Saturday, May 29, 2010

Let Joe McGinniss paint a picture of what REALLY happened when Todd Palin came to call.

Here is an interview that David Weigel conducted with Joe McGinniss just the other day.

When a source told Joe McGinniss that he could rent the house next to Sarah Palin's Wasilla, Alaska, home, the author was sold.

A room at the Best Western, not far away, would have been prohibitively expensive. The landlord of this house, meanwhile, offered it to McGinniss for $1,500 per month after a friend of the author recommended him as a solid alternative to the other people asking about the property.

"She was talking to this mutual friend of ours and said, 'I've got to find someone we're comfortable with,' " McGinniss said Friday evening from the deck of the house -- a deck that became famous after Palin posted a photo of it on Facebook this week. " 'My biggest concern is the Palins' privacy, especially the children.' So this mutual friend said, 'Well, you know, I think you're in luck. Joe McGinniss is going to be coming back here, and you couldn't find a better guy, just the right sort of person to move in and guarantee their privacy.'"

What happened next, said McGinniss, came as a total surprise. He had planned to keep the news off the Internet and tell the Palins himself that he'd be their neighbor as he wrapped up his biography of the former governor. (This is absolutely accurate.  I can tell you that once we had known, and I certainly did not until Sarah posted her Facebook message, that Joe McGinniss was living next door to the Palin house there is NO WAY that I, or any other Alaskan blogger, would have let that slip out.  Sarah Palin made this public, and she did it for a reason.)

"'I wanted to say, 'I'm writing this book, but I hope we can just get along as good neighbors, and after that, you'll never hear from me again,'" said McGinniss. "That's basically what I told Todd on Monday when he came over. He didn't really want to hear that.

"He took off on how my Portfolio piece was a bunch of lies, and a smear, and all this and all that, and he said, 'You going to be putting the microphones in now, and the surveillance cameras?' (WTF?)I said, 'Listen, you don't know how lucky you are that I'm renting this place because that's exactly what's not going to happen as long as I'm here. I won't see you, you don't see me, this will be fine.' He talked for a few more minutes beyond that, and he got, I'd say, increasingly hostile. And then he left, and I was still out here on this deck, where I'm sitting right now, when they took that picture for Facebook." (Notice that the very thing they accuse Joe of doing is what they do themselves?  How often have we seen that pattern?)

McGinniss said he was offended by the way Palin described his presence next door. Contrary to what Palin said in her Facebook post, he can't see into the windows of the home and he can't hear their conversations. While Palin intimated that McGinniss could watch the family when it went swimming, he said that only the edge of their land near the lake was visible from his property. He was deeply offended by the implication, not thinly veiled in Palin's note and subsequent interview with Glenn Beck, that he would be peering in on the children.

"These little kids, I couldn't care less about them," said McGinniss. "I have my own kids and grandkids to care about. I don't have any interest in Palin's kids. I'm not going to write, oh, I saw Trig run across the lawn, and I saw someone else change his diaper. I haven't been writing for 40 years to wind up on that level. I'm just very offended by this."

"By being here I have learned things, and I've gotten an insight into her character, into her ability to incite hatred, that before I only knew about in the abstract."

So there you have it.

Joe McGinniss arrived in Wasilla, Alaska to shine the light of truth on the lies and obfuscation that the Palin's are famous for, and he has already begun to do exactly that.  Hopefully the next lies that he refutes will NOT be ones directed at him. (Please click the link at the top to read the entire piece by David Weigel.  There is much more that I did not use for this post.)


  1. Anonymous5:14 AM

    "her ability to incite hatred"

    Joe should make that the title of his book.

  2. Kat_from_HI5:31 AM

    I read Dave's column earlier in the WP. The Bots had arrived early in full force in all their slimy fury, issuing threats, & typical venom. Please keep safe & tell Joe to keep safe too. We need you guys. You are so very appreciated and valued. Thank You!

  3. Aaaaaaand the first commenter at Weigel's WaPo site was Uffda, from the Peepond.

  4. Anonymous5:58 AM

    I think we are getting a glimpse of perhaps why the MSM has avoided training a negative eye on this family. Perhaps they were clued in to how CRAZY and desperate the Palins can be when threatened. They didn't want to stir up the mess that McGuinniss is stirring up. But if you do a puff piece on them--why you get a heapin' helpin' of their hospitality! You get invited back for more! Real journalists don't have to resort to tacky, invasive methods like the Palins suggest McGuinniss is up to. All they need is to be "boots on the ground", talking to sources, getting the feel of the place, measuring if there is a climate of fear in that place and finding out why. I support Joe in his attempt to do just that.

  5. Anonymous6:15 AM

    Remember this is an example of the Christians at work. That witch doctor must have told them this is how to love your neighbor. How many foreign, since babble mouth likes to talk about, not one of us, is financial backers of this ignorant pack? The main one that I know of is from another country. How about that snow machine babble head was standing in front of dressed as a walking advertisement. Isn't at least one Saudie an owner?

  6. Anonymous6:17 AM

    Kudos to The Today Show for giving him the opportunity to tell his side, unlike Faux and ABC "News." By limiting his interviews, it's obvious who the bigger person is in this.

    I certainly wouldn't be scared of Big Bad TAWD. He's already shown what a "man" HE is.....

