Sunday, July 11, 2010

Many American women are having a strong negative response to Sarah Palin's "Mama Grizzlies" ad campaign.

From Pundit Mom:

For some reason, Sarah Palin and her acolytes, or as she likes to call them, the “mama grizzlies,” want us to believe that politically conservative mothers speak for all mothers and that they have a corner on the political motherhood market.

Sure, I’m glad that women, especially mothers, of all political persuasions are finding and exercising their political voices, especially the ones who realize they can do it without demonizing the opposition. That’s why I’m so excited that over 50 amazing mothers of various political stripes agreed to be featured in my Mothers of Intention book that will be coming out late this fall thanks to the amazing people (especially Lucy Chambers!) at Bright Sky Press. In addition to great essays, the book explores the political revolution women and mothers are building online and through social media.

So I have to take exception to Palin trying to horn in on the political mom territory by implying through her rhetoric and advertising that her right-wing supporters are the ones who created this. They didn’t. We were out here shaking things up when she was still visiting the Beehive Beauty Shop to have her hair done in her pre-governor days.

As for the whole “mama grizzly” analogy? Sure, mothers get riled up and all protective about things that impact their children, but we’re usually able to manage without rearing up and taking a swipe at someone. After all, blood stains are just extra work when we’re doing the laundry! For the most part, moms are actually able to use their brains and verbal skills to get most things accomplished, including their “political” agendas.

I applaud the fact that Pundit Mom refuses to allow Sarah Palin to damage the politically engaged women in this country's brand, and is willing to stand up and say that she does NOT speak for the majority of female politicians! I have little doubt that she will receive horribly vicious letters from Palin supporters calling her all sort of names and claiming that she simply despises Sister Sarah because of her rapidly fading botoxed beauty.  But I have confidence she will prove capable of dealing with the preschool level of negativity that flows from that camp and continue to speak her mind.

You know I recently conducted some interviews in Wasilla, and one of the people I spoke to had a similar response as Pundit Mom did to Sarah Palin.  Only THIS person responded to how Palin damaged the brand of Conservative Christian instead of female politician.  She strongly felt that Palin had taken her very identity and made it foul on a national stage.

She spoke of her pain at seeing this person who, like herself was wearing the label of a Christian conservative female Alaskan, and then watching as she brought shame on everybody who she was supposedly representing as a result of her ignorance, her hypocrisy, and her hateful attitude. To say that she wants to see Sarah Palin stopped, is the understatement of the year.

I believe as more and more people watch Sarah misrepresenting their ideals, whatever they may be, the more she will find herself isolated.  She has already lost the majority of Alaskans, all of the top Republicans, her support among Fox News pundits seems to be falling, and even a number of thoughtful Evangelicals are, if you pardon the pun, "seeing the light."

I know that Palin just spent a substantial amount of money, and used a lot of bullying tactics, to shut Alaskans and others up before she trots out her shiny new 2012 campaign (Look for September 11 as the day, and Glenn Beck as the one making the announcement), however it will not do her any good.  People are going to speak out, and I have to imagine that once they know she is SERIOUSLY attempting to run for the presidency, my e-mail box will fill up with people who have negative Sarah Palin stories to share.

Because Sarah Palin is right about one thing.  There ARE a lot of good patriotic Americans in small towns like Wasilla, Alaska, and they will never let her get into a position to destroy their country!


  1. Anonymous6:31 AM

    I figure Her Sillyness will run -- but as others have pointed out, it will be a vanity campaign.

    By running a BS campaign, she continues to keep her name out there and can rack up more doofy $peeches as a 'former Presidential candidate,' instead of just a quitter ex-governor and former VP candidate.

    No one will be more shocked than Stupid if she cinches the Repub/Teabagger nomination. Then it will be all about trying to get out of the race (hint: suddenly, she'll be all about having to spend time with family.HA!)

  2. We need to publicize that Mama Grizzlies often lash out at innocents. A mama grizzly in the wild seems incapable of discriminating between an animal or person who wants to do her child harm and the hapless hiker who just wanted to walk a trail. There's no judgment, just fear and aggression.

    Do we really want our President blindly striking against friend as well as foe? That's the exact image Palin is giving us.

