Sunday, June 27, 2010

The woman who could not even stand up to the local bloggers in her state, and ran away from her elected position, dares to give our President advice.

From the AP:

The former Alaska governor and 2008 Republican vice presidential candidate told thousands of people at a convention center in Tyler that the president should have been more aggressive in going after BP executives after the spill. The British company was leasing a rig that exploded April 20, causing the largest offshore oil spill in U.S. history.

"You asked for the job, Mr. President, so buck up," Palin said to voracious applause inside the nearly packed Oil Palace. Organizers said the event drew about 5,000 people.

He does not need to "buck up" you "fuck up"!

He is doing the best job he can in the face of constant push back from Republicans and their blatant attempts to protect BP from the financial liability for this disaster. Some Republicans are even going so far as to apologize to BP for what the President has already done to hold them accountable, and yet he continues to stand firm and demand that BP take responsibility for this disaster. In other words he did NOT run away when the job got too difficult.

She also said the U.S. must become independent of foreign oil by using its own resources, but that it must be done responsibly and under government oversight.

"I chant, 'drill baby drill,' because it will help make the country energy independent," she said.

You know lady if you were not a total moron who NEVER understands what she is talking about you might come to realize just how stupid that claim is, and stop saying it in front of intelligent people.

Here let the always factual Rachel Maddow explain it to you once again.

Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy

Sarah Palin is a person who found that her job was too much work, and that people were going to demand accountability for the unethical and illegal things that she did, and she quit!  And that is who is she is until the end of her life.  The woman who quit!

I don't care how many books she sells, or how many stupid people pay to watch her circus act on the speaker's circuit, she is now, and forever will be, the half term Governor who quit!

And that is not somebody who should be offering advice to ANYONE!


  1. majii7:27 AM

    This woman is a walking contradiction, and the fact that those who believe in her don't realize it is startling. She has no viable position on any issue, and no plan to solve any of the problems we face. Her solution is to criticize President Obama while not being able to answer O'Reilly's question about what SHE would do about the spill if she were POTUS. Maybe she needs to take a good look at her latest poll numbers and listen to the reporters' comments about her after her Stanislaus speech. Palin has the worst case of ODS (Obama Derangement Syndrome) among all of the "conservatives" that I've seen thus far. She thinks telling the president to "buck up" because he wanted the job makes her look strong, but it really makes her look like the sore loser and quitter that she is.

  2. Anonymous7:30 AM

    I thought I couldn't dislike her more, but I was wrong. This kick she is on attacking and "advising" the President is actually more offensive than almost anything she has ever done.

    She is losing her grip and the harder she goes after him, the lower her poll numbers go. She really, truly never learns.

    I am beginning to think of anyone who is holding back information that could destroy this creature as a traitor. Even with low poll numbers, Palin is puking her bile across this nation, searing hate into its very fiber.

  3. Anonymous7:31 AM

    Amen, Gryph. Amen!

  4. Anonymous7:36 AM

    We import a lot of our oil from Canada, and you know you can't trust a country with universal healthcare!

    Even I, no noted "energy expert' knows how the oil business works and that we can't produce what we need.

  5. Anonymous7:43 AM

    McCain did not get elected. Palin merely occupied the bottom half of an unelectable ticket. Palin did however contribute greatly to the defeat of McCain. Palin's distorted image of the 2008 election is an indicator of her pyschosis.

    Palin's drug use/abuse is more likely to end her absurd career than the faked pregnancy episode. Her self-control is slipping and the puppet-masters can't keep her on message. Presently, the old, ugly, stupid Palin will be dropped for a younger, prettier, slightly less stupid women.

  6. Anonymous7:43 AM

    Great post Gryphen! I agree with you on every point! God she makes me sick.

  7. Anonymous8:18 AM

    I saw a bit of the Stanislaw speach. What was the deal where she finish started or walk off and then turned and went back to the mic.

    Does she pull that at every venue. Pretend to be walking off state immediately after ending the speech and then turn back to try to get a bigger applause.

    Does she have prepared snarky encores? You know like recitals and one man shows have their two encores preped.

    Why have her trainers not spoon fed her some concrete suggestions to throw out so that she sounds less dumb. Hell she reads her script, get somebody to type in some concrete suggestions.

