cut: Medicare physician payments.
    In fact, Paul — who says 50% of his patients are on Medicare — wants to end cuts to physician payments under a program now in place called the sustained growth rate, or SGR. “Physicians should be allowed to make a comfortable living.”

  27. Anonymous12:23 PM

    I am sure $carah likes him, they speak the same language - giberish!

    Grandma Scarah in her nightly! What is she trying to entice more supporters? Somebody tell her that fifteen year olds can't vote?

  28. Anonymous12:27 PM

    I hope people continue to focus on Palin's endorsements. She endorsed Didier in Wa today who wants small govt but takes farm subsidies.

    Paul told BOR he would support making abortion illegal even if it was due to the mother's health.

  29. Anonymous12:29 PM

    By now, I am wondering if her fans will ever discover she doesn't have a clue - primarily because they don't have a clue either, and both her fans and Sarah seem to want their "education" on things spoon-fed to them so they don't have to think too hard (hurts the brain, don't you know).

  30. Anonymous12:40 PM

    Rand Paul, beck, Hannratty, the Swag-Hag...the only difference I can see from the outside is the color of the drawing paper their caricature is drawn on and the color of the crayon.

    The operative common thread : S T O O P I D......

  31. Rand Paul now says "It was a POOR POLITICAL DECISION to go on the Rachel Maddow Show."

    Duh! You ignorant homeschooled phuquetard! What did you think would happen when you got in the intellectual ring with a Rhode's Scholar?

    How soon until Sarah sends her Rachel Maddow voodoo doll to the witch doctor?

  32. Forever Anonymous1:34 PM

    "The morning after he declined to endorse the totality of the Civil Rights Act in his much-discussed appearance on the Rachel Maddow Show, Dr. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) copped to feeling regret -- not over his comments, but rather his decision to be interviewed by Maddow in the first place.

    "It was a poor political decision and probably won't be happening anytime in the near future," the Tea Party endorsed Senate candidate said on the Laura Ingraham show on Thursday morning.

    "Because, yeah, they can play things and want to say, 'Oh you believed in beating up people that were trying to sit in restaurants in the 1960s.' And that is such a ridiculous notion and something that no rational person is in favor of. [But] she went on and on about that."

    Wow, one might think Madow asked him "What do you read, Mr. Paul?

    He issued a statement about his "gotcha'" moment.

  33. He's pro-Medicare...OMG...You have to love these guys, if not find them somewhat bemusing. Let's sh*t all over the government and whine about the budget...AND THEN NOT DO ANYTHING ABOUT ITS MOST EXPENSIVE PROGRAM, which btw, if they do get rid of Medicare payment reform, will be bankrupt before the rest of us non-geezers can enjoy it...

    Why, oh why, do people trust the private sector over the government? The government effs up..don't get me wrong...but let's put it this way...the private sector has put poop in our food, and if left to their devices, would have left it there and would have thrown victims of said poop into a tailspin of legal fees and court cases before admitting there was poop. If people like Rand Paul had their way, there'd be no FDA and poop -- aka e. coli -- would remain in our food.

    Poop in our food, people...poop in our food...It's my rallying cry...Why doesn't anyone think about that, I have no idea...

  34. Anonymous3:13 PM

    It is the unspoken word in some areas of Ky. if you are not white you are not welcome. This is what $paylin's sidekick is talking about. He just wants to make it legal. It goes on and the little man knows it

  35. Anonymous4:22 PM

    I like how as soon as she opens her mouth she gets it wrong, it's "Finger on the pulse" you stupid grifter. You never use your thumb to take a pulse idiot

  36. Good catch Anonymous 4:22!

    I completely missed that which is sort of sad considering that I have taken CPR/First Aid classes 23 times.

  37. Anonymous5:30 PM

    This schoolgirl is smarter than Palin..and is able to debate and defend why Palin was wrong..a must read!

  38. BAustin6:00 AM

    all I can think of is Palin the Princess Warrior....I mean what the hell is she wearing?

    And I agree, Hannity has the hots for her. Vomit.


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