Friday, June 04, 2010

Mercede Johnston dips her toe into the Blogosphere.

Sadie just posted for the first time on her brand new blog

I suggest that you go on over and take a look as she has shared some very interesting details that have never been made public before.  I anticipate that her website will prove to very informative in the weeks and months ahead.


  1. Anonymous7:02 AM

    Gryph - Do you understand what happened to Mercede's computer? Were all her photos on the internet? Did she have photos also in files on her computer? If so, how could photos not on the internet be accessed and removed without physical access to her computer?

    Previously I had understood, from the statements by Sherri, that McCain people came into the house and removed photos from the computers. Of course, if that is true, they could legally pursue getting back their personal items. This is quite confusing and very disturbing that her computer and personal photos were violated.

  2. Anonymous7:04 AM

    PS What a beautiful photo of Mercede. She did a great job on her first blog post.

  3. Anonymous7:20 AM

    Man it really hit me that she lost all her treasured photos and memories. That to me is nothing less than out and out theft of real property.

  4. AkMom7:22 AM

    Awesome. I hope she's able to keep it up without being attacked.

  5. Anonymous7:45 AM

    My heart goes out to Mercede. Through no fault of her own, her life was turned upside down.

    Let this be a lesson to all of us. Back up your files, people! Don't just keep everything on one computer.

    And I hope this blog doesn't come back to haunt Mercede. Obviously, she's got help with it. It's very professionally done. I hope whoever is helping her only has her best interests at heart. She's very young and vulnerable to be exposing herself publicly like this.

  6. Anonymous7:45 AM

    What an excellent start! Just came back from reading her blog. She is going to gain a huge following. Not only is she smart and competent, she can convey her message in a caring and intelligent manner. Congratulations to Mercede.

    This is such a refreshing contrast to the sad, rambling and stumbling stuff Bristol has presented. It is obvious which children were raised by the more caring mother. Don't mean that in a snarky way; it is just obvious that Levi and Mercede were raised by someone who really cared about them.

  7. Anonymous7:47 AM

    Why would they take her personal photos? That is beyond heartless.

  8. Anonymous7:49 AM

    Any more info on the subpoena that was served on Mercede by Bristol?

  9. Anonymous7:52 AM

    Mercede said:
    BEFORE Sarah Palin was tapped to be the Vice Presidential candidate I had a fairly normal American teen life. I went to school, received good grades, and had many friends. I worked a part time job at a coffee shop, played sports, fished, hunted, camped out, and hung out with my friends and family, AND OF COURSE anxiously waited for my perfect nephew to finally be born.
    Was she awaiting the birth of her nephew BEFORE Sarah was tapped for VP? Interesting.... ...…….

  10. Go Sadie!7:54 AM

    I love Sadie's new blog and what a great beginning. It is wonderful that she is opening up and so beautifully done. What she mentions about the computer is devastating and no recourse?
    I don't like it, but I don't see how she won't be "attacked." What is encouraging is that she is very capable and knows that it won't be all sunshine. Her leadership and truth telling gives me goose bumps, the good kind, and I am encouraged for Tripp and Levi having a chance. We will see how it all goes but this has to be a turning point and a real good thing.

  11. emrysa7:58 AM

    mercede's post is a reminder that the palins have been hiding shit for a long time.

    really, what was the purpose of removing everything from her computer? does this happen to everyone who knows a vp or p nominee? don't think so, we would have heard about it before now.

    for some reason, it was necessary to wipe mercede's computer clean. gee, wonder why.

  12. I

    I wish that Mercede had explained more of the details of when this hacking took place and whether it happened when the McCain people came into their house. Certainly, the Bush administration had a vested interest in making sure McCain/Palin won the election. They must have feared legal accountability if Obama won. If only that fear had been realized......

  13. Anonymous8:19 AM

    @anon 7:52, I had the same reaction when I read that paragraph. Then, I started counting on my fingers, and Mercede could mean that even as late as July or August of 2008, they knew that Bristol and Levi were expecting Tripp and that was the nephew she is writing about.

    I'm more puzzled about calling him "perfect." That could mean that a previous baby was not perfect, as in DS or FAS. What I want to know is why Levi and Mercede were photographed holding Trig (the baby with the ruffled ear). If we are to believe Sarah, Mercede was gushing over her brother's girl friend's mother's baby. I don't think so.

    I would like to know more about Mommy-in-law, family love and Triggy Bear, best baby brother ever.

