Friday, June 18, 2010

Uh oh! More bad news for Sarah. California State University, Stanislaus has given in to reporters requests and WILL allow journalists at her speech next Friday. Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy!

From the Huffington Post:

After months of requests from reporters, a California university on Friday agreed to allow members of the media to attend a fundraiser next week featuring Sarah Palin.

Officials with California State University, Stanislaus issued an e-mail advisory announcing that the June 25 gala at its Turlock campus would be open to the press. The Associated Press has been requesting access to the event since mid-April.

A spokesman for one of CSU's most vocal critics in the matter, state Sen. Leland Yee, said Friday that the decision to allow media access should have been a "no-brainer."

"It's somewhat mind-boggling this took so long," said the spokesman, Adam Keigwin.

Awesome!  I can hardly wait to see the video and read the transcript!

What kind of word salad do you think she willl be serving?

Will it be a fact free salad with little oily croutons of disinformation about why blame President Obama is to blame for the Gulf oil spill?

Or will it be a frenzied fruit salad full of creamy malapropisms and crunchy tidbits of Palin mythology about her perfect family and giving "birth" to her poor little Down syndrome stage prop?

Perhaps it will be a spicy taco salad filled with muy caliente diatribes about the "lamestream media" and bloggers who "make things up" (That one is for you Sadie) and covered in a crazy teabagger salsa filled with chunks of "take back our country" and "restore freedom" with inexplicable references to the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, and our Founding Fathers.

Well WHATEVER she is serving that night, we can all rest assured that it will definitely be the talk of the weekend.

Unless of don't think she might back out now do you?  Oh I hope not!  I mean we could still talk about what a coward she was and how afraid she is of the REAL media, but still that would not be nearly as much fun as dissecting her speech during the weekend.

Well I have my fingers crossed. Go for it Sarah, you can do it!

Okay now who thought at the beginning of the week that by Friday I would be rooting FOR Sarah to show up for a speech?  Yeah me either.


  1. Anonymous7:01 PM

    She'll probably also serve up a side-order of Freudian reaction formation, fixation, and projection.

  2. Anonymous7:06 PM

    Oh man she is going apeshit crazy about now!!!!!!

    Can Joe see the explosion from his backdoor?

  3. icstraights7:11 PM

    She is going to stroke out on stage b/c the press is there. So therefore, she will likely pull out, aka quitting.

  4. Anonymous7:17 PM

    I bet Sarah backs out because she cannot afford one of her word salad rants getting out for thos non real Amerukuns to shake their heads at. Sarah's cash cow WILL run dry.

  5. Anonymous7:17 PM

    Wow - I am surprised and delighted!

    If she backs out, she should not paid - though I fear they already paid the first half. In that case, I would like someone to sue for breach of contract plus damages.

    She is going to have a very bad weekend digesting this news.

    Rachel had a great profile of the NV Senate candidate, Angle. She also talked about how these nuts (like Sarah) try to talk only to friendly audiences and interviewers. Poor babies, they can't take reality. They can't justify what they preach with facts and reasoned arguments.

    I'm hoping other venues start denying her request for a closed speech. Wouldn't that be fun?

  6. Anonymous7:18 PM

    Hey, Sarah, look at this way: you should be thanking these people because you need practice speaking to real journalists if you are going to declare for President.

    You won't be able to call the shots and take only questions you like once you become a declared candidate. So get used to it, baby, get used to it.

    I doubt they will let reporters ask spontaneous questions at this event, but actually having objective people at the event is a huge step forward.

  7. womanwithsardinecan7:32 PM

    She will Google "Turkey Tech" and come up with a couple of bogus commonalities between her and the folks in the Central Valley. It would be nice if protesters showed up with big fake boobs and some pictures of her famous turkey interview. I can't be there, or i would do that.

  8. FEDUP!!!7:32 PM

    She can't back out - she already got the $$$ and will NOT give it back! Not the $arah WE all know...

