Sunday, July 18, 2010

President Obama's Weekly Address. He really lets the Republicans have it over their obstructionism.

I really wish Obama would avoid using the term "common sense."  That is Palin's term and it is not an appropriate term to use when addressing the complex problems facing this country.

If "common sense" could have solved these problems we would not have required the intellect that President Obama brings to the table.


  1. gryphen, remember that palin does not own any words, phrases, concepts, or groups. common-sense is still a reality, and she doesn't have a lock on it. I hope that Mr. Obama takes back and uses the term common-sense in its real meaning, altho' even saying "takes back" gives Palin more credit than she deserves.
    she is the lame stream, remember

  2. Anne In DC7:21 AM

    Actually, a combination of common sense and intellect are needed to solve the complex problems of this country. Any rational, thinking person knows that Sarah Palin does not in any way represent or exercise common sense, so when she uses the word, we take it with a large grain of salt and consider the source. The two concepts are not mutually exclusive, as some people see to think. The truth is that most people have varying amounts of common sense and book smarts.

    Just the same, I'm glad to see him take these soulless, heartless, vote-in-lockstep robots to task. They are only trying to make his administration look bad so they can regain power and continue their assault on the well-being of this country. That is fodder for the elections, and every opponent of these clowns needs to use it against them.

  3. Anonymous7:31 AM


    Also too, he should use the term Conventional Wisdom.

  4. Anonymous8:22 AM

    Anne in DC:

    If Palin, as you suggest, does not exercise any "common-sense" (which we'll push aside for the moment as a completely non-sensical idea) than perhaps YOU have overestimated the degree to which ALL human beings are "irrational" and the fact that it is irrationality that has been the catalyst for some of mankind's greatest achievements--like the airplane, which common-sensical military experts at the time had no value in warfare.

    I might suggest you pick up a copy of Dan Ariely's "The Upside of Irrationality". You will find you are not as rational as you believe, nor motivated by what you unfailingly believe motivates you.

    You might understand why the world spins inits oil bath the way it does--contrary to your expectations-- and in Palin's case, she keeps rolling along completely indifferent to the antagonistic and defamatory beliefs about.

    I could not begin to guess as to whether reading that book will invigorate you or leave you utterly in despair.

  5. Anonymous9:09 AM

    I agree - he has both! And, the population needs to use 'common sense' and intellect during the upcoming elections as to whom they vote.

    We need to work in step with him when it comes to the elections and get the old republicans out of their seats they've held way too long!

  6. Pat in MA9:29 AM

    Common sense to Palin and her bots is code for anti librul elitism. There are no simple answers to the complicated problems we face, and even Bill O tried to point that out to her during his interview on the topic of illegal immigration. I think that was one of the several times during the interview when her head nearly exploded. One of SPs many problems is her knee jerk reaction to EVERYTHING, whether it's a serious issue or some criticism her thin skin can't take and she resorts to responses via twitter and face book.

  7. Palin uses the term "common sense" to elicit a lizard brain response from Glenn Beck followers who greatly misrepresent Thomas Paine, who wrote a book of that title almost 250 years ago. What Beck and Palin and their ilk fail to mention (most don't even know much about Paine) is that Paine was driven from the USA his book helped create, for another book, titled "The Age of Reason," which defended atheism. In other words, their "common sense" hero was driven from our shores by people who think like they do. No common sense there, eh?

    The concept of common sense predates Aristotle. Herodotus describes common sense in his "Histories," though he doesn't call it that.

    The philosopher generally attributed to defining common sense as we now know it was Abu Ali Sina, a 9th century Persian Muslim philosopher.

    Palinbots would love that, wouldn't they? An Iranian Muslim thinker came up with a term Gryph now claims "is Palin's term."

    Not that Obama exhibits a whole helluva a lot more common sense than does Palin, though. I keep hoping and waiting to see more.

  8. Anonymous12:24 PM


    Thatś old hat to those of us who paid attention in High School. Almost all of science beyond the introductory level is counterintuitive. The Universe is also amoral. Also, too, I just love how Sarah attempts to hide her ignorance by invoking ¨common sense.¨ In her answer to BOR about whether she was smart enough to be POTUS, she insinuated people attended Ivy League schools to compensate for their spinelessness. Or was she insinuating only invertebrates attend Ivy League schools? I´m not sure what she meant. I don´t think Sarah does either.

    ¨Common sense is the collection of prejudices acquired by age eighteen.¨
    Albert Einstein

  9. Anonymous2:17 PM

    @SarahPalinUSA - "Refudiate," "misunderestimate," "wee-wee'd up." English is a living language. Shakespeare liked to coin new words too. Got to celebrate it!

    Haha, Sowa seems to be upset that we are picking on her improper use of the English language. Wah ... Shakespeare made up words, so can I.

  10. Anonymous2:24 PM

    The GOP will repeat their talking point that Obama never would meet with any of them and Obama would have no discussions.

    Obama was first perceived for his intention for bipartisanship then criticized for not cathing on the Repubs intended to obstruct even their own ideas or solutions when Obama found them reasonable.

    Common sense would lead a person to learn and know the duties of an office she is running for, or when caught in lies to cease repeating them. IMO Palin and people like her are conniving which is different from common sense.

    The GOP goal and certainly Palin's is to discredit, disempower to gain the power not solutions for...real Americans.

    I like the term "conventional wisdom". It is applicable to the housing market, stock market regulations are needed and enforcement for conventional wisdom is if peopel will misinform, cheat, lie to people only so they make alot of money setting people up and the markets tumble down then rules to prohibit scamming people are wise.

  11. Anonymous3:13 PM

    To Anne in DC: you said " . . . in Palin's case, she keeps rolling along completely indifferent to the antagonistic and defamatory beliefs about."

    I am not sure about how you ended that sentence, but the essence if it reminds me of George W. Bush. He was so arrogant, so callous that he didn't care any about opinion other than his own either. He and Sarah share so many negative traits.

    She should care. She needs to learn. It's okay to make mistakes, but only if you learn from the mistakes. Sarah, like Georgie before her, doesn't believe she makes mistakes; therefore, she sees no need to take advice, to listen to constructive criticism, or to reflect upon why people are upset with her. She thinks she is perfect. It is most foundational and destructive mistake of all.

  12. Anonymous3:13 PM

    I just want to say that I am so glad Obama/Biden won the 2008 election.

  13. Anonymous3:15 PM

    Philip Munger, I think I love you - well, I love that you brought out the factoid about the origins of "common sense." Made my day! Thanks!

  14. anon @ 3:15 - {{{blush}}}

    what the world needs now is common sense dispensed in an uncommonly wise way.

  15. Anonymous6:22 PM

    $arah is cautionary tale that proves the saying that it is better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt.

  16. Anonymous7:27 PM

    I believe common sense is the ability to recognise our ignorance and do something about it, a trait totally absent from Palin and her gang .They have no clue that most people view them as a comedy routine and cant wait for the next act.

  17. Anne In DC1:10 AM

    @Anon 8:22:

    No matter what literature you suggest I read about "irrationality" as it relates to human behavior, there is no denying that Palin does NOT use common sense. I could write a book about the ways she fails to show it but 3 main ones stand out:

    Common sense consists of:

    (1) Admitting what one doesn't

    (2) Admitting when one is wrong.

    (3) Researching or thinking before
    one speaks, especially in

    Of course, those are not the only manifestations of using common sense, but Palin has been conspicious in her failure to do even these things. You cannot excuse such ignorance and intellectual laziness by referring to the irrational side of humans.
    Regardless, there is no excuse for such stupidity in one who aspires to national leadership.


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