    Not that I'm any big shakes with my blog, but you can count on me making a weekly commentary on Sarah Palin's record and activities if she files to run for President.

    I've been avoiding talking about her because I see her as an amped up Ann Coulter or Michelle Malkin -- A conservative pundit who peddles anger and resentment with demonizing rhetoric. I haven't been commenting on them, as hateful as they are, so I haven't been commenting on Sarah.

    But that changes the moment she files. Then she becomes a dangerous demagogue who should never be let near the White House.

    I still won't talk about her personal life, though. I think there is enough in her public statements and quitter legacy to make the case for her unfitness for office.

    Thanks for highlighting positive political moms.

  3. Oh damn, Gryphen, you just spoiled Sarah's surprise announcement! Now that YOU have predicted it, there's no way she'll go ahead with it on that day!

  4. As Keith Olbermann often says...

  5. Anonymous7:29 AM

    Thanks for bringing this whole other perspective Gryphen. It is so true that Sarah Palin grabs a noble cause and self-anoints herself as Queen of this or that cause, if it's profitable for her in that moment.

    She then throws that crown and sash off and self-anoints as another Queen of something else. She dusts that one off, and on and on it goes. Whether it's Energy expert, foreign affairs expert, immigration expert, she tosses those hats off once the excitement wears off.

    She's like Goldilocks and the three bears. (Not the grizzly kind). This one is too soft, this one is too hard, this one is just right. Then off to try a new product.

    It's frightening that she might have deceptively put that christian conservative "hat" on for a while to deceive voters. Now I cannot judge her and don't know her heart, but as it's written, by their fruit we shall know them, which proves their convictions to who they're following. Her behavior makes a huge mockery of loving christians in the church, as it taints them all in the same light.

    She's done a disservice to conservative christian women and any women's group, I would say. Her hypocrisy, snapping turle comments, unfair criticism of the President, staff, those in public service, knows no bounds, and does not represent the true nature of what a christian aspires to be, though falls, picks himself/herself up and tries again, with a humble attitude.

    She never admits a mistake, has never publically apologized for anything said, never showed sadness when she discusses grave issues, like the illegal immigrants. Most christians I know are not involved in politics, but feel the pain for those unfortunate and so poor trying to make a better place for themselves. Like they say, the complexities for solutions are hard to come by, but at least we know thousands are suffering daily and it shouldn't be a subject that cold-hearted Bill O'Reilly and Sarah EXPLOIT with glib ego-driven arguments.

    And, the first "animal" that loving moms would want to emulate wouldn't be a grizzly bear. Try a dove, or a panda bear, deer, tender animals that are not in "fighting" mode. As a christian, how come tender doesn't come to her mind? Always vicious animals dominate her thinking. Christ was the lamb of God. Although as she and christians are taught, He comes back as a Lion. But, only He has that authority and entitlement. Believers are taught to be wise as serpents, but harmless as doves.

    OK, sorry for this Sunday morning's preaching. You may rise. LOL

  6. Gryph- Great post. We can't allow her to re-define either our language or history. I loved your ending, too.

    Daniel- I purposely go to your blog daily. "Constitutional Monday" provides some good info that we all may need to be reminded about. You have made some interesting recommendations and observations AND you use primary sources :} Many of your Alaksa research posts have encouraged me to do further research on my own state. Several of the books I read were because of your recommendations.

    If she decides to actually run, I have no doubt that your high quality assessment and research skills will be put to good use.

  7. Anonymous7:56 AM

    Just finished watching This Week where Sarah's PAC ad came up as a topic. The one woman on the panel thought it ineffectual and insulting.

    The conservative men on the panel all thought it was highly effective and representative of working class, blue-collar women. I highly doubt these men come from working class backgrounds but find it odd they seem to regard themselves as experts on women and working-class women in particular. They said President Obama has a huge problem with women in general. WTF? Where are they getting that?

    What is it with the aging, shrill, mean-spirited Sarah and conservative men? Do they want dominatrix-women? Do they love the idea that she is stupid and that makes them feel more intelligence, more manly? It has to be more than a penile response to Palin. I mean, her initial perceived softness is gone replaced by a bitter, cruel look and a shriller voice.

    No one brought up the racist angle of the PAC ad. Too bad, because that was what struck most of us.

