Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Think you hate BP as much as you possibly can? Wanna bet?

For years when I drove by BP's office building in Anchorage I paid little to no attention to it.

It was just another oil company with offices located here in town and whose money probably helped to pay for the road I was driving on. In fact I have met a number of their employees and found them to be just like everybody else.

However after the recent events in the Gulf of Mexico I find myself envisioning the executives that run the company as versions of Snidely Whiplash, with dark cloaks, pencil thin mustaches, and evil eyebrows.

Unfair you say?  Over the top you claim?  Unnecessarily hurtful you argue?

Well what else do you call a company that kidnaps it's own workers and threatens to hold them until they sign statements that could be used against them in court.

Or who hire Jefferson Parish sheriffs to keep reporters away from the local wildlife refuge.

Or what do you call them when you learn that the dispersant they have been pumping into the Gulf for over a month now to break down the oil and keep it out of sight has the same molecular structure as anti-freeze.

And what do you call a company that only released the now famous video of the oil flowing from the broken pipe after first denying that anybody had asked it for it despite numerous requests form media outlets and the White House?

And now we have BP Managing Director Robert Dudley complaining that the lack of trust "hurts a little"! (H/T to AKMuckraker)

Is this asshole kidding me?  There is NOBODY more devastated by this than BP? Should we ask the fishermen and locals living along the Louisiana coast if that is true?

Assuming you did NOT hate BP before, how do you feel about them now?


  1. Like you, I have met many employees of BP Alaska and they are fine, normal people. I am not so sure that that hold true for upper BP management. My experience is that there is a big difference between the workers and management.

    I will take the workers any day over management.

  2. Anonymous12:35 PM

    IMO, BP's feelings are hurt because of the BOYCOTTbp campaign on social networking sites and maybe because some of their shareholders filed a lawsuit. Those things tend to focus a company's attention in a free and unregulated market.

  3. Of course BP's feelings are hurt: we aren't properly sympathetic with the fact they are losing big bucks. That well was just about to go into production; now all it does is cost them. They might get smaller bonuses this quarter. The workers are just like the rest of us. They do what they are told and have no say in what the upper management decides. The Massey energy coal workers testified before Congress yesterday that they got fired if they complained about safety concerns. Same deal.

  4. Anonymous1:51 PM

    An interesting article by Greg Palast regarding Sarah and Uncle Wally.
    Likely also available on Palast's own site.

  5. Anonymous2:45 PM

    Look at monkeyfister.blogspot.com for a very scary update regarding the Gulf volcano of oil.

    And just wait 'til hurricane season, when oil hurricanes blow to the shore...

  6. Anonymous2:46 PM

    OMFG http://www.americaspeakingout.com/ is so fucking lame!!!!!

  7. Anonymous3:51 PM

    BP was going to cut the live video feed of the top kill tomorrow. I can't believe they would even try to not show the top kill due to all of the bad publicity lately. Are they fucking high?

  8. Anonymous7:35 PM

    Yes, BP is a reprehensible company, but the article that you link to says that it was Transocean representatives and attorneys acting on behalf of Transocean who hassled the survivors. Perhaps you shouldn't single out one company when there are a few involved in this debacle? Just sayin'.

  9. Anonymous6:05 AM

    You know, Gryphen, there's two sides to every story. Trust me, you've only heard one. This thing has been spun in the press in the most unfavorable way possible. Every time I see a "Chicken Little" headline at HP, I shake my head. I've seen outright LIES in their headlines. You don't notice because you want it to be whole truth. It is far from it. They're only going to tell you what keeps you looking in. They're selling you something.

    I say this not trying to minimize the scope of the disaster; it's terrible what's happening. But watching the press turn everyone into Chicken Littles is equally a shame. Usually it's just Faux News that likes to do that, but now the sky is falling everywhere.


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