  7. Anonymous6:19 AM

    Good for Joe for telling his side of the story.

    My favorite palinbot comment is the one referencing (as if it were true) Joe Jr.'s tongue-in-cheek comment about his Dad's romantic interest in Sarah. What a surprise! Sarah fans don't understand parody.

  8. Anonymous6:26 AM

    I had to agree with Mcginnis when he said that she should have come over with cookies instead of inciting the hatred and misleading implication. Her behavior simply reinforced the pervasive impression that she is not thoughtful and careful in her reactions, wants to incite hatred and goes out of her way to create controversy, and in the process totally invalidates her claim to any political office where a cool head must prevail to keep our country safe. How can we possible vote for someone who reacts so hpysterically to a simple situation. What would she do in a real emergency for the country??????????

  9. I have always respected Mr. McGinniss, his dedication and work. I am pleased that Mr. Weigel is correcting the record and doing a stellar job at that. We have every reason to be grateful and pleased with both men for helping to restore the role of journalism.

    The gaggle of palinbots are always out in force and number in their empty and factless routine.

  10. EmilyPeacock6:41 AM

    LOL. My SIL is Swedish. Uffda is the verbal expression of a shrug or as if to say, "Whatever." in a dismissive tone. I think we can just dismiss Uffda in the same way. Whatever!

  11. Anonymous6:50 AM

    sorry, OT but you should read this article from MarketWatch that says Palin should replace Oprah:

    An excerpt:

    Love or hate her and her strong views, she remains a riveting speaker. She draws huge crowds wherever she appears. Her autobiography was a major bestseller. Everyone knows her name by now. She has the kind of name recognition that makes other politicians -- and TV-star wannabes -- drool.

    Would Palin do it? She would, if she thought it through. A TV talk show would serve as a platform for her, as she entertains hopes of running for the White House, perhaps as soon as 2012...

    By appearing everyday on TV, Palin could carve out a politically friendly identity for herself and drill it into the synapses of voters. In such a controlled setting she could go a long way to prove wrong the naysayers who say her views are ill-informed and unsophisticated.

    Palin could also use a show like this to showcase her family values - and the network could market her in a way that could attract viewers who are sympathetic to her challenges of being a working mother of a large family. Palin, who is raising a child with Down's syndrome, could share her experiences on a personal level...

    Palin's down-home charm would be a refreshing change from most predictably scripted talk shows. And let's see Oprah take down a moose!
    -end quote-

  12. What a sad, pathetic family.

  13. Anonymous7:09 AM

    It's kind of amazing, rereading McGinnis's article in Portfolio, that Palin is freaking out the way she is. "hysterical reaction" is right. Joe McGinnis is hardly Kitty Kelly. The Portfolio article doesn't scratch the surface of Palin's dementia. Granted, it deals only with the pipeline. The most personal that it gets is a quote from one person who called Palin a "fucking psychopath" (got that right!) and delves into her propensity for "magical thinking". Also, it closes with the observations of some Alaskan newspaper or board (I'm sorry that I can't remember) that Palin doesn't know the difference between campaigning and governing. The truth hurts, huh Sarah? Joe's book should be very interesting and, as he said to Dave Weigel, you've given him a first person insight into how petty and vindictive you can be.

  14. Anonymous7:09 AM

    The sociologist Becker would have a field day with Palin: the moment she complains is the exact moment she creates a tighter crisis for herself. Intimation and intimidation are NOT a good way to stem the curiosity of an inquisitive mind like MicGinniss's. Nice going, "Toad." You can bet that your infantile display of "he-manhood" will make it into the opening segue of the book.

    You know, it would appear that McGinniss need not write his book at all to get to her as the mere threat of it seems to have initiated her own self-destruction sequence: hardly the profile of a courageous and valiant champion.

  15. The only microphone, cameras I have seen were by the hands of, request of the Palins. I doubt ABC got on their lawn without their permission and approval. Joe, had no choice.

    Who wrote a book and even when hired to speak tells things about the Palin children? Mrs. Palin does routinely.

    There is a lay man's expression "drag someone else down to your level". The Palin's do not see themselves nor their behavior nor how they accuse others of their own behaviors.

    The Palin's like anyone else has a right to set limits their privacy be respected, to inform their neighbors of behaviors they will or not tolerate. The Palins and no one is entitled to control, manipulate they get their way falsely accusing, defermating to asignating anyone's character, launch scud misseling preemptive strikes on FB, national television resulting in death threats due to false allegations and projection. The Palins may be deluded they are entitled as thier behaviors demonstrate.

    Remember Sarah said if Obama was smart he'd start a war to win the next election...just saying this is how she choses to "win". BTW, there is a police force, laws other ourses of action but tht would be appropriate, fair instead incite a lynch mob for what you did to someone else.

  16. Anonymous7:30 AM

    This has nothing to do with Joe living next door, if he lived anywhere in Wasilla she would have come up with the stalking story. Someone is finally confronting little Miss Paranoid and she knows he will find out everything she's hiding and it's driving her over the edge. She has been the bully for so long stepping on and ridiculing people with her lies and nastiness, maybe people will finally start talking about the Queen of Wasilla and her dirty deeds. Good luck Joe, it's going to take a lot of digging...your the one to do it and Sarah knows it, that's why she's in attack mode.

