Friday, June 18, 2010

Disgraced evangelical minister Ted Haggard: “I believe we are also nearing the end of the ‘Religious Right’"

I do not believe I have EVER hoped that Ted Haggard was right about anything before, but oh well I guess there has to be a first time for everything!

From the Colorado Springs Gazette:

Haggard also waxes prophetic in his tweets:

“I believe we are at the end of what church historians will, in the future, call the Billy Graham era.”

“I believe we are also nearing the end of the ‘Religious Right’ representing Evangelicalism.”

“My prayer is that over the next 10 years, there will be a Love Reformation and the Gospel will retake the Bible-believing church.”

I cannot believe I am saying this but, "Amen brother!"

I have been of the opinion recently that the selection of Sarah Palin as the evangelically supported choice for VP, hurt the religious right wing almost as much as it hurt John McCain.  Here they had picked this woman based on extremely shallow criteria and had not taken the time to vet her or to see just who she really was.

When she demonstrated herslef to be ignorant, racist, and incredibly thin skinned, that reflected poorly on the Evangelicals as well.  Just like Alaskans who were extremely embarrassed to be represented by Caribou Barbie, I kind of believe there were many on the religious right who felt the exact same way.  In fact that might have been why one of Sarah's most aggressive supporters, James Dobson, found himself kicked out of the program that he both founded and led for over thirty years

Personally I would love to see a "Love Reformation" in the evangelical churches. I really think the world would be a much better place if the Christian church tried harder to reflect the teachings of Jesus Christ and worried less about what people did in the privacy of their bedrooms or with their own bodies.


  1. Anonymous11:39 AM

    That doesn't say much for Franklin Graham continuing in his father's famous footsteps.

  2. Anonymous11:41 AM

    World wide, I don't think we are going more to embracing acceptance.

  3. Anonymous11:43 AM

    If he means the part of the Bible that is Christs's teachings, I hope he is right.

    If he means the parts that fundies use to mentaly stone the rest of humanity then he hasn't changes any, he's just learned to be a better liar.

    In any case if he was gay before now then he still is and has just learned to lie about it better.

  4. Let me add my two cents to your excellent post, Gryphen. As someone who lives in the Deep South, I have watched the disgusting Southern Strategy develop from its beginnings in the '60's up through the Madness of Palin. I believe the whole thing began with the forced integration of public schools in the The South. The white Southerners in charge did not want to pay the bill that would have been necessary to update the public school systems to cover ALL the kids. The churches held onto their private, tax-exempt status, and this launched the beginnings of the boom in private schools, the boom in home schooling, and most of all, the boom in using the church congregation as a political voting block backed by a military and corporate war chest. The leading reason that SP is the Daughter of Satan is because she so effectively provides a boost to this despicable element in our culture that we had so hoped was on its last legs with the election of President Obama.

    Allow me to paraphrase a clever quote someone just placed at the Democratic Underground: "She loves the private sector because she thinks it's in her pants."

  5. Anonymous11:48 AM

    Gryphen: Will you either answer this publically or do a post on why you once believed Sarah Palin was what the country and Alaska needed - as far as I can read, you believed this up until babygate rumors started coming out, around August. What drew youto her? Was it her campiagning on honesty and openness, was it her looks...? I've been very curious how no negative traits were known in Alaska prior to her national turn. You even commented in April or May 08 that Trig would be joining a lovely family.

    Yet you have yet to prove the Palins do not have a lovely family. You've tried to prove they are dysfunctional, which is really no different from any other family if you think about it.

  6. angela12:21 PM

    Haggard has felt the wrath of the fundies. Of course he spread a little of it around himself. And even though the words on his lips are sweet—his heart is still lying. He is gay and his basic belief system will not allow him to admit it to himself or anyone else.

    I'd love it if the American Taliban would disband, disperse, vamoose--but I'm thinking---- not. There are still too many groups they need to vilify and subjugate.

  7. Anonymous12:24 PM

    Despite everything you've ever written about Sarah etal, they are damn good about writing fans back personally. and the autographs look authentic. Would people who dont care do that? No, they're a strong network and Sarah and Todd are in this together

  8. Gryph....Amen, Brother! The bottom line is Sarah's life has never lined up with the WORD of GOD. This I do know! Sarah and Todd have shown themselves to be dreadful parents, liars, deceptive and highly vindictive. But, somehow they're considered living a Christian life and having family values. I've continued to be somewhat confused and ashamed that she got this far and flippin mad that she was using GOD as a prop to do it! That is one of the reasons why I've been in oppostition to Sarah Palin!

  9. Anonymous1:36 PM

    Just look at Ted Haggard! How could anyone with a brain beleive anything that comes out of his gaping mouth??? Is this a guy you'd want to have a conversation with, much less take advice from?

    My 'CREEP METER' pegs everytime I see his face.

  10. Anonymous2:13 PM

    Anonymous at 12:24 PM, there are machines that sign signatures, which are exact duplicates of the original signatures.

  11. Anonymous2:55 PM

    Anon 12:24...HUH????? Please explain what you are talking about. I don't get it. Todd and Sarah are in "what" together???? Ripping off her supporters?? Pretending to have a good marriage? What are you talking about. I'm being sincere. I don't understand.

    Anon 11:48? Do you honestly believe Sarah is normally dysfuntional? Do you think it's normal to lie about every single thing?? If you think that she and her family are normal, I feel sorry for you. Her dysfunction is sick and evil, not normal.

