Thursday, July 01, 2010

Sarah Palin throws a gutter ball during speech at a Bowling Expo. Gee I thought bowling alleys had more class. Update!

Palin, who is becoming famous for making things up and and clumsily forcing bizarre comparison between her life and the venue at which she is speaking, has really out done herself in her most recent speech.

(The quotes from her speech were found at the

First Palin atempts to bond with her audience by comparing the knocking down of pins to blowing holes in wildlife back home in Alaska

"You are an audience full of fellow sports enthusiasts, that's how I view all of you," she said. "I grew up in a family of sportsmen.

After that one skids into the gutter Palin desperately tries to link her love of running with a sport that has cupholders available to hold your beer.

"I enjoy running and as I thought of that sport, how that contrasts with the community of bowling and I think of it as a community. Any sport that shares shoes truly in my mind is a community."

Shoes! Of course!  Bowlers are EXACTLY like long distance runners because they both wear shoes!

"I have a personal appreciation for what you do," she said. "There were a lot of cold nights where I'm from where after basketball games we would meet at the bowling center. I have an appreciation of what you provide in your community."

"I also once ate in a Chinese restaurant so I feel a lots of solidarity with the oppressed people in communist China! Oh and by the way, thanks for making my handbag!"

Palin recalled her youth when her father set pins in Idaho.

"My Dad was on a Thursday night bowling league," she said. "He bonded with his buddies. I have memories of that point of my life which mean very, very much to me."

That is such a stupid statement that I don't even have enough energy for a snarky remark.

Palin also was impressed with how bowling centers have fared during the recent recession.

"What I find fascinating is how you have been able to evolve and innovate during changing times," she said. "You've stayed open later. You've added automatic bowling machines and a variation of disco bowling. Because you were innovating and adapting you've seen a resurgence.

If by "bowling machines" she is talking about automatic pinsetters they were first mass produced in 1952.  As for Disco, well that became popular in the 1970's.  Yep bowling sure is on the cutting edge of technology isn't it?

"You have 70 million bowlers and I only thought it was a cool thing in my small town of Wasilla, Alaska.

I am confused.  Does Palin believe that bowling was invented in Wasilla? You know the only two things that I know of that were invented in Wasilla is a potent grade of marijuana and a method for getting rich off your babies.

Wait!  Did Palin get all the way through her speech without taking a shot at Obama? How did that happen?  Is she getting soft?  Did she forget to read one of the notes on her palm?


Maybe hearing our president (Barack Obama) spends so much time on the golf course, he should bowl more. After all, he has a lane in the White House."

Ahh!  Much better.

Hey Sarah do you know what that scraping sound is that you kept hearing during this speech?  That my dear is what is known as reaching the bottom of the barrel. It was the same sound John McCain heard when he picked you to be hisVP.

Update!  Here is a comment from Phil Munger of Progressive Alaska.

Spare me more Palin lies:

"There were a lot of cold nights where I'm from where after basketball games we would meet at the bowling center. I have an appreciation of what you provide in your community."

The bowling alley in Wasilla (on the Palmer-Wasilla HWY) was completed in early 1985, by which time Palin was into her 2nd or 3rd college. There was no place for her to go to bowl in Wasilla "after basketball games," as she gave up basketball at least two years before the local lanes were built.

Dammit, I KNEW that was a lie!  But I was so tired last night when I wrote the post that the only person I could think of to check with about when the bowling alley was built was Sadie, and her response was that it had been there "forever".  I forgot that comparatively speaking Sadie is still kind of new herself. 

Well I apologize for not doing my due diligence and getting all the details before hitting "publish".  My only excuse was exhaustion and overwork.

And let me give a big THANK YOU to Phil for providing that very useful information.  Next time buddy I am going to call you first.


  1. Anonymous3:21 AM

    "You've added automatic bowling machines..."

    I guess she's recalling the Flintstonian Era, when pins were set by prehistoric octopuses (octopi?)

    "...a variation of disco bowling."

    I'm not even gonna imagine what she's getting at here. Scrape, scrape.

    Did they at least present Ms. Gutter Ball with a pair of bronzed bowling shoes?

    Love and knishes . . .

  2. Anonymous3:21 AM

    Can you believe the commentary that introduces the idiotic lines from Palin?

    "Whether you agree with her political views or not, Sarah Palin knows how to tailor a speech to her audience."

    Anyone could have come up with such flimsy connections.

  3. Anonymous3:50 AM

    Hey Dipshit Sarah, The Whitehouse has a bowling alley....

  4. cuppajava4:02 AM

    I think Sarry's a-gonna be giving a big talk down at the livestock auction next week and then after that maybe she can get over to the tractor pull.