  14. Anonymous8:30 AM

    Congratulations Mercede! You have a lot on your plate and you are handling it all so well.
    Politics may not be your thing but you are someone who can offer an interesting point of view on the various issues surrounding your life.

    I was sorry to read a recent report on teen attitudes and guess who gets some credit?

    I am disgusted to hear about the loss of your family online photographs. That is treachery of the lowest form and it was obviously not something that just happened on it's own and random. You have been through so much, I marvel at your stamina and endurance. I know there is a little guy that is quiet a bundle of love and a great incentive. Keep counting your blessings and doing what you are doing.

  15. Anonymous8:34 AM

    Dear Mercede:

    Here is my advice. You are a capable and gorgeous young woman who's been through more uninvited crap than you ever deserved, but apparently have come out strong. If you choose to still live a semi-public life, as you're doing with your blog, interviews, etc, don't do it without a) also going to college, b) speaking truthfully with every word you say, and if you're not sure something is true, either don't say it or admit your uncertainty; & c) setting your own boundaries. People of course see you and your family as instrumental to exposing Sarah Palin's most serious lie, babygate. If we are wasting our time believing that some revelations are to come from you, please let us know. Then we can just follow your interesting life without expecting you to deliver something. Or I can, sorry, did not mean to speak for all.

  16. Anonymous8:57 AM

    Anonymous @ 7:04 AM said...
    PS What a beautiful photo of Mercede. She did a great job on her first blog post.

    She is a beautiful girl and she looks sweet, not hateful like the Twitter Queen's girls. She's so much prettier than they are, too.

    Good Luck Mercede!

  17. FEDUP!!!9:15 AM

    Remember when the McInsane person came to answer the Johnstons' door and said she was a 'friend of the family'? THAT is probably when her computer got hacked and wiped clean. Maybe they just put a program on it to remove ALL documents/files - because Mercede said that the experts could not find a trace of any files ever having been on the computer. That is why all her personal memorabilia are gone. Unfortunately, she cannot prove that anyone had access to her computer, so she cannot sue for anything. :(

  18. SME1319:33 AM

    It is impossible to wipe out a computer without leaving a trail which means it was done from within her own home. Chances are McCain's people gained access and wiped it out themselves. They could have done while sitting right in front of everyone by inserting a thumb drive with a program written for just that purpose. no one was the wiser until it was too late.

    OT: I'm not sure if you saw it or not but a judge ruled this week a paper had to name an anonymous commenter on an article because the comment was thought to be libelous. The same is a good warning for people posting anywhere on the net.

  19. Anonymous9:33 AM

    First Joe the writer now Mercedes blog I predict a mean girl tweet in 3...2...1

  20. Forever Anonymous9:54 AM

    Thanks for the link Gryph, you see why I stick by you, even if have an awful taste in movies?

    Now Mercede has said that soon after she posted the picture of Triggy bear/ mommy in-law Palin, she was asked by the Palins to remove it saying that people were confusing her with Brystol.

    so, was her computer hacked by unknown and also, later, "cleaned" by the McCain campaign?

    How was she able to produce that picture of Levy holding Trig for the Tyra bank show?

    Please, don't tell me to ask her. Just food for thoughts.

  21. sad. Now, what does she know that will put $arah in jail?

  22. Anonymous10:10 AM

    I thought that when she said they were waiting for the birth of the "perfect" baby that is was a clue. I have never called my daughter perfect, though she is! Mercede also gave us a clue when said that Tripp was born at 6am, the same time that Levi was at the hospital with Trig, and why a boyfriend is there for his girlfriend's mother's baby is not a good explanation.

  23. Anonymous10:20 AM

    Way better looking than thos Palin girls, and I mean inside and out!

  24. Anonymous10:48 AM

    Even if Mercede had had her photos on an external hard drive, if some folks came in on a sweep of things, they would have done the external hard drive as well. It would also be easy to wipe things off any internet account. Depends upon the folks were and why they were there.

    I wonder if they showed ID. Why would they do this? Sounds sinister.

  25. Mercede for Governor of AK!!

  26. Anonymous11:16 AM

    And we can only hope that the deafening silence from Levi lately is him hunkered down writing his tell-all book !

    And yes, totally agree with the person above with their advise to Mercede--don't keep looking back, keep moving forward with college. Its gives you more options.

  27. Anonymous11:31 AM

    Who has the vested interest with the Johnston family?

  28. Anonymous11:36 AM

    Just tossing around some ideas, since Gryphen once tantalized us with pictures of two different "Trigs," one with a ruffled ear, and one with a plain ear.

