Thursday, July 29, 2010

Oh this is going to piss Palin off!

The Center for Biological Diversity praised the Obama administration’s announcement today that it is cancelling two offshore oil and gas lease sales: one in the Atlantic off the coast of Virginia and another in the Gulf of Mexico. The Atlantic lease sale was part of a controversial area that Interior Secretary Ken Salazar approved for expanded offshore oil development after the Bush administration lifted the moratorium on drilling in the Atlantic. The Gulf of Mexico lease sale was scheduled to take place in mid-August.

“Obama’s decision to cancel these lease sales recognizes that risky offshore drilling needs reform,” said Miyoko Sakashita, oceans director at the Center. “Halting controversial lease sales is among the most proactive steps that Obama has taken toward the Gulf disaster.”

You just know that somewhere on the road (just where in the hell is she these days anyhow?). Sarah Palin is bitch slapping her Facebook writer and demanding that she "make me sound smart" as she prepares to dictate some mind numbingly stupid word salad which will have little, if any, resemblance to the finished post.

"President Obama...oil independence...honor our troops...take away Trig's health care...drill, baby drill...Todd's snowmachine runs better on domestic gasoline...patriotic Americans...common and spend...there!  Now polish that up and hit the "publish" button!" 


  1. Buffalo, NY2:27 AM

    Yes, where is she ? Not that I miss her. Is she off getting more procedures done medically ?

    And what ever happened to Todd ? Haven't heard or seen him in ages ? Is he buried in the backyard somewhere ? Is that why she objected to Joe McGuiness so strenuously ?

    Is Bristol stashed away in the compound again awaiting another baby ? Is Ben Barber staying there too ?

    And what if Levi is the father of the baby that this Lanesia is carrying ? How is that going to add to the intrigue.

    Tune in next week for another episode of "As Wasilla Turns".

  2. O/T, but something I think folks will enjoy:

    As we all know, Palin recently revealed that she quit as governor because of the media. She said that Gibson and Couric unfairly edited her interviews. Well, did y'all catch that Andrew Sullivan found the UNEDITED transcripts for the 2 interviews that Palin did with Charlie Gibson? Amazing stuff.

    If anything, ABC was too soft in their editing. Palin just spewed information. I plan to fact-check some of the interview this weekend. I suspect that ABC did fact-check her answers and found that she was either wrong and/or that she used info that was completely off topic in an attempt to show that she "knew" something.

    I can understand why Palin is frustrated with the editing that happened (she is a flaming Narcissist). She has lost sight of a few things.

    1) These interviews were only going to be a few minutes in length on 2 evenings. She either doesn't get that or she thinks that she did much better than she did. Perhaps the McCain campaign didn't drill it into her that she needed to be on point because 80% of these interviews were going to be cut, as they were for every candidate.

    2) Palin thinks that she was having a coherent conversation. She wasn't. She was better than I expected, but the reason the editing happened the way it happened is because she gave long, very wordy answers in an attempt to not answer the question being asked. She just tossed out random bits of info.

    3) Palin seems to think that it is the media's job to show her in her best light. It isn't. It is their job to ask questions and then publish the answers. It is also, to, then and that not the media's job to make her look bad. She has to claim responsibility for her answers.

    4) I don't think that the interviews were ever supposed to go as long as they did. Palin was so focused on showing how much she knew that she just talked about everything and anything she could think of in an attempt to look smart. The result of this is that she walked away pretty impressed with herself; I can understand why. What she doesn't understand is that she wasn't answering the questions, so they had to be re-asked repeatedly. It isn't unusual for a politician to dance around questions. Interviewers always have to try to pin down an answer. But Palin had verbal diarrhea, which made these interviews really long. Palin is assuming that quantity to should trump quality. Because of this, Palin thought she gave much better answers than she really did. It is hard to follow the maze she creates in these interviews. IMO, the editors had to cut these interviews to the bare bones. And that is what Palin is mad about.