    ... Unless... there is a clause in there that allows her to unilaterally cancel a screeching engagement if not 'all of the terms in the contract' (including 'no press') are followed to the letter...

  9. She'll be a no-show quitty pants. Watch and see.

  10. I have been thinking about this and have decided that it is not a big deal.
    Most of her "speeches" have been infiltrated by the Press anyway. She will spew the same 'ol, same 'ol, and the Press will write about how insane she is ..........and that will be that.
    She will not, as usual, take any questions.
    It is likely that she will bring a shield or two (Piper and Trig) to avoid any "ambush" from reporters ("Leave my children ALONE)!
    The only difference is that the Press will be identified, rather than having to sneak in, icognito with tiny cameras in their inkpens.

  11. Anonymous8:04 PM

    Oh boy...this is going to be fun. She can't back out because of contractual obligations. I wonder why her contract didn't cover "no press". I'm betting the University would not let that caviot get in the contract. Ooooohh! This is going to be good.

  12. nikogriego8:05 PM

    I will be quite happy when the day arrives that absolutely nobody covers a Palin event, and she is given no more free press to spout her absurdities.

  13. TNbluedot8:35 PM

    Amen nikogriego!!

  14. Enjay in E MT8:38 PM

    I'll pop the popcorn!

  15. Anonymous8:49 PM

    I thought her contract stated to press. Does anyone know? It could be a way out for the much heat!

  16. Anonymous8:49 PM

    hmmmmmmm.... I predict she backs out.......uh.......Tuesday.


  17. Anonymous8:50 PM

    I'm just hoping there are thousands of students protesting this atrocious event. These kids are struggling to pay large fees, yet the school has enough money to pay this vile woman to speak.

    As usually, her speech will be just another divisive hate filled garbage directed at the President. Her hatred for him holds no bounds. I've never seen anything like it in my entire life. And course the media will lap it up as if her drivel is insightful and informative.

    Elect a black man for President and the country goes MAD!!

  18. Anonymous9:12 PM

    Don't rule out the cunning of $arah. She has enough time to get one of her writers to pen a speech for her. I hope her ego wins out and she won't, but it could happen.

    I hope there are protesters there too. It's time to let her know she is not "loved" by all. I think more importantly, protesting might show the personnel that invited her to look very foolish.

  19. Anonymous9:39 PM

    The only problem for Sarah when reporters are present is if they get a chance to ask those gotcha questions. Since Sarah began giving her closed-to-the-media speeches, she has been a regular foot-in-mouth commentator on Fox. We have already seen plenty of videos of Sarah Saying Something Stupid. So, one more video camera won't bother her, and she wants the money.

    On the other hand, she is going to have to beef up security, because after Sarah saw the reporter chase poor Sharon Angle into the parking lot, she has no intention of giving an interview to anyone, not when she is campaigning for other candidates, not if she runs for president, no gotcha interviews!

  20. Anonymous10:17 PM

    A national disgrace.

  21. Anonymous11:11 PM

    SP is getting more & more crazy, if that's actually possible. She hates Obama for making her lose the election, & thinks it was all a mistake. Pity CSU for already having paid her $70,000 up front, not a good idea. Karen

  22. Anonymous11:46 PM

    Gryphen, you brat! Mr. Van Flein is reading this and he is going to coach her on a great speech. Don't you know when to quit? What if she repeats a performance similar to her smart (but catty) acceptance speech? There won't be anything to make fun of unless another disaster happens like BP.

    Van Flein, her conciliar, is getting paid some serious cash as her lawyer. Wouldn't he be smart to brush her into shape? If she falls out of the media and does a bad job, he is out of a job.


  23. mommom12:17 AM

    C$PEE has a post up claiming Mrs PAYlin is correct about the dikes,what they fail to do is their homework to understand the proposed process.At a cost of $350 million dollars,the proposal to build these dikes will be 6 to 9 months in the making,during which the oil will be pouring in to the areas behind where they will be erected.The technology has,surprise,never been used at thes depths and distance from shore.The sand used will be dredged from the sea bed ,causing unknown changes in wave patterns and velocities,and the new hurricane season we are facing has destroyed these same barrier islands before,so they will likely be a source of sand to mix with the oil sludge and then be deposited as oil bearing sediment into the wetlands. Somehow this just seems like another expensive boondoggle that will only make the problem worse .

