Friday, May 28, 2010

Joe McGinniss fires back at allegations that he is a "stalker".

From the New York Times:

Reached at his newly rented home, Mr. McGinniss said it’s actually a large lake, Lake Lucille, and said that he had no plans to take pictures or intrude on the family. “They are the ones who took a picture of me and posted it on the Web,” he said.

Mr. McGinniss has been called a stalker by many on various Web sites, but he doesn’t see it that way.

“I am not taking video or photos and I found two people in my yard who were walking over trying to take a picture over the fence and I told them that they had to leave, so in a way, I am serving as a kind of a buffer.”

Mr. McGinniss said that he had planned on moving to either Wasilla or Anchorage this summer to finish reporting for his book when a friend of a friend told him the house was available. He said the house, which the Palin’s had previously rented and renovated but never occupied, was a bargain at $1,500 a month with a lake side views.

His view of the Palin’s house is changing though. The Associated Press reported that the Palin’s are putting up a 14-foot fence.

“I am not sitting here with binoculars trained on her yard,” he said. The author said that after Ms. Palin wrote a post about his presence on her Facebook page, he received thousands of angry emails and a few death threats, but plans on staying through the summer. Mr. McGinniss, the author of a number of bestsellers, including “The Selling of the President,” “Blind Faith” and “Fatal Vision,” didn’t expect his new neighbors to bake him a batch of cookies, but he had hoped for a kind of détente even though he wrote a very rugged article about Ms. Palin for the now-shuttered Portfolio magazine in 2008.

“I had hoped for a mutual respect and benign neglect, but on Monday, Todd,” Ms. Palin’s husband, “came over to introduce himself and I told him who I was and he sort of freaked out,” he said.

“I am writing a book about Sarah Palin,” he said. “Why not live right next to the story? Unless I do something that is an active violation of their privacy, where is the harm?”

Well good I am glad that Mr. McGinniss finally found a reporter who has the journalistic integrity NOT to take the things that Sarah Palin says at face value.

Update:  For those of you who are feeling kind of helpless and want to show Joe McGinniss a little support there is a Facebook page just for you.


  1. Tyroanee5:15 PM

    There is no harm Joe.

  2. Anonymous6:06 PM

    Thank goodness someone delivers truth in the MSM.

  3. Anonymous6:32 PM

    I'm so glad Murdoch did not get his hands on the NYT. Maybe it has a chance to regain its reputation.

  4. Anonymous6:36 PM

    Good for Joe!

    I am sick of the media referring to Joe as "stalker." Can't they just say neighbor?

    "For anyone wondering if the Palins might decide to pack up and move altogether to avoid the presence of McGinniss, the possibility appears to remain on the table."

    Todd already said they would be filming in the Dillingham area this summer. Family togetherness and fishing for the Discovery Channel.

  5. Anonymous6:44 PM

    Joe .. please find out the truth about housegate and cabingate. Sarah and Todd's past income does cover building a big house and a big cabin. The construction of these houses smells fishy... just like the trout in Lake Lucille.

    You will be the hero to many

    I wish you well and hope your upcoming book is a huge success.

  6. Anonymous6:46 PM

    Welcome to Alaska, Joe, and we'll look forward to your new book!

  7. Anonymous6:48 PM

    Wow Sarah, I guess you aren't the only with unfettered access to the 'lamestream media.'

    She's such a twit! I looked at a few comments on this story at Huffpost, someone made mention that they thought, based on Bristol's testimony in the Kernell trial, that the house was in the middle of nowhere.

    I guess people are finally putting two and two together on this family of con artists.

  8. womanwithsardinecan7:30 PM

    I would be creeped out if Joe the Plumber moved in next to me. But that's just because he's a creepy guy.

  9. Anonymous7:56 PM

    Thank you for the facebook link.
    Sarah is such a moron but guess what else is a moron? Greta put a poll up on her blog asking which person is dumber Brian (who wrote an email telling Greta that her brain was empty and in fact if you put a pea in your brain it would sound like a BB in a boxcar) or Greta? Well so far Greta is stupid for putting the poll up in the first place since more people think she is more stupid than Brian. LOL

  10. LisanTX8:14 PM

    Dave Weigel also has a story out on Joe:

  11. Anonymous8:38 PM

    Best quote from the Washington Post article linked at 8:14 p.m.

    McGinnis: "By being here I have learned things, and I've gotten an insight into her character, into her ability to incite hatred, that before I only knew about in the abstract."

  12. Anonymous9:08 PM

    Todd will need to be careful, HE could be setting himself as a stalker of Joe, if he follows the same pattern of actions with Wooten. Joe isn't dependent on the State of Alaska for a job....

