Thursday, July 22, 2010

A quick post about Team Levi.

I promised to write something today and I hate to break a promise. However I suddenly realized that today is Thursday, late in the day on Thursday even, so since posts written late in the week receive much less attention than those written at the beginning of the week I will wait until early next week to do a more expansive post on the handful of individuals known as "Team Levi," and what I observed going on behind the scenes over the last year. 

Just to give you a little something to digest over the weekend I will tell you that I first met up with Mr. Sherman "Tank" Jones late in April right after Levi, Mercede, and Sherry returned from doing the Larry King show. We had a very animated conversation in his office, where I offered to help the Johnston family in any way that I could,  and things progressed from there.

The relationship with Jones, which occasionally included Rex Butler as well, lasted until December of last year.

There were a lot of telephone conversations and face to face meetings, but after awhile I began to realize that Tank was playing fast and loose with the truth and seemed to be doing everything he could to sabotage Levi's reputation and potential for being taken seriously.  When I would confront him with this he would give me some song and dance and claim that he had everything under control.

However it took me a while to finally learn that Rex and Tank were INTENTIONALLY keeping Levi from meeting with potential authors, movie producers, and television people who were genuinely interested in brokering deals with Levi. Why they did that I can only imagine, and of course conspiracy theories abound.

Some of you have asked why I did not come forward with this news earlier, and the reason for that was because until very recently I truly believed that Levi was simply a naive dupe, and that revealing the fact his management team was far from truthful or trustworthy would have potentially damaged his reputation even further. 

Obviously now that Levi has destroyed that same reputation beyond repair by suggesting that he made things up about the Palins in the past, there is no longer any reason to protect him.  Essentially there is really nothing I can say that will damage his reputation more than he damaged it himself with that unbelievable statement to People magazine.

"Last year, after Bristol and I broke up, I was unhappy and a little angry. Unfortunately, against my better judgment, I publicly said things about the Palins that were not completely true," he tells PEOPLE exclusively. "I have already privately apologized to Todd and Sarah. Since my statements were public, I owe it to the Palins to publicly apologize."

I am absolutely certain that Levi was indeed telling the truth back then, and that if his team had done the job he hired them to do, he would NEVER have had to go crawling back to the Palin family with his tail between his legs.

By my estimation, and this is NOT an exaggeration, Levi had multiple opportunities to make many millions of dollars. He also had offers from family lawyers who would have gladly helped him get joint custody of his son, and the support of millions of people who really wanted to root for him and support his desire to tell the truth about Sarah Palin.

But after he acted like an ass, bared his ass in Playgirl, and did not get his ass to school to work on his GED, that support simply drained away.

Besides his family, I don't think anybody is as disappointed in that outcome as I am.

As I have said I will write much more about this sorry saga early next week, and it will undoubtedly take me a number of installments to tell the entire tale.

And for you Palin-bots who will invariably come to the comment section to pound your chest and dance with glee, don't waste your time.  Because if you think that losing Levi will put an end to our ability to find the truth about Sarah Palin, you could not be more wrong.  In fact in some ways it has only reinvigorated the process, as well as inspiring others to step forward to fill that void.


  1. Anonymous7:28 PM

    Thank you for the info, Gryphen. We welcome more of it when you're ready and have time to share.

    What's really frightening for me is how a management team would have to be REALLY stupid to goof things up for Levi in the way you're describing......

    Or perhaps paid off....

    By someone.....and the powerful backers who have bottomless pockets for such endeavors.....

    Running an endgame around everyone.

    Which apparently has worked.

    Because, really - nobody could possibly be as stupid as Team Levi appears to have been.

    And didn't Tank open a nightclub during his time working for Team Levi? Where DID that money come from, one must wonder......

  2. Anonymous7:41 PM

    Are you saying that Palin has Tank and Rex in her pocket? Youi just can't make this stuff up! This is the damndest horror show I have ever witnessed.

  3. Gryphen, I think you can file a complaint even though you weren't the client. Please look into doing so.

  4. I'm with Anon 7:28pm. I can only imagine stupidity/greed or a pay-off to hold Levi back.

    Besides questioning how Levi's legal and management issues were handled, it always seemed like something was off with Sherry's case.

  5. Anonymous8:05 PM

    Couldn't Levi figure out that Rex was not doing a good job for him during the custody hearings?

    Please give us some background on how Rex came to be Levi's lawyer. Did I understand that Rex was Sherry's lawyer first? If Sherry really was set up, then Rex might have been part of the package.

    when I saw Kathy Griffin's visit to Wasilla on TV recently, she went to a club that Tank Jones appeared to own (may be a part owner). Hope you'll expand on that too.

