Thursday, July 22, 2010

I have a new hero and his name is Judge Ralph Beistline, the man who said NO to offshore drilling in the Chukchi Sea.

From ADN:

U.S. District Judge Ralph Beistline said the Minerals Management Service failed to analyze the environmental effect of natural gas development despite industry interest and specific lease incentives for such development. The agency analyzed only the development of the first field of 1 billion barrels of oil -- despite acknowledging that the amount was the minimum level of development that could occur on the leases.

The agency also failed to determine whether information it acknowledged was missing before the sale was relevant or essential under environmental law, or whether the cost of obtaining that information was exorbitant.

Beistline enjoined all activity under the lease sale pending additional environmental reviews.

Caroline Cannon, president of the Native Village of Point Hope, an Inupiat Eskimo whaling community of more than 700 on a peninsula jutting into the Chukchi, said news of the decision brought tears of joy in the village.

You know I think that last line, pretty much says it all.


  1. What wonderful news to start the morning with! Nice to see Alaskans fighting for their environment and winning! Bravo........

  2. Anonymous3:33 AM

    wonderful news !

  3. Anonymous3:55 AM

    I hope they consulted America's foremost energy expert, who lives in Wasilla, right next to Joe McGinniss.

  4. Anonymous4:42 AM

    Finally, someone with commonsense real American values!

    I feel a twitter coming on

  5. Anonymous8:48 AM

    Thank you for the good brought a tear to my eye as I looked at your photo of the beautiful area, so happy, it seems with the financial reform and OBAMA's desire to reduce deep water drilling that we are maybe starting to turn the corner, maybe the scary right we realize we won't bow to their shrill. . . . .


  6. Anonymous5:35 PM

    This is amazing because Beistline is no environmentalist, quite the opposite actually.


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