  12. Anonymous3:28 PM

    Gryphen-- this is what is gripping Israel. Do you think it is connected to a Fundi aspect over here in the US?

  13. Enjay in E MT3:30 PM

    Interesting comments

    I hope the fundamental Christian right decides its time to read the bible instead of having someone tell them what it says they are suppose to believe. I doubt the former half term gov. has stepped into her own church for Sunday services for the last 12-18 months.

    Many of these Conservative Christians are breaking 7 out of 10 commandments during the week and on their knees praying for forgiveness on Sunday. But instead of making them a better person, on Monday they are back playing the same game. But of course, they are reborn & now pledged their lives to God - who must want them to lie & cheat & covet.

    Perhaps the Ten Commandments instead of "Thou shall not" they should have been a few more "Thou Shall"

    Thou Shall keep Holy the Sabbath

    Thou Shall be charitable in heart, mind and purse

    Thou Shall remember that All are My children; sinner or saint, thief or holy man, maiden or prostitute

    Thou Shall keep thy own tongue from spreading falsehoods & rumors

    Any others ???

  14. Anonymous4:22 PM

    I'll withhold judgment on Haggard until I see some 'fruits of the spirit.' Haggard was up to his neck in dominionism. Haggard and C. Peter Wagner were co-founders of the World Prayer Center - Wagner, as many of you know, being the defacto leader of the New Apostolic Reformation, one of the wackiest religious movements ever, and Sarah Palin's belief system of choice. I refuse to acknowledge these people as Christians. They are a cult with some very strange - no - bizarre ideas that involve witches, demons, spiritual mapping, exorcisms, and of course, the idea of taking dominion over the world in their 7 Mountain Mandate crap. That's a lot of 'doctrine' for Haggard to give up to be a normal, loving, compassionate Christian. Homosexuality might have been his public disgrace, but it's the least of his problems as far as I'm concerned.

  15. Anonymous6:15 PM

    What is the difference between the Gospel and the Bible-Believing Church?

  16. Anonymous6:22 PM

    Anon 12:24 - Governor Sarah Palin nor anyone in her Administration, not even her husband, father or Bristol (who were known to write notes on Sarah's behalf) ever acknowledged my organization's letters congratulating Sarah on her historic win and her Administration's placement.

    This was during the honeymoon phase when we didn't know anything about her (or them) but did the proper thing to extend and olive branch and learn about each other since we had to do business in Rural Alaska with a freshmen and inexperienced Administration.

    We were supposed to be her constituents, private small enterprise also, too. Never a word, from anyone. How's that for personalization?

    Was it because we were from the Bush? (Western Alaska) Or was it because we weren't donating money?

  17. Anonymous6:50 PM

    Wow - interesting comments in this topic.

    To me, this goes back to the origins of human beings as they evolved through nature - the need to triumph over another so that they could survive. As men became sentient and educated they still needed an outlet to prove their superiority over others. It's something we all grew up with - thinking we are better than those around us. Remember when you were a child and you and the bully taunted each other, saying my dad is better than your dad, or as you began your teenage years, I'm prettier than you are. And for that snooty friend you couldn't wait to bait, bragging I get paid more at my job than you do, plus I got the corner office! How about my skin color is the best because I am white? My religion is the only true one - you are going to hell. Here's my all time favorite: I am special because I am an American, all others are less than me. What arrogance!

    In reality we are no better than the person sitting next to us on the bus, or standing in the grocery store line or praying in a church. All human beings are just human beings. What we make of our lives is of our own choosing.

    Why are the Ted Haggards and the Sarah Palins the way they are? It's their need to be better than all those around them, to prevail as someone superior when in reality they are their own worst enemies.

    I confess madame ex gov is really annoying. I enjoy ripping her using satire and sarcasm. Guilty. Truth be told, I don't think much of folks who use religion to further their own devious agendas.

    That said, I have been as guilty as those I described above. It took 50+ years for me to see we are here for a short time. I don't know what is on the other side of this reality. I don't pretend to. But I look forward to learning the answer, whether I am reincarnated, in another universe, dimension or oblivion.

    So all you folks who are here trolling, looking for trouble I have this to say: look in the mirror and see your enemy.


  18. Anonymous... it is relatively easy to discern.

    It is how you treat the other guy. It is how you

    AND. The bible is subject to interpretation.

    Ya' think?

    Or, how did you arrive at this insidious question?

  19. Anne In DC1:02 AM

    It's sad that Christianity has been used by some as a means to an undesirable end. That end has been imposing some regressive policies on the rest of this country, and not about loving one's neighbor. Choosing someone as ignorant, bigoted, and intellectually incurious Palin as representative of Christian values shows a serious lack of critical thinking. Anyone can call himself or herself Christian, but the individual's actions and words have to be in alignment.

    Then there's the mistake the religious right has made of publicly crowing about its moral superiority, only for a significant number of politicians and religious figures they support to get caught in compromising positions. Because they claimed moral superiority, they were scrutinized more and had a harder fall from grace than they would have otherwise.

    At its best, religion provides a moral compass and also provides guidelines for interacting with fellow human beings. But when it is hijacked and politicized, no good comes from that. I also hope to see the day when Christianity is no longer misused in this way.

  20. Randall7:15 AM

    CariBOOBIES Barbie


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.