  17. Anonymous7:36 AM

    Good on Joe - stay safe. And retain a good lawyer, just not the ones Levi uses.

  18. Anonymous7:42 AM

    As much as I HATE to venture anywhere near the side of the Twitty Queen, I can understand why it would be a bit intimidating to have a writer working on a book about you living next door.


    Having said that, I feel her reaction to the situation is far more important than Joe's motives or the creepiness factor. If she can't handle a little over-the-fence scrutiny and pressure, how in hell could she be expected to handle something like, say, the President of North Korea making nuclear threats against the US???

    She becomes hysterical and creates all these fanciful and provocative scenarios (peering in Piper's window...please!) because of a writer living next door. This is NOT the type of reaction I want to see from a person being considered as presidential candidate material!

    And hey, much as you hate the pressure from Joe, you better suck it up, Buttercup, because that is the price of the fame you so desperately crave! If you're soooo concerned about maintaining privacy, maybe you should have moved to a place that doesn't have another house 15 feet from yours instead of filling up every square inch of your property with your little 'compound'.

    Yet another bad decision on the part of the big republican hopeful.

  19. Anonymous7:45 AM

    I say let's not keep our focus so tightly on Sarah - Todd and Track can be real negatives here.

    If we keep attacking Todd's manhood either he or Track may try to prove it in a reckless way. I, for one, do not want to feel responsible for egging them on because the guilt should something go wrong would not be easy to live with.

    After all, Sarah's own Dad said she doesn't make the decisions. Maybe she isn't the only unstable on in the family. Pressure and publicity could make any of them crack. I say let's be honest but responsible.

    We, too, should think about consequences. She doesn't, but we can and should. We should be the grown-ups here. She has problems and a problem in and of herself, but let's not help create more.

    Let's just work together to ensure she doesn't get more power and any chance to run things. It is bad enough she's getting this TLC show coming out this fall. Obviously, the more worked up we get, the more her base gets worked up and then the more she seems to benefit.

    Let's pick our battles, be smart and go after her as we would any politician. It's fun to pick on the crackpot stuff she does, but we should be conserving our strength for the real battle to come. Nipping around the edges is fine, and it might help crack her facade, but she's like a weed, we really need to concentrate on finding the deep roots and pulling those to the surface.

  20. Anonymous7:45 AM

    It's just so very low class & rude, for Sarah & Todd to attack Joe, when he has done NOTHING WRONG. Where is the Christianity in that? Love thy neighbor? Do unto others as you would yourself?

    I'm just appalled that anyone like her, can crawl into leadership positions in our country. She lacks common decency at the very least. Karen

  21. Anonymous7:48 AM

    I thought this must have been what happened--that he rented the house next to her by mere chance. All the Palinbots keep saying, "How would you like it if someone writing a book about YOU rented the house next door?" Well, you know what? I'd LIKE it! What a wonderful opportunity to let them really know you. We have nothing to hide. We don't fight. We don't do anything weird. It seems to me those people who find this worrisome are the people like MY next door neighbor, whose son deals drugs, or the couple across the street, who fight like cats and dogs constantly, or the family beside them, who are always screaming at their kids, or someone who has a secret lover who comes visiting.

  22. David Wiegel has read Joe McGinniss' portfolio piece and perhaps one or more of his books and clearly understands that McGinniss is a journalist and a neighbor rather than paparazzi and a stalker. Ahhh!

    It would have been helpful for McGinniss to give more information about the availability of short-term rental property in Wasilla. I did an internet search and couldn't find any. It seems as though a door opened for Joe and it happened to be next door to the Palins. Sounds like divine intervention to me. Surely, Sarah understand how that can happen.

    So besides fence-building, what do we think the Palins have been doing since their new neighbor arrived? Based on their history, it's easy to imagine that Todd and/or Chuck Heath have been busy making phone calls and paying special visits to stir up fear in the valley. I hope they'll be met with courage and any such attempts will be exposed. It's way past time for the whole truth to be told.

  23. scarlet/oregon8:09 AM

    Mr. McGinniss is finding out that 'little Miss Hitler' of our times sets her sites on someone & her Mob Followers lock-step to her demands....threatening horrible consequences for her enemies.

    In the meantime, Ms. Palin has no problem invading my living room through the Discovery Channel bringing lies about her love of Alaska's wildlife. In her real world she paid Bounty Hunters $150. to bring her the Paws of wolves they killed as she sat on her sofa lined with the hide of a Bear.

    This woman won't be satisfied until she recruits every American to be 'dumbed down' to her level, making them ripe for her AIP Belief System.

  24. Anonymous8:09 AM

    I always suspected tinny-voiced Tawd was a nasty piece of work. So the little weasel huffed and puffed and blew his puny hairless chest up, took a few swigs of his favorite 'courage-in-a-can,' and strode forth to breathe fire and... make a complete hysterical north end of a south bound mule of himself. Joe should've chased him off with a flyswatter.

    Sharon TN

  25. Sarah is a Drama Queen; she believes her own lies, and there is nothing she won't lie about.

    How High School can you be, really, to feel the need to jump on Facebook and talk about the latest details of your life!

    So now I read on HuffPO that there are comments and veiled threats to McGinnis on Anchorage Craig's list ..... how pathetic these Wasilla people are.