    (Hint: Electrocuting wet backs through the soles of the wet back feet has already taken.)

  8. I'm baffled as to why she never uses any of that 'common sense' she's always touting. If it's something she wants for others, why not for herself? Good grief, I know toddlers who can process the information they are given better than she seems to be able to do.

    After forcing myself to watch the entire clip of the Stanislaus debacle, I'm even more sure that Sarah has some very severe issues she should be addressing in regard to her mental health. Surely, there are people in her inner circle who care enough about her to see that she gets the help she so desperately needs.

  9. Anonymous8:30 AM


    Don't forget that she's a serial quitter. She quit as chair of the AOGCC before she quit as governor. These were her two most important and demanding statewide jobs. If elected to another office, why wouldn't she continue the pattern?

  10. emrysa8:45 AM

    "You asked for the job, Mr. President, so buck up,"

    this woman clearly does not think before she speaks.

    "You asked for the job, Ms. Governor, so buck up,"


  11. Anonymous8:50 AM

    If Sarah really does have the solution to stopping the oil leak in the Gulf, then as a responsible citizen, she owes it to the US to step in and stop the leak.

    Obama is not responsible for stopping the leak. If he takes ownership of the problem, we are going to owe people in the Gulf billions of dollars for the recovery. It's BP's responsibility, and as long as they are working on it, they are the ones who have to pay out billions instead of the American taxpayer.

    Sarah is going to make a career of heckling Obama, and the Republicans probably like it because it saves them from getting too muddied up. Sarah, Michelle Bachmann and the Crazies at Fox can do the GOP's dirty work of name calling, but when it comes to picking a serious candidate with positive ideas, Sarah will not be in the top ten.

  12. Pat in MA8:51 AM

    The problem, well ONE of the MANY problems with Sarah is that she only allows "yes" men/women into her inner circle, everyone else goes under the bus.

  13. Anonymous8:53 AM

    Sarah can solve the oil leak just like McCain knew how to get Bin Laden

  14. Anonymous8:55 AM

    She acts like she is about to crack-up. Maybe some more bad news is about to come out.

  15. Anonymous9:31 AM

    Sarah can't speak without being told what to say. I want to know who is pulling the puppet's strings. One person or a committee in the RNC? Or some other money interests who are manipulating the media and public, distracting us so they can pursue their own agenda "under the radar". This bitch spends too much time in TX. That is where the puppet masters are IMO. There are all sorts of ways to pay her off without the money showing up to set off alarms. (Off shore bank accounts, real estate, stocks, etc)

    Of course they could have "the goods" on her and it could be old fashioned blackmail. They make sure she can make a profit by making a fool out of herself, but still they have her in their pocket. JMO...


  16. Rachel ROCKS!9:32 AM

    As long as the distractions take everyone away from the fact that Todd Palin, the shadow governor, was typical BP and they lived off tainted money and Alaskan welfare for years she will get by with the scams. Where would Sarah Palin be today without BP? Todd and Sarah Palin and BP did more than destroy the Gulf of Mexico region and they lie about it all. Now they compound the LIES when they spin the pray it away as so much death occurs daily. Jindal declares day of prayer over spill, but hasn't called up the Natl Guard

    She looks tipsy...
    Why do Republicans love these olympic size drunken fools and the enabling and cover ups?
    Surrounded by loving family and Republican colleagues.
    Laura and Mitt that is humorous?
    It's that Patriot Thang.

    Live Mic Left On
    * "Oh my God, I feel like I just stepped off a rollercoaster."
    * "She didn’t finish a statement."
    * "Did she make a statement?"
    * "I don’t know how you’re gonna make a story out of that." "Well, that’s the story."
    * "Lots of Reagan."
    * "... and you just try to jam as many quotes in as possible, you know, from as many random ...., that's what I got."

    At the California State University Speech on June 25th Sarah Palin ripped into the students who care and stood up by insulting them and name calling them as 'Dumpster Divers.' What does she know? (That needs to be further scruntinized along with her actual education claims). She talked about university students and activists as if they were like her own delinquent children. In reality there is no way authentic students working toward an education are anything like what she sired and addressed in that lamestream screech.

    When will the alleged Learning Channel, TLC, to be in Dillingham to film the Palin fishing business?