    What is really missing in Levi's life is a mature adult that could give him guidance and good counsel. From reading Mercede's blog, I suspect that Levi's father wasn't always there, and his mother clearly had problems of her own. Do the Johnstons have any family or truly good friends who can offer them good advice.

    If Levi truly has a story to tell, and if he is still getting the Royal Shaft from the Palins, then Levi must realize that he stands to make a bucket load of money if he takes his story to the National Enquirer or anybody else. He is going to need some proof, not just a story. Levi and Tripp also needs a couple of DNA tests, just to be on the safe side.

  6. wynsplc8:08 PM

    Team Levi is a joke and has been from the beginning. King Rex and his enforcer aren't competent to defend a client in court and to have them direct a clients' career is sheer stupidity...but then Levi was never known for being smart.

  7. Anonymous8:12 PM

    Nice to think millions of dollars have found their way to more deserving hands.

    When the Sarah Palin train wreck meets up with Team Truth a lot of the bit players will lose as well. They choose the wrong sociopath for their games. Too bad, so sad.

  8. Anonymous8:17 PM

    I wondered what was up with the child custody. I'm a divorced woman with 3 kids in California and I get less support than he has to pay.

    I read that he didn't show up for his custody hearing which is really bad news. My experience with CA family court is that they want the father to have consistent time with the child. Usually a minimum of every other weekend and one day a week which works out to about 30-40% timeshare.

    With Bristol's comedy road show she probably makes more than he does which should mean that she should be paying him support.

  9. Anonymous8:18 PM

    "By my estimation, and this is NOT an exaggeration, Levi had multiple opportunities to make many millions of dollars."

    Okay Gryphen..... ya may want to expound on this so we understand what you are talking about.

  10. I'm interested in Sarah Palin's activities because I dislike her and her politics.

    A step down in interest from Sarah is her children, and a step down from them would be Levi Johnston.

    Further removed from my interest in the Palins or Johnstons activities would be guessing after the fact how Team Levi handles their business. Pointless, IMHO.

    I'm glad Levi & Bristol are back together, best of luck to 'em.

    The rest of the cyberstalking is wasted energy because the kids aren't trying to run for President. Sarah is.

  11. junasie149:09 PM

    I was thinking the same thing as Anon 7:28. What was in it for Rex and Tank to keep those lucrative offers away from Levi, unless there was money coming in from another source to so just that? I'm curious to know how you found out about these other offers, and what Levi's reaction was when you talked to him about it (assuming you did). Do you think he still trusts those guys now?

    If Rex and Tank were/are working for the enemy it would certainly help explain the more bizarre goings on recently. If Levi signed a contract with them, and they were intentionally trying to hinder his career and possibly the custody case as well, it will be interesting to see what their next move is when Levi is kicked to the curb by the Palins (which is probably happening as we speak). Undoubtedly, Rex and Tank will be thrown under the bus at the same time, but of course they will have been compensated for their trouble.

    Levi, on the other hand, is screwed any way you look at it. Ironically, the custody case will probably proceed as planned, and Levi will still be stuck with those Bozos "defending" him. I'm sure Van Flea will try to use his apology stunt as evidence that he is untrustworthy and unfit to care for Tripp.

    Thanks for sharing this with us. Looking forward to hearing more about it next week.

  12. I had high hopes for Levi. It's true his lack of basic acheivements like a high school diploma and a job made him an easy target. Thanks again Gryph for your investigative heart!

  13. Anonymous10:01 PM

    Wow. The Palin's pay off Rex and Tank to sabatoge Levi's potential, have Bristol lure him back in to get a "mea culpa I lied", she dumps him and Levi is left with zero credibility, zero parental rights and zero money. Sad.

    I always wondered why he did get visitation through the courts.

  14. I posted this on another thread, but I think everyone has missed it. It really needs to go viral!

    The Sarah Palin Fifty Nifty United States Song (from the Jimmy Kimmell Show)

    The whole video is awesome; the song part starts at the 1:15 minute mark.

  15. Anonymous10:13 PM

    If Bristol dumps Levi again, he will have lost all credibility and any claim to being "interesting".

    I have to say that if Sarah planned this, it's possibly the smartest thing she's ever done.

    That's why I believe that it's probably just two dumb kids thinking that it'd be great to announce their engagement on the cover of a gossip rag. And then deciding two days later that they should break up again! akbatwoman

  16. Anonymous3:00 AM

    "Tanks" a lot for the post.

    Never understood why Rex could not get court to establish visiting schedule for Levi to have Tripp early in the court custody dispute.

    Tank always appeared to be seeking fame from this.

  17. Anonymous3:57 AM

    Nefarious - the whole lot of them. There may be a missing baby, the one with the malformed ears that the Palins used and then disposed of in some way.
    Maybe someone should report that baby as missing.

