Saturday, July 24, 2010

Doonesbury's Roland Hedley continues to stalk Sarah Palin's "stalker."

I kind of fell behind in posting these (So much going on in the three dimensional world you know), but they are so great  that I thought I would bring you up to speed by posting the last three all at once.

I love the fact that they drew the front of Palin's house in one of the panels.  It is this kind of attention to detail that puts Doonesbury head and shoulders above most strips.


  1. Anonymous5:22 AM

    Brilliant! I hope the "roving reporter" attends SP's church and gets to have an interview with Pastor Mugfee (sp?) - the "witch" hunter from Africa and that other "anti-gay" pastor that mouths off from time to time.

  2. Jennifer5:36 AM

    OMG, that last one is priceless. A meth lab explosion. Hilarious. Sarah can't exactly walk away from that kind of image, seeing as how she was mayor of the place. If dealing with the drug problem in Wasilla was a big deal to her, she would have made it a priority. She didn't.

  3. Anonymous5:58 AM

    None of the social issues, especially problematic ones in Alaska falls under 'government responsibility' in Todd and Sarah's world - it is the role of the Christian Church, your family and neighbors with poisoned pies and big fences.

    Meth, weed, prescription drug abuse and sale, teenage sex and pregnancy, village suicides, home break-ins by partying teens, school vandalism, elementary school truancy, highest energy costs in the nation, elderly deaths due to lacking State oversight, bloated and unsecured loans to unqualified dairy and coal businesses. . .not.Sarah's.problem.

  4. WakeUpAmerica6:03 AM

    I expected to hear hammering as the fence went higher in the second cartoon after she said "view?"

  5. Anonymous6:53 AM

    Jennifer if she had made drug enforcement a priority, half her family would be in jail!

  6. Anonymous8:35 AM

    I'm sorry... but I'm a stickler for the details, regardless of your views...
    There are no night hawks in Alaska. The don't come this far north. We also do not have coyotes in the Mat-Su Valley. Night time sounds near the Palin house would most likely consist of highway noise, train whistles, and ravens. Maybe the occasional dog bark.
    Also, Thomas Muthee does not live in Wasilla. In the past 8 years or so he's visited two or three times, speaking a community wide meeting supported by several churches.

  7. Red Tailed hawk, Harlan's hawk and Rough Legged hawks are all found in Alaska according to the Sibley Field guide.

    Love the meth lab panel!

  8. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn11:18 AM

    "The distant explosion of a meth lab." LOL x100.

    Also love the "Governor's" house!

  9. Anonymous12:22 PM

    There are all kinds of coyotes in Mat-Su. Even get them in Anchorage.

  10. I saw some coyote scat yesterday afternoon, while looking for Boletus mushrooms. Just to the north of Wolf Lake airport.

    We don't have real Nighthawks. And, even with the layers and layers of clouds, we will not have night here until about the 3rd of August.

    The Wasilla area has more of a meth problem than some communities, but far less of a problem in that respect than many other places in the USA.

  11. Anonymous4:17 PM

    Palin needs to look no further than the photo of her son Track on the Parade magazine cover to see what damage meth can do.


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