    Oh what a scourge McCain has let loose on the USA ..... not only the airheaded half-wit Drama Queen herself, but a town full of inbred drones guarding their Idiot-in-Chief on whom they depend for the limelight.

    Pitiful little people.

  26. Mitch who lives in Kansas8:28 AM

    The other day I asked for some help in rebutting the comments made about $carah over blogsforvictory. Well, they are at it again, referring to Joe as a douchebag. It is like someone said, she projects her pathology onto others and they just absorb it like a sponge. Since I am banned from the sit, could some of you opt in for some cyber fighting at post some comments there? You have to do a wordpress registry thing, but that only takes a minute. Believe me, it will be worth it.

  27. Anonymous8:31 AM

    I just hope that Joe with all his writing credentials, will not give Sarah a pass with trashy secrets. There must be trashy info she's trying to hide, so please Joe, don't feel above all the gory details. Please don't let her charm you, she may try that as plan B.

    I feel her behavior has been insane & needs to be brought to light. Thank You Joe. Karen

  28. Anonymous8:33 AM

    Archivist, You nailed it! Karen

  29. Anonymous8:42 AM

    Just MO... but Taaadd is acting (and looking) like a gay man who' still in the closet. Gotta show the macho, gotta show the macho!

  30. womanwithsardinecan9:09 AM

    Sarah's "magical thinking" is what keeps her thinking (I use that term loosely) that she and she alone gets to choose the venue and content of her "stardom." When you have drama-queened your way into the spotlight and refuse to let go of the microphone, people will take advantage of the fact that you are very much a public figure, even if your only "title" is that of crazy whackadoodle mean girl drama queen nutball from hell.

  31. Joe's book will be a best seller, unlike sarah he will not have to use PAC monies to to fudge the numbers!

  32. this is even worse than the Jefferson's moving next door to the Bunker's.

  33. Anonymous10:06 AM

    I wonder if The Nat'l Enquirer has found another house to rent in Wasillabilly land???? Hmmmm!

  34. Anonymous10:15 AM

    Alaska Dad . . .

    Speaking of which, does anyone no where the fraudulent ALASKA FUND TRUST went?

    It speaks volumes to the slimy residue that simple sarah left behind in the current AK Administration.

  35. Anonymous10:27 AM

    To Joe - Welcome to Alaska, be safe and I can hardly wait to purchase and read your new book!

  36. Joe's rental house used to be an Oxford House, a sort of halfway house for addicts released from prison.

    Sarah used to date the guy who runs the prison in Alaska, didn't she? Wasn't he pictured together with her serving hotdogs at Sarah's farewell picnic? I can't remember his name, but I recall he looked a lot like Todd.

    It's odd that a house with former prisoners is next door to Sarah plus she used to date the prison dude. Wondering if there was a connection.

  37. I'm struck by what this says about her ability to be a national leader.

    She comes home, goes outside with her kid, notices that SOMEONE has moved in next door, immediately runs back in the house and calls her husband to go confront the person.

    First - why's she so paranoid about someone - she didn't know who it was at first?

    Second, why does she run and hide? What's she trying to hide?

    Third - if someone's going to go find out who this person is, shouldn't she be the one - or at least go along with Todd? She's the "leader" here.

    What kind of president would she be, if she's so paranoid about an unknown situation she runs away, and then is so afraid to confront the situation she sends a surrogate "protector"? Plus then she whips up a paranoic frenzy among her followers, leading them to believe virulent lies and inspiring them to hateful actions. Think about that on a global scale, with other nations.

    Not presidential material at all.

  38. I read the article and several of the comments. The hate mongers are out in force commenting and what struck me in all of it are the ones who try to sound reasonable and keep referring to her private life and how sacred it is and how Joe is infringing on it, on and on and on.

    My question to all of them is "How private is your life when you tweet, Facebook, give selected media interviews with all of the gossip rags and Fox News?

    Lets get real here. If she wanted a private life she would not do any of this. imho

  39. Anonymous11:15 AM

    I don't see how it's illogical to be angry that a person who is going to write a book "exposing" your family is going to move next door to you. I'd be pissed too.

    The libs were outraged when they found out Bush allowed wire tapping, but somehow they are OK with an author moving in right next door to someone they hate, just to dig up dirt. As IF that is not an invasion of privacy.

    You folks are so intellectually dishonest that it is hard to take you seriously. How about this, if you think this isn't an invasion of privacy, send me your personal stats and I'll start digging up as much info about you as possible, then, I'll rent the house next door to you and write a book.

    Don't be scared. Just post your info on here and I will get started. None of you will do it though, hell, you are too scared to even post your real name on here! You post as anon, or some made up name. What a bunch of hypocrites.

  40. "somehow they are OK with an author moving in right next door to someone they hate, just to dig up dirt. As IF that is not an invasion of privacy. "

    IT'S NOT AN INVASION OF PRIVACY. Period. its NOT like BUSH WIRETAPPING. Not even close. its a guy renting a house LEGALLY!!!

    Get used to it, and go back to the sea of pee and USE YOUR REAL NAME FOR CRYING OUT LOUD.

    hypocrite much, ANON @11:15?