    The transcript is interesting stuff. Worth the read, IMO.

  3. Pat in MA2:52 AM

    She's been pretty quiet since her mosque/Shakespeare fiasco. She's probably off somewhere reading books, all of them, any of them that are put in front of her with a great appreciation for writers.

  4. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn4:01 AM

    Gryph's got the Pali-Rovian "patriotic" sheeple script down! Great job--you betcha!

  5. Olivia4:27 AM

    I think Palin already thinks she sounds smart. She has no way to know how to speak like an educated, intelligent person so she imitates what she hears. To her, actual speech from an intelligent, educated person sounds like gobbledygook. Much like a small child she combines words that she only half understands and creates her "word salad" and then is quite satisfied that she sounds like everyone else who paid attention in English class(or actually attended one).
    I do think that you are correct that she probably attacks her Facebook writer, but not to make her sound smart, since she already thinks she does sound smart, but to quit rewriting her stuff and put it out there the way she told her to.

  6. Anonymous4:34 AM

    With Hugo Chavez threatening to cut-off oil exports, does this mean Toad...I mean Tawd, will have to find a new sponsor for his hobbies?

  7. Anonymous5:30 AM

    Haha! But seriously, probably the ONLY issues that really revs her engines is money and attention.

    Will it make me money? Can I use this statement to issue inflammatory rhetoric that stirs up anger and fear in my bots? Where's that latte I ordered?

    (My guess as to her top three concerns.)

    I'd like to finish this post with a heartfelt thanks that Obama is our president, and not that idiot woman.

  8. Anonymous5:40 AM

    How come we can put a man on the moon - I didnt say recently - but we can't make semi-former Alaska governor Sarah P sound smart? Surely modern science has the answer! Something must work! Nanotechnology? Stem cell therapy? Exorcism? Techroline? Levitation? Home schooling? Vulcan mind-meld? Anything?

  9. Facebook Lurker5:58 AM

    Here's the information I gathered...Bristol moved back to the Wasilla compound. She is travelling with her family in a huge RV, faux camping, probably still filming the TLC show (check out TMZ for Sarah's run in with a real mama grizzly).

    Bristol posted a day ago "single!" without any other comments, so it's sage to say she had the shortest engagement in history...from the looks of a recently posted photo (mind you you could not see her front), she doesn't look pregnant, but she did say she was taking a few MONTHS off travelling with her baby.

    Take it for what it's worth

  10. Olivia6:25 AM

    I think there should be a blog or a section of a blog called "Pissin' Palin off!"

  11. Anonymous6:49 AM

    "She's been pretty quiet since her mosque/Shakespeare fiasco. She's probably off somewhere reading books, all of them, any of them that are put in front of her with a great appreciation for writers."

    She's off shooting the Discovery series,in AK, as been for days now.

  12. Anonymous7:04 AM

    "SP silence" can mean only one thing. It a calm before a storm thing. She'll be lashing out on facebook 3-2-1.

    Maybe when there is such a lack of media interest in her shenanigans and her name slowly drifts out to sea, she'll decide to release a "shocking" story about her or her family to get back in the spotlight. One never knows how she thinks, but, I wouldn't be surprised, because even bad attention gets her "fix" for attention fed.

  13. Olivia7:07 AM

    Wow! Facebook Lurker... if she is single again, now the rags can pay her another 100 grand to tell that story. It is way too cynical to think that maybe they only got engaged for the quick cash because mom cut her off, so let's remove that thought our of our heads right away.

  14. Facebook Lurker9:45 AM

    Olivia...USWeekly and People should demand their money back, Bristol and Levi (and maybe Sarah) sold them a fake story for quick cash...they are OVA and OUT.

  15. Anonymous10:54 AM

    Great analysis, LMK of the transcripts with Charlie Gibson.

  16. Olivia11:20 AM

    D'ya think the big RV is fitted with a wrap with all their pics on it?


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