  13. Anonymous9:10 PM

    o/t, but a question about babygate.

    i was reviewing other websites, and came across this page:

    this site suggests that 1) surgical repairs were done to the baby with the "ruffled" ear in summer 2008 AND 2) a switch between one baby presented as Trig for another baby happened sometime between 8-9-2008 and 9-3-2008.

    were surgical repairs done, despite the baby being a newborn? i hope so, because that suggests the baby with the "ruffled" ear survived.

  14. I'm glad Joe McGinniss is speaking out. He's far more believable than Sarah with her swimming hole and gardening and Piper's bedroom window. Besides, she has a history of eagerly demonizing others.

    More on Todd's hysteria and nasty streak: "He took off on how my Portfolio piece was a bunch of lies, and a smear, and all this and all that, and he said, 'You going to be putting the microphones in now, and the surveillance cameras?"

  15. Bearwoman9:59 PM

    Todd's projection is what he is doing to Joe. Now we know where some of $P's nastiness comes from! Maybe Tawd is writing her facebook posts, similar to his conducting state business....

  16. Frankly, I hope she never gets the political/media savvy of a Eisenhower, Roosevelt, Kennedy or Bush family member.

    It's so entertaining to see her keep doing the same thing --- react like a 12 year old girl, run to Facebook to whine for her fan friends, accuse her new sworn enemy of perversity --- and expect her other acolytes (the lamestream media) to take her side in the spat.

    But while she's whining about a free market exchange (that she would love if it were Greta 'What happened to your face?' Sustren), Mr. McGinniss is quietly researching everything Mrs. Palin has done since birth.

    An aside: since Ms. Palin has NOTHING to hide, why would her fans and family be fearful of a book written about her? I'm sure it will take Jesus and Elvis returning to perform in a Pay Per View special for those monkeys to figure that one out.

    She wishes McGinniss could be distracted from fulfilling his Random House contract, but it ain't gonna happen.

    And if anything happens to McGinniss while he's in Alaska, the first suspects will be the Palins.

    Oh yeah, it's going to be a fascinating summer!

  17. Anonymous1:09 AM

    Joe, You are brave & I'm delighted you are writing a book, good luck in Wasilla, Karen

  18. Hmmmm, this article claims that the "Palins had previously rented and renovated but never occupied" the house. Aren't those "renovations" the ones requested by the Palins, who stiffed the landlord after she fulfilled their wishes, perhaps motivating her to turn down the National Enquirer and seek out Joe McGinniss as a tenant? That's a point we shouldn't lose sight of.

    Also, too, the fact that Joe McGinniss got his first newspaper reporting job right out of college, while $P was still in diapers, that he's taught writing to college kids at Williams and Bennington, and also, too, wrote ten books or so without a ghost--all of this must chaff $P's saggy *ss before he publishes a word.

  19. Anonymous3:22 AM

    Only $1500, man, that is a steal. Who's next in line to be the lucky tenant of the house next to Sarah Palin's House of Secrets? Kathy Griffin?

  20. Anonymous3:46 AM

    Thanks for sharing the name of our Pro Joe McGinnis Facebook Group. We are fighting a huge battle with the anti Joe group and need all of the support we can get. Getting the support of Gryphen and the Immoral Minority will help us make a strong statement of our support for Joe McGinniss. The name of our group is:

    Support Well Known, Respected Author Joe McGinniss...NOW!

  21. Jackie4:07 AM

    Must be nice that they don't have building codes in Wasilla and can get away with 14' high fences.

  22. Anonymous5:48 AM

    PRIOR: An aside: since Ms. Palin has NOTHING to hide, why would her fans and family be fearful of a book written about her? I'm sure it will take Jesus and Elvis returning to perform in a Pay Per View special for those monkeys to figure that one out.

    RESPONSE: Anyone can make anyone look bad at any time. They made John Kerry look like a coward, not a hero. "They" made encouraging patients to consult with their doctor about end-of-life decisions prior to the end of life into "death panels." There are numerous other examples.

    Also, everyone has SOMETHING to hide.

    I don't believe for a moment that Joe McGinniss is intending to do anything illegal, unethical or unprofessional. I just can understand the nervousness even if SP were pure as the driven snow (which I don't believe about anyone and certainly not about SP)

  23. imnofred8:50 AM

    It would have been interesting if Joe was a little younger and was the size of a defensive end. I wonder if tough guy Tawd would have used the same approach and tried to intimidate him.

  24. Anonymous10:43 AM

    Joe is not stalking by renting the house next door. If SP wanted it for Bristol or Willow or Todd, she should have continued to rent it. The place was renovated to their liking....

    However, the Palins ARE STALKING Joe. They posted his picture on facebook. They took photos of him while he sat on his deck. That's invasion of HIS privacy. He has not taken photos of the cottage cheese thighs riding the lawnmower.....LOL w/a 40lb+ baby on her back! HAHAHAHA What a moron she is!


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