  41. emrysa12:08 PM

    anon @ 11:15 am sez:

    "I don't see how it's illogical to be angry that a person who is going to write a book "exposing" your family is going to move next door to you."

    you see, you start out on a completely false premise. he's not there to EXPOSE HER FAMILY.

    the only person who is exposing sarah's family is sarah. at every opportunity.

    next we're going to hear that it's joe's fault that 16-year old willow was in a "glamour shots" photo spread in a national magazine. oh, sarah's not responsible for that one.

  42. Anonymous12:16 PM

    I have long believed that the ONLY person who will ever knock Scarah off her pedestal is Scarah herself. It's happening folks. She's cracking, slowly but surely.

    She has now shown those that were on the fence about her just how crazy she really is. She is falsely accusing this man of stalking her and slandering him when he has not done a thing.

    Keep the pressure on, keep the writers moving ahead and she will crack. I think a HUGE blogger BBQ at Joes is called for but that won't happen. But keep her running and eventually she will go into meltdown.

    Aren't police reports public record? It would be interesting to see how many false calls she has placed accusing him of coming on their property.

  43. @Anon 11:15am

    Since Palin has nothing to hide and (according to her rabid fan base) is perfect in every way, she really should be fine with McGinniss living next door.

    Also your point requesting personal stats from people who are not public figures is puerile.

    Palin quit a government job after running as VP on the GOP ticket to become the Heidi Montag of the GOP.

    Do you really expect that Palin should be able to reap the benefits of being a political celebrity without any of the risks? What makes her so special that she should be immune from the realities of modern day celebrity?

    And one of the risks is that intelligent, committed, established journalists may want to write books about you that YOU CANNOT CONTROL.

    last question,
    what color is the sky in your world?

  44. Anonymous12:47 PM

    Anon at 11:15, of course you know that wiretapping, which is usually illegal unless done with a warrant, is different than having someone you do not like move in next door.

    If YOU don't see that the presence of a writer living next door, who is NOT wiretapping, photographing, or anything else of that nature, is NOT the same as the Bush administration feeding a large portion of the private phone calls and emails of American citizens through a big filter and rummaging around in the data, YOU are the one who is being intellectually dishonest.

    The Portfolio piece written by McGinniss was not about Sarah's FAMILY. It was about Sarah Palin and the proposed natural gas pipeline, and the piece helped to show that Sarah is not nearly the "foremost energy expert" that she let McCain, Kristol, and others make her out to be. Of course she doesn't want her lack of knowledge or effectiveness to be made public. This was serious journalism, not a gossip magazine piece.

    Where is the evidence that Joe McGinniss "hates" Sarah Palin? And where is the evidence that he has EVER spied on small children and peeped in their windows?

    Anon, I don't know if you are male. If you are, imagine if you were a reporter, and went to a famous person's home to see if you could get them to answer some questions. You rang the bell and the owner of the house angrily told you to leave.

    You leave, but you continue to interview people who know the famous person, in order to try to get more information for your story. You stay off the person's property after being asked to leave. Then the famous person very publicly "wonders" about you looking in the window at her pre-teen girl, and suggests you will be doing research by peeking in on the play area and watching the famous person gardening in her yard. Would you think it was fair to be accused of being a peeper at a elementary school age girl when you had never done anything close to looking into the window and didn't intend to?

    I think you'd be angry if you were so accused, and that every man knows how vile an accusation it is to accuse a man of being a peeper and pervert with NOTHING to back it up. You'd probably also think the accuser was being pretty irresponsible to make those kinds of charges. If you don't see that, then YOU are the one who is being intellectually dishonest.

    Remember, it was the NSA under Bush who listened in on phone sex between military officers stationed overseas and their wives at home, and said to their coworkers "hey, here's a good one", as they all listened in and laughed. Now THAT is an invasion of privacy. I don't believe that Mr. McGinniss has written any books that involved him listening in on other people having sex, and I seriously doubt he intends to.

  45. Anonymous1:05 PM

    As has been stated before..........It's not possible to invade the privacy of a media whore!

  46. Anonymous1:09 PM

    Joe the writer is at fault here for living SO closely to his subject's home. But, saying that, unfair things happen to any one of us every day. Who hasn't had an obnoxious family relative, neighbor, that infringes on people's lives in every day life. We have to confront employers that do not like us, jobs that we are not fit for, unemployment, lack of choices if and when a noisy neighbor moves right next to us.

    Most don't have summer cottages, secondary homes, land, money to run to in the same situation. Most have to make the best of a situation. IT's SP's over the top reaction, posting in on facebook and asking Glen Beck to make it into a national mountain out of a molehill.

    She sounds like a person who has always done what she wants, controlled her environment all her life and can't deal with unpleasant situations at all. For five months? How about the family that HAS to stay in their home being run by a new neighbor who revs their motorbike, cars all night. Can't keep their animals on a leash, burn woodstoves incessantly, and in the hot 90 degree summer months burn outside in their back yards incessantly.

    Sarah's "just like you guys" theme insults our intelligence.

  47. Anonymous1:30 PM

    11:15AM = Palinbot too ignorant to know the difference between the federal government violating the U.S. Constitution (or "Consitution," as you dumbass teabaggers spell it) illegal wiretapping citizens without a warrant, and the perfect right of any citizen in this country to live next door to anyone he damn well pleases as long as he's paying the rent required by the property owner.

    Yup, 11:15, your ignorance is breathtaking, but that's exactly what I expect from a Palinbot.

