Monday, July 19, 2010

South Carolina Senate candidate Alvin Greene gives his first press campaign speech. And yes it is just as bad as you fear it will be.

They need to find the jackasses who put this poor guy up to this and take them out and horsewhip them.

CNN has more.


  1. Anonymous3:22 AM

    Palin/Green 2012?

  2. womanwithsardinecan5:22 AM

    Look, I realize this guy has the personality of a soggy sponge, but his one speech had more specific policy ideas in it than all of Palin's speeches and tweetchs from the last couple of years. You are buying into the cult of personality by focusing on his personality instead of examining what he said. Seriously. This is how we perpetuate such horrors as Palin. By judging people on their looks and personality. Mr Greene actually said good things in his speech. Dump the gossipy snarky tone. I'd rather have a hundred Alvin Greenes than one Sarah Palin.

  3. womanwithsardinecan5:35 AM

    As for CNN saying that he offered no specific ways to implement his ideas, that's pretty snarky too, given that virtually all candidates leave out that stuff. And compared to Sarah's "commonsense solutions" and other nonsense she spews with NO suggestions at all, I'll take Mr Greene's specific comments about building interstates, attracting business, improving schools, switching to clean energy,registering to vote, etc. He spewed no hate, no intolerance (well, the communist moment was funny), no divisiveness, no snark. He did not write on his hand. He did not attack education or people not like him. He worked hard to get through his speech and even made eye contact. I don't know what his story is, but maybe we should just give the guy a fair shake. Just sayin'

  4. Anonymous5:40 AM

    The bad part is Green makes SP look good.

    Never thought that I would say that.

  5. GrainneKathleen5:42 AM

    yeah, he's not quite ready for primetime.
    what's with the "let's save america from terrorists and communists" remark?!?

  6. TheUSIsMySoapOpera6:06 AM

    As awkward as Mr. Greene is in this video, I give him credit as he seems to be improving over his previous appearances. At least he's not trying to sell action figures of himself at the conference.

  7. womanwithsardinecan6:48 AM

    He does NOT make Sarah look good. STOP perpetuating the cult of personality.

  8. He's not so bad. His hesitance, shyness, and fumbling doesn't seem any more awkward than George Bush's.

  9. Actually the title of your post is a bit inaccurate. Alvin Green gave his 'first speech' NOT 'first press conference'. Wonder when/if he will ever give one of those.

    Hey, we're still waiting on Palin's 'first press conference' also too you betcha ;)

  10. Anonymous1:06 PM

    Actually, I thought he did a pretty good job with his speech although somewhat reticent or halting in his ability to speak. His speech would better have been served in local politics, but the material, compared to many others I have heard on a national level, like Sharon Angle from Nevada who has refused [had one interview] to share her policy views on TV unless the station is 'friendly' [easy or Faux like Paylin], sounds like a crazy nut. She spews hate, racism and nutshit just like Paylin and Bauchmann.

    I'm with 'womanwithsardinecan', Alvin's personality is not what's at stake here; what is at stake is that he beat DeMint and his statement regarding DeMint holding his state 'hostage' is correct. Alvin has a lot to learn, but at least his saying the right things and who knows, he might also [too] DO the right things by the people of this country. That's way better than Paylin, Angle, Bauchmann or any of the republicans would do or have done since they are all about hatred for Obama and only concerned about the money they can make, power they can attain and crazy shit they can say in opposition to progressives and democrats [greedy opportunists].


  11. Anonymous2:59 PM

    I'm with womanwithsardinecan, listen to what he says. I fear that he will be brushed with the $arah Palin brush, ie inexperienced therefore bad. She has spoiled the chances for DC outsiders, that's for sure.

    I think Greene's inexperience at public speaking is almost endearing. He definitely appears to have thought out his platform and is willing to "lay it on the line."

    It's not like he's running for POTUS, after all, and compared to the do-nothing Republicans warming seats in Congress now, I think Alvin would be an improvement.

    As for all you Fox fans, I think I remember an interview where $arah Paylin championed DC outsiders like Alvin Greene. Are you going to disagree with her now? LOL!

  12. No he wasn't as bad as I thought he would be. I'd much rather have him than DeMint any day. The only worry I have is who put him up to this? It most likely was a Republican operative and he is either as dense as he appears or he is really a Republican and will be as bad as them.
    Remember on top of all the bad stuff DeMint has done he is a member of C Street.
    We can only hope that Greene gets elected and fools us. He did get a degree in political science, and his dad was a teacher and "outspoken activist for Democratic politics". Greene received several metals in the Army. Why he was discharged and has been unemployed for 13 years is strange. Maybe he developed some mental issues that hopefully can be treated.

  13. jo,
    Greene has NOT been unemployed for thirteen years - He had a 13 year military career.
    He's has only been out of the military for the past NINE MONTHS.

  14. Anonymous5:51 PM

    Sarah Palin resonates with a certain segment of the population. Alvin Greene does as well. I'm not going to be hasty and say just because he's not a white upper middle class American that he can't do the job required in the Senate. America perhaps needs more of this, and less wealthy elites bought and sold by corporations, speaking only what is good for them and not for the people.

    George Bush was President for 8 damn pitiful years without an idea is his head. Perhaps Alvin Greene can do the job as required.

    There are too many rich career politicians running this country into the ground.

    (Oh, shit, is that what his backers were expecting, bleeding heart liberals saying that government as it is doesn't work so why not give a black Joe the Plumber a chance?) I guess that could be but Democratic Governance is NOT BRAIN SURGERY; FOR THE PEOPLE AND BY THE PEOPLE, AND THERE ARE PLENTY OF OTHER PEOPLE OUT THERE JUST LIKE MR. GREENE!

    Just as there are many people out there like Mrs. Palin. They come from a different place, but America lets their voices be heard, and that's why we're special.

  15. Leah,

    You are right I got that turned around he was discharged last year from the military, so not as bad I said. With him as the only choice I hope he gets elected. We need to get rid of scum like DeMint, there are a lot more of them, but each one down helps. Since senators affect the entire country I wish we could vote on all of them, not just by state. That would do a lot to make sure we get McConnell, Vitter, Inhofe, McCain, Kyl, Ben Nelson, Grassley, Lincoln, Lie berman, and any others who don't care for us out of office.

  16. I've always wondered if maybe somebody put Greene up to this, but if they did, I think the intention was for him to file for the primary race for the House of Representatives against James Clyburne, who is the House Majority Whip, and if not beat him, maybe take enough of his vote to enable the other primary contestant to win, somebody who might then be beaten by the GOP candidate in the general election.

    Or maybe the intention was for him to file for the SC State Senate race.

    Whatever the case, for whatever reason, I guess because he's Alvin, he fucked up and filed for the wrong race. That explains why, after a ten thousand dollar filing fee, nobody came forward and financed his campaign. No ads, no campaign appearances, not so much as a bumper sticker. Zero, zilch, nothing. Again, after a ten thousand dollar filing fee.

    That's the only thing that makes any sense. If someone did put him up to this, why this race, a race no Democrat has a snowball's chance in hell of winning? DeMint has this in the bag, and in fact, Greene, though he will lose, probably will do better than the other sad sack, a loser who had an eighteen percent name recognition and a five percent voter approval rating.

    The only possible reason somebody would encourage Greene to run for this specific race-they were Democrats dissatisfied with the other guy. But then, if that's the case, again, why didn't they promote his candidacy, so it still makes no sense.

    Good to see you can post about something other than Sarah and her pregnancy. Speaking of which, to the guy who said more or less Alvin should be supported because he's not a political elite but a common person, kudos to you, that's exactly why so many of us like Palin.


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