    I was so glad to her Alaskan Librarian say that if Sarah declares, all bets are off because the country comes first. I can only hope more solid, sensible voices chime in when we need them most.

  8. Anonymous8:05 AM

    What right does Palin have to talk about motherhood and parenting. She's the worst mother on the planet. Half her children aren't even her husband's and at least one of them isn't even hers.

    At least two of her children have criminal records, one has two illegitimate children and is rumored to be pregnant with a third, and another barely attended elementary school in the past two years. And who knows whether Trig is properly cared for.

    She has college-age children who have never seen the inside of a college and what proof do we have that they even graduated from high school.

    People who continue to follow behind her are fools. She has no clue what it takes to be a "rill" mother. She's a farce, a charlatan, and a liar.

  9. Anne In DC8:11 AM

    The whole video with its mutually contradictory images of mama grizzlies and pink elephants was by far the most ridiculous one I've seen a wannabe president launch.

    It is heartening to see that most women are not impressed by this nonsense, and that she is even giving conservative Christian women pause. Most are decent, thoughtful human beings who are mortified that someone like her could so badly pervert their image.

    Of course, women who are good mothers will always be concerned for their children's well-being and futures. Being a good mother also means being able to look beyond one's nose to see that women on the opposite side of the political aisle are equally good mothers who share the same concerns.

    But Palin's video is just as divisive as it is dumb. I firmly believe her idea of a mother is limited to white, conservative,
    Christian women who think as well as look like her. The thing is, all children regardless of race, social status, or their parents' political persuasions are our future.

    Her whole spiel is anti-Democrat in general and anti-Obama in particular without offering any concrete, constructive solutions.
    No rational, thinking woman of any political stripe would want to be compared with a mama grizzly, which harms innocent beings as well as those who want to harm her cubs. No rational, thinking woman would want to be compared with a pink elephant, which is supposed to be a product of an alcoholic hallucination. I can't even type this without laughing.

    The irony is that she can't seem to understand McCain's cynicism in selecting her as his VP pick because disappointed Hillary fans were supposed to help carry him to victory. His miscalculation was based on the shallow, ignorant, an sexist belief that they would vote for her because she is a woman like them. That seems to be her rationale in creating this puerile, content-free excuse for a video.

  10. Anonymous8:17 AM

    Gee, I had no idea that grizzly bears voted Republican by nature. Never read about such things in my biology texts...who knew?

  11. Anonymous8:37 AM

    I personally prefer to be known as a wolf mom. Grizzly moms hook up with new grizzly dads every year, wolf moms stay faithful. Grizzly moms abandon their children when another brood comes along, wolf moms do not as most pups are incorporated into the family pack and help out the next generation. Grizzly moms are known for being bad asses who swipe first and think later (if they ever do). Wolf moms are smart and able to think first to assess a situation, teaching that lesson to their pups. Sometimes it is better to flee than fight.
    No thanks Palin, I am no grizzly mom stomping around first and regretting it later.

  12. emrysa9:04 AM

    sure says a lot about a person's ego that they have 45% negatives yet think they should run for president.


  13. carol from Minnesota9:21 AM

    I can't get Sarah's non specific phrase for all solutions, "common sense" , out of my mind. I keep thinking about some of the "common sense" ideas of the past and how out of touch with the reality of the situation really was. For example-the world is flat so don't go too far out in your boat or you will fall off the earth was a common sense thing in the middle ages.

    As a society we are beyond using only common sense but also must include reality in our modern way of thinking. The grizzly bear uses a bears common sense to kill everything and eat it. We have to rise above the animal reaction to a situation and inject the thinking person's ideas into these complex situations. A momma grizzly is not capable of seeing complexity, but just creates fear and chaos if it wanders into a civilization.

  14. Anonymous9:37 AM

    I can see that the Christian gal you spoke w/ had the feeling that her Christian identity has been usurped.

    I feel that way about the concept of being patriotic. I spent over 30 years of my life teaching American History and in fact, the "mascot" at my school was the "Patriot".

    I now hesitate (briefly) before wearing T shirts I wore at school, such as: the one with the Minuteman statue, etc., as I don't want others to falsely identify me w/ the far right.