    Now go back to fantasizing about Sarah in her little shorts and tank top, mowing the grass. You're just jealous of Joe McGinnis.


    Palin does it again! Had she kept her mouth shut, no one would know that McGinnis lived right next door to her. In her hysterical knee-jerk reaction, she has let the entire world know that there is a journalist living next door. The result? The national media is begging McGinnis for interviews and details. Details that would have remained private had Palin stopped for 1 second and thought about the consequences of her actions!

    An Anonymous at 7:48 am mentioned, if anything, as a neighbor, McGinnis could have the opportunity to view some of the more "normal" aspects of the Palin clan. This could give a more humanizing look at Palin and her family. Instead, she makes sure that her neighbor is harassed, simply proving what everyone has known for ages; Palin is an immature adolescent attention whore.

    The woman would benefit from some humanizing coverage. SHE just guaranteed that she won't get it. Not that McGinnis cares. Isn't there a saying about keeping your friends close and your enemies closer?

    Anonymous at 11:15 am. Are you high? You are comparing illegal wiretapping by the federal government, a violation of every Americans Constitutional Rights to McGinnis becoming Palin's neighbor?! OMG! You must be high.

    To be honest, I can understand why this would make the Palins a little uncomfortable. But by blowing this out of proportion, Palin has made it clear that McGinnis is the one being harassed. If the Palins would think before they acted in such a juvenile manner, public opinion would be much better for the entire family.

    IIRC, the Clintons dealt with media around their NY home for months. One writer moves in next door and the Palins flip out, before they have any info about the situation. Now, anytime the Palins cry about McGinnis, folks will know she is FOS. She has just guaranteed that NO ONE will take her seriously about this in the months to come.

    The only thing Palin can prove the country with now is comic relief.

  49. Anonymous at 11:15 am, you are going to provide your name, right??? You yourself state that to not do so would be hypocrisy.

    Don't let the hypocrisy hit you on the way out.

  50. Forever Anonymous1:51 PM

    How many times has there been a camera crew inside the Palins house?

    Who, of those that have taped and photographed inside their house and writen about the Palins has ever caused Sarah and her family to proclaim alarm and been maligned and accused of having a perverted motive?

  51. Anonymous1:55 PM

    You sounds like a real sweetheart, anon at 11:15 a.m. Research and vet your friend, Palin...

  52. Fine, be angry, but to accuse him of stalking and pedophilia is over the top and WRONG. If she went out there and simply said she's upset about it, but hey- I've got nothing to hide, so live and let live, she'd have more sympathy than criticism.

    She is an idiot to the n-th degree and will orchestrate her own downfall.

  53. womanwithsardinecan2:06 PM

    Anon 11:15, we aren't tabloid public figures who make a point of sticking our noses publicly into things we have no clue about, just to maintain our personal fame and fortune. Sarah created this 6-headed monster, and this just happens to be one of the consequences of tabloid fame. Couldn't happen to a more deserving person. And that's my honest opinion.

  54. Smiling Lady2:10 PM

    Palin would have been wise to say nothing when she realized it and just acted up sweetly and given McG nothing but good to say. This would be time to tear down the wall, have various picnics with friends and politicians, invite Joe over, play with the kids, invite him in for a tour, and in general make nice. That way, all he could say was that she was nice.

    (When I had a neighbor start to harass me because she didn't like that anyone had built next door to her, I dressed up in an animal costume and quietly danced on my lawn late at night, got her dogs growling and making noise, then I called city ordinance on HER. hee hee )

  55. womanwithsardinecan2:20 PM

    And sure, Sarah has every right to be angry and paranoid, but that doesn't take away from the fact that she created this with her own delusional ambition. Is it illogical to be angry and paranoid when somebody who wants to expose you moves in next door? Nope. Thing is, I can't think of a single person in my life--friend, family, acquaintance, whatever--who has EVER generated the kind of circus around them that Sarah has. She actually has reason to be paranoid, because she has thrown enough people under the bus that some of them will choose to be the juicy quotes that will make Neighbor Joe's book such a pleasure to read. She has blurred too many legal and ethical lines, treated too many people with disrespect and dishonesty. She has MADE herself the subject of expose books, because there is nobody left to write the cheesy sugary fake ones without having to go into seclusion afterward.
    There will always be psychopaths like Sarah who climb ladders of fame, fortune, or power. People like her are drawn to such things, and they have enough tricks in their bags to get what they want for quite a while before attracting a crowd. Most of these narcissitic sociopaths do a lot of damage along the way (Sarah, Bernie Madoff, Blagoyavich, to name a few), but their blind ambition often brings them down eventually. Sarah may be getting away with a lot of crap, but you can see the hand of karma in this neighbor situation. Three cheers for karma!

  56. Anonymous2:21 PM

    @Emily P. Not to quibble, but Uffda is Norwegian. My Norwegian college roommate used it instead of "oh sh!t".

  57. womanwithsardinecan2:28 PM

    Anon 1:05, that says it all.

  58. Forever Anonymous2:35 PM

    "I don't see how it's illogical to be angry that a person who is going to write a book "exposing" your family is going to move next door to you. I'd be pissed too."

    The malicious and serious accusations implied in her complaint are unwarranted.