  24. Here is my prediction:
    SP will try to run without being interviewed by the "Lamestream" media. She will come up with some excuse about how they are so unfair to her.
    I also think she'll try to get out of any debates, or refuse to answer any questions-going rogue.
    I'm not sure this will work for most voters, but I'm sure her loyal Bots will think it's so cool!

  25. Anonymous12:29 AM

    Right below her ego, Palin's yes people have been her second worst hindrance. If SP's handlers are smart, they'll be feeding their cash cow boss information from various liberal blogs on how to look smart and keep Tina Fey bored.

  26. Anonymous12:42 AM

    Gryphen, is there any chance of you going?

  27. Anonymous1:07 AM

    Do you think Sarah will go to California? What about Levi slipping in Bristol's backdoor while Sarah is gone? I guess it does not matter anyway since Levi is ummmm co-parenting at Bristol's anyway while Sarah is at home.

  28. Anonymous1:11 AM

    Sarah won't recycle an old speech since the press will be there. It may hurt, but she will pay a speech writer big bucks so she won't look stupid again. How much you want to bet she will use a teleprompter for her new material.

  29. angela1:59 AM

    She's going to back out! I know it. In her contract she has the right to send someone else and still keep the money. I'm sure she'll say her contract has been breeched because the "lamestream" media will be there to record her words of stupidity.

    Or maybe Sarah will grow an actual brain in a weeks time and become a Pulitzer prize winning writer and actually say something that didn't come out of a bull's ass. . . . . . . Naaaaaaaaaaaa.

    What will she do? Say she has the flu? Emergency at home? Bad weather? Lost limo driver? President Obama won't return her phone calls so she's depressed at home eating Crunchwraps? Or will she come mad as a hatter, snarky, vicious and stupid like we all love her?

  30. London Bridges2:24 AM

    Sarah: "Four score and seven years ago..."
    Reporter: "What's a score?"
    Sarah: "Two points!" (wink, wink)

  31. Anonymous3:21 AM

    "She has enough time to get one of her writers to pen a speech for her." That would mean she'd either need to 1) memorize it or 2) read it. Huge doubts on both fronts.

    I'm guessing that there will be some sort of concession like "no videos or recording." Otherwise there will be a sudden illness that prevents her from showing.

  32. Anonymous3:32 AM

    "I can see Russian dressing from my house"...

    How long before we can "toss" dear Sarah on to the trash heap?

  33. London Bridges4:26 AM

    Katie Coutic in the front row???

  34. Anonymous4:39 AM

    She exists in such a vacuum, thinking (but knowing) she appeals to only such and such demographic. What it must feel like to be a rock star, to have thousands of people travel from miles around to get a glimpse of her, to have her grip their pen, to ask their 'name' so that they feel touched by God. It must be much more addicting than that 151 proof of power from a ho-dunk city council, municipality, Gubernatorial position where every self-serving action is hit with calls for accountability.

    Anons said it earlier, but her "speeches" have been infiltrated before and exposed. If she had a time to be 'presidential' and visionary outside the McCain handler umbrella, it would have been the Tea Party speech. That pathetic and lame performance ensures she wants no part of learnin and progressin her acumen. She just want to get by on what she know she knows and if she dies she dies. . .someone, some group out there will still sign up for her appearance.

    On the bright side, anyone heard from Carrie Prejean lately? No? She was pretty arrogant about her lifespan beyond her disgraced beauty pageant performance and sex tape leak when she went on her book tour.

    I know it is hard to believe, but Sarah will eventually fade into a footnote into the annals of American Populist history. Her story will wriggle around in there, trying to be exceptional and not intellectually pitiful. You can't milk the speaking circuit without any real accomplishment or job forever, not unless you were retired from a real (completed) career.