    Some people have guessed that Ruffles may have been born with Fetal Alcohol Syndrome. If something unfortunate happened to Ruffles, due to his 'imperfection,' we can all understand Bristol and Levi throwing caution to the winds and trying again so quickly to conceive. (Irish twins). This time, they vowed to stay clean and Mercede could hope for a "perfect baby." Even Sherry said that this baby, Tripp, meant so much to her.

    Somewhere I remember reading that Levi and Bristol were actually trying to conceive. If something happened to Ruffles, they would try again.

    The more that I toss the comments around in my head, the more I think that something unfortunate happened to Ruffles, but since it was announced at his birth that he had Down Syndrome, he had to be replaced with a DS baby.
    (FAS is harder to diagnose and it is determined when a baby does not meet certain developmental stages later on. Sarah's family values crowd would not accept FAS. On the other hand, Sarah was a hero to have a DS child).

  29. Anonymous11:36 AM

    Why wasn't it investigated like the palin internet theft?

  30. The picture of Levi with the baby had apparently been printed and put in an album or scrapbook with the foot prints stickered on top. The pictures with Mercedes and the baby were originally on her facebook or myspace.

  31. Anonymous11:46 AM

    OT @ 9:33 AM

    If anonymous commenter is thought to be libelous they can be named to pursue legal action?
    Isn't there a to-be-believed factor? Like who believes anonymous commenter without back up of facts?

    If a world known Facebook entity with followers makes up libelous concepts nothing happens. Nothing happens, except that hundreds of people carry on about a man being a stalker, pervert and pedophile because known Facebook entity is not "...sure what “ugly innuendo” was in my Facebook post..."

  32. Anonymous12:00 PM

    All this reminds me of a movie from the 80s, "The Legend of Billie Jean", about a young girl taking on the corrupt adults and bullies in her small town. Mercede - I recommend that you watch it. Good luck to you.

  33. Anonymous12:19 PM

    This is good news about Mercede Johnston stepping up. What an awful loss and invasion to have someone steal precious family pictures. If it had to be an inside job that limits the suspects to who was known to have access.

    There are people that do get special favors and no one is the wiser about how often that happens.
    The 82nd Airborne Division in Afghanistan shuttered the pages on Friday. The Pentagon managed to immediately cleanse all evidence of the MySpace pages, including whatever copies and cached versions were kept by Google and the Internet Archive.

    It is said that John McCain worked with the DEA to help his wife out of a drug theft problem.
    He certainly had a few tricks to escape the Keatings Five mess, there are too many other things to mention them all.

  34. Anonymous12:41 PM

    I really am not impressed. So far Mercede knows nothing of use. I suspect its going to be nothing but a big whinefest about how Bristol won't let them see the baby, yet they all sit on their thumbs and do nothing about it. If there is no custody order in place Levi could pick up his son anytime he wants to from daycare and not give him back until he was good and ready to or until an emergency custody hearing was ordered by Bristol. I bet if Levi took him Bristol would fight for her son.

    Come on Levi, grow some balls and go get your kid!

  35. What it all comes down to is that there was something that was very incriminating for Palin on Mercede's computer. That is the only reason why all the pics were erased. If they had erased only one or two that were detrimental to Palin, it would have been easy enough to figure out which ones were gone and possibly why she needed them removed.

  36. so Sadie was waiting for her perfect nephew MONTHS before $arah was "nominated"? When did SHE know bri$tol was preggers? Like I said earlier, something smells, again.

  37. Thanks for the heads up regarding Mercede. Hope she is up for the Palinbot attacks. they are sure to come.

  38. Anonymous2:08 PM

    We are overlooking the most obvious things that McCain and Palin would need to have scrubbed. Judging from the pictures that people retrieved from other websites, kids take lots of pictures of each other. They are not good censors; they photograph each other boozing, taking drugs, and worse. Yes, they share sex pictures. Isn't that cute? When Audrey was in business, she posted examples of Wasilla teen conversation, giving us a window into the Wild Wasilla teen party scene.

    So I decided to think about what the most harmful pictures would be in terms of Sarah's nomination. It wouldn't do Sarah any good with the family values crowd to see her daughter pictured drinking, smoking something and/or partying with a wild bunch.

    But, I think that there was more. What if there were picutres that showed Bristol pregnant sometime at the end of 2007 or the beginning of 2008. Judging from the Triggy Bear pictures, and the comments that Bristol and Levi were planning to get pregnant, there might have been photos of a happy, expectant couple before April 18, 2008 (Trig's official birthday).