    Defending Joe McGinniss journalistic reputation takes priority before commiserating with her for the irritation of having him next door.

  59. LMK: "The woman would benefit from some humanizing coverage."


    I'm hoping McGinniss' book will humanize Sarah, the deified creature seen on the VP campaign trail, in Going Rogue and now on Fox News.

    I do wonder about the proposed title of the book 'Sarah Palin's Year of Living Dangerously'. Where was the danger other than possible discovery of the truth about her?

  60. Anne In DC2:53 PM

    Did the Palins raise any objections when the house was used as a halfway residence for ex-cons? My guess is that she is afraid of what McGinnis will write about her. However, with her melodrama and histrionics, she has given him a treasure trove of material, not to mention the threats made against him by the likes of Glenn Beck.

    She is a sorry excuse for a mother, with her lies about the man being a pedophile. ?She has long exploited her kids, but this is a new low. As a poster above said, Karma is paying Palin a visit and she's a real B*TCH. Palin wants attention, but for it to be only on her terms.

    That's why she only appears at events where everyone agrees with her, and she only answers pre-screened questions. What she failed to reckon with was the fact that there is a price to be paid for it. Along with the national attention she keeps seeking comes the expectation that she would not have as much privacy as an ordinary citizen, although I don't see this man invading her privacy. The way it looks, she is the one doing the stalking since she seems to be watching HIM.

    She's like all other bullies, because she can dish it out but can't take it. I look at this as payback for all the lies she has told about others and the hatred she has spewed without having been held accountable. She has burned a lot of bridges on her way up, and become an increasingly unsympathetic character. Her giant-size ego and her ambition, coupled with her anti-intellectualism and emotional immaturity, will be the factors in her eventual downfall.

  61. Anonymous2:56 PM

    @anon 11:15

    You can write all the books you want, because no one will buy them. No talent, no sales.

    You need to admit that the house next to Palin might have been rented by ANYONE the owner choose. You need to be a little more intellectually honest about your position. You are comparing Joe McGinniss to some fictional perfect neighbor. When in fact, the owner could have chosen a harmless looking psychopath. Sarah Palin could have been out in her tank top and shorts, Piper in her bedroom and the rest of the clan in the kitchen, everyone of them unknowingly in mortal danger.

    The fact is the Palins did not vet the occupant of the neighboring property. They were careless and indifferent to their peril. It is the price they pay for building so close to the property line. It is going to be hard to fit in the moat, barbed wire, guard towers and search lights. Perhaps you can bend your intellect toward that planning task.

  62. Smiling Lady, do you have PICTURES of you in the animal costume?! If you do, it would be SELFISH not to share your creativity and good humor with the rest of us! I'm sitting here, shaking with laughter.

    By the way, what you said about $P's true-to-type overreaction to Neighbor Joe was absolutely right. Ever since this story broke, I've had the theme from "Mister Rogers' Neighborhood" scrolling through my mind:

    "I've always wanted to have a neighbor
    just like you
    I've always wanted to live in a neighborhood
    with you...
    Will you be my, will you be my, won't you be my neighbor?"

  63. Forever Anonymous3:05 PM

    Smiling lady@2:10

    That would have made Sarah a clever and balanced person, besides, she has no use for Joe like the use Bill Kristol had when he came to town, then she sought out his company.

    She showed up at videographer office in California to seal the deal for him go to Alaska and fallow her and her family around for days.

    She needed those guys, she can be charming and friendly only while seeking a sucker.

  64. Anonymous4:48 PM

    If Mr. McGinniss wanted to learn about Palin's family life, he could have rented the house and hired some unknown person to live there, "spy" on the Palins, and report everything back to him.
    The Palins would have never known unless McGinniss' book made it known.

    The Palins will never know what a person living next door may be doing unless they install some of their relatives, but from what I've heard I'm not sure they should put much trust in some of them. Mrs. and Mr. Sarah Palin do not appear too learned about celebrities, particularly those who are divisive and spew hateful speech.
    If they were smart, instead of building another large structure on their property, they would have found a larger property with more privacy to build their compound. If she is so worried about privacy, she should spent some of her ill-gotten money for security guards and then be careful not to piss them off as seems to be her habit. How's that common sense thingy working for you, Sarah?

  65. The Palin's are now the richest people in Wasilla, but they are still the dumbest. All the money in the world can't buy intelligence and that must chap their ass each and every day.

    There are plenty of us here in Wasilla that live our lives on such a different level than the Palins. We are proud of the children that excel educationally and personally. We are proud to live in this beautiful area with so many wonderful outdoor opportunities.

    Palin is trying to sell our beautiful Alaska in her image and I won't stand by and let her sully what is special about this place.

    The Palin family is "special", that's for certain. Special in the way the the comedian Carlos Mencia refers to as "deet dee dee". Yep, special for sure.

  66. Anonymous5:30 PM

    Sarah is everything that is right with this country. We have given her the freedom to be a moron, and the ability to rise despite this. Our culture adores beauty and considers it akin to wisdom.

    And, now I would like to barf.

    And, suggest that those boys supporting Palin get girlfriends. After five kids, Sarah wouldnt even know if you were there!

  67. Anonymous5:44 PM

    Tawd needs to get bitch-slapped for his arrogance. Oh wait, isnt that what Sarah and Chuck do to him already?