  35. Well, she does still have time to revise the speech she was intending to give. Knowing that every word she says will be picked apart & dissected by her detractors she will probably tame down the rhetoric so that it sounds like a reasoned, intelligent & sane address.

  36. Anonymous4:59 AM

    Stop for a minute and think, folks. WWSD? What Would Sarah Do? She will do what she ALWAYS does. She will go and give that speech for pure spite, just so the bloggers will not have the satisfaction about being right about her chickening out because the press will be there. Hell, she stayed in a marriage so Gryphen would not be right! I would think she is becoming sensitive to the "quitter" label by now, so she'll probably go through with it.
    I predict she will give that speech. And it will be pure spewing venom at the press, with plenty of references to their "predictable gotcha" questions; their "intrusion" into her "private" family life. She will be the "nasty girl" with the fake smile looking for sympathy for the CSU incident; she will use the opportunity of the speech to complain that her details leaked about her contract terms were "lies" made up by the LSM. She will mug for the cameras, try to make jokes that will fall flat. She may read from her hand again. She will wink a lot and try to look for support.
    And she will feel like she has triumphed.
    Prediction: Look for lots of mean.

  37. Anonymous5:25 AM

    I'm pretty sure she knows by now that her 'speeches' are garbage. But why should she care? She gets paid tens of thousands of dollars so that men can look up her skirt. Nobody expects her speak intelligently, or even make sense.

    But with the whole world watching she will have a speechwriter (I hate to think whom, certainly not a professional) and teleprompters every few inches (it's fine for HER to use them, it's just not fine for the President). Since she won't have several specialist coaches for the week leading up to the speech, her delivery will be the usual wooden performance - in addition to which she will pull a few bits and pieces out of her azz mid-speech. She can't help herself; Sarah Palin has a great deal of trouble staying focused on a script.

  38. Anonymous5:29 AM

    The Rock: A hostile student audience AND reporters.

    The Hard place: Not showing up and inviting even further scrutiny and ridicule.

    Stuck in Between: Sarah Palin

  39. Anonymous5:34 AM

    She won't back out. She doesn't want to disappoint the campaign fundraiser types.
    It'll be twenty minutes of basketball-as-a-metaphor-for-life rehashed bullshet along with the required 'it-feels-so-good-to-be-in-the-home-state-of-our-greatest-President-Ronald-Reagan' and, of course what a great mother am I.
    I think I'll save time and vomit right now.

  40. AKRNC5:45 AM

    I don't think she'll back out, however, that doesn't mean this speech will be any different from any other speech. She's too cheap to pay a speechwriter for a decent speech for each event. Instead she tries to change it herself, adding a few jokes from Google, and a few lies about her connection to the area she's speaking in without thinking that anyone would possibly verify them. $arah's shortsighted version of reality is her biggest enemy.

  41. One, I would loooooooove it if Katie Couric were paid to cover that speech! In the front row! Two, even if someone revises, or rewrites a speech for her, there is no way she can deliver it like she did the acceptance speech at the RNC, which I did not watch that night but I did watch snippets in the ensuing days: I didn't think it was that great! And yet, it was the best she has given. So there you go! But then, the total mean had not shown up and now it has! She is mad, she lost and she will never accept that. She has had problems looking down at speeches and losing her place; she apparently even stumbles when using a teleprompter and all of her speeches have been the same old, same old plus filled with meanness! She will show and she will give her speech because she is Sarah Palin and she never thinks anything she does or says is wrong.

  42. Anonymous6:17 AM

    Amen...I'll be glad when the media stops covering the shiny Ballon girl of Politics...lots of hot air,but nothing inside...

  43. Anonymous6:23 AM

    Hey Sarah, if President Obama can field spur of the moment questions from the Press, why can't you? You mean to say there is something he's better at than you? Are you going to start to compete with the Big Boys now or are you going to keep cowardly hiding behind your children and your flag pin? And Sarah, by regulating the Press off to a small room in no-man's land on the premise does not constitute Press access.