    It is a sad time we live in and $arah isn't helping to make things better.

    Interestingly, she may really be one of the saddest Americans of all, if we could have a tiny peek into her brain.

    She is not a happy person. I think those who think can see that in her and want no part of what she is selling.

    Maybe just a few hugs more during her childhood would have saved the U.S. from her vile negativity?

  15. Anonymous9:50 AM

    Ill be honest with you all on this blog. While I'm not convinced Sarah can handle being President (I'm not convinced we've ever had a president who could actually handle it), there are more people who are apt to side with her and what she personally represents (mother, wife, family drama, past business owner, strong family) than side with what Obama represents. (Which we still don't know. Scary)

    Truly think about why you support the current president and whether or not its for the ideals and racial progression he brings.

    Then think about why the Gop is stereotyped as the white mans group. It is true that white people have "ruled" the countryan often demoralizing other races. But there is only a very small portion of the country that is still of that mentality. Yes, money talks and the priviledged usually winS. But when you start to change a countrys foundation to a mighty mouse system of govt (my econ profs term), you further teach young minds that its ok to live recklessly because govt will always be there.

    Can't you all see that its a good thing to teach abstinence and personal responsibility, by denouncing sexed up tv and crap like that. Its a sad world when most celebs lose their virginity at age 13 then go on to make money off their attractiveness. Its a better world when we see celebs that give back. Charity isn't charity if its mandatory.

    Elitism and ivy league schools and entitlement that ensues does nothing for improvement. While learning should be everyones goal, formal education is not for everyone. And comparing peoples intellect based on school is ridiculous.

    K I'm done
    K I'm done

  16. Anonymous9:54 AM

    First she insults feminists worldwide by claiming to be one and new she insults grizzley bears by comparing HER parenting skills to those of a bear. Give me a break!

    Sarah Palin I have met a mother grizzley and you can't claim to be one.

    Female bears, known as sows, are very protective of thier off-spring irrationally so. Sarah has yet to demonstrate anything close to "motherly protective" behavior towards ANY of her childern. None. Concerned mothers encourage their children to stay in school and get and education. Concerned mother educate their daughters regarding premarital sex and birth control. If she had really been concerned about David Letterman's comments regarding Bristol/Willow she would have made a phone call or had her attorney make a phone call. She did not because she wanted the publicity for herself.

  17. Anonymous9:59 AM

    gryphen, as usual, behind every "grizzly mom" there's a real mom!

    btw, the kind of moms who lock themselves in their room, eating crunchwrap tacos and watching tv don't do laundry either.

    anon@7:29, great sermon! love it!

  18. I heard that bears stink real bad.

  19. womanwithsardinecan11:24 AM

    Fox Noise talking points alert at 9:50. ooooooh!!! Obama is scary!! And since when does a family that preaches abstinence while having sex without birth control and before marriage constitute personal responsibility? I laugh at the lobotomized logic of that. Why do dumb idiots come to this blog and spout nonsense as though somebody should take them seriously? I laugh at that too. How's that alternate reality thing workin' for ya?

  20. "She spoke of her pain at seeing this person who, like herself was wearing the label of a Christian conservative female Alaskan, and then watching as she brought shame on everybody who she was supposedly representing as a result of her ignorance, her hypocrisy, and her hateful attitude."

    -Right. Because before Palin we never saw an ignorant, hateful, and hypocritical Christian fundamentalist. She must have missed those 8 years where we were governed by a bunch of Christian fundamentalists.

    What's shameful is that the woman in question would now try to sell the idea that Palin is somehow exceptional among all other religious right fanatics. What's scary about Palin is precisely that she is so representative of a large group of similarly ignorant and hateful people.

  21. Anonymous11:35 AM

    Anonymous at 9:50, you make some interesting and thoughtful points (even if I don't agree with all of them). The question of further education is important though because unfortunately most K12 education doesn't prepare kids to earn a living. I'm not saying everyone needs a four (or more) year degree, far from it. But everyone needs a skill, whether it's short order cook or electronic technician or medical transcriptionist. And much of the training for these jobs is done in technical high schools and community colleges, which depend on public funding.