    If I was Joe, I would have gotten a restraining order on Tawd etc. Also, I would show him my 357 Magnum let him know that if he ever stepped into my house uninvited, I would blow the tampon right out of his ass.

  68. Forever Anonymous5:48 PM


    "I would have happily accepted a cookie, and then in my book I would have had a lovely scene about how gracious she had been." McGinniss sighed. "She is, in many ways, a very gracious person.""

    NO, NO. She may still do it but, the best way to guarantee his safety, it is for things to develop just like it is now. None of the Palins should be allowed in the house.

  69. Purple Alaska6:29 PM

    ". . .it's easy to imagine that Todd and/or Chuck Heath have been busy making phone calls and paying special visits to stir up fear in the valley."
    I don't know why Dar Miller (may her soul rest in peace) and the Wasilla church fire comes to mind in the latest feigned Palin outrage . . .and just like the "Wild Ride "Story," Sarah in shorts, tank, lawn mower and Trig in a backpack is another real doozy!

    I truly hope that Joe-the-neighbor invest is security cameras and alarm systems if the house is not already outfitted with these deterrents. I would not put anything past someone who can make up such unbelievable stories, and yet beguiles the gullible.

    Stay strong Joe ~ and be ever-vigilant.

  70. emrysa6:45 PM

    womanwithsardinecan, I totally agree about the karma thing.

    Anonymous @2:56 PM sez:

    "It is the price they pay for building so close to the property line."

    yep. those who defend sarah ought to put themselves in the place of the homeowner who has someone move in and build a monstrosity so close to their property line. would they like someone who did something like that? hell no they wouldn't. but yet they defend sarah... f-ing dumb.

  71. Anonymous7:09 PM

    Anon 2:21 you are right, Uffda is Norwegian and it is akin to how we in English say "oh shit" but not literally. My norwegian relatives use it when somwthing unpleasant or bad happens. For example, if we were to say , oh, for example, Sarah Palin is running for president, they would say "uffda!!"

    Anon 11:15, I never faked a pregnancy, had my husband do a job I was elected to do, quit before finishing a term, took 6 years and 5 schools to get a degree, evaded taxes, had a clown car full of prop kids, named a kid after their medical abnormality....(do I need to go on?) Anyone wanting to write a book featuring me is welcome to rent the house next door to me.

  72. Anonymous 4:48 - "If Mr. McGinniss wanted to learn about Palin's family life, he could have rented the house and hired some unknown person to live there, "spy" on the Palins, and report everything back to him."


    Bingo! What a great way to show why it's ridiculous to think McGinniss moved next door to snoop...especially considering he didn't seek out the rental property.

  73. I just finished reading the Joe McGinniss essay "Pipe Dreams". Very informative! Funny I wasn't aware of it before all this. I guess I should thank Sarah for bringing it to my attention. I kind of have to chuckle about that.

  74. Anonymous10:30 PM

    5:30 PM, I have to admit I so loved your last paragraph. Sure it will sail over the geezers, and boys head though.

  75. Anonymous11:31 PM

    Please. If anyone really thinks he was not going to report what he might see in the house or yard, you are deceiving yourselves. If someone moved in 15 feet from you and you knew they were writing a (negative) book about you, you would be upset too. Why can't you just admit that, even though you hate Palin.

  76. Anonymous4:58 AM

    What is with the Mat-Su Valley Frontiersman and the weird ending?
    Wasilla fence fascinating for national media outlets Saturday, May 29, 2010 7:04 PM AKDT

    Perhaps they are more fascinated than they want anyone to know. Anyplace else and that would be a veiled threat.

    All the bullies are pathetic.
    Stay strong Joe.

  77. Anne In DC6:42 AM

    AK Pet Mom, it is encouraging that people like you speak out, letting the rest of America know that the Palins do not represent Alaska. It's really scary that anyone anywhere truly believes that she would even be remotely qualified to be a world leader. She makes a drama out of everything that happens to her in a bid to stay in the limelight. The former Alaska governor who recently died was quoted as having said that she sought the national limelight but lost her moral compass. If she can't deal with an unwanted neighbor, how does anyone think she would deal with the constant attention (often negative) that every president has to undergo?

    She is the most prominent personification of the anti-intellectualism in this country, which the GOP exploits for political advantage. On other forums, I have read numerous posters actually defending her anti-intellectualism and painting all intellectuals with a broad brush because SOME intellectuals are either obnoxious or have made bad decisions in government. That kind of thinking is all the more frightening when I think of how this country could be faced with dire consequences if anti-intellectualism were national in scope.

    Reading your post is heartening, because it serves as a reminder that most Alaskans have the mental intelligence and moral integrity so lacking in Palin and her ilk.

  78. Anonymous11:38 AM

    Joe, we love you and support your efforts in exposing the Palin criminal family.

  79. Anonymous2:55 PM

    AK Pet Mom, I want to feel more encouraged about the people of Wasilla. Can anyone explain the people of the Wasilla Valley and how they deal with their paper, the Frontiersmen?

  80. Anonymous12:08 PM

    If he's not interested in all of that mentioned in your blog, then why does he have to be next door then? That's the point. He is interested in that or else he wouldn't have to be next door. What is he possibly going to learn by being next door other than by looking into their windows and backyard or trying to overhear conversations? What a creep this guy is...


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