  44. womanwithsardinecan6:28 AM

    There WILL be a protest. A lot of people are riled up down here over this crap. As a CSU alumnus (Humboldt), I know exactly how they feel. There are plenty of conservative types in that part of the valley, but not like Redding, where she was greeted with open arms by good ol' boy redneck loggers. The protesters will be out in force, and I hope they make her nervous. I hope the reporters grow a pair and do some serious on-site interviews of the protesters. I hope Yee will be there too. I have worked for a university foundation, and they never would have been this tone-deaf in choosing a speaker for their big gala fundraiser. It is an embarrassment for the entire CSU system, and I hope that the foundation continues to be pounded with bad press.

  45. Anonymous6:40 AM

    Bristol Palin is cohosting the view july 1st. I dont know if im more stoked for thatt or this

  46. Anonymous6:45 AM

    Why did they invite her to speak in the first place? C'mon California, you're smarter than that! The dumb, wicked, witch of wasilla has nothing to say worth listening to, much less paying for!

  47. laprofesora6:49 AM

    I predict the special appearance of ginormous boobage. That'll distract the press and keep them from writing about her speech, just her cleavage. Scarah is so smart!

  48. Anonymous7:08 AM

    How high will the Bumpit be ? Has anyone done a study of bumpit height to SP comfort/stress level?
    Will she make a 'surprise' guest appearance on the View with Bristol? Is she home working in her yard today dressed in many layers as it's only around 50 degrees or cooking up a storm for a Father's Day celebration honoring Chuck, Todd and Levi ?

  49. Anonymous7:40 AM

    People I wished all people s predictions were right.
    The only way she can cancel this, is if (my wish) Racheal Maddow was there to interview her. Because Racheal is a smart ass, and she would bring this Parrot to her knees, like she did with Rand Paul.
    But the way I see things, Sarah Palin is not going away anytime soon. Sarah Palin has signed a deal with the devil. She is now a DEVIL’s ADVOCATE.
    A real Parrot (bird) for the devil and its followers.
    The devil behind Sarah and her popularity are:
    1. GOP Party
    2. Insurance companies
    3. Media
    4. Oil Companies
    5. Wall Street
    Her job is to lie and spin, and divide the nation while the big five swindle this country, in the mean time drop big cash in SAINT SARAH’s pocket. All she now trained to stick to her lies instigate anger in the American so that they can be divided. Dividing this nation is a key, so that by the time the dumb followers will realize that Sarah PALIN is a Liar and a big FRAUD, there will be nothing left in this country. The TITANIC will sink and president OBAMA will be blamed. That is the GOP strategy, and that is why they do not have any ideas but to vote "NO" on everything. GOP Politics have gone to dogs that the losing party is willing to kill their own children just to get back in power. Sarah cares less about her children, her popularity is more important than any member of her family. Money is the devil that killed Jesus. Sarah signed the deal with the devil (dark side), and you can see the anger she has brought out from the abyss. She is the devil's advocate. She is now immune; lying is now her play book. The deal is, get your $$$ even if it means killing your own family. That is where Palin is now.
    If you have followed Palin, media, and the GOP strategy, you would know what this party in collaboration with the right wing media is up to.
    They could care less about Palin's lies, or scandals. You think Fox does not know that Palin is a dumb ass? For starter, Glenn Beck read through her brains when she joined Fox. The important factor to that platform is Ratings. She can be a dumb ass, but as long as she keeps the ratings high.
    Fox knows that many American are uniformed and some too dumb and stupid to verify their spinning this country, and can believe in their garbage spin. Palin is just another garbage spin dumb brain added to their platform. That is why they find bloggers to be their biggest pain in their butts, because we report uncensored data, which comes with important true nuggets, that profession journalist censor out to keep the story going for the men to make more money as they keep readers with a lot of question marks.
    I will try to do a blog piece on what I see in Palin, because my comment will be long

  50. anonymous @6:40 AM...