  22. Anonymous11:44 AM

    Her whole spiel is anti-Democrat in general and anti-Obama in particular without offering any concrete, constructive solutions.


    name one thing Pres Obama personally stands for that's not been said purely for political purposes?
    We know nothing about him, and he's done nothing to show us what he wants for this country. At least Palin is open enough to lay it all on the line and I respect that. It takes balls to be consumed with so much drama and continue to fight. Shes inspired a lot of people - people whom I believe wouldn't give 2 hoots about politics today and exposing the current leaders. if it weren't for McCains choice and FOX NEWS' ballsy reporting, this country would be fucked.

  23. Anon @ 7.29 - thank you, very well said!

    I might add the following from Galatian 5:22 -23

    "The fruit of the Spirit are love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self control; against such things there is no law"

    Now think of all that we have known of Palin - Alaskans and lower 48 people - do any of these fruits seem apparent in Palin's live or persona?

    As a politician and public figure - she should expect to be judged and assessed on her public image and what she has done/said. She can whine and bitch all she wants on Facebook about how unfairly she is treated but frankly, she isn't exposed to half the scrutiny that other public figures in this country are.

    As a woman and as Christian - I am deeply offended by her on every level. She has so much influence yet she uses it to divide, spread ignorance, tell lies and rip off people.

    She doesn't represent me, in fact she shames authentic Christians everywhere.

  24. Anonymous11:50 AM

    Silly, stupid, $arah is finally going to find out that there are way more She has absolutely no substance. Keep shouting, real women, WE DON'T WANT TO HEAR HER SCREECHING LIES ANYMORE! The ignorant followers have no clue.

  25. Anonymous said: personally prefer to be known as a wolf mom. Grizzly moms hook up with new grizzly dads every year, wolf moms stay faithful.

    Love your post. Sarah kills Mom (wolf) then takes their pups out of the den and kills them too. I do not want to be associated with that imagine.

    Her children sadly reflect what type of mother she is. Her household is a mess and she wants to run our country? Try having your own home in order first Sarah.

  26. Anonymous12:32 PM

    So what do you think Alaska Ear meant this morning when she said "Darlings, something big is coming. Count on it." ?

    Read more:

  27. Pat in MA12:40 PM

    Anon @ 9:50, confused about what President Obama represents? Do me a favor, go to and click on the tab "Issues" and from there, pick a topic and educate yourself.

  28. emrysa1:14 PM

    "We know nothing about him, and he's done nothing to show us what he wants for this country. At least Palin is open enough to lay it all on the line and I respect that."

    palin's entire persona is a MYTH. it's been completely manufactured so that lazy people who don't want to critically examine things will eat it up (the fox news crowd - if the shoe fits...). and if someone really doesn't know anything about obama at this point, it is because they don't want to know.

  29. Palin is more like a mother possum, carrying her babies around on her back and not letting them walk on their own. Facilitating them by creating companies they can run and getting them a pass on all of their bad behavior thanks to her influence. She carries them; she does not stand up for them.

  30. Anonymous1:29 PM

    From Palin's roll-out at the RNC, she's told lie after lie, it's been proven with videos as well as saying something on Facebook then denying she said it. Yet she keeps on going without suffering any permanent damage. Everybody knows that.

    If it was just Palin alone getting away with it, then it would only be amusing. But her elevation into celebrity status has brought many others out of the woodwork. Candidates posting videos of firing automatic weapons, or spouting hate, bigotry and divisiveness, low information candidates. Lying then denying whatever they said with another lie. IMO, they think "Palin not only gets away with it but it making big $$, getting all kinds of attention - if she can do it I can too". And they're right, sick as it is, it's working for them. That MO is a fundamental of the teabagger movement.

    I'm anxious for those who are holding back with their personal knowledge of Sarah Palin's past deeds to step up and shut her down. Embarrass her, humiliate her, a storm of truth that will be over-whelm her and she'll crawl off into oblivion, totally discredited. If it's publicly proven that lack of integrity, lies, bullying people will be rejected, then the other candidates who are following in her footsteps might also, too, progress themselves back into DTs, deal privately with their pink elephants and leave politics up to those who have at least some intelligence and grasp of the issues. We have so many serious problems in this country, we don't need the likes of Palin on the scene.