    I heard that the "God Luvs Ya and Prepare for the Rapture" Homeschoolers T-ball Team and Scrapbooking Club is doing a dogs-and-burgers deal and has hired her to be a guest speaker, also, too.

    Palin family motto: Grifters R Us.

  5. Anonymous4:18 AM

    I read this on another site and it makes you wonder if Sarah is lying AGAIN!

    Palin recalled her youth when her father set pins in Idaho.
    "My Dad was on a Thursday night bowling league," she said. "He bonded with his buddies. I have memories of that point of my life which mean very, very much to me."

    That is a very curious statement to make as she was only a few months old when her family moved from Idaho to Alaska. How does she have "fond memories" of events that took place when she was only a few months old?

    Okay let’s do some fact checking:

    “Politician. Born Sarah Louise Heath on February 11, 1964, in Sandpoint, Idaho. At the age of three months, she moved to Alaska when her parents came to teach school in Skagway in southeast Alaska”

    So Sarah can remember her father setting pins in Idaho and bonding with his buddies from the day she was conceived until 3 months old when they moved to Alaska?

    Is Sarah lying again?

  6. Anonymous4:22 AM

    Sarah dear, that's called a gutterbowl.

    I'm wondering how the Quitta remembers her youth in Idaho. Didn't her family move away from there when she was still in diapers?

  7. Okay, how old was Sarah when her father was bowling in Idaho? According to one of the commentors in the Examiner article:

    That is a very curious statement to make as she was only a few months old when her family moved from Idaho to Alaska. How does she have "fond memories" of events that took place when she was only a few months old?

  8. ManxMamma4:26 AM

    WTF That woman is an IDIOT

  9. mocha4:26 AM

    Glad you called her out on the "my dad set pins". I don't know much about bowling, but even I knew that was a flat out lie. I like her latest tweet about slaying salmon to help the family business, not catching salmon because it's a part of our family heritage. Who thinks they do it because they need the money?

  10. Anonymous4:29 AM

    Did Palin tell the good folks at Las Vegas that her hero Ronald Reagan was an avid bowler and was captain of his bowling team at Eureka College in "Californ I A"?

  11. That's just too hilarious, Gryphen!!!
    Are you sure she actually delivered this nonsensical gibberish and that isn't just a spoof concocted by some left-wing college kids?

  12. Anonymous4:35 AM

    I'm hoping Palin did not try to start a riot in Las Vegas by comparing Obama to bowling.

    "Just like in bowling, ya got a black ball trying to knock down the white pin"

  13. Anonymous4:38 AM

    Talk about being out of touch with real Americans, as $p likes to call her kind, whoever writes her speeches?, is certainly out of touch. Bill, Rove, Dick, Murdock, you listening?

  14. I think you're right. She's finally reached the bottom. In fact, she just redefined the bottom. I would love to find video of that. It may actually qualify as the lamest speech of all time.

  15. I don't know how you do it. I give you credit. I just read her speech and want to cuss. My whole blog would be that stupid ^%$$#&&&)(9&*! She is just so stupid. It takes a real special type of stupid to be the people who hire her. How they think she is going to do any good ( but for her bank account) is beyond me.

  16. Anonymous4:56 AM

    I thought "shares shoes" meant the shoe rental at the entrance to most bowling alleys. Sharing foot fungus sure does make a community.

  17. cuppajava4:58 AM

    Somebody up the line there asks:
    "Is Sarah lying again?"

    I dunno, Hon...
    Are her lips movin'?

  18. Anonymous5:08 AM

    I know Palin speaking in a Las Vegas is good thing for Alaska because Sarah said so when she just upped and quit on our state halfway through her job. She said it was good for Alaska and something about helping Alaska.

    I'm a little slow in the head at times so I need somebody to explain to me how speaking in a bowling alley in a desert is good for us... what do we get from it?

  19. Anonymous5:17 AM

    I think Sarah's mind doesn't filter what's real or what's not; her idea of America in this speech sounds like she watched too much Shirley and Laverne and thinks she's speaking to an audience from Milwaukee. Her recollections aren't her own, they seem to be a collection of thoughts over the years from fictional tv.

  20. Anonymous5:17 AM

    If ya look at the picture of Palin and the two men, I find it interesting that Palin is showing more motherly attention and pride holding that glass bowling pin than when she held Trig like a sack of potatoes.

  21. Anonymous5:19 AM

    Always love your postings. Your asides on Palin'$ speech lines are piercingly sharp, witty to no end, and unerringly magnify her shortcomings.

    This caption however, is misleading. Strikes in bowling are a good thing. Palin instead continuously threw gutter balls in her speech delivery, as she does is all areas in her life.