    Bill Getty, the producer of The View is a staunch conservative & Palin supporter. Bristol will be handled with kid gloves.

  51. Anonymous7:42 AM

    Devil's advocate comment continues......

    The problem is not Sarah Palin or Fox. The problem is dumb Americans, who are lazy to do their homework on the garbage they get from the media. More particularly from their Fraud Sarah Palin.
    The only reason they do not question Sarah, because they all feed in the same dish of Bigots.
    Watch the GOP party blaming the president for going after BP. 114 Republicans voted no to the bill that makes BP pay for their damages.
    That is how the Republican Party do not give it a damn shit about this country, including their Saint Fraud $arah. They are here to take this country further to its knees. $$arah is one of the scam bugs.
    Whose fault is it? The followers and anyone who can't see the problem in Sarah's popularity.
    GOP Party is using reverse Psychology. Sarah enjoys drama; her camp's goal is to keep Sarah in the media spot light.
    This Bristol and Levi’s bullshit has more to it than what we are reading on surface. Sarah has not said a word, out of these new developments. Can someone tell the nation WHY?
    GOP party is so desperate to get back in power, if it means the way to do that is to kill their own mother, they will do it. Having said that, GOP has identified an attack dog (Sarah Palin) who they all know she is an idiot, but very media popular and a mouth they can use to deceive the nation, spin it make people angry and turn against the current administration. The only hope they have is Sarah Palin.
    Once she builds their base, she will be toast.
    People go deep into $arah's pathetic Brain and see exactly what I am talking about. Sarah Palin is a DEVIL's advocate.
    She and her few pathetic $$$$$ cash chasers handlers, Money makers know this fact, The GOP party is using Palin to get back into power, and $$$$ cash chasers, and Palin know it is time to make big money.
    So Palin could care less about the controversy that comes along her name.
    More spin and garbage, more stars she looks. Remember the media business is about ratings, media do not promote non rating people.
    So this week is the hit for Palin, because everyone is talking. It is a loss for the nation (politically) but it is a gain for media to cash in.

  52. emrysa8:07 AM

    sarah won't cancel. she'll just get all medicated up and "work" for an hour. no reason to cancel when that's all you really have to do.

    I would bet that the reason she didn't have the "no press" in the contract is because this is a fundraiser, and the recipients need to have as much press as possible in order to raise money. they can't be expected to have no press. and we all know that sarah won't be taking any questions from the press. so really I don't think it's such a big deal to her.

  53. Martha Unalaska Yard Sign8:50 AM

    I think the absolutely perfect end to this stupid story is that the press were invited, and they declined and went on to cover real events.

    They are a bunch of idiots themselves - latching onto her LSM title and trying to disprove it. Playing into her bony hands every time. She has used them, abused them, and they just don't get it. I'm so done with most of the media - don't believe a word they say since they do their jobs so poorly.

    Now, protesters, on the other hand, would be most fun and welcome! Over ripe tomatoes should be passed out for free. To hell with the press, let the people speak for themselves.

  54. Anonymous9:16 AM

    I think that Murdock, Malek, Kristol, et. al. are starting to notice the subtle stench coming from their wilted flower.

  55. Anonymous9:47 AM

    since she won't answer any questions, why would she quit?
    and she seems to do a fine job of being an idiot without being questioned anyway.
    but i would AB-SO-LUTE-LY LOVE to see her questioned by Maddow!!!!!!!
    but if she does quit, what a hoot that would be!

    bill in belize

  56. Anonymous9:55 AM

    Agree with Anon 7:40 AM.

  57. Martha Unalaska Yard Sign: that is the best approach/idea I have heard. What if the press is the no-show, or they show but cover the protesters in full and yes, bins of overripe tomatoes would be the perfect thing to have available for the protesters! And the audience!