  31. Anonymous1:42 PM

    Well, we all know what Sarah stands for. Leah Burton's current book project has been retitled "Palin's America: God, Guns & Greed." That pretty much sums up what I've been hearing out of Palin for the last two years.

  32. Anonymous2:09 PM

    Someone should remind Mrs. Palin that motherhood isn't a pre-requesite for patriotism.

    Non-moms can arrive at common sense solutions, love their country, and detect BS. Also too.

  33. Anonymous2:15 PM


    I'd venture to say that it is a family tradition for Heath/Palin gals to lose their virginity by 13 at the latest.

    The Palin's have a shitty track record on charity giving.

    So, it appears your entire thesis is crumbling.

    k i'm done

    ps- read Obama's books and listen to his words. on your own, not churned through the immature filter of fox and friends.

  34. Anonymous2:26 PM

    anon @ 11:44, what exactly is palin "laying on the line?"

    If by "continuing the fight" you must mean begging for dollars on her PAC and the Wash Speakers Bureau website.

    Our President, on the other hand, is actually fighting the REAL battles, trying to get legislation passed that will positively impact your ungrateful hide. (People like you always vote against your own interests because you somehow think you're going to be the next Buffet. You silly fool. Even Warren has admitted he's got a free tax pass.)

    President Obama is actually dealing with ALL the issues of our day. Not standing on the sidelines begging for attention.

    Sweetie, I don't know in what kind of fantasy you've been indulging, but the only "fight" Palin fights is wrestling your hard earned dollars into her lipsticked piggy bank.

  35. Anonymous2:31 PM

    Gryphen, Who is paying the freight
    for Glenn Beck's visit in Sept.?
    Do we assume what's-her-name will be there too, & half the building roped off & no press allowed?

    Sharon TN

  36. I am amazed as always that Sarah thinks so highly of herself. Hillary Clinton could not get elected and boy I'd love to see Hillary's resume next to Sarah's.
    Sarah needs to come down to earth and go home and take care of her family....please Todd, get 'er done.

  37. Hey Sarah, get your resume and Hillary Clinton's resume and compare.
    BTW, Hillary tried along with Bill's help to win. Nada, zip. So many women including myself were disappointed beyond words. Look in the mirror and over your shoulder and maybe you will see the difference between Hillary and Bill and Todd and yourself. Quit embarrassing women!

  38. Anonymous6:25 PM

    There's a darn good reason Dada Grizzly doesn't live with Mama Grizzly, she's too mean.

    My vehemently strong negative reaction to the Grizzlies ad is caused by knowing there is a video producer somewhere stupid enough to think a woman of education and intelligence would be swayed by such staggering illogic.

    Even my vagina is not that stupid.

  39. Anne In DC7:32 PM

    @9:50 and 11:44:

    I don't have any idea where you both have been the last 2 years, but Palin is anything but honest or straightforward. She has had nearly that amount of time to change or improve her image of being ignorant and divisive, but she has chosen to bilk gullible people out of money. She spews hatred and offers no solutions, only criticism of the president.

    Anyone who after nearly 3 years still says he or she does not know anything about President Obama has either been living under a rock or is still stuck in Campaign 2008. During that time, others were saying the same exact crap, although the media went up one side of him and down the other in vetting him.

    Palin has fooled both of you with a media-manufactured image that bears little resemblance to the actual woman. That's how she's able to con gullible souls, in spite of her known shortcomings both in intellect and integrity.

    Fortunately, more and more people even on the right are waking up to the reality that she is the last person who should ever be in the White House. And as one poster said, educate yourself by googling that link that will give you the real deal on the president's policies.

  40. Thank you Gryph

    I appreciate your perspective and willingness to present that Palin doesn't really represent what she claims. You'd think it would be obvious by now!?! Her popularity with the weak spirit of some who say they're Christian is bothersome because the history that this fraud has always played loose with ethics, personal integrity, morals and Christian values is there, out in the open. Some who rather defend the indefensible than see this liar for what she is.. A God-less LIAR! GOD said you will know them by their fruit, meaning those true in faith. Sarah's fruit is rotten to the core..

  41. Anne in DC- I really enjoyed reading your comments on this thread..

  42. Anne In DC11:51 AM


    Thank you very much.


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