  17. Anonymous9:51 AM

    You are right, she's nothing but a quitter who has turned into twittering twat.

  18. roger9:52 AM

    Ever since I saw a bit about how there are Republican strategists, advising on how to push the right buttons to rile up the misinformed and dimwitted, I can spot their work:

    During the healthcare debacle, they were all told to manage to get the phrase "government takeover" into every sound bite they could manage. Later it was "bailout" and other such hot button ideas...and sure enough, we had to watch Palin, Boehner, McConnell, and the rest, parroting such crap, for a couple weeks, until it became part of the everyday speech of Mr. and Mrs. Dittohead America.

    Now, ironically, its how they all keep saying Obama is at fault for the oil spill, and is ineffective at stopping it. When the matter first came to light, we were informed the fault lay with Bush/Cheney and the stripping of any regulation to keep the oil giants from taking safety shortcuts...AND the Halliburton crappy cement factor.

    Thanks to Fox "news" and blowhards like Limbaugh, everyone has forgotten all that, and are looking again to SuperObama to fix Republican screwups, and FAST.

    When the leak is finally dealth with, Republicans will take the credit for it, you watch.

  19. Anonymous10:16 AM

    Yes, she's shameless and horrid, but here's some perspective:

    1.She was in Tyler,TX--a very conservative part of a conservative state and there were still 1000 empty seats. After this long in the public arena and with all of the media attention she gets it should have been packed, with thousands clamoring to get in.

    2. She's done more damage to her own party than she could ever do to Democrats. Many races that should have been easy Republican pick ups no longer are because Palin has bullied the party so far to the right.

    3. The more they see of her, the more independents and moderates dislike her. Only 20% of the public is firmly in her camp. She gets the headlines, but just look at her fundraising numbers compared to other 2012 hopefuls--not impressive at all.

    4. The means to remove her from public life exists, but Republicans hold the cards. If you think they are going to let her bs her way into the Republican nomination, you're crazy. And their take down of her will be more vicious and thorough than Democrats could ever manage.

    5. Even the 20% who are her devoted followers will turn against her when they realize they were cheated. They're the ones who spent their hard-earned money on her book, her PAC, her speeches. They've had her back, defending her to friends and family for the past two years. How do you think they will feel about the Republican party and politics in general once their Sarah is exposed as a complete fraud?

    The Republicans had a chance to work with Obama and put their stamp on all of the legislation coming out of Congress. They could have claimed credit for the popular programs and blamed the Democrats for the failures. Instead they have put all of their energy into destroying Obama and have stupidly built their comeback around the energy from Sarah Palin and the tea partiers-both are ticking time bombs. Once they're gone there's nothing left. I know it's frustrating to watch and it seems like Palin is getting her way, but we need to be more like our president and think long term.

  20. Anonymous10:25 AM

    I wonder if part of Sarah's meanness is due to her realization, at some level, that no one close to her really loves her? They are willing to use her, but not any one of them cares enough to get her help or tell her the truth.

    Sarah is a lonely, lonely girl whose fears that she doesn't have what it takes to please Daddy are going to do her in. What will she do once her spotlight fades? Who will be there to pick up the pieces?

    I don't think Todd will or any of her kids - not for long any way. She's never there for them.

    It is a tragedy that will play out before our eyes. She hasn't realized yet, that a lot of her base are groupies who will run once her luster rusts. I would feel sorry for her, but she has driven all compassion for her out of me by her relentless negativity and arrogant sense of entitlement.

  21. She's gearing up to to run against Obama. She knows she's not as well educated, so she tries to make the assertion that "Common sense" trumps a university education. She knows she's not privvy to the information he has for making decisions, so she challenges his resolve to get the job done and even implies he was handed the job, not elected by a majority of voters. (And look out folks, if she gets the nomination, she will be getting national security briefings) As long as the AP continues to write neutral or positive stories about her, she will continue. Example, if you read the AP story about Stanislaus, you would never know she delivered a 7th grade speech that was ridiculed afterward. You would think she effectively scolded Jerry Brown and the students who revealed her contract. As long as the press neglects to print the truth as they observe it and instead sugar coat it, she will continue. Very few voters will see this video. Very few voters have ever heard an entire speech of hers since the convention 2 years ago. Until the press or the people who know the truths about her, begin to cover her gaffes and idiosyncracies and bizarre speeches as they really occurred, she will continue. I would like to know who has managed to manipulate the press into not reviewing her speeches as the trainwrecks they are.