  22. Anonymous5:26 AM

    Hey, I'm wearing shoes right now at my desk - I guess that makes me the same as a bowler! And all those congresspeople sitting in the Capitol - they wear shoes. Hey, that means anybody who goes bowling is in the same community as Congress!

  23. Anonymous5:30 AM

    The bowlers hired a skirt because it makes them feel so good. They got what they paid for. No one in the audience cared a bit what the skirt said.

    STRIKE for Palin.

  24. Anonymous5:30 AM

    In Sarah's small mind she somehow relates to bowling because of shoes?

    My guess is that Sarah's grandchildren will not be able to relate to bowling as easily as Sarah does because Trip and Tri-G seems to always be crawling, sitting or in a picture without shoes on!

  25. Anonymous 5:19, you are correct.

    I was very tired last night as I was typing this, and also working on two other things at the same time so my focus was off a little.

    I kept thinking there was something I was missing which thankfully you all caught concerning Sarah and her stories about her father setting pins in Idaho. If I had not been so tired that would have raised a rd flag.

    I don't usually change my headline after it has been up for awhile but your correction is absolutely right, so hopefully you will find this new headline more appropriate.

  26. Anonymous5:38 AM

    Another connection she forgot to mention.

    Bowlers like to drink beer and so does Todd... and Track.

  27. Sometimes yer the bowling ball, sometimes yer the pin(head).

  28. Anonymous5:53 AM

    Those who think the Trig story should not be investigated, are all out of their minds, including media.
    If they can investigate useless stories like these about Democrats, all over the internet

    and this

    I think Baby Trig story should not be burried, either.

  29. Well you made me look like an idiot laughing out loud in my office by myself. Great post - snark really helps to keep things in perspective.
    God - talk about pandering & rrreeeaaallly stretching it to make a connection!

    I do think her reference to the "shoe sharing" had to do with the bowling shoes that you rent at the alley & not the fact that runners also wear shoes. Either way it's idiotic and you never know, maybe she's now trying to invoke double-meanings in her speeches - why not confuse the audience even more!

  30. WakeUpAmerica6:18 AM

    Thanks, Gryphen and everyone who commented here. I can always count on all of you for laughter with my morning coffee. What a hoot!! The Tundra Turd is definitely the gift that keeps on giving. There is going to be one huge vacuum when she is finally gone. I don't know what I will do for entertainment.

  31. Did anyone see the two Sarah Palin impersonators on America's Got talent last nite.........needless to say they got buzzed off but it was a hoot!

  32. Anonymous6:48 AM

    How much did that organization pay for that speech again???

  33. BAustin7:11 AM

    Seems to me that most of the speeches in the past few months have been on Sarah's calendar for quite a while. These groups were eager to sign her up for the name recognition. Now that she has a number of these awful performances under her belt, I can't imagine that she'll be in demand like she was when she first set out on this path.

    I mean $100k for speeches that she clearly doesnt practice. She reads most of them, and even then doesnt seem to be familiar with the material.

    I have seen Coling Powell speak multiple times. He is fantastic. He has the speech memorized, his jokes are appropriate the the crowd, and he is engaging. Simply put, HE is worth $100k per speech. I will bet you that Sarah's high dollar speeches will come to end soon. Haha!

  34. Anonymous7:15 AM

    She didn't Google "bowling jokes" and read from her blackberry in her professional yet poignant human touch delivery of her six figure speech?

    Again, with a great appreciation for citizen concerned about government transparency (the falafal lady,) journalists (unless they are Katie couric or anyone from the lamestream media that criticize me), I have an appreciation for, perhaps so, everything. Also, too.

  35. laprofesora7:18 AM

    OMG. It reads like something from "The Onion". She REALLY said this??? Worse than the bottom of the barrel, scraping under the barrel. Unbelievably lame. Plus it sounded totally insincere. Any comments from those in attendance?

  36. Spare me more Palin lies:

    "There were a lot of cold nights where I'm from where after basketball games we would meet at the bowling center. I have an appreciation of what you provide in your community."

    The bowling alley in Wasilla (on the Palmer-Wasilla HWY) was completed in early 1985, by which time Palin was into her 2nd or 3rd college. There was no place for her to go to bowl in Wasilla "after basketball games," as she gave up basketball at least two years before the local lanes were built.

  37. Anonymous8:21 AM

    I guess I have to admit it, she really IS like Reagan !