  58. Anonymous10:40 AM

    If anything, Palin will be the death of the Republican party if she runs, and the Tea Party will be the death of Palin. She is hardly the image that many Republicans want to portray due to her idiocy and status as a fringe player. Similarly, the Tea Party is bound to become instantly disenfranchised with her should she choose to run as a Republican candidate for office. Either way, she is, for lack of a stronger sentiment, "fucked."

  59. Palin will show up, but any questions from the media, and/or audience members will have to be pre-screened. This is the "new" way some conservative politicians have of dealing with non-Fuchs Noose media outlets. If the questions aren't pre-screened, she'll pretend she doesn't hear them. She has to protect the fact that she doesn't know anything!

  60. Anonymous12:46 PM

    Wow, this is going to be THE FIRST TIME that the press was allowed at a Palin speech. Since the last time. And the time before that. And the one before that one.

    Get real. The press has been in the audience at every one of her speeches. BFD.

  61. womanwithsardinecan1:46 PM

    Sarah will probably mention the Turkey Grand Prix, or maybe some sports. She won't mention, and can't compare to, some previous speakers at campus, including Shirley Chisholm in 1987 (first African-American woman elected to Congress), Terry Anderson, former middle east hostage, Bill Clinton (gave an award to a teacher), Colin Powell, Steve and Cokie Roberts, and numerous other people who actually accomplished something real and positive. Actual role models. The reporters need to cover the protest. That is the actual news, not another money-grubbing squawk from the Boob.

  62. "Well WHATEVER she is serving that night, we can all rest assured that it will...." something we and all the suckers who pay money to hear her pointless ramblings have heard before.

  63. Anonymous4:42 PM

    I remember there was a clause in her contract that if she could not be present for speaking, Palin had the option of providing another speaker and the fee would remain the same.

    It will be interesting what will transpire during the next 6 days. If she goes ahead with her screech three things could occur.

    1. Someone who speaks the English language will write it for her.

    2. She will cancel.

    3. Actually, I don't know what option number 3 might be...She's so mavericky, ya know--with emphasis on the "...icky" part.

    If she goes ahead with her "speech--I just hope that all her mental disorders kick in all at once when she get behind her podium complete with water and bendable straws, as soon as she realizes a "full press court" is awaiting her every single, mangled, idiotic word.


  64. Anonymous5:53 AM

    It is possible Sarah will show but I don't know. She would not want to pay back any money and they have drugs to ease her awareness about repeating her crappy speech.

    Her credibility is all about Trig and her parenting skills. She is mother of the year, Mother Teresa and the mother of all working women.

    I am looking forward to The View with Bristol. Not because they will give her a pass but to see how they will film her. From the neck up only? Women and their weight is a popular subject. Not that a Palin would reveal anything but that is an area where Bristol could gain positive attention and identify with a larger public.

    Sarah to Oprah: I hear he goes by the name Ricky Hollywood now.
    I can't wait until he comes back on that right road of wanting to be a part of the family and Tripp's life. It's going to be good.

    Levi: Definiently the money. Sarah doesn't do anything she unless she gets something big from it.

    Interview with Lindsay Powers, senior editor of US Magazine, discussing a romantic relationship v managers denial and Levi shops reality show bachelor (he and his hockey boys as the next "Jersey Shores").
    But it now seems daughter of Sarah Palin has some other plans up her sleeve. It no longer matters what the Republican candidate thinks, Bristol will do what she pleases. According to the magazine Levi and Bristol are taking some concrete steps to re-build their once broken relationship and make it work this time. it is not so good news for Sarah Palin, things are once again working against her.

  65. Anonymous6:14 AM

    National Enquirer for June 28 issue already at your check out line.
    Friday, June 25 CSU Stanislaus Foundation Gala
    The former governor of Alaska will be a speaker at the P.U.R.E. Ministry Project at the Gwinnett Arena on June 29.

  66. I hope Keith Olbermann, Rachel Maddow, Katie Couric, and Geoffrey Dunn get front row seats.


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