  22. Anonymous10:29 AM

    I wish this very DUMB woman would just shut the fuck up already ....

  23. SME13110:34 AM

    The Buxom Boob said……. “The British company was leasing a rig that exploded April 20, causing the largest offshore oil spill in U.S. history”

    BP is NOT a British Company anymore. It IS an MULTINATIONAL company and has been since they changed their name from British Petroleum to BP in 2000. BP represents their tagline Beyond Petroleum, NOT British Petroleum. You would think since she is the “oil expert” she would also know that 39% of BP’s stock is AMERICAN owned.

    I think it is time to find a way to force her into a public debate on all these topics she feels she knows so much about. This woman is a FOOL.

    The way she goes after Obama reminds me a the way 2nd graders fight over who got the best Barbie to play with.

  24. Anonymous10:45 AM

    But let us remember, under the Maverick and Sarah Administration, according to Sarah - they would be halfway through balancing the budget by now.

  25. i read the transcript of the speech at Stanislaus, and i did get all the way through it, although it hurt.
    But it took me forever, because, when I got to her reference to Neda Soltan, I burst into tears. I don't know if it was the stress of reading her words, or if it was her cruel use of an ordinary woman's death to make a point(????), but it took me time to stop crying over it. I have been weaning myself off of letting rah-rah upset me, but the dam burst.
    She is an evil Anna Nicole, and I no longer need to worry that she will be president. Ahhh....
    thanks to all who have supported our investigation into this vile woman.

  26. obviously SARATOXIN reads this blog, ( or someone reads it for her) I address this post specifically to her.


    To all others I suggest you view the following 3 sites on an empty stomach.

    The Oil Spill's Worst-Case Scenario?
    Efforts to stop the flow may have set the stage for an even bigger catastrophe.

    Animals at Risk From the Gulf Oil Spill

    The Oil Spill's Gruesome Toll

    I think every person who stood with the halfwit from Wasilla and shouted "DRILL BABY DRILL" should be made to go to the Gulf Oil Spill and help to clean it up at their own expense until every last drop of oil and tar are removed, however long that takes!!!

  27. Anonymous11:29 AM

    This psycho is just using tactics to distract and divert people from her scandles she left behind in Alaska.

    Ethics charges, Baby Trig, and Mercede' s genesis.

    Gryphen talking of Mecerde, is everything ok with her? I noticed you removed her from your blog roll too. Has somebody put a dark tape on a mouth already?

    It will be nice if she can pen down everything in a book deal. Just saying....

  28. Anonymous11:37 AM

    Someone wrote;

    "Don't forget that she's a serial quitter. She quit as chair of the AOGCC before she quit as governor. These were her two most important and demanding statewide jobs. If elected to another office, why wouldn't she continue the pattern?"

    I think she wants to get into the oval office so that she can put her pointy finger on the big red button and bring about her fantasy of
    The Rapture/Armageddon. Who cares about the job!

  29. Anonymous11:39 AM

    Palin is a hypocrite?

    Say it aint so!

    Then again, since she can't even spell the word she hasn't been able to look it up and see what it means.


  30. Willow goes to college12:00 PM

    Thank you for all you are doing Gryphen. Without people like you and Rachel Maddow I dare to think of what it would be like now.
    Palin's advice? She can't even repeat her dumb speeches in a coherent manner. Our President is a great man and leader, he sends the varmints scurrying.

    Btw, does anyone know why the Turlock Journal scrapped the piece where Willow was mentioned? I believe there was a photo, did anyone get a screen capture? Why would that disappear? Wouldn't it be a positive to see Willow in an educational setting? Mrs. Serial Quitter mentioned Willow was there? It is summer, she did not even have leave her classes behind. Did they use a Willow double or something? Did Willow witness this Big Event? "Tuxedo-clad men and women in their finest dresses." Palin did not rival her inappropriate Belmont dressing down nor did she come close to going appropriate at the University event. Just wondering, was Willow in cut offs or equally offensive? That would be a reason to scrap a photo. Or was she giving someone the stink eye again?