    Political mavens may recall Ronald Reagan as one of the more striking examples of an elected official promoting fantasies about his military record; Reagan's claims to have personally witnessed the Holocaust as part of a government film crew at the end of World War II were first reported by the Washington Post's Lou Cannon in 1984 (3/5/84):

    When Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Shamir visited the White House last November 29, he was impressed by a previously undisclosed remembrance of President Reagan about the Nazi extermination of Jews during World War II. Repeating it to his Israeli Cabinet five days later, Shamir said Reagan had told him that he had served as a photographer in a U.S. Army unit assigned to film Nazi death camps.

    Shamir said Reagan also informed him that he had saved a copy of the film because he believed that, in time, people would question what had happened....

    Shamir's account appeared December 6 in the Israeli newspaper Maariv. It was confirmed last week to Edward Walsh, the Washington Post correspondent in Jerusalem, by Israeli Cabinet secretary Dan Meridor.

    On Feb. 15, famed Nazi-hunter Simon Wiesenthal met with Reagan in the White House and heard a similar story. Wiesenthal told Washington Post reporter Joanne Omang that he and Reagan had held "a very nice meeting," during which the president related "some of his personal remarks from the end of the war."

    Rabbi Marvin Hier, dean of the Simon Wiesenthal Center in Los Angeles, also was present. He told Omang that Reagan said he was "a member of the Signal Corps taking pictures of the camps" and that he had saved a copy of the film and shown it a year later to a person who thought the reports were exaggerated.

    Reagan, in fact, never left the United States during World War II, when he worked for the military in Hollywood making propaganda films. His footage of the death camps was a fantasy.

    Lying to Simon Wiesenthal about the Holocaust - that takes chutzpah !

  38. Anonymous8:21 AM

    To the invisible press corp.. ask her.. go ahead and ask her many pins are used?

  39. Enjay in E MT8:32 AM

    Ohhh, this was so funny. Half Gov is attempting to connect with the audience -- and scraping the bottom of the gutter.

    Community sharing shoes - (and fungus) lol
    Wonder if she understands that most bowlers own their own shoes. We don't have to bowl in socialistic shoes.

    Excellent catch on the pin setting - guess those fond memories are a figment of her imagination!!

  40. Anonymous8:38 AM

    I apologize up front for venting openly or giving the trolls possible fodder for their blunder-bust weapons of self destruction, but this woman is truly a douche.

    She clearly has nothing to say that anyone with more than 22 neurons flashing at once will listen to, not even bowlers....

  41. Anonymous9:11 AM

    "I enjoy running and as I thought of that sport, how that contrasts with the community of bowling and I think of it as a community. Any sport that shares shoes truly in my mind is a community."

    So, runners share shoes? I can't quite understand what she's sayin' here (like always.)Also, too, why does she use the word community three times in two, what I'm assuming are supposed to be, sentences? Didn't any of her cast of many journalism professors teach her about avoiding redundancy?

  42. Phil, that is hilarious! a true local perspective!

  43. Anonymous10:34 AM

    cuppajava @ 4:58 gets the award for best comment. No one is going to beat that!

    Sarah's speeches remind me of a friend who shared his training as a car salesman. They are taught to establish a bond within the first five minutes. You are more likely to relax and trust someone you have something specific in common with. The more personal, the better - then they start appealing to the customer's vanity.

    Salesman: So what's your name?

    Customer: Elizabeth

    Salesman: Oh my gosh! My grandmother's name was Elizabeth! She was such a sweetheart. I have such fond memories of visiting her as a kid. You know, you remind me a lot of her. So I see you stopped to look at this Corvette. With your red hair, you would look stunning sitting in the seat of a red car.

    You walked in looking for a thrifty, compact commuter car, and drive out with a sports car with all the upgrades.

    Stop by your local car dealership this weekend and watch them in action.

    Re-read the speech and see if Sarah doesn't do exactly this. All politicians do it, but Sarah's technique is overkill.

    BTW - I could be off base, but I took Sarah's shoe comment to mean that they share the need for special shoes. Shoes unique to their sport. It came out awkward, but what else is new?

  44. Anonymous11:13 AM

    If she wasn't so cruel and destructive, she would be an endless source of hilarity. Her statement that "You have 70 million bowlers and I only thought it was a cool thing in my small town of Wasilla, Alaska.", cracks me up.

    Years ago, we moved to my husband's small hometown where tons of his relatives lived. A distant cousin's wife called me one day, I mentioned that I was making a dress for my daughter. The woman said "You sew? You have a sewing machine? I'm surprised you would have a sewing machine since you moved here from up north" (as in north of Dallas). She said, "I didn't think people who lived in cities knew about sewing machines". I ran into a lot of people there - not relatives - who never had been out of the county in their entire lives. They were 35 miles from San Antonio and had never one time been to San Antonio! Still makes me laugh. I think Sarah is basically that kind of person.


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It just goes directly to their thighs.