  18. Anonymous4:35 AM

    Neither of these kids has a personaily, and together it doesn't appear they even have one brain. They need to shut up, go away, study hard and then maybe some day what they say or do will be relevant to someone. Right now they are nothing more than tabloid losers. Like mama Palin, they're national laughing stocks, laughing stocks who are, apparently, willing to sell their child, lack of birth control, bastard child, drama, fake smiles, and literally, their asses for quick $$$.

    Christians my ass.

  19. Anonymous4:36 AM

    Leah, excellent video. Saw it last night and LMAO!

  20. Anonymous4:36 AM

    The only reason any lawyer or manager would sabotage deals with millions at stake, is because they got a better offer.

  21. Anonymous5:12 AM

    Dsmyre, if you haven't realized that Gryphen does cover all things Levi, Mercede, etc., you're kind of dense. If you don't want to read it then don't. Certainly don't comment on something that you find so beneath you.

    If you don't think that the ridiculous and money-grubbing antics of Palin's adult children don't reflect on her and her chances at a run for POTUS, you're kind of naive. Getting all hoity toity and high-minded about it isn't going to stop her.

  22. Anonymous5:49 AM

    Or they had the crap scared out of them by some people... Wouldn't be the first time. I doubt this was a conspiracy, more like total malpractice and incompetence.

  23. Anonymous6:23 AM

    Anonymous at 8:17 PM -- Child support is based on income. Since Levi made a LOT more money this year than your ex-husband, he had to pay a lot more.

    When a hearing is just about setting the date for a trial, many courts don't care whether all parties appear in person. Often, it's perfectly OK for just the attorney to show up.

    The person who is physically taking care of the child is the one who gets support (since the money is intended for the child's needs). If they had any sort of joint custody arrangement and were both spending time caring for Tripp, then Bristol would surely be paying him support because she earns more. But, they don't. She has full custody and (as I recall) in the papers he filed in court, he has not objected to that. So, she does not pay him any support since he is not caring for the child on his own.

  24. Anonymous9:26 AM

    This is a horror show, all right. The person I feel the most sympathy for is Mercede. If Levi had handled his business in an intelligent way, he could have easily provided for his mother and sister.

    Instead, he left Mercede to carry the burden alone, with rent and utility bills she had no means to pay, while trying to take care of her mom's needs as well.

    I'm getting pretty mad. Tank must have known Sherry and Mercede were struggling. While putting food on their table wasn't his responsibility, if he had done right by Levi the Johnston's would not be in the position they are today. Grrr...

  25. Anonymous9:31 AM

    If there is something nefarious going on they can risk a malpractice suit from Levi and that would include a check of their financial records for big deposits from "anon" peoepl.

  26. Anonymous11:55 AM

    In regards to Levi, it's hard to know what's going on because imo he's a compulsive liar. You can even see it in his face on some the the pics you have on your blog. When he went on Tyra to gossip about the Palins he couldn't even get the conception story straight. First he said they always used condoms. Then he said, well not always, when Tyra pressed. (Of course, because otherwise we'd have to believe a broken condom story). Then we learn through 3rd parties that they were actually trying to have a baby, so they weren't using condoms. Now he makes a public statement saying that he lied in previous interviews about Sarah Palin and privately apologized to her.

    So, he's a royal mess. As far as these millions you mentioned he could make, I don't see any money at all to be made unless it's tied into tell-all books about Sarah Palin, or tied to drama with Bristol (which we're seeing now).

    Frankly, I wouldn't be surprised if down the road we found out he slept with Sarah Palin. He was young, good looking, and stupid. I could see it happening. On Tyra, it was apparent that despite everything going on at the time, he was still oddly fond of Sarah. That divorce stuff he talked about, maybe it was wishful thinking on his part that Todd and Sarah divorce. Was his "she knows what I got on her" comment about just that? He would have known, of course, being a participant. Any knowledge of any other big scandal would be doubtful, imo, because Sarah's not dumb enough to let a young boy her daughter's shacking up with, have access to information that could derail her career.

    Levi went back to the Palins because it's where he wants to be. He's not interested in his own birth family, or else he'd spend time with them. And he's apparently nixed the idea of a tell-all book filled with gossipy stuff about Sarah, because either there isn't enough dirt, or else he really never planned on going that route and hurting the Palins that much. If there's money in his future it's through the Palin empire, just where Bristol's money comes from.

  27. Anonymous12:01 PM

    I agree with a previous poster that said the money Levi had to pay in child support was too much. (The poster said it's more than she gets for 3 children). Yes, support is income-based, but this is a kid with erratic income and the recent money he made was fleeting. A smart lawyer would have fought that, and also tied up those funds somewhere, showing the judge they were earmarked for his education so he could get a good job and provide for Tripp in the future.

    I also don't understand this business of having a lawyer/agent combination. A lawyer looks after your interests, an agent doesn't.


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