    Cortland State University where I will receive my undergrad degree Community Health and a minor in Political Science. The Palin's do approve of some students.
    Kristina and Katelyn Lazzaro
    **We spoke with one of Governor Palin’s aunts who was also holding baby Trig at the time. I said hello to Trig and he grabbed my thumb and held it for a few seconds and then let go. Her aunt couldn’t thank us enough for supporting Sarah! After speaking with Governor Palin’s aunt, we spoke with her parents, Chuck and Sally Heath. They are probably two of the most kind, loving, and caring people I have ever met. First off, Mr Heath told me, “I absolutely love your sweatshirt!” Then Mr and Mrs Heath asked us about school, our family and why we supported their daughter. After we told them, they both gave us a warm hug and said thank you, thank you, thank you! And before they walked away, Mr and Mrs Heath came back and told us that it was nice to meet two beautiful, nice, and intelligent girls.**

    The voice of abstinence-only, Bristol Palin, looking knocked up again or on birth control, will take her questionable on-line education to The View and pitch her "natural career step." "Suffice to say that she seems to have extraordinary difficulty in playing herself, or maybe Todd's reprogramming has rendered her voice naturally robotic."

    "When you’ve got to write a report as a college student and you just try to jam as many quotes in as possible … That’s what I got," That's what it takes to blind the Palinbots and keep them worshiping and sending money to Sarahpac and criminal legal defense funds. Not even Fox News is in total denial. Are Sarah, Bristol and Willow Palin going to run the feminists agenda for the the young women of today ???? They dream of taking over science and health.

  31. I am fucking sick of this bitch, going around the country making money by criticizing the President at every turn. What a total piece of shit.

  32. Anonymous12:13 PM

    Palin is a throwaway candidate..she's too stupid and greedy to know she's being used..she's unelectable..she'll continue to unravel in public..

  33. WakeUpAmerica12:39 PM

    She just embarrasses herself over and over and is too arrogant to realize it. Her Stanislaus speech was completely cringe-worthy. Her "dumpster diver" mean-girl snide comments were so immature and off the mark. Pretending to know more than a magna cum laude Harvard graduate is so beyond ridiculous. Anyone with any degree of intelligence is laughing at you, Lamequeen Tedium. Your childish comments are disgusting and humiliating to you and your poor family. Lamequeen should be the poster child for mental health professionals.

  34. Anonymous12:48 PM

    Agree with 12:12, wholeheartedly. Although I think that she doesn't care if she's being used, as long as the $ keeps coming in.

  35. Thought i might point out you mentioned that she should not say these things in front of intelligent people. Sorry but if one pays money and goes out of their way to hear her talk. Well they are not playing with a full deck, if ya know what i mean.And you did go on to say just that. maybe im reading it wrong? Good piece Gryph.

  36. Anonymous1:08 PM

    Here's a bumpersticker moment:

    Hey, Hockey Mom! SHUT THE PUCK UP!

  37. Anonymous1:13 PM

    Do you suppose that buck up stuff goes for governors too? You know like, "You asked for the job, Madame Governor, so buck up!" Oops guess she thinks that concept doesn't apply to her...only some weird stuff about dead fish going with the flow and I'm not a quitter just quitting to help Alaska.......There are two things I just can't fathom -- how anyone would fall for her BS and the total lack of ethics and character that allows her to say the things she does.

  38. From Alaska's li'l sista state of Texas. Lecturing the lamestream media on energy independence the hidden MULTINATIONAL CORPORATION BP way and come to Jesus. Whose arse they gonna kick? She and Todd lived off the international criminals for how many years? How about a forever war to keep the Reagan Californians happy and drill, baby, drill?

    "Tell the world what's really going on in Afghanistan." Ronald Reagan with the Mujahideen.

    Rohrabacher's Afghanistan history dates back to his days as a speechwriter and presidential adviser in the Reagan White House, where he helped shape the Reagan Doctrine (made more famous by Sarah Palin's 2008 blunder) —the policy of arming resistance movements to undermine Soviet influence, with the mujahideen serving as Exhibit A.
    Dana Rohrabacher sunny Californian and Afghan freedom fighter.