    If you want to see what is involved in scrubbing a computer, just google it. The advice is that before you sell your old computer or give away your cell phone, clean it and reformat it so that people cannot find your secret information.

    But, I also remember that smart Oliver North thought that he had deleted emails only to find that they could retrieve information from his hard drive. Recently my computer crashed. We have a friend who is a real expert at this kind of thing, and he was able to save much of my stored information.

    However, the photos that Audrey found were located in the My Space or Face Book correspondence between teens. Other people had those pictures and they can be retrieved from other computers even if they were deleted. They may have scrubbed Mercede's computer, wiping it clean. But somewhere in Wasilla (and maybe beyond), kids shared pictures and passed them around. Those pictures are out there, someplace.

  39. Anonymous 11:36, I think you have described the most likely scenario. It may not be the true one, but it is the one I have considered the most viable for some time now. Until someone comes up with a better idea, I'm sticking to this story.

  40. Anonymous2:43 PM

    --Those pictures are out there, someplace--

    Yes, and there are cell phones with more recent pictures. Someone or someones will make a bundle one day. It is sad that so many in Wasilla/Palmer have had no voice. Their stories are accidentally told in pieces and retold by others or they have been completely stifled. It only takes a slight taste of freedom to swing open the gates and never go back to the dark place.

  41. a hard drive needs to be re-formatted like 7 times to really erase data, or have it done by Chloe O'Brien.

  42. Anonymous4:42 PM

    Nice blog by Mercede. She's so much more beautiful than any of the palin need for cosmetic surgery for one and a whole lot more intelligent and likeable. I hope she continues telling the real truth.
    Interesting that her computer was cleaned...must have had something incriminating on the old palin witch.

  43. Anonymous6:27 PM

    People, people, please think. When Mercede's photos were stolen, the Johnstons and Palins were still cooperating.

    Mercede's computer was hacked by from the Lower 48 by some wacky left wing/liberal/anarchist kid.

  44. Anonymous6:36 PM

    Check around 4chan.

    Not exactly a bunch of Palin fans....

  45. Anonymous6:57 PM

    What a beautiful young lady inside and out. I see good things happening for her in the future. Stay the way your are, Mercede, you will go far.

  46. Anonymous7:39 PM

    It doesn't matter that that Johnstons were still friendly with the Palins when the computer was scrubbed. McCain's people would never trust them and neither would the Palins.

  47. Anonymous10:17 PM

    Congratulations, Mercede, on your new blog. I looked all over for the "pay pal button" but couldn't find it.

    I'll look for it in the future...


  48. Anonymous10:43 PM

    I don't understand how Levi's baby picture could have been on the computer without copies existing at perhaps his dads. digital photography has only come into existence in the past 10 years. Before 03 or 04 almost no one had a digital camera.

    Something doesn't add up.

  49. Anonymous5:37 AM

    Gryphen, didn't you say that Sadie told you that she believes Sarah gave birth to Trig?

    If that's true, then she obviously needs to get her timeline straight, or proofread her posts before she submits them. How could she have been waiting for her nephew to be born BEFORE Sarah was picked to run for VP?? That would make Trig her nephew.

    I was hoping that Sadie would be the ONE PERSON who would tell the truth about what really happened and then stick to her story...but now I'm beginning to wonder.

  50. Anonymous10:51 AM

    "I was hoping that Sadie would be the ONE PERSON who would tell the truth about what really happened and then stick to her story...but now I'm beginning to wonder."

    I am leery of people that can't even furnish dates or pertinent details in telling their tales. It is best to take some people as myth makers. Even if they are well meaning they put out questionable information because they don't know how to set down a basic premise and offer the best time line or what have you.

    Mercede can do a blog how ever she wants, I don't mean to fault her. She did a great blog start but it is not about detail. Whether she wants to be that clear remains to be seen.

    I wish her the best!

  51. Anonymous11:37 AM

    I don't understand why so many people are thrown by Mercede saying she was awaiting the birth of her nephew before Sarah was chosen? Levi already said they had told the Palins that Bristol was pregnant in April 2008, not long after after Trig was supposedly born. By the time it was announced by the campaign, Brisol was already 5 months pregnant.

    Obviously Mercede knew about the baby long before Sarah was chosen, and was looking forward to his arrival. She doesn't imply that he was due before Sarah was chosen, just that she was excited about during that time. I think people are reading things into it that aren't there.


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