    The speech at the Texas Oil Palace is über shrill. There is one consistent thread, she always has the traits of being jacked up on something.
    Todd is in Dillingham doing the fishy family business with Track. Bristol must be having the time of her life on her own in Anchorage with.... Willow is her lone entourage. Piper? Trig? There is nothing there, she did not take the Belmont twins to the Oil Palace.

    Agree that she is a disposable useful idiot for some "kitchen cabinet" elites. Levi was right, she doesn't do anything unless there is something in it for her. SARAH PALIN'S FULL CSU SPEECH

  39. Anonymous2:39 PM

    Arianna Discusses Sarah Palin And The Tea Party On 'Fareed Zakaria GPS'
    "Well, Sarah Palin is responding to something beyond the base," Arianna responded. "She is responding to the anger at the bailout. And she's responding to a sense of unfairness among the American people which goes to independents and which goes to a lot of middle class Americans who are feeling that the game is rigged, tat the fix is in, and that therefore, they're in real trouble. And she's appealing to that.

  40. Anonymous3:45 PM

    Palin told the CSUS audience that Eureka College (Reagan's college) was in California. (For those who don't know, Eureka College is located in Illinois where Reagan grew up.)

    Accepting Palin's sloppy ignorance and lies requires willful deafness and denial on the part of her fans. They are in such denial that they can't see the irony in Palin's own cowardice (and greed) in not "bucking up" in her own job as governor.

    "Ms. Quitter Coward" has the gall (not balls) to attack our president from the safety of Facebook and sympathetic speech venues. So unimpressive.

  41. Anonymous4:35 PM

    You called her a woman. She wouldn't make a pimple on a woman's ass. Sorry about the crudity.

  42. Anonymous5:05 PM

    The part, "you asked for the job, Mr. President" is a sting from a viper who is soooooo wee-weed up because she lost the election. The President was elected by an electorate that vetted him and found him qualified. Since then, he's demonstrated great character and integrity despite challenges.

    Maybe she's not interested in the money as much as she is in satisfying some obsessive need to get back at those who didn't vote for her. Hurling verbal attacks at the new administration, the President, bloggers in pajamas, lefties, democrats, anyone who prevented her highness from winning her "game". Being Queen of the white house was so close and those darned voters screwed it for her.

  43. tallimat6:03 PM

    Hope for America's energy independence via the "Drill, baby Drill" chant.
    That is why she says she is chanting?

    One word skanky Palin, one word:


  44. Anonymous6:36 PM

    "Maybe she's not interested in the money as much as she is in satisfying some obsessive need to get back at those who didn't vote for her."

    This is an interesting point because losing the opportunity to bilk the public financially was the only thing I thought was going to keep her from running for president, but what do you want to bet the witch has figured out a way to do both? She'll probably have Todd in her place traveling the country for cash. Any complaints would be dismissed as unfair leftist attacks. Look at how many other times during her career she's ignored convention and broken rules for her benefit. She'd find shady ways to make money, even in the white house. Good news is, there's no way she's getting that far.

  45. Anonymous7:27 PM

    I totally love Rachel Maddow. I think her whole series of shows on the Gulf Disaster should be nominated for an Emmy Award, including the one above and the one last Thursday on the difference between exploratory drilling platforms and production platforms. She is brilliant and performing such an important service to the country.

    WRT the Quitter, she is still an idiot.


  46. Ratfish9:11 PM

    First she asks people to read an article comparing Obama to Hitler for getting BP to pony up a $20 billion escrow fund to clean up their mess.

    And now- justr a couple days later- she wants them to be more aggressive.


    And what about her record as governor- she never went after the BP executives for their spills on the North Slope.

    Maybe because Todd worked for BP.

  47. Anonymous10:08 PM

    I think we spend way too much time trying to figure her out. It seems to me that she is perhaps what she is praying against: the anit-christ! What else can it be? She is an insult and a hypicrate and maybe Todd should pay back BP since she blames them for all the problems.

  48. Anonymous11:14 PM

    majii, first comment, WOW you really lay it on the line, way to go!!! Totally agree. Karen

  49. Anonymous11:16 PM

    And the second comment, awesome as well!!! Puking her bile across the nation, love it! Someone write a book with all these comments! Rock on, Karen

  50. Anonymous7:57 AM

    Willow was not there - maybe her look-alike cousin was.


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